Meditation (original) (raw)
很久没听这张盘 此刻我在听 因为一首歌 Meditation . 我又开始听起这张盘 . 安静 而小心翼翼 为什么这么罗嗦 ?
因为事情的确是这样子的 我还记得那时 我仰起脸 望着傍晚幕蓝色的天空 在马路上 骑在车上
我望着无尽的如海水清亮淡蓝 的天空 没有一丝波浪
随着音乐 荡漾 心里卷起一丝又一丝的波纹
微风 有飞鸟滑过 就像飞过平静的海面
沉静 淡蓝 忧伤 缠绕 柔和
真的 也许永远描绘不出那种感觉
仰望的瞬间 沉浸无边的海水和天空里 傍晚
太伤感 太沉寂 沉静的美
海水般的寂蓝 漫过来 包裹住我
必然 会想起一切
每一次 都把我包裹在蓝色海水里 漂浮
没有尽头 就像天空一样
In my loneliness
When you're gone and I'm all by
myself and I need your carress
I just think of you
And the thought of you holding me near
Makes my loneliness soon disappear
Though you're far away
I have only to close my eyes and you
are back to stay
I just close my eyes
And the sadness that missing you
Soon is gone and this heart of mine
Yes I love you so
And that for me is all I need to know
I will wait for you till the sun falls from
out of the sky
for what else can I do
I will wait for you
Meditating how sweet life will be
when you come back to me