Fahmi Hamid | University Of Malaya (original) (raw)

Papers by Fahmi Hamid

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing Quality of Experience (QoE) in IM-Tahfiz Framework for Predictive Acceptance Influence of User Screening Test Meningkatkan Kualiti Pengalaman (QoE) dalam Rangka Kerja IM-Tahfiz untuk Pengaruh Penerimaan Ramalan Ujian Penapisan Pengguna


Tahfiz teaching has become progressively more conventional and is growing as an essential educati... more Tahfiz teaching has become progressively more conventional and is growing as an essential educational course. This significance is in line with the prospect above that is placed on the ability of tahfiz schools to produce Quranmemorising students who can thrive and improve the nation's Islamic education. Due to this endeavour, the tahfiz learning management process must satisfy the user QoE related to the increasing student intake issues. These issues impact this education process due to insufficient tahfiz resources, infrastructure, and facilities. This paper proposes the Integrated Management Tahfiz (IM-Tahfiz) Framework's suitability for selected education satisfaction at the empirical level. The primary purpose of this framework is about the Quality of Experience (QoE) based on user satisfaction for the screening test of stakeholder decision in selecting tahfiz centre to educate students. This framework design was implemented in three phases; data selection, where instruments and experiment setup gather resources from the mobile to the server to finalize data; user QoE setup, where the users' data is obtained by using the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) to determine this matter's solution regarding the suitability of tahfiz students to tahfiz centers; and execution phase, where both phases combine to finalize the data output. The final result illustrates the initial research question (RQ) was the factor that had effects on the problem of the tahfiz center that can be solved accordingly.

Research paper thumbnail of Integration of Uzlah and Jamai'e As A Strategy for Managing Emotional Stress During Online Learning

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic that hit the country demanded a shift in learning mode to online learning s... more The COVID-19 pandemic that hit the country demanded a shift in learning mode to online learning sessions. This learning pattern has affected students' lives' physical, mental, and emotional structure. Therefore, spiritual strengthening is needed to contribute to students' mental and spiritual development. Therefore, this study aims to highlight the integration of Uzlah and Jamaie approaches that can be practiced in students' lives as spiritual modus when dealing with emotional stress during online learning. This study focuses on descriptive qualitative methodology with research on the views of scholars regarding the effectiveness of the concepts of uzlah and jamaie in managing emotional stress. As a result, a framework of uzlah and jamaie can be applied by every student in their daily lives as a therapy to maximise all students' potential for self-advancement and the religious development of the nation and the country.

Research paper thumbnail of Integration of Uzlah and Jamai'e As A Strategy for Managing Emotional Stress During Online Learning

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic that hit the country demanded a shift in learning mode to online learning s... more The COVID-19 pandemic that hit the country demanded a shift in learning mode to online learning sessions. This learning pattern has affected students' lives' physical, mental, and emotional structure. Therefore, spiritual strengthening is needed to contribute to students' mental and spiritual development. Therefore, this study aims to highlight the integration of Uzlah and Jamaie approaches that can be practiced in students' lives as spiritual modus when dealing with emotional stress during online learning. This study focuses on descriptive qualitative methodology with research on the views of scholars regarding the effectiveness of the concepts of uzlah and jamaie in managing emotional stress. As a result, a framework of uzlah and jamaie can be applied by every student in their daily lives as a therapy to maximise all students' potential for self-advancement and the religious development of the nation and the country.

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing Quality of Experience (QoE) in IM-Tahfiz Framework for Predictive Acceptance Influence of User Screening Test Meningkatkan Kualiti Pengalaman (QoE) dalam Rangka Kerja IM-Tahfiz untuk Pengaruh Penerimaan Ramalan Ujian Penapisan Pengguna


Tahfiz teaching has become progressively more conventional and is growing as an essential educati... more Tahfiz teaching has become progressively more conventional and is growing as an essential educational course. This significance is in line with the prospect above that is placed on the ability of tahfiz schools to produce Quranmemorising students who can thrive and improve the nation's Islamic education. Due to this endeavour, the tahfiz learning management process must satisfy the user QoE related to the increasing student intake issues. These issues impact this education process due to insufficient tahfiz resources, infrastructure, and facilities. This paper proposes the Integrated Management Tahfiz (IM-Tahfiz) Framework's suitability for selected education satisfaction at the empirical level. The primary purpose of this framework is about the Quality of Experience (QoE) based on user satisfaction for the screening test of stakeholder decision in selecting tahfiz centre to educate students. This framework design was implemented in three phases; data selection, where instruments and experiment setup gather resources from the mobile to the server to finalize data; user QoE setup, where the users' data is obtained by using the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) to determine this matter's solution regarding the suitability of tahfiz students to tahfiz centers; and execution phase, where both phases combine to finalize the data output. The final result illustrates the initial research question (RQ) was the factor that had effects on the problem of the tahfiz center that can be solved accordingly.

