Soratobu Toshi Keikaku (original) (raw)

soratobu toshikeikaku is a quirky little j-pop music video (1 of 3) that is actually pretty good, if you can appreciate its style and substance. A girl in a plastic space bubble suit.......yep!

Story: 6/10
Well basically its a bout this girl (who I assume is a pop star singer of sorts) having to get to a wedding, by way of traveling to the planet its on by way of a bubble space suit. For most of the music video it simply shows her losing control of it and some guy coming to help her. It remains unclear as to whether these two actually knew eachother in... the first place. Anyway their antics are pretty funny, they start to get attacked by these strange robots that seem to be wearing the same kinda plastic bubble, which can kinda come off as either quite entertaining, or down right boring depending on your view of it. Basically that is the over all plot to it, which is enough to get you through the 5 minutes. Over all the story is entertaining, but kinda hard to follow for its short run, though the ending I found to be pretty cute! Since the story (I felt) is left mostly up to guess work on the viewer's part, you may get a different conclusion compared someone else who has seen it as well.

Artwork: 6/10
Funny thing is that this title kinda resembles a more western style of anime, as it seems quite Americanized with its artwork and clothing that the characters themselves wear. The main lead almost kinda reminded me of a pink haired Barbie doll. That being said I think it will appeal to most of us westerners, while nothing is overly detailed for sure, it does have a distinctness to it. Though I found the backgrounds to be pretty boring and unimaginative for the most part. Now I know some may argue that its trying to add a certain style and look with the video, (which it does for the most part) yet I can't help but feel that this thing isn't that great to look at for a 2005 title.

Soundtrack: 7/10
Obviously the most important thing with a music video. The whole time the story plays out you get this kinda neat Techno J-pop mid style beat. Its quite fun to listen to, though its lack of any real noticeable vocals does make it seem to kinda loop over and over throughout the video. Though this video is only 5 minutes so its not a real terrible thing. Nice beat, but a bit repetitive.

Characters: 5/10
Unfortunately there isn't much to say about this, since the music is not coming from any of the characters themselves, and only plays as more of a background track with their antics. A majority of the characters are there to simply move the video along, and you really only get to see the main lead female, male and a bunch of robots. Not quite varied in that regards, yet nobody ever comes off as annoying or stereotypical so in that sense they are good. Not to mention the trouble they get themselves into is quite funny, they just never seem to be able to catch a break.

Bottom Line: 6/10
The video is a good reminder to all of us about some of the trouble we may go through in life when we are struggling to make a certain deadline, which can be true in all of our lives, yet look back at it and know that things will be alright in the end. While it probably won't win any awards for being a truly memorable music video or anything, it does have a nice soundtrack that plays through. (if you don't mind techno that is) The characters are fun to watch, and the ending to it will most likely put a smile on your face, as it is warm and touching for what it is. A good pick if your looking to kill 5 minutes!