Bacuet Crisan Dan | History and Art Museum Zalau (original) (raw)

Papers by Bacuet Crisan Dan

Research paper thumbnail of Genetic identification of members of the prominent Báthory aristocratic family

Research paper thumbnail of Aspecte mai puțin tratate în cercetarea olăriei medievale timpurii din România: destinație, utilizare, reutilizare și reciclare. Interpretări teoretice și realități arheologice/Less treated aspects in the research of early medieval pottery from Romania: destination, use, reuse and recycling.......

Literatura arheologică internațională a abordat de multă vreme aceste chestiuni, arătând dimensiu... more Literatura arheologică internațională a abordat de multă vreme aceste chestiuni, arătând dimensiunile și diversitatea "bagajului" de date științifice pe care îl înmagazinează un vas ceramic. Deseori am constatat (din partea multor voci în arheologia românească) o bagatelizare a valorii informaționale a fragmentelor de vase ceramice descoperite în diverse situri arheologice (medievale timpurii sau din alte epoci). În literatura străină, față de acest tip de atitudine s-a luat poziție evidențiindu-se variatele rezultate obținute prin studierea veselei ceramice. Pornind de la cele precizate mai sus, prezentul demers își propune să atragă atenția asupra unor aspecte mai puțin abordate în literatura arheologică românească axată (în cazul de față) pe studierea olăriei medievale timpurii: destinația, utilizarea, reutilizarea și reciclarea vaselor ceramice. Dincolo de interpretările teoretice avem în vedere unele interogări ale inventarelor arheologice cunoscute/publicate de pe teritoriul României, evidențierea aspectelor respective prin contexte și artefacte provenite din diverse cercetări. Fără discuție că, în cercetarea olăriei medievale timpurii, chestiunile legate de destinație, utilizare, reutilizare și reciclare vor trebui aprofundate. Cert este faptul că, în ciuda prezenței masive în inventarele complexelor arheologice cercetate, vasele ceramice (indiferent de forma lor) rămân încă (cel puțin în cercetarea arheologică românească) artefacte cu potențial informațional insuficient exploatat/valorificat! Abstract: Less treated aspects in the research of Early Medieval pottery from Romania: destination, use, reuse and recycling. Theoretical interpretations and archaeological realities The international archaeological literature has addressed these issues for a long time, showing the dimensions and diversity of the "baggage" of scientific data that a ceramic vessel stores. I have often found (from many voices in Romanian archeology) a trivialization of the informational value of fragments of ceramic vessels discovered in various archaeological sites (early medieval or from other eras). In foreign literature, a position was taken against this type of attitude, highlighting the various results obtained by studying ceramic tableware. Starting from the above, the present approach aims to draw attention to some aspects less addressed in the Romanian archaeological literature focused (in the present case) on the study of early medieval pottery: destination, use, reuse and recycling of ceramic vessels. Beyond the theoretical interpretations, we have in mind some queries of the known/published archaeological inventories from the territory of Romania, the highlighting of the respective aspects through contexts and artifacts from various researches. It goes without saying that in researching early medieval pottery, questions of destination, use, reuse and recycling will need to be explored. It is certain that, despite the massive presence in the inventories of the researched archaeological complexes, ceramic vessels (regardless of their shape) still remain (at least in Romanian archaeological research) artifacts with insufficiently exploited/utilized informational potential! Cuvinte cheie: olăria medievală timpurie, destinație, utilizare, reutilizare, reciclare.

Research paper thumbnail of D. Băcueț-Crișan, Preparing food and heating the home: early medieval dwellings furnished with multiple fire installations.  Examples from the Sylvanian Basin (north-west Romania).

Orbis Mediaevalis IV, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Playing games in early medieval times. Possible archaeological examples from the Sylvanian Basin (Sălaj County, Romania)

In the Romanian archaeological literature, games and toys from the medieval period have hardly be... more In the Romanian archaeological literature, games and toys from the medieval period have hardly been subjects of study and analysis, perhaps due to the rarity of such artefacts that can be connected to leisure time. The artefacts analysed on this occasion come from archaeological excavations carried out on sites from the northwestern part of Romania, more precisely from the Sylvanian Basin, a geographical area that lies within the administrative territory of the county of Sălaj. Artefacts that may have multiple functionalities often appear within archaeological inventories discovered in settlements. The limitations of the research mean that in many cases it is impossible to establish the functionality of some objects with certainty, cases in which we can only make assumptions/proposals. In the case of the geographical area under analysis (the Sylvanian Basin) we also note the existence of early medieval artefacts whose possible function as toys or as components of games can only be hypothesized.

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeological Materiality of Chess Playing in the Middle Ages. A Few (Possible) Examples from the Current Territory of Romania

In Romania, the periodical can be obtained through subscription or exchange, sent as post shipmen... more In Romania, the periodical can be obtained through subscription or exchange, sent as post shipment, from Museum Arad,

Research paper thumbnail of Early Medieval artifacts discovered in the earthfortress from Coșeiu - Cetate/Várhegy/Hegyes (Sălaj County). A possible power center around the year 1000

Obiectivul arheologic este amplasat pe un deal la nord de sat, înspre localitatea Archid. Situl a... more Obiectivul arheologic este amplasat pe un deal la nord de sat, înspre localitatea Archid. Situl a fost identificat în urma unor periegheze (în anul 2017), la suprafața solului fiind vizibile valul de pământ și șanțul. În anii 2017-2019 au fost efectuate mai multe sondaje arheologice. Din lotul de material arheologic descoperit cu ocazia sondării (în anul 2019) incintei fortificate fac parte două artefacte care aparțin cu siguranță evului mediu timpuriu: un pandantiv circular din argint și o săgeată din fier. În stadiul actual al cercetărilor, în cazul obiectivului de la Coșeiu-Cetate/Várhegy/Hegyes operăm cu artefacte databile în preajma anului 1000, etapă cronologică în care spațiul nord-vestic al României (implicit și Porta Mesesina) a trecut prin importante transformări în ceea ce privește statutul politic. Desigur, în acest stadiu al cercetărilor, nu dispunem de foarte multe date despre faza medievală timpurie de fortificare de la Coșeiu. Datorită caracteristicilor aparte (raritatea formei, materialul și utilitatea), artefactele descoperite la Coșeiu-Cetate/Várhegy/Hegyes sugerează prezența unei elite, care, din acest punct fortificat a exercitat un control politic și militar asupra unui areal a cărui întindere nu o putem identifica acum.

Research paper thumbnail of Dwellings and Manufacturing Spaces in the Early Medieval Settlement from Marca Sfărăuaș I (Sălaj County)

Orbis Mediaevalis III, 2021

Traces of this settlement were identified on a terrace on the right side of the Barcău River, at ... more Traces of this settlement were identified on a terrace on the right side of the Barcău River, at the edge of the floodplain. The archaeological excavation carried out in 2012 led to the identification of multiple types of archaeological contexts varying in terms of ground plan, dimensions, formal characteristics, and structural elements. The settlement from Marca Sfărăuaș I was not revealed completely in the archaeological excavation. Only the eastern and western limits of the settlement were identified during the preventive archaeological research, with the settlement developing towards the north and south, outside of the investigated area. In the researched area 54 early medieval archaeological contexts were identified with various functions.


