Bakune Young (original) (raw)

Read for MyAnimeList's Manga Reading Challenge 2019 - Read a manga that started serialization before 2015

Bakune Young was recommended to me by numerous people on the basis that it was similar to Ichi the Killer (1998). Both feature sadistic main characters who go on a bloody rampage so it seemed plausible I would enjoy Bakune Young based off that.

A long story short: I didn't.

Whilst Ichi the Killer is methodical, planned and gruesome, Bakune Young is just a mash up of everything possible, a pure blood bath with nuclear war somehow thrown in. The plot is all over the place - there are ninja, police, the... yakuza and sumo wrestlers; also a witch - and the characters are in no way relatable or written in a way that makes you feel for them in any way. Altogether this all feels like a mismatched patchwork attempt at gory comedy that just missed the mark. I wasn't too big a fan of the artwork either; that was more than likely me not being used to styles that aren't as commonly used, however.

I'd recommend missing this if you're going to read this for the comparison to Ichi the Killer. I'd recommend Crying Freeman and similar series for that. However, if mismatched comedy with an emphasis on, well, everything, is your thing, then go straight ahead and indulge yourselves.