RenaPsychoKiller's Profile - (original) (raw)

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Good to see you again! Perfect time of the year for that cosplay. I hope everything is going great with you!

My money making hasn't been the smoothest to say the least haha. I am looking for a new job though but also just taking some time to myself and relaxing a bit.
That sounds like a really cool dinner! I know I'd love to go to something like that. Nice that you came in 4th! Sounds like a fun time. Did they just have an event for that or was it like a thing friends put together?

This Halloween I'm definitely having the horror movies running regularly. Its the perfect time for that. Then I'm going to go to an amusement park for their Halloween themed nights and to ride some rollercoasters of course. Then maybe a couple haunted houses. I've been to a small one ran by a garden shop which was pretty fun. I did get spooked by it I'll admit lol.
That's so cool that you're visit castles. Any one in particular that you're excited for? I wonder how they'll all look for Halloween.
Yeah Jujutsu Kaisen definitely didn't stick the landing lol. It was a good series but felt a bit rushed at the end.
At least you have some good things to read with all the rain. Are you a fan of rain? I usually love rainy nights. Great atmosphere for reading or watching stuff.

I do love the characters in Yu Yu Hakusho. For a while I think Yusuke was my favorite anime character in general. I need to rewatch that one day.
Oh sounds like Halloween will be a good night for you then. Re-watching the classics is definitely something I'm into even if I'm not he biggest on re-watching. I totally get doing it though since the quality of newer stuff isn't the greatest.
Oh I like the Purge series too! The first one is definitely the weakest but it is a great series. Hope the marathoning was fun!

Yeah I just don't get people who don't adopt pets that need a home and instead go to a breeder. Theres plenty of them out there that need love and care.
Oh nice! I've had a cat but would totally be up for adopting one someday.

Yeah three half-siblings is definitely a lot to grow up with lol but we still see each other since we all live close. It is always interesting seeing where cousins or other family end up going or seeing what they do once they all grow up. My condolences for the cousin yall lost.
Sounds like you have family all over the place. Do you see your close family often? My family isn't too spread out honestly. Mostly in the same state as I am.

Japan would be amazing to see in the spring. Thats something I want to do one day. If you end up going to America then definitely let me know! Have you been to America before?

Lol hope they stay together long enough for that tour.
Ah ok. At least if a band you like ends up stopping by your country it makes it way cooler then.

Hey! Hope you're doing well. I'm back from the Netherlands! Spent a good amount of time there but apparently Tulips were out of season so I couldn't bring you back any of those. Next time for sure though! Also got sick after coming back so I'm finally feeling recovered from it.
How have you been?

Another Autumn fan I see. Its definitely my favorite season hands down. I do like going to beaches and museums so I'll keep a lookout for you then. I hope that depression goes away. Let me know if you ever want to talk about it. I'm always open to talk.

Oh nice! Yeah definitely update me on how you feel about Jujutsu Kaisen when you watch it. Yeah the art is not anything special at all. I haven't read Demon Slayer but the animation is amazing. I'm not a big fan of the anime overall but the animation in the fight scenes is the best animation I've seen.
I haven't heard of Mouryou no Hako but I'm sad to hear it isn't supernatural.
I did enjoy HxH but it's hard for me to decide what I liked more between that and YYH. Maybe YYH just because of the nostalgia but I'm really glad HxH is back into being published. Did you enjoy HxH as well?

Yeah I was surprised to hear Franz Ferdinand when I watched the Cyberpunk anime and it's pretty cool that they've done a couple anime OPs.

Glad to hear you're enjoying The 100! I'll make sure to keep that in mine next time I want a show to watch.

Seems like you're getting into the spirit of autumn and getting plenty of those horror films in. I also am not big on Home Invasion Movies. Have you seen Panic Room (2002)? That might be one of the few with that theme that I like. I've seen most of those films and enjoyed ones like House of Wax and of course Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Classics for sure. Do you like to re-watch films often? I'm someone who doesn't really re-watch unless its one of my favorites.