Acta Musei Porolissensis, 2021

This article present two new discoveries of the Bronze Age on the Sălaj sector of the Someș Valle... more This article present two new discoveries of
the Bronze Age on the Sălaj sector of the Someș Valley. In
Cheud locality, Năpradea commune, “Sub Hij” point, preventive archaeological researches were carried out in 2019,
in the context of which two features from the Late Bronze
Age belonging to the Suciu de Sus culture were researched.
Their inventory consists mainly of ceramics, generally of a
very good quality of execution. From one of the researched
complexes (Cx. No. 2) comes a longitudinal perforated
cylindrical tube, made of clay that was probably used as
a nozzle in the process of melting bronze and a piece of
bronze bar with a sharp end and the other wide. Both
objects represent indications of a metallurgical activity in
this settlement. The second batch of ceramic materials published in this article was recovered from the “Ciglentir Hill”
in Jibou town where a deposit of bronze pieces was discovered a few years ago. The ceramic fragments were recovered
from a pit partially preserved on the slope of a road.
The types of vessels documented in this two new discoveries
from Sălaj county and the ornamental motifs, especially
those made in the excision technique are frequently found
in other settlements of the Suciu de Sus II phase, either in
the area adjacent to the Sălaj sector of Someș Valley or
in the Someș Plain area. (Petea-Csengersima). The two
new discoveries come to complete the image of the dynamics of the archeological vestiges specific to the Suciu de Sus
culture from the Someș valley, from the Sălaj area. In our
opinion, the extension of the area inhabited by the Suciu
de Sus communities from phase II to the south and first of
all over the “Someșan Corridor” area to the detriment of
the Wietenberg type was also due to the need to gain access to salt sources in the area confluence of Someșul Mare with
Someșul Mic and implicitly of one of the “salt roads” on
which this precious resource for the prehistoric communities was transported to the west on a path that followed the
thread of Someș.
KEYWODRS: North-west Transylvania; Late Bronze
Age; Suciu de Sus culture; settlements; pottery; metalurgical activities.

Research paper thumbnail of Dan Bacuet-Crisan On the early medieval fast wheel-thrown pottery (of late ancient tradition) (Lazuri-Nusfalau type finds) from north-western Romania. Relative and absolute chronological landmarks

In Romania, the periodical can be obtained through subscription or exchange, sent as post shipmen... more In Romania, the periodical can be obtained through subscription or exchange, sent as post shipment, from Museum Arad,

Research paper thumbnail of Dan Băcueț-Crișan, Horea Pop, Timea Keresztes The Kaolin Clay Medieval Pottery of Măgura Hill Moigrad (Sălaj County). A Few Notes on Finds of the Type from Transylvania and the Banat

In Romania, the periodical can be obtained through subscription or exchange, sent as post shipmen... more In Romania, the periodical can be obtained through subscription or exchange, sent as post shipment, from Museum Arad,

Research paper thumbnail of The Slavic Tumular Necropolis from Nusfalau (Salaj County). New Data on the Spatial Distribution and the Number of the Tumuli based on UAV Scans in Acta Museum Porolissensis, 43, 2021

Responsabilitatea pentru conţinutul ştiinţific al articolelor, pentru formulări şi calitatea rezu... more Responsabilitatea pentru conţinutul ştiinţific al articolelor, pentru formulări şi calitatea rezumatelor în limbă străină revine în întregime autorilor.


Responsabilitatea pentru conţinutul ştiinţific al articolelor, pentru formulări şi calitatea rezu... more Responsabilitatea pentru conţinutul ştiinţific al articolelor, pentru formulări şi calitatea rezumatelor în limbă străină revine în întregime autorilor.

Research paper thumbnail of Un mormânt din perioada medievală descoperit la Ip-Dealul Bisericii (județul Sălaj) by Dan Bacuet Crisan, Csok Zsolt, Timea Keresztes

Situl arheologic din punctul Dealul Bisericii este dispus în centrul localității Ip, pe o terasă ... more Situl arheologic din punctul Dealul Bisericii este dispus în centrul localității Ip, pe o terasă înaltă de pe partea dreaptă a văii Barcăului și a fost identificat în urma unor cercetări de suprafață efectuate în anul 2002. Prima investigare arheologică a avut loc în anul 2009 printr-o săpătură arheologică preventivă, soldată cu identificarea unui număr de 10 complexe arheologice din epoci diferite: epoca bronzului, epoca romană, evul mediu timpuriu. Complexul arheologic care face obiectul prezentului demers este un mormânt de inhumație (complexul C. 5/2009), care avea ca inventar o cataramă de curea confecționată din bronz. Pe baza analogiilor constatate, având în vedere și începuturile funcționării bisericii medievale, putem presupune că datarea mormântului medieval C. 5/2009 poate fi plasată cel mai probabil în secolul al XV-lea.

Research paper thumbnail of M. S. Stanc, D. I. Malaxa, D. Băcueț-Crișan, The exploitation of animal resources during the early medieval period. Case study: the settlements in Popeni – Pe pogor and Cuceu – Valea Bochii (Sălaj county), în Ziridava, 34, 2020, p. 431-438.

Research paper thumbnail of D. Băcueț-Crișan, A medieval knight passionate about dice games. The spur decorated with „dice” discovered in Aghireș - Sub pășune (Sălaj county), în Ziridava, 34, 2020, p. 479-487.

Research paper thumbnail of Ordine monastice medievale pe Valea Barcăului. Despre urmele mănăstirii pauline din hotarul localității Nușfalău (jud. Sălaj) in Z. K. Pinter et alii (eds.), Relații Interetnice în Transilvania. Militaria Mediaevalia în Europa centrală și de sud-est

