Rabbits Kingdom the Movie (original) (raw)
Prior to viewing Rabbits Kingdom the Movie I had no experience with the Tsukiuta franchise so I went in with fresh eyes and the hope that I would be pulled in and become a fan. Unfortunately, this movie not only massively let me down with its baffling creative choices and poor quality, but left even the fan-filled audience I was watching with confused by the end.
This really isn't an idol movie. It may seem that way based on its franchise connection, promotion and character designs, but fundamentally it features almost none of what makes an idol anime good other than pretty boys. The first song... doesn't even kick in until right at the end. Instead, they took the tragic approach of turning a generic idol franchise into an even more generic isekai one. Of course they could have made this work, with the concept being justified in universe as a play being put on by the idol group (it was also based on a real world play), but the plot they went with is just boring and gets really stupid near the end.
Even with a confusing premise and a dull story, things could have been saved a bit with some solid action - particularly given this was an action/fantasy story. Again though, they managed to completely fail in this regard. Any action is portrayed with still frames and maybe some camera panning, making the fights incredibly bland and unimpressive. The art just passes as bearable, but is by no means good.
As a whole I really can't imagine this movie appealing to many people. An idol movie with few idol elements and an isekai story with bad fight scenes and a stupid plot is really not much of anything at all. The most I can imagine this doing is maybe satisfying the desire for something new from existing fans, but even then it is highly dependent on your individual tolerance to all the negatives.