LOL I love that joke. 10/10 for sure. Yeah I heard she was retiring. I'm glad shes taking time to herself now after that great career.

Haha those definitely sound like cats. They sound really cute. I love that you have Shepard mixes. Very smart dogs and high energy it seems. Yeah I love a dog I can give a big hug to lol. Rottweilers and Saint Bernards are great favorites to have. I remember when I was little I would go to a pet store and there was this Rottweiler puppy I would always see and play with. Never got a pet there but loved to play with them.
People have said I'm definitely a retriever guy before ever before knowing I had one. Maybe because of my personality haha.
I'm glad you're an adopter too. Theres so many animals who need rescuing and I just cant bring myself to buy from a breeder. I dont want to ever support them. I've gotten all my pets as rescues. That's actually really cool of you for volunteering in a shelter too.
Lol I bet a lot of the dog training is definitely training their owners more. Usually the owners need it more.
Have you had many pets growing up? I know most animal lovers usually have grown up with a lot of dogs or cats.

I have 3 siblings. All of them half siblings but I'm close to my sisters. All older than me too by a good bit so I've always felt like an only child. Did you have other family around your age growing up? I've had some cousins who felt like sisters to me and were around my age that I grew up with.

Oh nice! I've been to like 3 lol. I'm glad you're going to some concerts soon! That is really cool and uncommon that a non mainstream group is coming to your country! I love that you'll be able to see them. Do you get a lot of artists coming to your country for concerts? I did see that Oasis was having a reunion tour which is awesome. I'm surprised they don't have touring dates for Europe outside the UK yet though. Are you going to go try to see them?

Hey there! Just found your profile really really cool, and you've been on MAL for quite some time, I find that rather fascinating as a new fan myself. So yeah I'd definitely like to talk to you if you're up for a chat, for perspective. And really nice profile once again😂

Good to see you again! I'm glad you're back. Don't worry at all. I've been super busy this August as well. A lot of life changes for me so I've been away for some time too. My Summer has been going pretty well honestly all things considered. Had some new life changes but mostly positive. I did end up leaving my job that I had and while it was said an kinda stressful I'm glad since now i have other opportunities to explore. Taking some time to myself before I do that though. It's been positive overall though.
How's life been treating you?

For me new things are:

Oh I've heard of The 100 before and the premise sounded interesting. How is that?
I've never heard of Mouryou no Hako but based on the genres it seems like it would be up my alley. I'll take your word for it though. Sometimes suspense can have really bad pacing issues so good to know that it might not be the most exciting.
I've seen some episodes of Tasogare Out of Focus and it did seem more pure/clean but haven't seen more than like 2 or 3 episodes.
I haven't read Parasyte but I'm keeping up with Jujutsu Kaisen and have enjoyed it. Summer really is a great time for horror.

Lol thats hilarious. Manga titles can just be so similar despite how long or complicated they can be haha. I've seen trailers of DanDanDan as well and I think the anime is coming out soon.

I definitely need to check out Hikaru. I hadn't been in a manga mood for a little while but now I want to get back into it. The author definitely found their own niche and has done it well.

Oh I haven't seen The Cell but I looked it up and that seems like a good psychological thriller.
Really? I haven't seen Hannibal Rising actually but I have seen Red Dragon and that was a good movie. For the longest time I didn't even know they had a Hannibal Lector series.
I need to see Mr. Brooks too. I mean more Kevin Costner movies are always solid.
Good to know about The Skeleton Key. I hadn't heard of that one before but it looks pretty creepy lol. I dig it!
October is coming up so I'm getting ready for the spooky season. A few of the psychological horror anime I can remember that really freaked me out was The Fourth Kind and The Strangers. I remember both coming out around the same time and as a young teen they just freaked me out so much lol. There's definitely scenes that I can still remember even though I haven't seen them in like 15 years. Maybe not the best movie for a kid to watch lol.

