ddrcrono's Profile - MyAnimeList.net (original) (raw)

Though I tend to stray away from excessively ecchi, fanservicey or really silly anime and I have a soft spot for romance, I tend to enjoy a variety of things overall. While I have watched a decent amount of stuff, I try not to let my expectations for what makes a show good get unreasonably high, since that would lead to unfair ratings when comparing what I watched sooner to what I watched later in life.

I don't believe anyone other than critics or masochists should be using the full 10-point scale of MAL for shows they've legitimately watched all of, because anything below 5 just represents varying degrees of failure. To me, I look to how things are graded normally: 7/10 is about a B, and pretty average - not particularly great, not particularly horrible, it would be the perfectly average show from any season.

I generally watch only things I consider to be 8+, though I might occasionally watch things around 7, and might, every once in a while, get tricked into holding out hope for something I end up rating even lower. (Particularly if it's the second season of something I liked). I feel it is important, however, to let neither the hype around a show (relative to how good it actually is) nor your personal expectations for a show skew the rating you give it. (Rate it what you would give it if you watched it in a vacuum with no outside information; that's a fair rating).

In my personal life, I was chair of an anime convention for five years, and, perhaps partly due to what I've mentioned above, I try to keep my interests broad and try to see why people might like different things. I also used to play quite a bit of dance games, as you might pick up from my name.