Aya-Brea's Profile - MyAnimeList.net (original) (raw)

New Member? Welcome!
You can always introduce yourselves here
You can get your Rewards Zone Card from here!


New Games!

- A new game that allows you to gain points on your Rewards Zone Card while having fun guessing!
Play here!

- An active games that allows you to have some fun by creating unbelievable lies about the user above you!
Join us now!

- Do you want to marry someone or would you reject them? Join us in our club, rejecting someone with the most unbelievable excuses!
Marry or Reject? Your choice!

More games can be found in our Game Directory!


New Staff Positions!

If you are somebody who is willing to dedicate part of your time to help me with the club, then I will be very much ecstatic! Sign up here in the Staff Recruitment Thread.
New positions include
◇ Bingo Moderator ◇ Claim Maker ◇ 30 Day Anime Challenge Maker ◇ Puuzle/Riddle Maker ◇ Badge Maker ◇ Thread Manager ◇ Rewards Zone Manager



Are you a person who enjoys communicating with people? Are you someone who is more online on discord? Then, this is the perfect chance for you to join our Discord Channel!
Or, you can just join us in our comments section! We are available both


Ongoing Editions!

=Official Member Cards
=Vampire Knight WE
=IIFrostBite Birthday Ed


Ongoing Events!

Are you excited for some upcoming challenges? Well then, here's the list to what you should be expecting soon!
+The Delusion Challenge+ From August - the end of September![/url]
A monthly challenge in which you have to complete a set of goals in the month. Everyone is free to participate.
+Bingo Event+ From September 1st - 30th
A fun game where you hope you win first. It is something based on pure luck![/color]


Subscribe or Unsubscribe?

Do you want to continue to receive newsletters, then subscribe here. However, if you wish to unsubscribe, then please do so here in this thread