I definitely feel that about Tarantino. His older stuff is just so much better. Like it feels like he was making movies the way he wanted to back then but now they feel more tailored now.

I love the Lain OP so much. I've heard more from that artist and they are really good. I do remember the Ergo Proxy one too and that was solid. One that I'll always remember is the Yu-Yu-Hakusho OP (Smile Bomb). Just has a lot of nostalgia for me honestly so it might be carried by that lol. The Cyberpunk Edgerunners Op was great too which I think is by Franz Ferdinand. That series just has a great OST overall honestly.

Oh thats amazing that you've been to so many concerts! I love a lot of those bands like Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, NIN, Franz Ferdinand, and Deftones. That's so cool that you got to see them all. Thats unfortunate that covid prevented you from seeing those two. Any that you're looking at going to soon or in the upcoming year?

Yep i have one! Shes a lab mix of some sort but my sister found her and another puppy one day and I adopted her. I had a golden retriever when i was growing up as well too. That's so cool that you're a dog trainer! Oh yeah I bet summer time can be really busy. A lot of people on vacations during then.
Awww, I'm sorry for your losses. It's definitely so hard to lose a friend like that. What kind of dogs were they? My golden retriever passing away hit super hard for me since I grew up with her. Dogs are really incredible. I'm glad you have some cats though! I never had them before but cats always seem to like me lol. What kind of cats are they?

Thank you! I'm really glad to see you again. I always enjoy our talks so much.

tired Aug 23, 11:21 AM

and the fact your fave sailor senshi is also hotaru
great taste :^)

I live for your Tasogare OF comments, more, please, more! XD I can't exactly tell how you feel about it overall, but I hope you're enjoying it!

thank ya 🌻
togame is such a cool designed dude

I see, it definitely looks like a cult classic just from what I've seen from the fans. I'm glad its a seinen as well. Lol yeah I can imagine how different that and One Piece is. I've actually never seen One Piece either or have read it. I have a lot of people telling me to watch it though. Haha i really haven't seen man of the big anime.
I haven't heard of Black Sails but it seems good. Can't have enough pirate shows really. I haven't seen too much pirate media in general I guess. I actually don't know if I've seen any outside of like movies.

I was surprised they came back to air Bleach again. That must have been cool for fans of the series since it's been a while.

Thanks! That certainly was suspenseful. Each panel I was looking for clues to figure out the situation. I wanted to learn a lot about the characters in the few pages it had. The art style was great as well. It fit the impending feeling the mood of the manga had. That was good. Are you a fan of the author?

Ok I'll watch 28 weeks later for sure before 28 years later comes out.

Yeah I count Overlord as one. That dog scene in I am Legend messed me up. I had a nightmare of that same situation but with me and my dog not long after that movie and its one of the few nightmares I still remember.
Oh wow that trailer is great. I remember hearing about the first film but didn't know they made a second one.
I watched TWD for a good bit but I remember it just becoming repetitive and losing interest. I do remember the Governor arc and that was when it was still suspenseful.
Oh yeah I love those films. I think I have Zombieland on DVD from my sister from one of my birthdays lol.

I love psychological thrillers. My favorite is Misery. Might be one of my favorite movies in general. It has scenes that make my stomach turn but Kathy Bate is amazing in it. I like Silence of the Lambs as well. Both that and Misery are some of my favorite movies ever. Do you have any psychological thriller favorites?

Tarantino is great. Reservoir Dogs is a classic and of course Kill Bill which I liked but i enjoyed some of his other films more. I liked Django as well. What are your favorites from him?

Ah yeah I can imagine how fast his concerts sell out. Hopefully you can see him live another time. He really is so good that he's not confined to a single genre. Probably one of the most skilled when it comes to music.