Research paper thumbnail of A Novel 355–357delGAG Mutation and Frequency of Connexin-26 (GJB2) Mutations In Iranian Patients

Journal of genetics, 2009


Jurnal al-Hikmah UKM, 2021

Kesukaran dan perubahan dihadapi ketika ini akibat pandemik Covid 19 telah memberi kesan kepada s... more Kesukaran dan perubahan dihadapi ketika ini akibat pandemik Covid 19 telah memberi kesan kepada struktur kehidupan fizikal manusia malahan lebih teruk di peringkat emosi individu. Justeru, pengukuhan kerohanian diperlukan bagi menyumbang kepada pembangunan jiwa dan spiritual individu. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan mengetengahkan amalan zikir al-munfarid yang boleh dipraktiskan dalam kehidupan seharian sebagai suatu modus spiritual ketika berhadapan dengan tekanan diri tatkala pandemik COVID 19. Kajian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan analisis dokumen iaitu hadis berkaitan zikir sebagai sumber primer dan analisis dokumen seperti tesis, artikel dan buku sebagai sumber sekunder. Hasilnya, satu kaedah zikir dirumuskan melalui kerangka mudah untuk memahami praktikal zikir al-Munfarid yang boleh diamalkan secara lisan dan hati serta disesuaikan mengikut penetapan waktu atau tanpa penetapan waktu, dengan penetapan kadar suara perlahan atau kuat. Kaedah ini boleh diamalkan dan dipraktikkan dalam kehidupan seharian sebagai satu sokongan utama dalam meningkatkan fungsi ketenangan dan menggalakkan perasaan positif.

Research paper thumbnail of The Concept of Zuhud Based on Fiqh Al-Hadith / Konsep Zuhud Menurut Fiqh Al-Hadith

Jurnal Intelek UiTM Perlis, 2016

Zuhud in mysticism is a discipline aimed for better quality of lifestyle. The true concept of Zuh... more Zuhud in mysticism is a discipline aimed for better quality of lifestyle. The true concept of Zuhud is a modest style of living. Therefore, practitioners of mysticism need to emphasize Zuhud in their life. However, problems occur when practisioners do not implement the true concept of Zuhud in mysticism. This article elaborates on the concept of Zuhud according to al-Kitab al-Zuhud which is based on al-Kuttub al-Sittah. Using the qualitative and quantitative analysis, there were 555 hadith in the Kitab al-Zuhud based on al-Kuttub al-Sittah. 421 were hadith sahih, 53 da’if, 41 hasan, 21 hasan sahih, 11 da’if jiddan, 4 sahih lighairih, 2 mawdu’ and 2 munkar. As a conclusion, the true concept of Zuhud based on fiqh al-Hadith consists wealth and live, deeds, speeches, foods, earnings, wara’ tawadu’, redha, and be content.

Disiplin zuhud dalam ilmu tasawuf merupakan disiplin yang bertujuan menghasilkan cara hidup berkualiti. Konsep zuhud yang sebenar merupakan satu konsep kehidupan yang sederhana. Oleh yang demikian pengamal tasawuf perlu menitik beratkan amalan hidup berzuhud. Namun masalah mulai timbul apabila pengamal tidak mengamalkan konsep zuhud sebenar dalam bertasawuf. Artikel ini menghuraikan mengenai konsep zuhud menurut fiqh al-hadith zuhud dalam Kitab al-Zuhud bersumberkan al-Kutub al-Sittah. Melalui analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif, terdapat 555 hadith yang terdapat dalam kitab zuhud bersumberkan alKutub al-Sittah. 421 hadith adalah hadith sahih, 53 da’if, 41 hasan, 21 hasan sahih, 11 da’if jiddan, 4 sahih lighairih, 2 mawdu’ dan 2 munkar. Kesimpulannya, konsep zuhud menurut fiqh al-hadith meliputi harta dan kehidupan dunia, amal ibadat, percakapan, makanan, mencari rezeki, wara’ tawadu’ redha, dan pendek angan-angan.

