Aggressive Retsuko (original) (raw)

WARNING: I'm gonna spoil this show (Aggressive Retsuko), I recommend you watch this anime before reading, for context and to be able to watch without spoilers.

I watched the first season of the ONA version of this, so I might have a few comparisons here and there.

I usually rate shows by how much they impact me emotionally, like I figure most people do, and on this one I gave it a favor by giving it a 3. Its emotinal impact almost doesn't exist, and you can't expect to get some feels or great laughs. why? let's think about it.

I'll start with the good stuff about... this anime. The art and the music, despite being very simplistic, are both good. Most characters are represented well by their kind of animal, like Washimi being a peacock. Retsuko, the main chracter, is a well written character. She is hardworking and friendly, but she is also very frustrated about her life and likes to sing metal (secretly) when she is frustrated.

Now i'll get to the meat, the stuff iv'e wanted to talk about. Character development is non existent in this show, you could watch the first and the last episode one after another and you'll see the exact same Characteristics for each character.

The gimmick of this show, the fact that Retsuko likes to secretly sing metal everytime she is angry or frustrated about something, I find very unfunny and quickly annoying. It's clear that the fact she is incredibly gullible and understanding most of the time, and then immediatly in a huge fit of rage is very unhealthy. I can't relate to someone when they are clearly in an unhealthy condition and aren't trying to fix it or even see it.

And if we're already getting to it, let's talk about how relatable this show is. First we'll talk about Retsuko. Many people make the argument this show is good because Retsuko is so relatable and they connect to her. Personally, I don't see it. Everytime Retsuko gets in trouble, I pity her instead of empathizing with her, and that's because:

1. Retsuko is clearly living in an unhealthy way, and I can't relate to someone who is having issues like raging all the time (which I had when I was a kid) and not caring about it or not wanting to confront it.

2. Retusko always has problems, like too much work or a sweet she wants to eat but can't because of her annoying friend, but she never once tries to confront the person giving her those problems, and is always just complaining to herself. I would expect of a better character to develop and try to face this problem head on, even if it's not in her nature. For example, the same series but in its ONA form did it a lot better. Retsuko got mad at her colleague for giving her too much work and is actually complaining to the colleague. And even though it doesn't end succesfully for her, it gives her a lot more character and we can tell she developed. Now look at this anime.

Basically, my problem is that she is trying hard at work, but not at improving her lifestyle, and it is clear she is having a very hard time throughout the whole series, and the result is that I pity her instead of relating to her.

Most characters in this show are bland and uninteresting, mostly because they consist of clichés from previous shows like this one. For example, the girl who spreads all the rumors and is overly obsessed with her looks, the annoying boss or the girl who wants all the attention. Also, one of the things that really offended me is that haida barely shows up in this version of the anime, probably for 2 or 3 scenes. In the ONA he was one of the best characters and was in love with Retsuko, and he really pushed the show up.

Now, let's talk about how funny this show is. I never once laughed or even smiled while watching the entire series, and i'll tell you why. The main joke/gimmick is tiring, annoying and unfunny, as I said before, and that's one of the main problems. The creators probably think that repeating the same punch line for around 80 times will eventually be funny, because that's exactly what they did. Now about other jokes. Oh wait, there aren't any.

The humour in the ONA I found to be way better than this, because even though they have the same bad joke as this one every episode, they also have some other great jokes with impeccable timing.

Want a story? Well, there isn't one here. For almost every episode its the exact same formula. Retsuko gets into a misunderstanding or a problem because of her over-understanding and gullibility with friends or at work, and then the problem/misunderstanding gets even bigger and then Retsuko snaps and starts singing metal in the background while we see her really mad. You could probably apply this formula to every episode of this anime. and it gets boring and tiring quickly.

The show was mostly boring with its overdone formula, and even though it's 1 hour and 40 minutes long on total, a standard movie length, I had to take around 7 breaks.

I think that's enough for this review. I have more to say but it's already way too long and I think I made my points well. Anyways, remember that this review is just an opinion, it's completely subjective and you don't have to dislike this show if I myself dislike it. Have a good day.