That would be cool if he wrote a song for an anime. I've seen some non-japanese bands do songs for anime before. Recently One Republic did the ED for Kaiju no.8 which surprised me. Do you have any anime OPs or EDs that you really like?

Ahhh thats unfortunate. I bet Rammstein's tickets are pretty expensive.
Oh wow lol. That's funny how we do that haha. You just got great taste in music.
I'm a nu metal fan as well. I've been to a Linkin Park concert when I was in middle school and that was amazing. There really is a wide world of metal. My friend is into it so he introduces me to some artists. He introduced me to Lorna Shore who I really like. What concerts have you been to?

That's makes sense. I've done that before where I've become attached to characters but lost interest in the story so I keep up with it. At least you have some arcs coming up to look forward to if nothing else.

I gotta check Black Lagoon out. It's such a classic so its a must! Tbf I also haven't seen other classics like Naruto or Bleach lol. I didn't know it was on hiatus or even ongoing still. I guess there are some older anime and manga that are like that though. Haha I do like crazy women and Revy is pretty bad ass from what I've seen so it's right up my alley.

I've heard of the Elusive Samurai but not too much on what it's about. Hope it's good though. Lol there's so many with Isekai or Harem in the title. I'm like there's not way this many of them are getting green lit for anime. I'm just wondering who is out there waiting for isekai #462 to get an anime adaptation. Haha yeah Dededede does have an eye catching name. Super intriguing show from what I've watched though.

They were some wholesome buddies. Just raising a kid with the homies. Probably why I figured it would have a BL element to it lol. Great show for sure though.

I'm not familiar with Hikaru ga shinda natsu actually. I'll have to check it out. I definitely love horror in manga form. I see it's also a supernatural and mystery story so it's right up my alley.

Funnily enough, I actually haven't seen Stranger Things either lol. I recognize some of the actors but I've never actually seen it so I'm right there with you haha.

I saw the trailer for Longlegs and it looked pretty good. I'm glad Cage is in it too. Just seeing him in horror movies is great so I need to check that out. I love psychological thrillers so it sounds like my kinda movie.

Yeah the first 3 Resident Evil movies were great. Some of the scenes are still etched in my mind. I've seen the first 3 a few times but the others I wasn't that into. Zombie movies are absolute classics. I've seen 28 days but not all of 28 weeks later actually. Ive seen parts but not the whole thing. I'm excited for 28 years later though since Cillian Murphy will be back and he is amazing in movies. Haha I did get the reference btw. What other Zombie movies do you like?

Oh nice! It's always a good time to have a pop-punk/emo phase. Blink 182 are a classic. What are your favorite songs of theirs? I love What's My Age Again. They have a few I love to listen to.
Haha perfect timing! Led Zepplin always knows when to come on. I'm so glad you love Beck too! He really is a musical genius.
Oh nice! NIN and the Ramones are ones I also like. I love metal as well. That's always a genre I like to learn more about since there's so many subgenres. You mean artists like Pantera, Black Sabbath, or Slayer right? I know some of the bigger names for metal but I always like to learn about other bands.
What are your favorite metal artist? Do you like metalcore as well?

I gotta start One Piece one day. I'm a slow reader and I usually take time watching anime so I know it'll be a journey for me. At least I know if I start it and like it then I'll have plenty of content to enjoy. I totally get not starting things since you're busy. I've been busier lately with work but it shouldn't last too long for me. I have watched Buddy Daddies as well and it was really good and cute. I'm not saying I wanted the daddies to get together but maybe I am but they had a good dynamic. Black Lagoon i something I need to watch. I've seen so many people love it and especially Revy but I haven't actually watched it before. Lately I've been watching some seasonals that I've mentioned before like Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction and My Wife has no Emotions which is a romance about a guy and a robot. Nothing too special with that one but it can be cute. I have seen some of Twilight out of Focus too. Other than that just some more short films since I've really been into them.

