Passionflix Announces PassionCon 2024 Location: Puerto Rico (original) (raw)

Pack your bags, Passionistas! PassionCon is heading to Puerto Rico in 2024 and if the pictures do the location any justice, we’re in for a tropical treat.

Passionflix CEO Tosca Musk has been teasing locations all week as the team ventured from property to property scouting possible PassionCon locations. She made the announcement under a bright blue sky with palm trees and a pool in the background.

“PassionCon 2024 Puerto Rico,” she said with a Cheshire Cat-like smile on her face. “Who’s coming?”

You can see her full announcement below:

When is PassionCon 2024?

Passionflix will release the exact dates for PassionCon 2024 soon, but according to the social media posts it will take place in the spring, which puts it at just over a year from now. As soon as the dates are available, we’ll have them here for you.

The inaugural PassionCon took place in late spring 2022. Passionistas from all corners of the world gathered at the Ritz Carlton in Marina del Rey to celebrate Passionflix with fellow fans, the Passionflix teams and several actors from beloved Passionflix movies.

There were real-life Book Boyfriends, fun author panels, parties, hair and makeup sessions and an unforgettable awards ceremony. More importantly, though, it was a time to celebrate the amazing Passionflix community. For many Passionistas, it was a time to connect in real-life with friends they’ve made over the years.

There had been plans to host PassionCon in 2023 but it made sense to push the event to next year because of the busy production schedule this year. Between The Secret Life of Amy Bensen, Wait With Me, Gabriel’s Redemption and all of the other projects in the work, we can certainly understand that there’s a lot to manage and pushing the event back makes a lot of sense.

We’re excited for the official countdown to PassionCon2024 Puerto Rico to begin!