Rojiura Kurashi (original) (raw)

There are many manga out there that people consider their favourites. Maybe it's because of its beautiful art. Or maybe it's for an intricate plot, or for their complex characters. In my case, it's a manga that has grasped my heart, and brought me enjoyment more than any manga. And that manga is Rojiura Kurashi.

Like many other slice of life manga, Rojiura Kurashi does not have a complex story. Following the life of Akame and Mashiro, Rojiura Kurashi brings the reader into their world, as we see them slowly developing a bond between one another. This manga has a simple story, and I love it.... It brings forth many events, both funny and serious, allowing the reader to see both sides of the "back alley life". My favorite moments are definitely the interactions between Akame and Mashiro, as those are simply adorable and wholesome, which is sure to make anyone smile. As a whole, the story in Rojiura Kurashi may be simple, but every little moment in this manga is sure to impact you emotionally.

If I could describe the art in Rojiura Kurashi in one word, it would be "adorable". The art in this manga is simply cute and adorable (and is in full color). All of the character designs have a charm to them. One stylistic choice that I love in this manga is that every character is centered around one color. For example, Akame is centered around the color black, while Mashiro is centered around the color white. Additionally, each character has a different color allocated to their speech bubbles, further showing how each character is centered around a color. I should also add that it's not only the characters who have amazing art. The backgrounds are simply stunning. They are really vibrant, and have a lot of life to them. They add a lot to the atmosphere of each scene in this manga. In other words, they are beautiful. In fact, everything in this manga is really vibrant and colorful, bringing plenty of life in this manga. I could continue on and on as to how this manga's art is amazing, but I think that adorable is a good word to describe what I think of the art.

Like the their character designs, the characters in Rojiura Kurashi are adorable. Each character has a unique personality, and have a lot of life to them. As mentioned above, each interaction between the characters is incredibly adorable. Each character complements each other, bringing the best out of every one of them. For example, Akame may seem as your standard delinquent at first. However, when he is with Mashiro, the reader learns more about him, and they can see a new side of him, and even observe the internal struggles he goes through after thinking about the bond he has with Mashiro. And the same goes with Mashiro, who is at her cutest when alongside Akame. I'm aware I've only focused on the main characters, but I should also point out that all characters in this manga bring life into one another, allowing them to show the best of their character at every single point. Furthermore, I can't stress enough how adorable the characters are. I know that I have already mentioned this, but simply looking at the characters is able to make me smile. I simply adore the characters in this manga, and they are what truly makes this manga alive.

You have probably guessed it by now, but I absolutely love this manga, and am enjoying every moment of it. Every time I read it, I know that I am in for a treat. I always have fun reading every single chapter, and it's always a joy to see the incredibly adorable life of Akame and Mashiro.

Initially, I wanted to abstain myself from writing a review about this manga, as I did not think I could make this manga justice. However, I simply had to say that this manga is amazing. It's a manga that has managed to impact me emotionally, and that has always managed to make me smile. Despite all I've said, I still have to acknowledge that it has some minor flaws. But I think that all of the positives of this manga completely outweigh any negatives of it. Rojiura Kurashi may not be a perfect manga. But for me, a manga that has managed to grasp my heart the way it did is perfect in my eyes.