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Integrated Management on the Development of Tarekat Tasawuf in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia / Impak Pengurusan Bersepadu ke atas Perkembangan Tarekat Tasawuf di Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

Jurnal Intelek Uitm, 2017

Tarekat tasawuf has long been established in Malaysia including in Negeri Sembilan. Tarekat has b... more Tarekat tasawuf has long been established in Malaysia including in Negeri Sembilan. Tarekat has been introduced in this state since 1900. However, at the early stage, there was no systematic and integrated management system that had been implemented. This article discusses the impact of integrated management on the development of tarekat tasawuf in Negeri Sembilan. Methodologies involved in this study include literature review, analysis of related documents and personal communication with the Registrar of Tarekat Tasawuf Jabatan Mufti Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan. The objective of this study is to examine the efficiency of tarekat management and its impact on the development of tarekat tasawuf in Negeri Sembilan. Establishment of Bahagian Tarekat Tasawuf Jabatan Mufti Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan in 2007 proves that the state government is very serious in regulating all tarekat activities in this state. The existence of the Enakmen Tarekat Tasawuf Negeri Sembilan 2005 which came into force in 2006 also played an important role as a policy used by the management to run the registration process of tarekat, the regulation control, investigation procedures and cancellation of the approval status of problematic tasawuf. The involvement of a qualified and authoritative academic Jilsah al-Turuq al-Sufiyyah also strengthens the management of tarekat tasawuf in this state. The result of integrated and systematic management shows the positive development of tarekat tasawuf in Negeri Sembilan. A total of 12 tarekat tasawuf have been legally registered and monitored by the Bahagian Tarekat Tasawuf Negeri Sembilan. Based on the latest registration recorded in 2017, there is no new addition of tarekat until todate. The existence of tarekat practicing center in Negeri Sembilan was plotted to see the distribution and centralization of tarekat centers which clearly show that Seremban is the highest in the number of tarekat practicing centers. This is likely to be related to the position of the Jabatan Mufti Negeri Sembilan that is in Seremban. Efforts undertaken by the Jabatan Mufti Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan will hopefully be emulated by other states in Malaysia in order to ensure the spreading of tarekat tasawuf coincides with Islamic law and the principles of the al-Quran and al-Sunnah and far from deviation of faith.

Tarekat tasawuf sudah lama bertapak di Malaysia termasuk di Negeri Sembilan. Tarekat dikatakan mula memasuki negeri ini bermula pada tahun 1900. Namun begitu, ketika awal kemasukan tarekat ke negeri ini, masih belum ada lagi sistem pengurusan yang sistematik dan bersepadu. Artikel ini memperihalkan kesan daripada pengurusan bersepadu ke atas perkembangan tarekat tasawuf di Negeri Sembilan. Metodologi melibatkan kajian kepustakaan, semakan dokumen berkaitan dan temubual bersama Pendaftar Tarekat, Bahagian Tarekat Tasawuf Jabatan Mufti Negeri Sembilan. Objektif kajian ialah untuk melihat keefisienan pengurusan tarekat dan impaknya terhadap perkembangan tarekat tasawuf di Negeri Sembilan. Penubuhan Bahagian Tarekat Tasawuf Jabatan Mufti Negeri Sembilan pada tahun 2007 membuktikan bahawa kerajaan negeri sangat serius dalam mengawal selia segala aktiviti tarekat di negeri ini. Kewujudan Enakmen Tarekat Tasawuf Negeri Sembilan 2005 yang mula dikuatkuasakan pada 2006 turut memainkan peranan penting sebagai satu polisi yang digunapakai oleh pihak pengurusan bagi menjalankan proses pendaftaran, pengawalan, prosedur penyiasatan dan pembatalan status kelulusan sesuatu tarekat tasawuf yang bermasalah. Penglibatan ahli akademik bertauliah dan berautoriti dalam Jilsah al-Turuq al-Sufiyyah juga memantapkan lagi pengendalian pengurusan tarekat tasawuf di negeri ini. Hasil daripada pengurusan yang bersepadu dan sistematik menunjukkan perkembangan positif tarekat tasawuf di Negeri Sembilan. Sebanyak 12 buah tarekat tasawuf telah bernaung di bawah pengurusan Bahagian Tarekat Tasawuf Negeri Sembilan. Berdasarkan kepada rekod pendaftaran terkini pada tahun 2017 tiada penambahan tarekat baru hingga kini. Kewujudan pusat pengamalan tarekat di Negeri Sembilan telah diplotkan untuk melihat taburan dan pemusatan pusat tarekat yang jelas menunjukkan daerah Seremban merupakan kawasan yang paling tinggi mempunyai pusat pengamalan tarekat. Hal ini berkemungkinan berkaitan dengan kedudukan Jabatan Mufti yang terletak di daerah Seremban. Usaha yang dilaksanakan oleh Jabatan Mufti Negeri Sembilan ini diharapkan akan dapat dijadikan contoh oleh
negeri-negeri lain di Malaysia agar semua tarekat tasawuf yang disebarkan bertepatan dengan syariat Islam dan prinsip al-Quran dan al-Sunnah serta jauh daripada penyelewengan akidah.