Nușfalău village (Nușfalău commune) is located in the Sylvanian Basin, on the middle course of th... more Nușfalău village (Nușfalău commune) is located in the Sylvanian Basin, on the middle course of the Barcău River. Currently, the village stretches on both banks of the river. The archaeological objective that is the object of the present approach is located on the left side of the Boghiș-Nușfalău road, on a high terrace on the right bank of the Barcău River. In the years 1997-1998 a surface research program was carried out on the middle course of the Barcău River, between Boghiș and Nușfalău localities in order to verify the older information and to identify other sites. On this occasion, the site now under discussion was identified in Nușfalău at the point called Barátrét. Another surface research was conducted in 2016. In the spring of 2020, surface research at this site was intensified, during which photogrammetric scans and density grids were taken. Currently (as at the time of the discovery of the site), a large area of the site is used as agricultural land (plowing is carried out on it), only a small portion located towards the western edge of the terrace (towards the Barcău valley) being covered in present of grass and trees. This area may be less affected by agricultural work. Due to agricultural works, construction materials are scattered on the ground surface, so we were able to identify three areas (A, B and C) where there are (grouped) stones and building bricks, which suggests the existence of buildings severely affected by the plow. Historical sources speak of the existence of a medieval monastery on the border of Nușfalău, in the southern part of the village, on the right bank of the river Barcău. This monastery belonged to the Pauline Order (monastic order officially recognized in 1308) and was dedicated to St. Mary. This monastery is known to have been founded sometime before 1413. Data on the evolution of this monastic objective are few and not very clear, in 1563 it was in ruins when it came into the possession of the Bathory family, they may have functionally invigorated the settlement, in 1593 the monks of the monastery were still mentioned. When building the Bánffy mansion in the centre of Nușfalău village, looted construction materials from the monastery walls were also used.
In order to supplement the data obtained by the means of repetitive field walking, we decided to apply a photogrammetry – based survey workflow combined with geo – statistical analyses to identify areas of interests which could have contained traces of stone walls or other masonries. Due to the fact that a partial surface of the site is located in a non – vegetation area, the aerial photogrammetric survey and the density calculations of the potsherds and tiles were combined in a joint work flow, with the purpose of obtaining maximum (possible) results.
The first method involved a low aerial survey of the site by using an UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) for collecting a dataset composed of aerial photos. The 320 vertical photos were taken from an altitude of 30 m, covering thus an area of approximatively 4.8 ha. Further, the dataset was introduced in Structure from Motion work flow in order to create a 3D model of the site. Fort that we used a Scale Invariant feature Transform (or SIFT) – based software in order to extract the common points or the tie points from the images dataset. In the process called bundle adjustment, the software calculated the internal and external geometries of the drone’s camera, and together with the 3D references we obtained the so – called sparse cloud, the first step toward the site’s model. Next, the sparse cloud was subjected to a processing algorithm called Multi View Stereo (or MVS) that allowed us to obtain the dense point cloud.
From this point, the workflow was split in two directions. In the first direction we further create the mesh of the 3D model, and the textured orthomosaic of the site. The second direction involved GIS processing of the exported points in a dedicated software. By creating the Tri Triangulated Irregular Network (or TIN), we obtained the Digital Surface Model of the studied area, with a resolution of 0.7 m. We mention the fact that both the textured orthomosaic map of the site and the DSM were geo – rectified using several on – site Ground Control Points, calculated with a high accuracy GPS of RTK class. As we mentioned above, due to the fact that that a part of the site surface is located in non – vegetation area, we do not (ground) classified the .las points dataset.
By analysing the elevation map and gradually changing the light direction and the dynamics of the hill shading, we identified three distinct areas of interest that are highly susceptible to contain traces of walls. The first area (red; Area A) is represented by the largest archaeological feature that we were able to identify. Based on the gradient and atlas shader visualizations, Area A is composed of two thick stone walls, connected in a 90 ̊ angle. The two sides identified have the relative length of 36 m (on the Southern side) and 32 m (on the Eastern side). The second area (blue; Area B) is also represented by two stone walls connected in a 90 ̊ corner, located several meters South of Area A. The identified (approximate) lengths of the stone walls are 20 m (the Southern side) respectively 40 m (the Eastern side).
The most conclusive result of the survey are coming from the third identified area (green; Area C), localized 80 m South – East of the first two areas. By filtering the light intensity and direction we were able to identify two joined rectangular structure. The Western one has the dimensions (as calculated on DSM’s) of 13 x 13.5 x 13 x 14 m while the second, smaller, Eastern one has the dimensions of 12 x 10 x 12 x 11 m. Due to the fact that the identified crop marks are located on the only surfaces where we observed scattered stones, we strongly believe that we are dealing with three distinct stone structures, partially visible.
These analyses and results were combined with a grid – based field survey process in which we mapped the spatial distribution of the potsherds and tiles. The points dataset were used to obtain a density map or grid of the archaeological material identified on the surface of the site (known as Heat Map). In this particular situation we applied the algorithm called Kernel Density Estimation (or KDE) as a tool for spatial analyses. Based on it, we create a map which indicates the precise spots containing a high density of archaeological material. The parameters used for these calculations are a search radius of 0.7 m (based on the point’s density) and a three cells per radius.
By combining the heat map with the vectorised archaeological features (the walls) we observed the fact that the highest density of archaeological material is distributed within Area A, theoretically inside the structure composed of the mentioned walls. A medium concentration of archaeological material is to be found within Area B and the rest of it towards East, on the agricultural plot. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the archaeological material is scattered by the intensive agricultural process, destroying systematically the structures that are composing the site. The method was not applied in Area C because of the lack of plowing in the area.
Obviously, the limits of the applied methods are visible, the result that we have obtained being limited to the surface of the site. A future geophysical survey or/and an extensive archaeological research will clarify in a higher degree the nature of the newly identified features. By applying these methods we want to obtain (as much as was possible) a clearer image of the site and to add extra data on spatial distribution of the archaeological features.
Even if only surface research campaigns were carried out, the archaeological data obtained (corroborated with the existing historical documentary sources) together with the results of photogrammetric measurements suggest the existence of this monastic objective in Nușfalău Barátrét. Of course, the interpretations made on the basis of the data provided by the photogrammetric measurements must be regarded with some reservation in the absence of archaeological excavations confirming the size, characteristics and number of buildings now assumed. Without question, the approach of the site through systematic archaeological excavations within a coherent research project is absolutely necessary, as it can provide real data on the evolution/functioning of the Pauline monastery in Nușfalău.


ACTA MVSEI POROLISSENSIS XLI Arheologie -restaurare -Conservare, , 2019

Responsabilitatea pentru conţinutul ştiinţific al articolelor, pentru formulări şi calitatea rezu... more Responsabilitatea pentru conţinutul ştiinţific al articolelor, pentru formulări şi calitatea rezumatelor în limbă străină revine în întregime autorilor.

Research paper thumbnail of The Pottery Kilns from Porolissum-Sărata and the Problem of the Settlement's Inner Defensive Line in Acta Musei Porolissensis, 41, 2019. In memoriam Alexandri V. Matei (1950-2010)

Located in the spot called Sărata, in the north-eastern vicinity of the Porolissum-Pomet auxiliar... more Located in the spot called Sărata, in the north-eastern vicinity of the Porolissum-Pomet auxiliary fort, the archaeological excavation carried out by Alexandru V. Matei and his team (Dan Băcueț-Crișan,
Phd. and Sanda Băcueț-Crișan, Phd.) in 1998, brought to light two pottery kilns (conventionally called Kiln no. 1 and Kiln no. 2), together with the remains of a linear fortification, a part of the so-called inner defense line of Porolissum. Never published in this manner before, as they were only briefly mentioned in diverse articles, the results
are of major importance due to the fact that they clarify
both the problems regarding the pottery production center
from Porolissum and the structure-functionality-chronology
scheme of the settlement’s inner defense line. Based on
our analyses, the kilns were producing ceramic vessels most
probably within the middle of the 2nd century AD, up to the
3rd century AD. Based on the general stratigraphy, combined
with datable finds, it is quite clear that Kiln no. 1,
located on the bottom of the defensive ditch indicates the
fact that the linear fortification of the civilian and military
core was disaffected in the first half of the 2nd century AD,
altogether with the famous fortlets of Brebi. We observed
a landscape transformation, due to the fact that after the
linear fortification was disaffected, a new one appeared
several hundred meters north, extending the distribution
pattern of the settlement’s inner defense, thus making room
at the same time for the pottery kilns at Sărata.


