Sprite: Between Two Worlds (original) (raw)

Ranked #11639Popularity #9910Members 3,445


Lately, shy Manami has been flirting outrageously and sparking vicious cat-fights! Afterwards, she remembers nothing. Can it be that another personality seethes beneath her own? A wild woman who’ll do anything to find trouble?

(Source: AniDB)

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Jun 28, 2023

It’s not often an anime has impressed me so much leaving me asking for more, let alone a hentai. When a hentai doesn’t leave you feeling like, “what the hell did I just watch?” it’s a masterpiece. However, like many 90’s hentai it’s a lot of wasted potential.
Main Synopsis: This is based off of a couple chapters from the “extremely popular” manga. Takamura Tooru is your typical student, currently his mum is in the hospital so for the time being he’s staying at a relatives place(not blood related). When he gets there he stumbles upon Manami. To his surprise Manami is now extremely attractive.... Manami is a very shy girl, due to her good looks she attracts a lot of guys, to her dismay this leads to a lot of bullying from the other girls and she is defenseless. However, Manami is not your typical girl. She has a split personality who only Toru and her know about. Her split personality is named, Nami. Nami is the total opposite of Manami, she’s mature, confident, strong, and very sexual. The main conflict of this show is that Manami and Nami’s personalities are fighting to become more dominate. Nami isn’t the dominate personality, so she’s at risk of disappearing. Nami gets emotional about not being wanted by anyone but Tooru convinces her both her and Manami have good qualities. When Nami is almost having sex Manami contacts her for the first time not to go through with it. On the second time Nami explains herself to Manami explaining they both need each other. Later on Manami gets emotional about disappearing as well but Tooru also convinces her that she has her good qualities and promises Manami that he will make sure neither of them disappears but Manami just wants to be herself. Tooru tries to figure out how Nami got created so maybe Nami can leave but in reality he wants them both to stay. Manami starts to feel bad wanting to get rid of Nami and ultimately decides things should stay the way they are. In the end Manami and Nami can live in harmony in the same body.
REVIEW OF THE PLOT: I honestly really like this story, it’s simple to understand and is very well written. This show actually has some funny moments in it and had me laughing a little bit not because it was cringey but because it was actually funny. Handling split personalities can be difficult. However, with Manami & Nami there’s a perfect balance, one personality doesn’t distract from the other, I’m not begging for them to constantly switch back and forth. Both of them have likable qualities and their own strengths and weaknesses. I can’t decide which one I like more. That kind of balance is hard to achieve even in well written anime. Seeing how Nami and Manami go about their days if very entertaining, it’s a very bittersweet feeling seeing Nami combatting Manami’s bullies, and being an anime girl who actually acts like an actual mature woman who isn’t constantly embarrassed about herself. Manami is a likeable character I love the way she carries herself, I just wish she was a little more confident. As for Tooru I actually like him too. Sure he’s a pervert, but he isn’t annoying like perverts in today’s anime. He legitimately cares about both Manami and Nami and wants the best for both of them. I honestly can’t decide who would make a better couple Tooru X Nami or Tooru X Manami. Other than that, I would rather have Manami be the main character. But that’s just my preference.
The artwork was a very pleasant surprise. Late 90’s and early 2000’s anime designs are by far the best and it definitely shows in this hentai. Whenever Manami and Nami swap personalities their appearance changes slightly to reflect on that. Nami appears much more mature and serious, and Manami appears to be a little bit more self conscious. Tooru isn’t a bad looking guy either, he’s quite average but definitely not bad.
Overall, I recommend this to people who don’t take things too seriously. I honestly wish this wasn’t a hentai it would’ve been amazing as a regular anime with at least 20 episodes. I would’ve loved to see Manami and Nami conflict with each other a little more and seeing how Tooru would react. I watched this primarily for the plot and for an OVA that only has 2 episodes it’s well worth your time. There’s so much potential for something amazing but instead it’s wasted on being a forgotten hentai.

Reviewer’s Rating: 10

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Sep 19, 2015

In the twenty or so years I have watched anime I have come across some rather unusual titles. But nothing and I mean nothing prepared me for Sprite: Between Two Worlds. A bargain bin title from the now defunct Central Park Media. I don't know what I was expecting from this title but what I discovered maybe pure gold.

Lets not mince words here. Sprite or Manami & Nami Sprite is awful. It just maybe one of the worst things I have sat through, but unlike forgettable crap this has stuck with me since the moment I watched it. This DVD deserves a case study... in how companies like CPM would license anything cheap regardless of it's value or quality in the late 90s and early 00s. Popping this disc in will do more to explain why the anime bubble popped about a decade back then anything else you will read online.