Research paper thumbnail of The Concept of Dhikr Based on Hadith in al-Kutub al-Sittah / Konsep Zikir Menurut Hadith Bersumberkan al-Kutub al-Sittah

ZULFAQAR Journal of Defence Management, Social Science & Humanities, 2018

Zikir merupakan amalan yang disyariatkan dalam Islam serta banyak disebutkan di dalam al-Quran da... more Zikir merupakan amalan yang disyariatkan dalam Islam serta banyak disebutkan di dalam al-Quran dan Hadith Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Peranan zikir sangat luar biasa kerana ianya boleh membersih dan menyucikan jiwa manusia serta dapat mendekatkan diri kepada Allah s.w.t. Oleh itu, untuk berzikir kepada Allah, setiap Muslim harus mengetahui konsep zikir berpandukan kepada al-Quran dan Hadith kerana ia merupakan sumber yang dijamin kesahihannya dan tidak boleh dipertikaikan. Maka, artikel ini menghuraikan konsep zikir bersumberkan hadith berkaitan zikir dalam al-Kutub al-Sittah. Fakta yang dikumpulkan daripada hadith berkaitan zikir dianalisis melalui kaedah kualitatif. Hasil menunjukkan bahawa keseluruhan hadith dalam al-Kutub al-Sittah berkaitan zikir adalah sebanyak 312 hadith (termasuk bilangan hadith berulang) iaitu 247 merupakan Hadith Sahih, 39 Hadith Daif, 16 Hadith Hasan, empat Hadith Hasan Sahih, empat Hadith Munkar dan dua Hadith Daif Jiddan. Konklusinya, konsep zikir menurut Nabi s.a.w meliputi tujuh aspek iaitu anjuran dan jenis zikir, kaedah berzikir, kadar suara, waktu, lafaz dan bilangan, tempat dan ganjaran zikir. Penemuan kajian ini boleh dijadikan rujukan berkenaan konsep zikir mengikut hadith Nabi s.a.w.

Dhikr is a practice that is prescribed in Islam and widely mentioned in the al-Quran and al-Hadith of the Prophet s.a.w. The role of dhikr is very peculiar because it can cleanse and purify the human soul and can bring human soul closer to Allah s.w.t. Every Muslim should know the concept of dhikr based on the al-Quran and al-Hadith because these two sources that are guaranteed legitimacy and cannot be disputed. This article describes the concept of dhikr according to the hadith of the Prophet s.a.w based on hadith related to dhikr in al-Kutub al-Sittah. Facts gain from this study were analyzed via quantitative and qualitative methods and results have shown that in al-Kutub al-Sittah, there were 312 hadith related to dhikr and from this total (including repeated hadith), 247 were hadith sahih, 39 were hadith daif, 16 were hadith hasan, four were hadith hasan sahih, four were hadith munkar and two were hadith daif jiddan. Conclusion, the concept of dhikr according to the Prophet s.a.w covers seven aspects namely as type, method, voice volume, timing, pronouncement, number, venue and reward of dhikr. Findings of this study can be used as a reference for dhikr's concept according to the hadith of Prophet s.a.w.

