fEast91's Profile - MyAnimeList.net (original) (raw)

Facebook is different. You'll be able to see my public posts and reply to them, but you won't be able to see posts I share with only Friends. Which is fine, really. After all, do you really want to know where I just had my coffee this morning? :P

I think Head-Fi is fine. It has quite strict mods, and certainly not everyone there are as intelligent as we'd hope. However, the Anime thread's quality and atmosphere in general is quite a bit better than the Internet average. I've been to a lot of places, so I definitely know. There is certainly narcissism going with with a few members, but no community is perfect, right?

As for the head-fi part of head-fi...well, I'm not too impressed. Most people there probably have never heard the things they talk about.

If you miss a pure anime/manga forum without oppressiveness, /a/ is your best bet where there is pretty much zero oppression unless you post about Naruto (which will get you banned). A step up is /r/anime on Reddit, which is pretty good. I frequent it a lot, but they're mostly moe-tards. I'm a moefag myself so I fit in nicely, but not sure if you'd like it. AnimeSuki is incredibly oppressive, but the level of intelligence is extremely high and the discussions are top notch. Your choice really.