The story is about as simple as it gets. Main character Tooru moves in with his cousin Manami because his mother is ill (Personally, I felt his mother was just sick of his shit). The only real twist on this formulaic plot is that Manami has a split personality named...get this Nami. And the split personality angle is played about as elegant as a pregnant cow being used as a wrecking ball. The front of the DVD includes a quote to a review that states 'The Anime Equivalent of Sybil'. Which excuse my lack of memory for the 1976 made for TV film but I don't remember that story being about a teenage girl with a slutty split personality. And yes Nami is just a loud slutty alter ego. Nothing more. While I don't want to spoil how Nami came about existing just know that you'll smack yourself in the forehead by the time the anime concludes.

Sprite was an OVA series which would lead you to assume that the art would fair better then say a TV series. Well you would be DEAD wrong. The corner cutting in animation is almost impossible to ignore. One of the most noticeable oddities is that Manami's feet were drawn with no toes. In fact they were all fused together like the artist forgot to draw lines to separate them. Then the team went to color and just didn't give a shit. And this isn't just from a distance. There are several close up shots were they are the focus point. The second episode fairs better in terms of quality but by that time the damage is done.

I know you want to ask me how the English dub is. And I can say it's one of the worst CPM has provided. I never got their practice of finding nobodies to fill in their bargain bin titles. If you weren't going to put any work into the dub why not just make it a subtitle only release? But then again common sense would have done wonders for the company. Case in point is the blatant dialog changes. See during my golden age of anime watching there seemed to be a paranoia about none adult characters (read: high school or younger) engaging in possible sexual acts. Which if you haven't been living under a rock is the general age of most protagonist. Fearing a lawsuit or a mob of angry parents companies would either put warning labels or lie about the ages. The issue with that one is that it isn't subtle. Two episodes the word 'college' is uttered enough that you could make a killer drinking game from it. These are high school students and everyone knows it. Saying they are in college doesn't change that.

The quality of the audio is what you expect from a VHS to DVD transfer. The Japanese dub is fair but let's face it if you are in the mood for trash the English dub is the only way. You also may have noted the score of 2 for the audio instead of a 1. This has nothing to do with the dub but instead has to do with a song played during the anime. This song is a complete rip off of the theme from Top Gun. Not Danger Zone from Kenny Loggins, but the 'Top Gun Anthem' itself. It is so obviously stolen it blew me away. And it's a highlight trying to find it once you know about it.

The less I say about the main cast the better. There isn't a single likeable person in the bunch. Tooru being the worst of them all. On the first night our main character masturbates to the thought of his cousins breasts. So if you find that to be a redeeming quality you may like him better then I did.

Despite my literal page worth of complaints I couldn't stop watching this. It's a train wreck, a shameless porn filled wreck. Oh did I not mention it becomes a porn at the end? Yeah the sexual content ramps to 11 with little warning it would become such. While it isn't hardcore you'll excuse me if I wasn't shocked by the semen run down Manami's mouth. In fact the DVD tells you this is a 16+ rated anime. However, the first warning that pops up on the movie is an 18+ rating. Which I completely ignored my first time through. Because let's face it who doesn't skip those? It seems that the only thing this anime got right with split personality was the DVD box.

If you have a group of like-minded friends this is a blast. The less you tell them about the ending the better because the look of confusion on their face will be priceless. This DVD is pretty damn cheap and the entertainment value is there if you are in the mindset. Just make sure someone brings the alcohol.

Reviewer’s Rating: 8

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May 1, 2014

Story: 4 points.
Split personalities ...really? if you're going to do that old routine in this day and age then you need to put an original twist on it, like maybe she transforms into a dog, a futanari, or a dominatrix.

Comedy + vanilla + nothing special = boring.

Art: 6 points.
The Art was good, but not great. The art was more 80's than it should have been since the anime was made in the late 90's

... Sound: 6 points
The sound was not bad but then there was nothing challenging about this anime to begin with.

Character: 1 point
The chars were nothing more than skin level development and were based totally on negative stereotypes

This anime displays a very negative stereotype of Japanese people, women in particular.

Seriously if, you have to transform into someone else (and become someone or something you are not) before you can have enough guts to stand up against three, weak-bodied, school girl bullies, you ARE pathetic.

"Oh no! Someone stole my underwear, oh boo hoo. What do I do?"

While the Japanese men do seem to breed their women to be weak and insecure I don't believe all Japanese women are pathetic.

Enjoyment: 2 points
In light of that belief, this anime did nothing but piss me off.
It is hard for me to enjoy something that harshly degrades and stereotypes people.

Overall: 3 points.

Reviewer’s Rating: 3

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