6♥Princess (original) (raw)
"6HP" is a magical girl animation produced by Murakami's Ponkotan studio and features character designs by mebae. "6HP Six Hearts Princess Pink or Black" is a promotional video for the series cosmetics, created by Shu Uemura. Music is by livetune and vocal is by Hatsune Miku.
MALxJapan -More than just anime-
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Nov 5, 2020
This short is just a little commercial thing. Just a little music video animation thing. Im not too confident about this review, though, as there is not much to write about. This is basically just girls dancing and doing other shenanigans with music in the background. Not much more to say. There is no story, art is pretty nice, sound is also decent, no real character development, didn't enjoy it much, but it was ok. Overall it's not very good. I gave it a 2 for lack of story, and character development, but then again since it's so short they can't really add much.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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