Located in the spot called Sărata, in the north-eastern vicinity of the Porolissum-Pomet auxiliar... more Located in the spot called Sărata, in the north-eastern vicinity of the Porolissum-Pomet auxiliary fort, the archaeological excavation carried out by Alexandru V. Matei and his team (Dan Băcueț-Crișan, Phd. and Sanda Băcueț-Crișan, Phd.) in 1998, brought to light two pottery kilns (conventionally called Kiln no. 1 and Kiln no. 2), together with the remains of a linear fortification, a part of the so-called inner defense line of Porolissum. Never published in this manner before, as they were only briefly mentioned in diverse articles, the results are of major importance due to the fact that they clarify both the problems regarding the pottery production center from Porolissum and the structure-functionality-chronology scheme of the settlement’s inner defense line. Based on our analyses, the kilns were producing ceramic vessels most probably within the middle of the 2nd century AD, up to the 3rd century AD. Based on the general stratigraphy, combined with datable finds, it is quite clear that Kiln no. 1, located on the bottom of the defensive ditch indicates the fact that the linear fortification of the civilian and military core was disaffected in the first half of the 2nd century AD, altogether with the famous fortlets of Brebi. We observed a landscape transformation, due to the fact that after the linear fortification was disaffected, a new one appeared several hundred meters north, extending the distribution pattern of the settlement’s inner defense, thus making room at the same time for the pottery kilns at Sărata.

Research paper thumbnail of The Roman Frontier Watchtower from Măgura Stânii (Zalău, Sălaj County) in Acta Musei Porolissensis, 40/1, 2018

Rezumat: Prezentul studiu valorifică o săpătură de salvare realizată în zona frontierei de la Por... more Rezumat: Prezentul studiu valorifică o săpătură de salvare realizată în zona frontierei de la Porolissum, pe suprafața unui turn de supraveghere. În 2002, cu ocazia construcției unei antene de televiziune în zona deaului "Măgura Stânii", a fost realizată o săpătură de salvare pentru a aduna cât mai multe informații despre un turn de supraveghere deja afectat de intervenții antropice. Rezumând discuțiile mai vechi despre turnurile din această zona, vrem să subliniem de la început, faptul că inițial au existat două structuri în vârful dealului, una dintre ele fiind complet distrusă de construcția turnului de televiziune în jurul anului 1975; a doua, care reprezintă subiectul prezentelor pagini, este localizată la aproximativ 150 m. nord față de prima. Structura circulară reprezintă ruinele unui turn de supraveghere strategic, un punct cheie în funcționarea interivizibilității din zona Porolissum-ului. Cu toate acestea, rolul de supraveghere al acestui turn este doar o parte a poveștii, săpăturile extinse conturând un fragment din viața soldaților detașați în avanponst, cu o privire specială asupra gătitului/mâncatului. Prezentând aspectele privind arhitectura turnului, subliniem faptul că avem de-a face cu o structură circulară, construită într-o tehnică care a implicat o fundație de piatră, o elevație realizată majoritar din cărămizi și un acoperiș de lemn acoperit cu tegulae și imbrices.

Research paper thumbnail of Genetic identification of members of the prominent Báthory aristocratic family

Research paper thumbnail of Aspecte mai puțin tratate în cercetarea olăriei medievale timpurii din România: destinație, utilizare, reutilizare și reciclare. Interpretări teoretice și realități arheologice/Less treated aspects in the research of early medieval pottery from Romania: destination, use, reuse and recycling.......

Literatura arheologică internațională a abordat de multă vreme aceste chestiuni, arătând dimensiu... more Literatura arheologică internațională a abordat de multă vreme aceste chestiuni, arătând dimensiunile și diversitatea "bagajului" de date științifice pe care îl înmagazinează un vas ceramic. Deseori am constatat (din partea multor voci în arheologia românească) o bagatelizare a valorii informaționale a fragmentelor de vase ceramice descoperite în diverse situri arheologice (medievale timpurii sau din alte epoci). În literatura străină, față de acest tip de atitudine s-a luat poziție evidențiindu-se variatele rezultate obținute prin studierea veselei ceramice. Pornind de la cele precizate mai sus, prezentul demers își propune să atragă atenția asupra unor aspecte mai puțin abordate în literatura arheologică românească axată (în cazul de față) pe studierea olăriei medievale timpurii: destinația, utilizarea, reutilizarea și reciclarea vaselor ceramice. Dincolo de interpretările teoretice avem în vedere unele interogări ale inventarelor arheologice cunoscute/publicate de pe teritoriul României, evidențierea aspectelor respective prin contexte și artefacte provenite din diverse cercetări. Fără discuție că, în cercetarea olăriei medievale timpurii, chestiunile legate de destinație, utilizare, reutilizare și reciclare vor trebui aprofundate. Cert este faptul că, în ciuda prezenței masive în inventarele complexelor arheologice cercetate, vasele ceramice (indiferent de forma lor) rămân încă (cel puțin în cercetarea arheologică românească) artefacte cu potențial informațional insuficient exploatat/valorificat! Abstract: Less treated aspects in the research of Early Medieval pottery from Romania: destination, use, reuse and recycling. Theoretical interpretations and archaeological realities The international archaeological literature has addressed these issues for a long time, showing the dimensions and diversity of the "baggage" of scientific data that a ceramic vessel stores. I have often found (from many voices in Romanian archeology) a trivialization of the informational value of fragments of ceramic vessels discovered in various archaeological sites (early medieval or from other eras). In foreign literature, a position was taken against this type of attitude, highlighting the various results obtained by studying ceramic tableware. Starting from the above, the present approach aims to draw attention to some aspects less addressed in the Romanian archaeological literature focused (in the present case) on the study of early medieval pottery: destination, use, reuse and recycling of ceramic vessels. Beyond the theoretical interpretations, we have in mind some queries of the known/published archaeological inventories from the territory of Romania, the highlighting of the respective aspects through contexts and artifacts from various researches. It goes without saying that in researching early medieval pottery, questions of destination, use, reuse and recycling will need to be explored. It is certain that, despite the massive presence in the inventories of the researched archaeological complexes, ceramic vessels (regardless of their shape) still remain (at least in Romanian archaeological research) artifacts with insufficiently exploited/utilized informational potential! Cuvinte cheie: olăria medievală timpurie, destinație, utilizare, reutilizare, reciclare.

Research paper thumbnail of D. Băcueț-Crișan, Preparing food and heating the home: early medieval dwellings furnished with multiple fire installations.  Examples from the Sylvanian Basin (north-west Romania).

Orbis Mediaevalis IV, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Playing games in early medieval times. Possible archaeological examples from the Sylvanian Basin (Sălaj County, Romania)

In the Romanian archaeological literature, games and toys from the medieval period have hardly be... more In the Romanian archaeological literature, games and toys from the medieval period have hardly been subjects of study and analysis, perhaps due to the rarity of such artefacts that can be connected to leisure time. The artefacts analysed on this occasion come from archaeological excavations carried out on sites from the northwestern part of Romania, more precisely from the Sylvanian Basin, a geographical area that lies within the administrative territory of the county of Sălaj. Artefacts that may have multiple functionalities often appear within archaeological inventories discovered in settlements. The limitations of the research mean that in many cases it is impossible to establish the functionality of some objects with certainty, cases in which we can only make assumptions/proposals. In the case of the geographical area under analysis (the Sylvanian Basin) we also note the existence of early medieval artefacts whose possible function as toys or as components of games can only be hypothesized.

