Perfect Day (original) (raw)

For all you who don't know, Perfect Day, is a music video and not related to any anime and is probably not gonna be one.

= (Story 8) =

8 for just a music video?, you might ask. Even though this is just a music video, its story was very deep and easy to relate to. You could easily tell what it was about, and just by watching it (even without music) it made me kinder sad.
I think it was amazing that just a video without any replications could make me feel that sad.

= (Art 10) =

The animation for this show was... done by Madhouse. The quality of animation and backgrounds were incredible. Everything was so bright, and the backgrounds were so beautiful. Also when the characters move it was like they were walking on the skies. It looked very good and matched the rest of the animation perfectly.

= (Sound 10) =

The song Perfect Day, is done by Supercell and song by Yanagi, Nagi, who has the most beautiful voice i have ever heard. When you know shes the singer, you know that it be anything but amazing. It's a very calm song to start with, but grows though out the song. It felt like i was being told a story from start to end. There was so much feeling in the song. Nagi's voice together with the sound, made this song my personal favorite song.

= (Character 9) =

Once again it should be hard to judge the characters by just looking at them. Now that's not the case here. You can see how they feel and what they've been though by just looking at them. I think everybody can relate to these two. I mean everybody has someone you really love, but can't see again or was departed with.

= (Enjoyment 10) =

As i said, this has become my favorite song i have ever heard. This song alone made me buy there CD It's a beautiful day. Whenever i hear this song on my playlist on youtube i go straight to the page so i can watch the video. just amazing.

= (Overall 10) =

I think my review have already said enough about how much i love this music video. If you have not checked out any of Supercell or Yanagi, Nagi yet then go do it right now!

Thanks for reading my reivew, and have a Perfect Day!