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing Quality of Experience (QoE) in IM-Tahfiz Framework for Predictive Acceptance Influence of User Screening Test Meningkatkan Kualiti Pengalaman (QoE) dalam Rangka Kerja IM-Tahfiz untuk Pengaruh Penerimaan Ramalan Ujian Penapisan Pengguna


Tahfiz teaching has become progressively more conventional and is growing as an essential educati... more Tahfiz teaching has become progressively more conventional and is growing as an essential educational course. This significance is in line with the prospect above that is placed on the ability of tahfiz schools to produce Quranmemorising students who can thrive and improve the nation's Islamic education. Due to this endeavour, the tahfiz learning management process must satisfy the user QoE related to the increasing student intake issues. These issues impact this education process due to insufficient tahfiz resources, infrastructure, and facilities. This paper proposes the Integrated Management Tahfiz (IM-Tahfiz) Framework's suitability for selected education satisfaction at the empirical level. The primary purpose of this framework is about the Quality of Experience (QoE) based on user satisfaction for the screening test of stakeholder decision in selecting tahfiz centre to educate students. This framework design was implemented in three phases; data selection, where instruments and experiment setup gather resources from the mobile to the server to finalize data; user QoE setup, where the users' data is obtained by using the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) to determine this matter's solution regarding the suitability of tahfiz students to tahfiz centers; and execution phase, where both phases combine to finalize the data output. The final result illustrates the initial research question (RQ) was the factor that had effects on the problem of the tahfiz center that can be solved accordingly.

Research paper thumbnail of Integration of Uzlah and Jamai'e As A Strategy for Managing Emotional Stress During Online Learning

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic that hit the country demanded a shift in learning mode to online learning s... more The COVID-19 pandemic that hit the country demanded a shift in learning mode to online learning sessions. This learning pattern has affected students' lives' physical, mental, and emotional structure. Therefore, spiritual strengthening is needed to contribute to students' mental and spiritual development. Therefore, this study aims to highlight the integration of Uzlah and Jamaie approaches that can be practiced in students' lives as spiritual modus when dealing with emotional stress during online learning. This study focuses on descriptive qualitative methodology with research on the views of scholars regarding the effectiveness of the concepts of uzlah and jamaie in managing emotional stress. As a result, a framework of uzlah and jamaie can be applied by every student in their daily lives as a therapy to maximise all students' potential for self-advancement and the religious development of the nation and the country.

Research paper thumbnail of Integration of Uzlah and Jamai'e As A Strategy for Managing Emotional Stress During Online Learning

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic that hit the country demanded a shift in learning mode to online learning s... more The COVID-19 pandemic that hit the country demanded a shift in learning mode to online learning sessions. This learning pattern has affected students' lives' physical, mental, and emotional structure. Therefore, spiritual strengthening is needed to contribute to students' mental and spiritual development. Therefore, this study aims to highlight the integration of Uzlah and Jamaie approaches that can be practiced in students' lives as spiritual modus when dealing with emotional stress during online learning. This study focuses on descriptive qualitative methodology with research on the views of scholars regarding the effectiveness of the concepts of uzlah and jamaie in managing emotional stress. As a result, a framework of uzlah and jamaie can be applied by every student in their daily lives as a therapy to maximise all students' potential for self-advancement and the religious development of the nation and the country.

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing Quality of Experience (QoE) in IM-Tahfiz Framework for Predictive Acceptance Influence of User Screening Test Meningkatkan Kualiti Pengalaman (QoE) dalam Rangka Kerja IM-Tahfiz untuk Pengaruh Penerimaan Ramalan Ujian Penapisan Pengguna


Tahfiz teaching has become progressively more conventional and is growing as an essential educati... more Tahfiz teaching has become progressively more conventional and is growing as an essential educational course. This significance is in line with the prospect above that is placed on the ability of tahfiz schools to produce Quranmemorising students who can thrive and improve the nation's Islamic education. Due to this endeavour, the tahfiz learning management process must satisfy the user QoE related to the increasing student intake issues. These issues impact this education process due to insufficient tahfiz resources, infrastructure, and facilities. This paper proposes the Integrated Management Tahfiz (IM-Tahfiz) Framework's suitability for selected education satisfaction at the empirical level. The primary purpose of this framework is about the Quality of Experience (QoE) based on user satisfaction for the screening test of stakeholder decision in selecting tahfiz centre to educate students. This framework design was implemented in three phases; data selection, where instruments and experiment setup gather resources from the mobile to the server to finalize data; user QoE setup, where the users' data is obtained by using the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) to determine this matter's solution regarding the suitability of tahfiz students to tahfiz centers; and execution phase, where both phases combine to finalize the data output. The final result illustrates the initial research question (RQ) was the factor that had effects on the problem of the tahfiz center that can be solved accordingly.