Curve was real good. I loved how they had that impending feeling of falling into the pit but it still made every second feel so long. I agree with you interpretation of it. Thats what it seemed to me as well.
Thank you for that short film! I recognize the guy in it from Stranger Things. Definitely an interesting film. Seemed like a depiction of facing yourself in those times where you're alone. Maika was great in it.

Oh I definitely have a monster tierlist. I can imagine that you do as well. Theres definitely some monsters scarier than others out there.

Oh yeah I remember those ones in the Mist for sure. When they get got its always cathartic.
So the Resident Evil live action movies I always felt were more action movies than anything. I mean they even starred Mila Jovovich. They were still entertaining and definitely a product of their time. i enjoyed them overall but they never really felt scary to me. What do you think of them?

Ah ok that makes sense. Yeah if they aren't of a genre you like then I definitely get it.
I like a lot of the bands you do like Nirvana and Depeche Mode. Seems like you like a lot of different kinds of rock. Rock is definitely one of my favorite genres since it can be versatile. Some of my other favorite artists are Jimmy Hendrix, Fall out boy, The Killers, The Red Hot Chilipeppers, Billy Joel, Led Zepplin, Paramore, Boston, and Beck.
Any of those artists ones that you also like?

Yeah its very similar to creepypasta but all in the same universe. I used to read a lot of creepypasta or other short horror stories like that during college. Fun way to pass the time.
Glad you liked Portrait of God! It was a great creepy but not like in your face creepy. I loved the atmosphere of it.
I really liked the ones you sent! Lol maybe they made me lose a little sleep. I had seen the Curve before and that did suspense very well.
Vienna - was so unique and had such a cool monster idea.
The Birch - had a really interesting monster design and I really liked how she wasn't evil but more of a protector even with her appearance.
NSFW - was a thrilling watch since it was something that could actually happen. The ending with both of them dying was a good touch but the main character was an interesting one since he did it for fame and died that way.
Zygote - I loved the monster design so much. Like a creature that is a conglomerate of bodies is terrifying but very reminiscent of The Thing. Also reminded me of an SCP story with the monster design and that it retains memories of who is absorbs. I would definitely watch more of a series like that.

Oh yeah religious fanatics are always such a scary element in horror since they can't be reasoned with and also could be a real life horror. Probably my scariest monster or high up on their if I had a monster tierlist lol.
I think the Green Knight is based on an old poem. The movie looks kinda like a horror or has horror elements so I may watch it too.
The Dark Knight is definitely one of the best comic movies although I love the first Iron Man movie too. I haven't seen any John Constantine movies though but I think I know what hes about.
Lol yeah that Suicide Squad isekai surprised me with the concept. Like if someone threw 2 darts at a board and combined the ideas to make into a show.
Oh nice! I didn't know Kin had a short. Thank you! It was a pretty good one.
Wow I didn't know that Blomkamp made Oats Studios. That makes sense now after seeing Zygote. It definitely works for him and I should check out some more stuff from it.

I definitely dont mind a slower mood so maybe i'll watch Watchers. I wanna see AQP for sure. I'm glad it has adults only though. Whenever theres a kid in horror movies I just know they'll do something and get someone killed off lol.
Btw have you watched Cabin in the Woods?

Oh wow, I want to see that adaptation of The Dreamlands then. Do you know what its called?

JJK is a good one for sure. What other shounen anime are you watching?
I haven't heard of the Fable before but I have heard of Way of the Househusband and that is pretty funny from what I've been told.
Let me know how you like it! I'm not a BL watcher myself but I think it's alright. I know some people have strong opinions on it lol. Highschool romance isnt my thing either but theres just so few post highschool anime in general. Really hard to find an adult romance anime thats good.

Thanks for accepting btw!
I totally understand what you mean about forums. Definitely dont feel pressured to respond fast to anything. I definitely get busy too. This week especially since I had family stuff going on at the beginning of it and then holiday things today and yesterday. I'm just happy to talk when we can!
Ah ok i get that. I've met a few people on here who I've talked to for a little while now but just a few.

