gelio | myFlightradar24 (original) (raw)

Slava Stepanov

1114 flights

978 domestic 136 international

2,391,575 km

1,486,056 miles 59.7x around Earth 6.22x to the moon 0.01599x to the sun 59.7x around Earth

3,703 h 37 min

154.3 days 22 weeks 5.07 months 0.423 years 22 weeks

295.4 tons CO2

16.23 kg methane 13.26 kg nitrous oxide


4 economy 0 economy+ 5 business 0 first 0 private


2 window 0 middle 0 aisle


1 leisure 6 business 0 crew 0 other


2026 Europe100 Asia50 N America28 Africa18 S America6 Oceania

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