Research paper thumbnail of A Novel 355–357delGAG Mutation and Frequency of Connexin-26 (GJB2) Mutations In Iranian Patients

Journal of genetics, 2009


Jurnal al-Hikmah UKM, 2021

Kesukaran dan perubahan dihadapi ketika ini akibat pandemik Covid 19 telah memberi kesan kepada s... more Kesukaran dan perubahan dihadapi ketika ini akibat pandemik Covid 19 telah memberi kesan kepada struktur kehidupan fizikal manusia malahan lebih teruk di peringkat emosi individu. Justeru, pengukuhan kerohanian diperlukan bagi menyumbang kepada pembangunan jiwa dan spiritual individu. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan mengetengahkan amalan zikir al-munfarid yang boleh dipraktiskan dalam kehidupan seharian sebagai suatu modus spiritual ketika berhadapan dengan tekanan diri tatkala pandemik COVID 19. Kajian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan analisis dokumen iaitu hadis berkaitan zikir sebagai sumber primer dan analisis dokumen seperti tesis, artikel dan buku sebagai sumber sekunder. Hasilnya, satu kaedah zikir dirumuskan melalui kerangka mudah untuk memahami praktikal zikir al-Munfarid yang boleh diamalkan secara lisan dan hati serta disesuaikan mengikut penetapan waktu atau tanpa penetapan waktu, dengan penetapan kadar suara perlahan atau kuat. Kaedah ini boleh diamalkan dan dipraktikkan dalam kehidupan seharian sebagai satu sokongan utama dalam meningkatkan fungsi ketenangan dan menggalakkan perasaan positif.

Research paper thumbnail of The Concept of Zuhud Based on Fiqh Al-Hadith / Konsep Zuhud Menurut Fiqh Al-Hadith

Jurnal Intelek UiTM Perlis, 2016

Zuhud in mysticism is a discipline aimed for better quality of lifestyle. The true concept of Zuh... more Zuhud in mysticism is a discipline aimed for better quality of lifestyle. The true concept of Zuhud is a modest style of living. Therefore, practitioners of mysticism need to emphasize Zuhud in their life. However, problems occur when practisioners do not implement the true concept of Zuhud in mysticism. This article elaborates on the concept of Zuhud according to al-Kitab al-Zuhud which is based on al-Kuttub al-Sittah. Using the qualitative and quantitative analysis, there were 555 hadith in the Kitab al-Zuhud based on al-Kuttub al-Sittah. 421 were hadith sahih, 53 da’if, 41 hasan, 21 hasan sahih, 11 da’if jiddan, 4 sahih lighairih, 2 mawdu’ and 2 munkar. As a conclusion, the true concept of Zuhud based on fiqh al-Hadith consists wealth and live, deeds, speeches, foods, earnings, wara’ tawadu’, redha, and be content.

Disiplin zuhud dalam ilmu tasawuf merupakan disiplin yang bertujuan menghasilkan cara hidup berkualiti. Konsep zuhud yang sebenar merupakan satu konsep kehidupan yang sederhana. Oleh yang demikian pengamal tasawuf perlu menitik beratkan amalan hidup berzuhud. Namun masalah mulai timbul apabila pengamal tidak mengamalkan konsep zuhud sebenar dalam bertasawuf. Artikel ini menghuraikan mengenai konsep zuhud menurut fiqh al-hadith zuhud dalam Kitab al-Zuhud bersumberkan al-Kutub al-Sittah. Melalui analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif, terdapat 555 hadith yang terdapat dalam kitab zuhud bersumberkan alKutub al-Sittah. 421 hadith adalah hadith sahih, 53 da’if, 41 hasan, 21 hasan sahih, 11 da’if jiddan, 4 sahih lighairih, 2 mawdu’ dan 2 munkar. Kesimpulannya, konsep zuhud menurut fiqh al-hadith meliputi harta dan kehidupan dunia, amal ibadat, percakapan, makanan, mencari rezeki, wara’ tawadu’ redha, dan pendek angan-angan.