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeological Materiality of Chess Playing in the Middle Ages. A Few (Possible) Examples from the Current Territory of Romania

In Romania, the periodical can be obtained through subscription or exchange, sent as post shipmen... more In Romania, the periodical can be obtained through subscription or exchange, sent as post shipment, from Museum Arad,

Research paper thumbnail of Early Medieval artifacts discovered in the earthfortress from Coșeiu - Cetate/Várhegy/Hegyes (Sălaj County). A possible power center around the year 1000

Obiectivul arheologic este amplasat pe un deal la nord de sat, înspre localitatea Archid. Situl a... more Obiectivul arheologic este amplasat pe un deal la nord de sat, înspre localitatea Archid. Situl a fost identificat în urma unor periegheze (în anul 2017), la suprafața solului fiind vizibile valul de pământ și șanțul. În anii 2017-2019 au fost efectuate mai multe sondaje arheologice. Din lotul de material arheologic descoperit cu ocazia sondării (în anul 2019) incintei fortificate fac parte două artefacte care aparțin cu siguranță evului mediu timpuriu: un pandantiv circular din argint și o săgeată din fier. În stadiul actual al cercetărilor, în cazul obiectivului de la Coșeiu-Cetate/Várhegy/Hegyes operăm cu artefacte databile în preajma anului 1000, etapă cronologică în care spațiul nord-vestic al României (implicit și Porta Mesesina) a trecut prin importante transformări în ceea ce privește statutul politic. Desigur, în acest stadiu al cercetărilor, nu dispunem de foarte multe date despre faza medievală timpurie de fortificare de la Coșeiu. Datorită caracteristicilor aparte (raritatea formei, materialul și utilitatea), artefactele descoperite la Coșeiu-Cetate/Várhegy/Hegyes sugerează prezența unei elite, care, din acest punct fortificat a exercitat un control politic și militar asupra unui areal a cărui întindere nu o putem identifica acum.

Research paper thumbnail of Dwellings and Manufacturing Spaces in the Early Medieval Settlement from Marca Sfărăuaș I (Sălaj County)

Orbis Mediaevalis III, 2021

Traces of this settlement were identified on a terrace on the right side of the Barcău River, at ... more Traces of this settlement were identified on a terrace on the right side of the Barcău River, at the edge of the floodplain. The archaeological excavation carried out in 2012 led to the identification of multiple types of archaeological contexts varying in terms of ground plan, dimensions, formal characteristics, and structural elements. The settlement from Marca Sfărăuaș I was not revealed completely in the archaeological excavation. Only the eastern and western limits of the settlement were identified during the preventive archaeological research, with the settlement developing towards the north and south, outside of the investigated area. In the researched area 54 early medieval archaeological contexts were identified with various functions.


Acta Musei Porolissensis, 2021

This article present two new discoveries of the Bronze Age on the Sălaj sector of the Someș Valle... more This article present two new discoveries of
the Bronze Age on the Sălaj sector of the Someș Valley. In
Cheud locality, Năpradea commune, “Sub Hij” point, preventive archaeological researches were carried out in 2019,
in the context of which two features from the Late Bronze
Age belonging to the Suciu de Sus culture were researched.
Their inventory consists mainly of ceramics, generally of a
very good quality of execution. From one of the researched
complexes (Cx. No. 2) comes a longitudinal perforated
cylindrical tube, made of clay that was probably used as
a nozzle in the process of melting bronze and a piece of
bronze bar with a sharp end and the other wide. Both
objects represent indications of a metallurgical activity in
this settlement. The second batch of ceramic materials published in this article was recovered from the “Ciglentir Hill”
in Jibou town where a deposit of bronze pieces was discovered a few years ago. The ceramic fragments were recovered
from a pit partially preserved on the slope of a road.
The types of vessels documented in this two new discoveries
from Sălaj county and the ornamental motifs, especially
those made in the excision technique are frequently found
in other settlements of the Suciu de Sus II phase, either in
the area adjacent to the Sălaj sector of Someș Valley or
in the Someș Plain area. (Petea-Csengersima). The two
new discoveries come to complete the image of the dynamics of the archeological vestiges specific to the Suciu de Sus
culture from the Someș valley, from the Sălaj area. In our
opinion, the extension of the area inhabited by the Suciu
de Sus communities from phase II to the south and first of
all over the “Someșan Corridor” area to the detriment of
the Wietenberg type was also due to the need to gain access to salt sources in the area confluence of Someșul Mare with
Someșul Mic and implicitly of one of the “salt roads” on
which this precious resource for the prehistoric communities was transported to the west on a path that followed the
thread of Someș.
KEYWODRS: North-west Transylvania; Late Bronze
Age; Suciu de Sus culture; settlements; pottery; metalurgical activities.

Research paper thumbnail of Dan Bacuet-Crisan On the early medieval fast wheel-thrown pottery (of late ancient tradition) (Lazuri-Nusfalau type finds) from north-western Romania. Relative and absolute chronological landmarks

In Romania, the periodical can be obtained through subscription or exchange, sent as post shipmen... more In Romania, the periodical can be obtained through subscription or exchange, sent as post shipment, from Museum Arad,

Research paper thumbnail of Dan Băcueț-Crișan, Horea Pop, Timea Keresztes The Kaolin Clay Medieval Pottery of Măgura Hill Moigrad (Sălaj County). A Few Notes on Finds of the Type from Transylvania and the Banat

In Romania, the periodical can be obtained through subscription or exchange, sent as post shipmen... more In Romania, the periodical can be obtained through subscription or exchange, sent as post shipment, from Museum Arad,

Research paper thumbnail of The Slavic Tumular Necropolis from Nusfalau (Salaj County). New Data on the Spatial Distribution and the Number of the Tumuli based on UAV Scans in Acta Museum Porolissensis, 43, 2021

Responsabilitatea pentru conţinutul ştiinţific al articolelor, pentru formulări şi calitatea rezu... more Responsabilitatea pentru conţinutul ştiinţific al articolelor, pentru formulări şi calitatea rezumatelor în limbă străină revine în întregime autorilor.


Responsabilitatea pentru conţinutul ştiinţific al articolelor, pentru formulări şi calitatea rezu... more Responsabilitatea pentru conţinutul ştiinţific al articolelor, pentru formulări şi calitatea rezumatelor în limbă străină revine în întregime autorilor.

Research paper thumbnail of Un mormânt din perioada medievală descoperit la Ip-Dealul Bisericii (județul Sălaj) by Dan Bacuet Crisan, Csok Zsolt, Timea Keresztes

Situl arheologic din punctul Dealul Bisericii este dispus în centrul localității Ip, pe o terasă ... more Situl arheologic din punctul Dealul Bisericii este dispus în centrul localității Ip, pe o terasă înaltă de pe partea dreaptă a văii Barcăului și a fost identificat în urma unor cercetări de suprafață efectuate în anul 2002. Prima investigare arheologică a avut loc în anul 2009 printr-o săpătură arheologică preventivă, soldată cu identificarea unui număr de 10 complexe arheologice din epoci diferite: epoca bronzului, epoca romană, evul mediu timpuriu. Complexul arheologic care face obiectul prezentului demers este un mormânt de inhumație (complexul C. 5/2009), care avea ca inventar o cataramă de curea confecționată din bronz. Pe baza analogiilor constatate, având în vedere și începuturile funcționării bisericii medievale, putem presupune că datarea mormântului medieval C. 5/2009 poate fi plasată cel mai probabil în secolul al XV-lea.

Research paper thumbnail of M. S. Stanc, D. I. Malaxa, D. Băcueț-Crișan, The exploitation of animal resources during the early medieval period. Case study: the settlements in Popeni – Pe pogor and Cuceu – Valea Bochii (Sălaj county), în Ziridava, 34, 2020, p. 431-438.