So for the most part it seems like you listen to most things. I'm the same way and will usually try anything. Any particular reason though that you dont like music from your own country?
Do you have any favorite artists or bands?

Hi, fellow Hijikata lover. Found your profile through the Mayora Hijikata fanclub. He’s easily my favorite character in Gintama. My favourite episode that features Hijikata is the episode where smoking is banned and Hijikata travels planets to smoke legally. Or the Mitsuba arc where you see the tsundere side of him. Wish him and Mitsuba were actually a couple, a shame he died. Or the episode where Hijikata and Gintoki are handcuffed to each other by Sougo Okita.

Oh nice, I hadn't seen those anime but I watched a few this past season like Kaiju no 8 and have been watching Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction (wild name lol but its a pretty cool sci-fi drama). I usually watch the trailers for seasonal anime in case I see something interesting. I'll probably watch Tower of God season 2 next season and maybe a couple others. I did see they had the Suicide Squad Isekai coming and even though im not an isekai fan that might be interesting just from the strange premise lol. If you like BL then I think I saw a trailer for one coming up next season called like Twilight out of Focus. Let me know if you pick up any anime next season!

Ah ok, so pretty similar to me. I had really just gotten into anime a few years back after seeing some as a kid. Then just got into MAL last year. I had seen that you made your profile back in 2008. That's pretty cool to have a profile for that long. Oh yeah I bet not using MAL for so long there was definitely a lot of RIPs from back then. I've met a lot of cool people from MAL actually in the short time I've been here, yourself very much included. I've never really used any type of forums before so MAL was pretty new to me. Have you gotten to know a lot of people through MAL?
Lol well I can assure you that there will be a lot of characters to fan girl over in Jujutsu Kaisen so you'll have plenty supply of that. Definitely let me know your opinion on it when you read or watch it.

So SCP is like a big collaborative horror/sci-fi writing project where people write stories around a fictional foundation that is made to secure, contain, and protect (SCP) various entities or cryptid like things. Theres a wiki where you can see everyones stories and some are really good. Some of have been turned into shortfilms too.
Here's one that I saw recently. Most of them are meant to be read though so I've definitely spent some time reading them especially back in college waiting between classes lol.
You are just too kind for filling my night with some new horror I can watch. Thank you! Here are some recent ones I've seen that I've liked.
Portrait of God - Pretty short but the horror hits in different way. Like unsettling for what it does.
048 - This one is just straight up creepy lol.
Theres also a channel I loved watching for analog horror called Local 58. It's like very creepy broadcasts that get more and more unsettling but I love it.

The film you recommended me "Vienna Waits For You" is actually a lyric in one of my favorite songs. I wonder if its a reference to it. What kind of music do you like btw?

How was The Watchers? I had seen trailers and it looks pretty good. Oh nice! Definitely let me know how you liked A Quiet Place.

I didn't see its prequel or Orphan. The first film was great standalone and i just never ended up watching the others.
I would definitely recommend Annihilation. I think it does cosmic horror/lovecraftian themes very well even though that kind of horror is hard to make into films.
I'll definitely need to check out Upgrade then but I have seen Kin and that was a fun movie. Have you seen District 9? I saw that again recently and that was one i liked.

Lord of Misrule was great! I loved the eerie atmosphere this had and that it didn't rely on cheap scares. Ralph Ineson was amazing. He was great in The Witch too. Seems like he likes folk horror as much as us lol. Didn't know he was in the Green Knight but i definitely want to see it. What did you think of it? I'm looking forward to CSM!

If you do then please tell me what you think ^^

Yes Bubblegum Crisis looks cool, i love the old 80s Cyberpunk aesthetic and anime seemed to emulate that very well back in the day. Wicked City is another one that i want to watch that looks awesome. And yes i shall check out Parasite Dolls at some point as well :)