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Integrated Management on the Development of Tarekat Tasawuf in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia / Impak Pengurusan Bersepadu ke atas Perkembangan Tarekat Tasawuf di Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

Jurnal Intelek Uitm, 2017

Tarekat tasawuf has long been established in Malaysia including in Negeri Sembilan. Tarekat has b... more Tarekat tasawuf has long been established in Malaysia including in Negeri Sembilan. Tarekat has been introduced in this state since 1900. However, at the early stage, there was no systematic and integrated management system that had been implemented. This article discusses the impact of integrated management on the development of tarekat tasawuf in Negeri Sembilan. Methodologies involved in this study include literature review, analysis of related documents and personal communication with the Registrar of Tarekat Tasawuf Jabatan Mufti Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan. The objective of this study is to examine the efficiency of tarekat management and its impact on the development of tarekat tasawuf in Negeri Sembilan. Establishment of Bahagian Tarekat Tasawuf Jabatan Mufti Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan in 2007 proves that the state government is very serious in regulating all tarekat activities in this state. The existence of the Enakmen Tarekat Tasawuf Negeri Sembilan 2005 which came into force in 2006 also played an important role as a policy used by the management to run the registration process of tarekat, the regulation control, investigation procedures and cancellation of the approval status of problematic tasawuf. The involvement of a qualified and authoritative academic Jilsah al-Turuq al-Sufiyyah also strengthens the management of tarekat tasawuf in this state. The result of integrated and systematic management shows the positive development of tarekat tasawuf in Negeri Sembilan. A total of 12 tarekat tasawuf have been legally registered and monitored by the Bahagian Tarekat Tasawuf Negeri Sembilan. Based on the latest registration recorded in 2017, there is no new addition of tarekat until todate. The existence of tarekat practicing center in Negeri Sembilan was plotted to see the distribution and centralization of tarekat centers which clearly show that Seremban is the highest in the number of tarekat practicing centers. This is likely to be related to the position of the Jabatan Mufti Negeri Sembilan that is in Seremban. Efforts undertaken by the Jabatan Mufti Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan will hopefully be emulated by other states in Malaysia in order to ensure the spreading of tarekat tasawuf coincides with Islamic law and the principles of the al-Quran and al-Sunnah and far from deviation of faith.

Tarekat tasawuf sudah lama bertapak di Malaysia termasuk di Negeri Sembilan. Tarekat dikatakan mula memasuki negeri ini bermula pada tahun 1900. Namun begitu, ketika awal kemasukan tarekat ke negeri ini, masih belum ada lagi sistem pengurusan yang sistematik dan bersepadu. Artikel ini memperihalkan kesan daripada pengurusan bersepadu ke atas perkembangan tarekat tasawuf di Negeri Sembilan. Metodologi melibatkan kajian kepustakaan, semakan dokumen berkaitan dan temubual bersama Pendaftar Tarekat, Bahagian Tarekat Tasawuf Jabatan Mufti Negeri Sembilan. Objektif kajian ialah untuk melihat keefisienan pengurusan tarekat dan impaknya terhadap perkembangan tarekat tasawuf di Negeri Sembilan. Penubuhan Bahagian Tarekat Tasawuf Jabatan Mufti Negeri Sembilan pada tahun 2007 membuktikan bahawa kerajaan negeri sangat serius dalam mengawal selia segala aktiviti tarekat di negeri ini. Kewujudan Enakmen Tarekat Tasawuf Negeri Sembilan 2005 yang mula dikuatkuasakan pada 2006 turut memainkan peranan penting sebagai satu polisi yang digunapakai oleh pihak pengurusan bagi menjalankan proses pendaftaran, pengawalan, prosedur penyiasatan dan pembatalan status kelulusan sesuatu tarekat tasawuf yang bermasalah. Penglibatan ahli akademik bertauliah dan berautoriti dalam Jilsah al-Turuq al-Sufiyyah juga memantapkan lagi pengendalian pengurusan tarekat tasawuf di negeri ini. Hasil daripada pengurusan yang bersepadu dan sistematik menunjukkan perkembangan positif tarekat tasawuf di Negeri Sembilan. Sebanyak 12 buah tarekat tasawuf telah bernaung di bawah pengurusan Bahagian Tarekat Tasawuf Negeri Sembilan. Berdasarkan kepada rekod pendaftaran terkini pada tahun 2017 tiada penambahan tarekat baru hingga kini. Kewujudan pusat pengamalan tarekat di Negeri Sembilan telah diplotkan untuk melihat taburan dan pemusatan pusat tarekat yang jelas menunjukkan daerah Seremban merupakan kawasan yang paling tinggi mempunyai pusat pengamalan tarekat. Hal ini berkemungkinan berkaitan dengan kedudukan Jabatan Mufti yang terletak di daerah Seremban. Usaha yang dilaksanakan oleh Jabatan Mufti Negeri Sembilan ini diharapkan akan dapat dijadikan contoh oleh
negeri-negeri lain di Malaysia agar semua tarekat tasawuf yang disebarkan bertepatan dengan syariat Islam dan prinsip al-Quran dan al-Sunnah serta jauh daripada penyelewengan akidah.

