Sehnsucht (original) (raw)
简介 · · · · · ·
Review by Dream_Taster
1997’s “Sehnsucht” is the second studio album from the most exposed German singing band on earth, Rammstein. In their characteristic style, quite difficult to label, but I guess close to Industrial Metal. Those six former East-Germans reached a status of international stars with this very album, especially in the United States, all of thi...
(展开全部) Review by Dream_Taster
1997’s “Sehnsucht” is the second studio album from the most exposed German singing band on earth, Rammstein. In their characteristic style, quite difficult to label, but I guess close to Industrial Metal. Those six former East-Germans reached a status of international stars with this very album, especially in the United States, all of this starting after some of their songs were selected for a movie soundtrack ['Lost Highway' by David Lynch]. Then, this album just overwhelmed everybody who had the chance to listen to it, and all of this despite of the fact that all the songs use the natural language of the band, German. It even became mandatory for the band to sing in German since it has become one of the trademark of their music.
After you’ll unpacked the CD from its freaky artwork, it’s nearly impossible to put it back in there as it’s so unusual and transporting! Repetitive chorus, slow mechanical rhythms, hypnotic lyrics and odd keyboard lines make “Sehnsucht” into a curiosity that only the discovery of their first album “Herzeleid” can tied.
“Sehnsucht” is a collection of eleven songs, all around 4 minutes, and all so indispensable to the ambient atmosphere of the album. From the eponymous opener to the controversial “Küss Mich Fellfrosch” [I won’t translate that one, find out by yourself!], every song is an oeuvre d’art. True radio hits, especially in Germany, ‘Engel’ and ‘Du Hast’ are both amongst the best songs ever written by Rammstein. But it’s almost impossible to find a weak link on this album! ‘Eifersucht’, ‘Spielt Mit Mir’,... every track is worth a thousand words. My personal favorites are still ‘Klavier’, a odd ballad through the eyes of a sick mind, both heavy and melodic, and ‘Sehnsucht’, catchy as hell.
Rammstein is a phenomenon that needs to be checked out quickly if you still don’t know it. While their first album “Herzeleid” is probably better in the whole, “Sehnsucht” is without a doubt a great introducer to their music. Dark and complex lyrics add to the mystery that [still] follows the band, twisted emotions arise and Rammstein prevails.
曲目 · · · · · ·
- Sehnsucht
- Engel
- Tier
- Bestrafe Mich
- Du Hast
- Bück Dich
- Spiel Mit Mir
- Klavier
- Alter Mann
- Eifersucht
- Küss Mich (Fellfrosch)
- Stripped
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Sehnsucht的乐评 · · · · · ·( 全部 18 条 )
猫叔 2008-01-18 18:05:45
1.渴望 让我骑上你的泪滴 从下巴到非洲 再一次在雌狮的膝上 曾有一次在家中 我在你的长腿之间 我寻找去年的雪 但这里不再有雪 让我骑上你的泪滴 云端上没有好运 大鸟顶着他的头 缓缓进入他的私处 在你的长腿之间 我寻找去年的沙 但这里不再有沙 渴望私处 像一只昆虫 当睡熟了的... (展开)
潜意识 2008-03-19 15:39:58
最近在补听Rammstein的精选和《Rosenrot》。永远不变的战车风格,密不通风层层推进的solo,工业金属噪音,阴暗低沉的主音构造一个另类和压抑的氛围。这也许是很多喜欢Rammstein的朋友的看法,而我初三那年第一次找到《Sehnsucht》那个兴奋倒现在依然历历在目。 那时候《... (展开)
啊啦 2010-10-03 17:31:40
不嘈杂,低沉,质感重, 就像介绍说的,冰冷无情的 喜欢这种不带情绪的表演 听别的金属乐常会觉得吵,它不会,很舒服,喜欢 (展开)
奔跑的蜗牛 2006-08-17 21:14:17
第一次听Rammstein大约是在2004年的一个夜里,心情烦闷,独自在街上漫无目的地逛,逛到音像店里,看到REM的CD,之前听人说过‘德国战车’的音乐很狂噪,正好那时候心情有点压抑,就买了回去听,听过之后果然效果很好,把声音开到最大,极其过瘾的重金属,压抑的心情也顿时舒服... (展开)
张慕晖 2022-01-03 23:21:02
我真是搞不懂为什么Rammstein老爱写乱伦主题😑😑😑 [Verse 2] Was macht die Frau was macht die Frau die zwischen Tier und Mann nicht unterscheiden kann Sie taucht die Feder in sein Blut schreibt sich selber einen Brief entseelte Zeilen an die Kindheit als... (展开)
18K 2019-01-02 13:34:05
这是一个关于沟通的故事--关于翻译中丢失的内容, 以及预期的信息与收到的信息有多么大的不同。这是一群挑衅者, 他们试图远离政治, 却陷入了他们时代紧迫的政治争论中。当拉姆斯坦发行他们的第二张专辑, sehnsucht 渴望, 他们已经在德国很有名;他们的第一张专辑《赫力塞利德》 (... (展开)
张慕晖 2022-01-03 11:15:04
我又把Rammstein的《Spiel mit Mir》听了一遍,这次,“黑洞”和“羊”的意象使我很感兴趣。 [Verse 1] Vor dem Bett ein schwarzes Loch und hinein fällt jedes Schaf bin schon zu alt und zähl sie doch denn ich find keinen Schlaf Unterm Nabel im Geäst warte... (展开)
张慕晖 2022-05-16 13:47:32
[Vers 1 (teilweise)] Zwischen deine langen Beinen such den Schnee vom letzten Jahr doch es ist kein Schnee mehr da [中文翻译] 在你的长腿间 我寻找去年的雪 但那里已不再有雪 今天又在想《Sehnsucht》的歌词,突然意识到: 雪可不止有“美丽易逝”的特点。倒不如说,雪... (展开)
张慕晖 2022-04-10 23:39:03
今天突然在网易云音乐评论区[1]听说,《Sehnsucht》这首歌里 [Verse 1] Lass mich deine Träne reiten übers Kinn nach Afrika wieder in den Schoß der Löwin wo ich einst zuhause war Zwischen deine langen Beinen such den Schnee vom letzten Jahr doch es ist... (展开)
张慕晖 2022-01-05 15:07:09
前几天有读者说,Rammstein的《Asche zu Asche》这首歌未必表现的就是耶稣复活的主题啊。这也很有道理,歌词着重表现了复仇,而根据我对圣经的理解,耶稣复活肯定不是为了寻仇。 [Verse 2] Ich komm wieder in zehn Tagen als dein Schatten und werd dich jagen [Engl. Trans.... (展开)
> 更多乐评 18篇