flammeur's Profile - MyAnimeList.net (original) (raw)

There are no hits or misses about animes, every last one is a blessing from nature. For me, all animes are hits!
You can't handle all my virility!


1000th anime completed: Afro Ken

2000th anime completed: Akatsuki no Yona

3000th anime completed: Hidamari no Ki

Rating system: (WIP)

4pts story:
4/4: entirely original or with references from other niche medias.
3/4: original story taking some elements from overused tropes or stories.
2/4: overall unoriginal story but twists happening episodically.
1/4: unoriginal story, overused tropes.
0/4: no story, it feels like the storyboard writer went missing.
3pts soundtrack+overall sound
3/3: When remembering an anime, I remember the sound.
2/3: The anime soundtrack and sound were able to push the anime pace by themselves.
1/3: There was sound but it wasn't grand and easily forgettable
0/3: The sound is either absent or weights down the anime.
2pts characters
2/2: Characters are differents and have backstories explaining their characters.
1/2: Characters are differents.
0/2: Characters are all the same and could be interchanged.
1pt animation+overall graphism
1/1: The animation or graphisms were at least average or helped convey the anime story.
0/1: The animation or graphisms was clearly behind and did not offer anything.
1pt Message
1pt Message Quality
1pt Originality

If you know where to find any of my plan to watch/on-hold, please send me a message ♥