The King's Singers: From Byrd to the Beatles (original) (raw)
简介 · · · · · ·
"The sextet of Englishment known as the King's Singers, a world-renowned a cappella vocal ensemble, has been delighting audiences in concert and on recordings for more than 30 years. On their first DVD, they share some of their favorite works, a mixture of songs old and new - madrigals by Byrd and Monteverdi, a Rossini overture, and tunes from the Beatles, Freddie Mercury, Du... (展开全部) "The sextet of Englishment known as the King's Singers, a world-renowned a cappella vocal ensemble, has been delighting audiences in concert and on recordings for more than 30 years. On their first DVD, they share some of their favorite works, a mixture of songs old and new - madrigals by Byrd and Monteverdi, a Rossini overture, and tunes from the Beatles, Freddie Mercury, Duke Ellington, and many more. Interspersed with these performances is footage of the singers in the recording studio as they face the challenge of performing Thomas Tallis' 40-part motet Spem in Alium. The program culminates with their rendition of this magnificent work."
Extras include: an encore performance of Paul Drayton's Masterpiece, English and French subtitles, and printed program notes. Running time: approx. 93 minutes, plus encore. Stereo, 16:9 widescreen format.
曲目 · · · · · ·
- Haec Dies (Byrd)
- O Lord, make thy servant Elizabeth, our Queen (Byrd)
- As Vesta was from Latmos Hill descending (Weelkes)
- Dessus le march d'Arras (Di Lasso, arr. Mason)
- Il est bel et bon (Passereau)
- Luci serene e chiare (Gesualdo)
- Si ch'io vorrei morire (Monteverdi)
- Esti dal (Kodaly)
- Onnis on inimene (Kreek)
- Agnus Dei (Reger)
- Down to the River to Pray (Trad., arr. Lawson)
- Honey Pie (The Beatles)
- Blackbird (The Beatles)
- Creole Love Call (Duke Ellington, arr. Kuhn)
- Seaside Rendezvous (Freddi Mercury)
- Lullabye (Goodnight My Angel) (Billy Joel, arr. Lawson)
- Overture to the Barber of Seville (Rossini, arr. Runswick)
- Danny Boy (Weatherly)
- Spem in Alium (Tallis)
- Masterpiece (Paul Drayton)
喜欢听"The King's Singers: From Byrd to the Beatles"的人也喜欢的唱片 · · · · · ·
嘿嘿 ~~~~~合声的动听!
嘿嘿 ~~~~~合声的动听!
无伴奏 极爱。用降噪耳机深夜听……
That's so fantastic!
The King's Singers: From Byrd to the Beatles的乐评 · · · · · ·( 全部 3 条 )
novich 2006-07-16 16:59:08
国王歌手合唱团的第一张DVD,从文艺复兴时期的Byrd到Beatles,展示了六位无伴奏合唱者一如既往的专业素质,以及出众的舞台魅力和谐趣。六个声部演唱西方音乐史的大部分合唱文献,绰绰有余,倒正暗合本真运动激进的“一人一声部”的主张。 不过,这张DVD中最令我感兴趣的是六位... (展开)
Hui-Kim 2011-05-15 16:40:24
估计观众们在前半场会很压抑,虽然都是纯美的作品,但是连续听一个小时,如果换成是我,肯定要精神要迷糊的.后半部分很棒,也是人人可以接受的风格,好听,轻松,最后一首是亮点. 另外在附录里还有一首歌,可以算得上是作曲家大连唱... 但不知道为什么没有放入正式的视频里. 最为另一... (展开)
皆大欢喜 2008-11-15 11:59:52
和一帮歌唱专业的朋友们去听了国家大剧院的现场演唱会。 我诧异于简单到啥也没有的舞台设计——只有几个话筒立在淡木色地板上。也许这代表着国王歌手们对自己实力的充分自信? 几个高矮肥瘦不等的英国男人,锃亮的黑皮鞋,笔挺的西服。除了站成一字队形,没有其他舞美变化。 他... (展开)
> 更多乐评 3篇