Research paper thumbnail of The Concept of Dhikr Based on Hadith in al-Kutub al-Sittah / Konsep Zikir Menurut Hadith Bersumberkan al-Kutub al-Sittah

ZULFAQAR Journal of Defence Management, Social Science & Humanities, 2018

Zikir merupakan amalan yang disyariatkan dalam Islam serta banyak disebutkan di dalam al-Quran da... more Zikir merupakan amalan yang disyariatkan dalam Islam serta banyak disebutkan di dalam al-Quran dan Hadith Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Peranan zikir sangat luar biasa kerana ianya boleh membersih dan menyucikan jiwa manusia serta dapat mendekatkan diri kepada Allah s.w.t. Oleh itu, untuk berzikir kepada Allah, setiap Muslim harus mengetahui konsep zikir berpandukan kepada al-Quran dan Hadith kerana ia merupakan sumber yang dijamin kesahihannya dan tidak boleh dipertikaikan. Maka, artikel ini menghuraikan konsep zikir bersumberkan hadith berkaitan zikir dalam al-Kutub al-Sittah. Fakta yang dikumpulkan daripada hadith berkaitan zikir dianalisis melalui kaedah kualitatif. Hasil menunjukkan bahawa keseluruhan hadith dalam al-Kutub al-Sittah berkaitan zikir adalah sebanyak 312 hadith (termasuk bilangan hadith berulang) iaitu 247 merupakan Hadith Sahih, 39 Hadith Daif, 16 Hadith Hasan, empat Hadith Hasan Sahih, empat Hadith Munkar dan dua Hadith Daif Jiddan. Konklusinya, konsep zikir menurut Nabi s.a.w meliputi tujuh aspek iaitu anjuran dan jenis zikir, kaedah berzikir, kadar suara, waktu, lafaz dan bilangan, tempat dan ganjaran zikir. Penemuan kajian ini boleh dijadikan rujukan berkenaan konsep zikir mengikut hadith Nabi s.a.w.

Dhikr is a practice that is prescribed in Islam and widely mentioned in the al-Quran and al-Hadith of the Prophet s.a.w. The role of dhikr is very peculiar because it can cleanse and purify the human soul and can bring human soul closer to Allah s.w.t. Every Muslim should know the concept of dhikr based on the al-Quran and al-Hadith because these two sources that are guaranteed legitimacy and cannot be disputed. This article describes the concept of dhikr according to the hadith of the Prophet s.a.w based on hadith related to dhikr in al-Kutub al-Sittah. Facts gain from this study were analyzed via quantitative and qualitative methods and results have shown that in al-Kutub al-Sittah, there were 312 hadith related to dhikr and from this total (including repeated hadith), 247 were hadith sahih, 39 were hadith daif, 16 were hadith hasan, four were hadith hasan sahih, four were hadith munkar and two were hadith daif jiddan. Conclusion, the concept of dhikr according to the Prophet s.a.w covers seven aspects namely as type, method, voice volume, timing, pronouncement, number, venue and reward of dhikr. Findings of this study can be used as a reference for dhikr's concept according to the hadith of Prophet s.a.w.