Research paper thumbnail of D. Băcueț-Crișan, A medieval knight passionate about dice games. The spur decorated with „dice” discovered in Aghireș - Sub pășune (Sălaj county), în Ziridava, 34, 2020, p. 479-487.

Research paper thumbnail of Ordine monastice medievale pe Valea Barcăului. Despre urmele mănăstirii pauline din hotarul localității Nușfalău (jud. Sălaj) in Z. K. Pinter et alii (eds.), Relații Interetnice în Transilvania. Militaria Mediaevalia în Europa centrală și de sud-est

Nușfalău village (Nușfalău commune) is located in the Sylvanian Basin, on the middle course of th... more Nușfalău village (Nușfalău commune) is located in the Sylvanian Basin, on the middle course of the Barcău River. Currently, the village stretches on both banks of the river. The archaeological objective that is the object of the present approach is located on the left side of the Boghiș-Nușfalău road, on a high terrace on the right bank of the Barcău River. In the years 1997-1998 a surface research program was carried out on the middle course of the Barcău River, between Boghiș and Nușfalău localities in order to verify the older information and to identify other sites. On this occasion, the site now under discussion was identified in Nușfalău at the point called Barátrét. Another surface research was conducted in 2016. In the spring of 2020, surface research at this site was intensified, during which photogrammetric scans and density grids were taken. Currently (as at the time of the discovery of the site), a large area of the site is used as agricultural land (plowing is carried out on it), only a small portion located towards the western edge of the terrace (towards the Barcău valley) being covered in present of grass and trees. This area may be less affected by agricultural work. Due to agricultural works, construction materials are scattered on the ground surface, so we were able to identify three areas (A, B and C) where there are (grouped) stones and building bricks, which suggests the existence of buildings severely affected by the plow. Historical sources speak of the existence of a medieval monastery on the border of Nușfalău, in the southern part of the village, on the right bank of the river Barcău. This monastery belonged to the Pauline Order (monastic order officially recognized in 1308) and was dedicated to St. Mary. This monastery is known to have been founded sometime before 1413. Data on the evolution of this monastic objective are few and not very clear, in 1563 it was in ruins when it came into the possession of the Bathory family, they may have functionally invigorated the settlement, in 1593 the monks of the monastery were still mentioned. When building the Bánffy mansion in the centre of Nușfalău village, looted construction materials from the monastery walls were also used.
In order to supplement the data obtained by the means of repetitive field walking, we decided to apply a photogrammetry – based survey workflow combined with geo – statistical analyses to identify areas of interests which could have contained traces of stone walls or other masonries. Due to the fact that a partial surface of the site is located in a non – vegetation area, the aerial photogrammetric survey and the density calculations of the potsherds and tiles were combined in a joint work flow, with the purpose of obtaining maximum (possible) results.
The first method involved a low aerial survey of the site by using an UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) for collecting a dataset composed of aerial photos. The 320 vertical photos were taken from an altitude of 30 m, covering thus an area of approximatively 4.8 ha. Further, the dataset was introduced in Structure from Motion work flow in order to create a 3D model of the site. Fort that we used a Scale Invariant feature Transform (or SIFT) – based software in order to extract the common points or the tie points from the images dataset. In the process called bundle adjustment, the software calculated the internal and external geometries of the drone’s camera, and together with the 3D references we obtained the so – called sparse cloud, the first step toward the site’s model. Next, the sparse cloud was subjected to a processing algorithm called Multi View Stereo (or MVS) that allowed us to obtain the dense point cloud.
From this point, the workflow was split in two directions. In the first direction we further create the mesh of the 3D model, and the textured orthomosaic of the site. The second direction involved GIS processing of the exported points in a dedicated software. By creating the Tri Triangulated Irregular Network (or TIN), we obtained the Digital Surface Model of the studied area, with a resolution of 0.7 m. We mention the fact that both the textured orthomosaic map of the site and the DSM were geo – rectified using several on – site Ground Control Points, calculated with a high accuracy GPS of RTK class. As we mentioned above, due to the fact that that a part of the site surface is located in non – vegetation area, we do not (ground) classified the .las points dataset.
By analysing the elevation map and gradually changing the light direction and the dynamics of the hill shading, we identified three distinct areas of interest that are highly susceptible to contain traces of walls. The first area (red; Area A) is represented by the largest archaeological feature that we were able to identify. Based on the gradient and atlas shader visualizations, Area A is composed of two thick stone walls, connected in a 90 ̊ angle. The two sides identified have the relative length of 36 m (on the Southern side) and 32 m (on the Eastern side). The second area (blue; Area B) is also represented by two stone walls connected in a 90 ̊ corner, located several meters South of Area A. The identified (approximate) lengths of the stone walls are 20 m (the Southern side) respectively 40 m (the Eastern side).
The most conclusive result of the survey are coming from the third identified area (green; Area C), localized 80 m South – East of the first two areas. By filtering the light intensity and direction we were able to identify two joined rectangular structure. The Western one has the dimensions (as calculated on DSM’s) of 13 x 13.5 x 13 x 14 m while the second, smaller, Eastern one has the dimensions of 12 x 10 x 12 x 11 m. Due to the fact that the identified crop marks are located on the only surfaces where we observed scattered stones, we strongly believe that we are dealing with three distinct stone structures, partially visible.
These analyses and results were combined with a grid – based field survey process in which we mapped the spatial distribution of the potsherds and tiles. The points dataset were used to obtain a density map or grid of the archaeological material identified on the surface of the site (known as Heat Map). In this particular situation we applied the algorithm called Kernel Density Estimation (or KDE) as a tool for spatial analyses. Based on it, we create a map which indicates the precise spots containing a high density of archaeological material. The parameters used for these calculations are a search radius of 0.7 m (based on the point’s density) and a three cells per radius.
By combining the heat map with the vectorised archaeological features (the walls) we observed the fact that the highest density of archaeological material is distributed within Area A, theoretically inside the structure composed of the mentioned walls. A medium concentration of archaeological material is to be found within Area B and the rest of it towards East, on the agricultural plot. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the archaeological material is scattered by the intensive agricultural process, destroying systematically the structures that are composing the site. The method was not applied in Area C because of the lack of plowing in the area.
Obviously, the limits of the applied methods are visible, the result that we have obtained being limited to the surface of the site. A future geophysical survey or/and an extensive archaeological research will clarify in a higher degree the nature of the newly identified features. By applying these methods we want to obtain (as much as was possible) a clearer image of the site and to add extra data on spatial distribution of the archaeological features.
Even if only surface research campaigns were carried out, the archaeological data obtained (corroborated with the existing historical documentary sources) together with the results of photogrammetric measurements suggest the existence of this monastic objective in Nușfalău Barátrét. Of course, the interpretations made on the basis of the data provided by the photogrammetric measurements must be regarded with some reservation in the absence of archaeological excavations confirming the size, characteristics and number of buildings now assumed. Without question, the approach of the site through systematic archaeological excavations within a coherent research project is absolutely necessary, as it can provide real data on the evolution/functioning of the Pauline monastery in Nușfalău.


