Osu (original) (raw)

Osu "Male" is basically a 3 minute short about a cat that simply wants some alone time with his women. (yeah, a female cat) It seems like no matter how much he tries he just can't get his owner to leave. The only dialog in this short is spoken by the cat himself. All the while his owner makes taping noises and the female cat just looks at the tension between them. That's basically it for the story.

They certainly don't seem like happy characters as a whole, neither one seems to be in a good state of mind, as the owner seems to be... having relationship troubles of his own. The cat can get a bit on the whiny and annoying side, since all he seems to enjoy doing is complaining. They are not really deep or appealing characters, especially considering that you really don't see much of them. The whole short keeps a black screen (symbolizing darkness in the room) for a majority of the time, and you will only see the characters either by way of a "Looney Toons" style circle--or the characters eye's shining through. But they can be kind of funny to watch with their tensive humor.

For being so short there are a few things to mention as far as possible offensive material goes. The cat can get a tad sketchy with his dialog, and there is a somewhat violent scene at the end. Though it's nothing you wouldn't see on Television past 9pm.

The art certainly wasn't what I expected, this looks in no way like an anime...but instead looks like an American cartoon you may have seen in the 50's or 60's. Everyone is drawn very two dimensional, and this video certainly shows its age because of it. For some odd reason, I got deja-vu of the old "Sesame Street cartoons" while watching this. You know? The ones that came out in between the puppet skits?

There is absolutely no music in this whatsoever, all you get are sound effects and the cat talking. The sound effects were pretty interesting--from the owner lighting a cigarette, to finger snapping, to the sound of crashing effects. Though I have say, there were some sounds I honestly had no clue as to what they were.

I can't say that I had the most fun with this, because I have seen better shorts out there. But it was nice to see one with a bit of echhi humor and actual story to go with it. Its short, so you may want to give it a shot. It gives a good example: that sometimes in life it would be best to let others have their space.