Candy Boy Episode: EX02 - Shiawase Kyouyuu Riron (original) (raw)
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Jan 17, 2022
Alright I don't know what's going on. Maybe it's because it's a special episode. Maybe it's because it's been so long since I've seen the original series and I'm not remembering the details so well. Maybe it's just because I've seen so much more anime since I first watched this series and I'm less pessimistic toward the genre now, but somehow I was actually enjoying this episode.
It's a bit of a weird sendoff for such a short series, but it's not a regular episode and probably doesn't fit into the story chronologically at the end. It was a cute little episode about reminiscing on the... past while swimming at an indoor pool in the winter.
Perhaps I was too harsh on the story for being incest-centric in my review of the main series. If I went back and watched it again in it's entirety I may come out of it seeing it in a more positive light as a whole. Maybe I was just being cynical about the nature of ships and yuri. I guess I'll just keep a more open mind in the future. 7/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 5, 2021
Informative Review.
This is the very end of Candy Boy, at least, in terms of the content it has to offer. This special revolves around the main four characters in some fanservice episode, which happens to also be a pool episode, where the pool is indoors on a snowy winter day. The episode didn't have a lot of fanservice and it more so incited talks about memories reloving around the pool for particularly Kanade and Yukino. It was nothing special but it did its bit with Sakuya funny moments if you want that on the side.
The audiovisuals are the same as usual, only not used to... their full extent as the main series because of length and what have you.
I'd say watch it if you were a fan of the series, but don't expect too much out of this one. It doesn't have the entire original charm of the main series but it does well as a part of the Candy Boy series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 27, 2015
If you're expecting a solid conclusion to the anime with this, prepare to be gravely disappointed. This is essentially the fanservice episode of the anime, and it doesn't even do that good a job of that. The bulk of the episode revolves around the girls essentially taking pictures of each other and running around an in-door pool and just dicking around in general, which isn't that bad if you actually like these characters. I wouldn't have minded some development on the sister's relationship here, but we really didn't even get that. Watch this only for full completion of the anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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