Jay-Czee's Profile - MyAnimeList.net (original) (raw)

Hii Hii staff members!!!! i know its later than usual but thats ok! we will just be posted later than normal.


* please make and send out all cards that you have not accomplished yet
* card makers strike out your name in card threads when finished making them so i know when to delete them
* all polls are now closed
* all new polls can be made and ready to be opened for the 13st of the month
* all new card threads will need to be made and ready for card makers to post their cards
* card makers if you need help with sending out cards please contact littleally28,13itt3rsw33t, or MinaRockz

( Adyka_Shalwa, hisaki13, x3ookiineko, hibaricloud, Sorakagero, _Mythical_, pinky_finger, Ranoom, BlueRose123 and any other members who wish to participate)

* post card in the threads once they are made. if they are not made by the timeyou are finished please post them in the club discussion thread
* LE's for this month August LE, August OTM LE
* WINNERS of the polls MANGA:Acid Town, COUPLE:Dino X Hibari,ANIME: ai no kusabi (original)
* theme are up to you for the August LE

::::RE Card Makers::::

* please have your card thread posted by the 13th of the month
* please close your thread once it has reached its post limit
* please delete your thread once all cards have been delivered
* if you need help with sending out your cards ask one of the card deliveres to help you

:::::CLAIM MAKERS:::::
(SummerIchigo and Dinowoo)

* please delete old claim threads once you are finished with making and sending them out
* please have your claim threads made and ready to open on the 1st of may
* if you want help with sending out your card please contact littleally28 or 13itt3rsw33t

( CliricX7 )

* WINNERS of the polls MANGA:Acid Town , COUPLE:Dino X Hibari,ANIME:ai no kusabi (original)
* please try to have the layout made and posted by the 13st if you will be late please let me know when you think you will have if finished by
* if you cannot make one this month let me know so i can see if someone else will volunteer to make it

( _Mythical_)

* can you please make us a new banner for our main page
* post it on the main page when finished or in the club discussion thread and ill do it for you


* does anyone have any ideas for events or contests we could do this upcomming month
* if anymore of you staff members plan on quitting please let me know ahead of time so i can start looking for replacements ^.^
* Newsletter staff members ill message you or post in the club discussion thread when its time for you to send out newsletters