Otome Youkai Zakuro Picture Drama (original) (raw)
May 22, 2016
So what can you expect from this, a picture drama?
The usual, just like every other PD, it mainly consists of still frame pictures with VA (voice acting), on which the art will be usually better.
Long story short, episode 1 was boring, it was mainly the little guys commenting some scenes from the beggining of the series, average at best most of the times.
Thank god, episode 2 changed its focus, with Zakuro and the rest of the girls providing some good art :3, while we get some more generic but entertaining tropes going on.
I would score 5 to the first episode, and a 7 to the... second, joining it, 6.
So who should watch this.
People that completed the series (or finished more than half of it, you can even see these PD and still not having completed the anime), and enjoyed it enough, that seeing still images and VA from the cast, with some bickering, would provide enjoyment for you.
For the rest I wouldnt recomend it, there is really nothing revelant going on, if you want to get just a bit more from the series, whatever it maybe, or are just a completionist, you should see it then, the rest of you guys, stay way from it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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