ACTA MVSEI POROLISSENSIS XLI Arheologie -restaurare -Conservare, , 2019

Responsabilitatea pentru conţinutul ştiinţific al articolelor, pentru formulări şi calitatea rezu... more Responsabilitatea pentru conţinutul ştiinţific al articolelor, pentru formulări şi calitatea rezumatelor în limbă străină revine în întregime autorilor.

Research paper thumbnail of The Pottery Kilns from Porolissum-Sărata and the Problem of the Settlement's Inner Defensive Line in Acta Musei Porolissensis, 41, 2019. In memoriam Alexandri V. Matei (1950-2010)

Located in the spot called Sărata, in the north-eastern vicinity of the Porolissum-Pomet auxiliar... more Located in the spot called Sărata, in the north-eastern vicinity of the Porolissum-Pomet auxiliary fort, the archaeological excavation carried out by Alexandru V. Matei and his team (Dan Băcueț-Crișan,
Phd. and Sanda Băcueț-Crișan, Phd.) in 1998, brought to light two pottery kilns (conventionally called Kiln no. 1 and Kiln no. 2), together with the remains of a linear fortification, a part of the so-called inner defense line of Porolissum. Never published in this manner before, as they were only briefly mentioned in diverse articles, the results
are of major importance due to the fact that they clarify
both the problems regarding the pottery production center
from Porolissum and the structure-functionality-chronology
scheme of the settlement’s inner defense line. Based on
our analyses, the kilns were producing ceramic vessels most
probably within the middle of the 2nd century AD, up to the
3rd century AD. Based on the general stratigraphy, combined
with datable finds, it is quite clear that Kiln no. 1,
located on the bottom of the defensive ditch indicates the
fact that the linear fortification of the civilian and military
core was disaffected in the first half of the 2nd century AD,
altogether with the famous fortlets of Brebi. We observed
a landscape transformation, due to the fact that after the
linear fortification was disaffected, a new one appeared
several hundred meters north, extending the distribution
pattern of the settlement’s inner defense, thus making room
at the same time for the pottery kilns at Sărata.


Located in the spot called Sărata, in the north-eastern vicinity of the Porolissum-Pomet auxiliar... more Located in the spot called Sărata, in the north-eastern vicinity of the Porolissum-Pomet auxiliary fort, the archaeological excavation carried out by Alexandru V. Matei and his team (Dan Băcueț-Crișan, Phd. and Sanda Băcueț-Crișan, Phd.) in 1998, brought to light two pottery kilns (conventionally called Kiln no. 1 and Kiln no. 2), together with the remains of a linear fortification, a part of the so-called inner defense line of Porolissum. Never published in this manner before, as they were only briefly mentioned in diverse articles, the results are of major importance due to the fact that they clarify both the problems regarding the pottery production center from Porolissum and the structure-functionality-chronology scheme of the settlement’s inner defense line. Based on our analyses, the kilns were producing ceramic vessels most probably within the middle of the 2nd century AD, up to the 3rd century AD. Based on the general stratigraphy, combined with datable finds, it is quite clear that Kiln no. 1, located on the bottom of the defensive ditch indicates the fact that the linear fortification of the civilian and military core was disaffected in the first half of the 2nd century AD, altogether with the famous fortlets of Brebi. We observed a landscape transformation, due to the fact that after the linear fortification was disaffected, a new one appeared several hundred meters north, extending the distribution pattern of the settlement’s inner defense, thus making room at the same time for the pottery kilns at Sărata.

Research paper thumbnail of The Roman Frontier Watchtower from Măgura Stânii (Zalău, Sălaj County) in Acta Musei Porolissensis, 40/1, 2018

Rezumat: Prezentul studiu valorifică o săpătură de salvare realizată în zona frontierei de la Por... more Rezumat: Prezentul studiu valorifică o săpătură de salvare realizată în zona frontierei de la Porolissum, pe suprafața unui turn de supraveghere. În 2002, cu ocazia construcției unei antene de televiziune în zona deaului "Măgura Stânii", a fost realizată o săpătură de salvare pentru a aduna cât mai multe informații despre un turn de supraveghere deja afectat de intervenții antropice. Rezumând discuțiile mai vechi despre turnurile din această zona, vrem să subliniem de la început, faptul că inițial au existat două structuri în vârful dealului, una dintre ele fiind complet distrusă de construcția turnului de televiziune în jurul anului 1975; a doua, care reprezintă subiectul prezentelor pagini, este localizată la aproximativ 150 m. nord față de prima. Structura circulară reprezintă ruinele unui turn de supraveghere strategic, un punct cheie în funcționarea interivizibilității din zona Porolissum-ului. Cu toate acestea, rolul de supraveghere al acestui turn este doar o parte a poveștii, săpăturile extinse conturând un fragment din viața soldaților detașați în avanponst, cu o privire specială asupra gătitului/mâncatului. Prezentând aspectele privind arhitectura turnului, subliniem faptul că avem de-a face cu o structură circulară, construită într-o tehnică care a implicat o fundație de piatră, o elevație realizată majoritar din cărămizi și un acoperiș de lemn acoperit cu tegulae și imbrices.

Research paper thumbnail of EARLY MEDIEVAL SETTLEMENT FROM MARCA SFĂRĂUAȘ I (SĂLAJ COUNTY). Archaeological contributions to the knowledge of fast wheel made pottery from the Sylvanian Basin

Așezarea medievală timpurie analizată în volumul de față a fost cercetată în cursul anului 2012 p... more Așezarea medievală timpurie analizată în volumul de față a fost cercetată în cursul anului 2012 prin săpături arheologice preventive (în vederea salvării vestigiilor arheologice și eliberarea terenului de sarcină arheologică) determinate de "iminența" începerii lucrărilor de construcție la tronsonul respectiv al Autostrăzii A 3 (Autostrada Transilvania, Brașov-Borș). Deoarece în apropierea acestui sit a mai fost identificat și cercetat (tot în anul 2012) un sit preistoric (toponimul locului fiind tot Sfărăuaș), situl medieval timpuriu a fost denumit Marca Sfărăuaș I, iar cel preistoric Marca Sfărăuaș II. Săpăturile arheologice preventive din sectorul Marca-Ip au fost finalizate în anul 2012, artefactele preistorice descoperite în zonă au fost analizate și publicate monografic în anul 2014, vestigiile medievale timpurii sunt publicate acum. În ceea ce privește Autostrada Transilvania…….încă nu străbate locurile respective…… Autorii Zalău, octombrie 2020 CAPITOLUL I PRECIZĂRI PRIVIND GEOGRAFIA ZONEI. LOCALIZAREA SITULUI Din punct de vedere al structurii geografice, partea vestică a județului Sălaj (de la linia Munților Meseș spre vest) cuprinde Depresiunea Silvaniei sau Depresiunea Centrală a Silvaniei, cunoscută în literatura de specialitate și ca Depresiunea Colinară Sălăjeană 1. Per ansamblu, relieful Depresiunii Silvaniei este de tip colinar, văile principale (care străbat culmi deluroase dispuse convergent) fiind Barcău, Crasna și Zalău. Răspândirea largă a formațiunilor friabile pliocene (argile, marne, nisipuri) au permis apelor curgătoare să producă modelări ale solului, formându-se astfel trei unități depresionare cunoscute ca Depresiunea Şimleului, Depresiunea Zalăului și Depresiunea Sălajului 2. Din punct de vedere geo-morfologic, alternanța rocilor permeabile (nisipuri și pietrișuri) cu roci impermeabile (argile, marne) împreună cu tectonica în anticlinale și sinclinale a solului au determinat formarea unor orizonturi acvifere arteziene importante în alimentarea cu apă a comunităților umane, fenomen care a contribuit la dezvoltarea habitatului uman în acest areal geografic 3. Numărul mare de vestigii (aparținând unor etape istorice diverse) identificate în acest areal (inclusiv pe valea Barcăului) se datorează condițiilor favorabile de climă și relief, la acestea adăugându-se fertilitatea solurilor. În ceea ce privește întinderea Depresiunii Silvaniei și limitele sale geografice, Culmea Sălajului se află în nord-vest, linia Munților Meseș în est, linia Munților Plopiș/Şes în sud și sud-vest și Dealurile Silvaniei în vest 4 .

Research paper thumbnail of D. Băcueț-Crișan, ELEMENTS OF MEDIEVAL MATERIAL CULTURE (13 th - 15 th centuries) FROM THE SYLVANIAN BASIN AND SURROUNDING AREAS

Tehnica de modelare a ceramicii Cantitate Ceramică modelată la roata înceată 90% Ceramică modelat... more Tehnica de modelare a ceramicii Cantitate Ceramică modelată la roata înceată 90% Ceramică modelată la roata rapidă 10% Tabel nr. 2. Categoriile ceramice Categorie ceramică Cantitate Ceramică pastă zgrunţuroasă 93, 34% Ceramică pastă fină 6, 66% Tabel Nr. 3. Categoria ceramică și tehnica de modelare a ceramicii Categorie ceramică/Tehnica de modelare Cantitate Ceramică pastă zgrunţuroasă/Modelată la roata înceată 76, 48% Ceramică pastă zgrunţuroasă/Modelată la roata rapidă 23, 52% Ceramică pastă fină/Modelată la roata rapidă 100% Ceramica utilizată în construcţii (Cărămizi). Din cărămizile fragmentare cu care a fost amenajat cuptorul, câteva bucăţi au putut fi lipite astfel că dispunem de două exemplare complete. Acestea sunt de formă dreptunghiulară cu dimensiunile de: lungime 28 cm, lăţime 14 cm, grosime 4,5 cm (pl. X-XI). Lutul din care au fost confecţionate are în componenţă pietricele și pleavă. Cuţit din fier. Din păcate, din artefact s-a păstrat doar mânerul, de mari dimensiuni, lungimea (păstrată) mânerului fiind de 10,1 cm, iar lăţimea maximă de 1,5 cm. Datorită dimensiunilor mari ale mânerului, acest artefact poate fi inclus în categoria cuţitelor de luptă (pl. IX).

Research paper thumbnail of D. Băcueț-Crișan, PORTA MESESINA AROUND 1000 A.D. Research. Sites. Artifacts

Capitolul i. iNtRoDuCERE. MotiVaŢiE. pRECiZĂRi DE NatuRĂ tEMpoRalĂ Şi SpaŢialĂ Capitolul ii. CaDR... more Capitolul i. iNtRoDuCERE. MotiVaŢiE. pRECiZĂRi DE NatuRĂ tEMpoRalĂ Şi SpaŢialĂ Capitolul ii. CaDRul GEoGRaFiC Capitolul iii. iStoRiCul Şi CaRaCtERul SĂpĂtuRiloR aRHEoloGiCE DERulatE ÎN SituRilE DiN ZoNa poRŢii MESEŞENE Capitolul iV. PORTA MESESINA ÎN pREaJMa aNului 1000. iNtERpREtĂRi iStoRiCE Şi REalitĂŢi aRHEoloGiCE a. Reevaluarea vestigiilor arheologice de la Zalău "Valea Răchişorii/Pálvár". O posibilă reinterpretare a raportului dintre cele trei monumente (aşezare, cimitir, fortificaţie) şi a cronologiei acestora b. Păgâni sau creştini în cimitirul de la Zalău "Valea Răchişorii/Pálvár"? c. Elite şi centre locale de putere în Cronica lui Anonimus şi realităţile arheologice din zona Porţii Meseşene d. Când au ajuns primii războinici maghiari la Poarta Meseşeană? De la ipoteze la realităţi arheologice e. Un posibil traseu al războinicilor maghiari către Poarta Meseşeană sugerat de contextele şi descoperirile arheologice f. Zyloc-ul lui Anonymus. Încercare de localizare g. Fortificaţiile medievale timpurii de pe linia Munţilor Meseş.

Research paper thumbnail of Șimleu Silvaniei. Monografie arheologică (I). Istoricul cercetărilor / Șimleu Silvaniei. Archaeological monography (I). The history of researches

Research paper thumbnail of Așezările medievale timpurii de la Popeni - Pe pogor și Cuceu - Valea Bochii (județul Sălaj) / The early mediaeval settlements from Popeni - Pe pogor and Cuceu - Valea Bochii (Sălaj county)

Research paper thumbnail of Cercetări arheologice pe teritoriul orașului Zalău (Descoperirile neo-eneolitice și medievale timpurii) / Archaeological researches on the territory of Zalău city (neo-aeneolithic and early mediaeval discoveries)

Research paper thumbnail of Cercetările arheologice preventive de la Bobota - Pe vale/Iertaș (jud. Sălaj)

Research paper thumbnail of 100 de ani de cercetări arheologice în Sălaj (1918-2018)

Research paper thumbnail of Contribuţii arheologice privind topografia şi structura internă a satului medieval timpuriu din nord-vestul României. Aşezarea de la Porţ–La baraj (judeţul Sălaj)/The settlement from Porţ –La baraj (Sălaj county)

Research paper thumbnail of Cercetari arheologice preventive pe traseul soselei ocolitoare a municipiului Zalau/Rescue excavations on the bypass road of Zalau, Cluj-Napoca, 2009

Întreg traseul şoselei (între siturile identificate anterior) a fost supus evaluării de teren, ev... more Întreg traseul şoselei (între siturile identificate anterior) a fost supus evaluării de teren, evaluare care şi-a dovedit eficienţa prin identificarea unui alt sit la Zalău "Valea Miţei-Livada veche". Prin urmare, şi acest din urmă sit a beneficiat de cercetări arheologice extinse pe întreg traseul şoselei ocolitoare.

Research paper thumbnail of Contribuţii arheologice privind nord-vestul României în sec. VII-XI. Cercetări în Depresiunea Silvaniei/Archaeological contributions to northwestern Romania during the VII th - XI th centuries. Researches in Sylvanian Basin

Research paper thumbnail of Asezarile din secolele VII-IX de pe cursul superior si mijlociu al raurilou Barcau si Crasna, Editura Mega, Editura porolissum, Cluj-Napoca, 2007/The VII th - IX th centuries A.D. settlements from the upper and middle course of the rivers Barcau and Crasna

Research paper thumbnail of Orbis Medievalis 3. Exploring Dwellings and Manufacturing Spaces in Medieval...


Research paper thumbnail of Locuirea medievală timpurie din Transilvania și vecinătăți / The Early Medieval Habitation from Transylvania and its Surroundings

Orbis Mediaevalis I, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring Dwellings and Manufacturing  Spaces in Medieval Context  (7th–14th Centuries)

Orbis Mediaevalis III, 2021