Margarit Damyanov | National Institute of Archaeology and Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (original) (raw)
Books by Margarit Damyanov
In Bulgarian, with extensive English summary (in the attached pdf).
Аполония Понтийска заема важна позиция по морските пътища, които водят до пределите на Скития. Ос... more Аполония Понтийска заема важна позиция по морските пътища, които водят до пределите на Скития. Основан в 610 г. пр. Хр. от заселници от Милет, градът дължи богатството си на медните находища в съседната верига на Медни рид.
Превърнал се в родина на философа Анаксимандър, градът е известен в древния свят с прочутата статуя на Аполон Лечител, считан за негов покровител. Създадена през V в. пр. Хр. от известния скулптор Каламис, тя се намирала в светилището на бога на остров Св. Кирик, където мореплаватели и търговци спирали, за да получат защита и благоволение преди винаги несигурното пътуване. Скоро след създаването си, завладявайки обширна територия и благодарение на развитието на занаятчийството, Аполония разширява влиянието си навътре в Тракия, където, от класическия период, властва Одриското царство.
Старините на Аполония Понтийска от дълго време са обект на интерес, но Александър Дегранд има честта пръв да извърши научни разкопки в Созопол. Проучванията на Дегранд, който е ученик на Шарл-Франсоа Ноел Шампоазо, откривателят на Нике от Самотраки, бележат началото на една плодотворна археологическа практика, в която участват едни от най-добрите български археолози. От 2002 г. насам градът отново е в основата на научно сътрудничеството между Франция и България чрез френско-българската археологическа мисия.
За да отпразнуват тази споделена история, Министерството на културата на България и Музеят Лувър решиха да съберат за първи път произведения от Аполония, открити при археологическите разкопки. Проследявайки изледванията и основните личности, които участват в проучванията, тази изложба разкрива контурите на древния град : от светилището на Аполон, преминавайки през градското пространство, с неговото богатството и изисканост, до обширните некрополи и многобройните аристократични могили, разположени на територията където днес работят български и френски археолози.
RessourcenKulturen 12, 2020
This volume presents the results of research on pre-industrial mining in the region along the sou... more This volume presents the results of research on pre-industrial mining in the region along the south-eastern Bulgarian Black Sea coast. During rescue excavations some prehistoric settlements with traces of early copper processing were uncovered. This initiated a thorough investigation of the copper ore deposits of Burgas, Rosen and Medi Rid that were mined until recently. Their archaeometallurgical investigation was a project of the Tübingen SFB 1070 ResourceCultures. The research results include an overview of the archaeological research along the southern Bulgarian coastal zone of the Black Sea and the now flooded sites in its shore area. The timeframe ranges from the earliest use of metals in the 5th millennium BC to the period of the ‘Greek Colonisation’ and later.
Papers by Margarit Damyanov
Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia, 2024
In the last 15 years, the excavations at the island of St. Kirik offshore from Sozopol (ancient A... more In the last 15 years, the excavations at the island of St. Kirik offshore from Sozopol (ancient Apollonia Pontica) on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast have yielded thousands of fragments of Archaic Greek pottery, including a sizeable collection of drinking cups from the last decades of the 7th and the early 6th centuries BC – North Ionian hemispherical cups (“bird bowls”, “meander bowls”, etc.) and early types of South Ionian cups with everted rims (“Ionian cups”). The comparison with the assemblages from Istros, Berezan, Orgame, and Taganrog, all of them presumably earlier than Apollonia – with a traditional foundation date c.610 BC, reveals practically an identical repertoire. A couple of "anomalous” fragments that are even earlier, from the middle or third quarter of the 7th century BC, have parallels only at Berezan. The paper argues that there are grounds to suggest an earlier chronology of Apollonia’s foundation, closer to that of the other early Ionian apoikiai.
Tios/Tieion on the Southern Black Sea in the Broader Context of Pontic Archaeology, 2023
Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World, Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn, 22 – 26 May 2018, Volume 56: Sessions 11 – 12 – Single Contributions | Poster Sessions, Heidelberg University/Heidelberg University Library, 2023
P. Delev et al. (eds.). Ancient Thrace: Myth and Reality. The Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Congress of Thracology, Kazanlak, September 3-7, 2017, Volume One. Sofia, 2022
Connecting the Ancient West and East: Studies Presented to Prof. Gocha R. Tsetskhladze, Peeters, 2022
К. Ников, П. Илиева (съст.). Сборник в чест на Румяна Георгиева, 2022
2022, Ionians in the West and East. Proceedings of an International Conference Empuries / L’Escala, Spain 26–29 October 2015, Colloquia Antiqua 27
In 2011, an ancient sanctuary was identified on the Skamni Promontory at the northeastern end of ... more In 2011, an ancient sanctuary was identified on the Skamni Promontory at the northeastern end of the peninsula of the Milesian colony of Apollonia Pontica. Due to later disturbances, no substantial structures from the Archaic to Hellenistic times were preserved, but terracotta figurines and small/miniature vases predominate among the materials from the site, suggesting votive practices. The figurines are mostly of females, typical of sanctuaries of goddesses, and some of the types are often associated with the worship of Demeter and Kore. Symptomatic finds, such as kernoi and lamps, as well as the miniature vases also hint at the cult of Demeter. The sanctuary emerged in the second quarter of the 6th century BC and the votive practices continued at least to the late 4th century BC, with a decline in the Hellenistic period. This article analyses the materials from the site and its location against the larger background of the Greek world and the Greek poleis in the Pontic region. Sanctuaries of Demeter on promontories protruding into the sea are known from Miletus, Iasos, Rhodes and Thasos, and the materials from the Skamni Promontory are consistent with the picture from numerous cult places of the goddess.
AtticPOT: Attic painted pottery in ancient Thrace (6th – 4th century BC). New approaches and digital tools., 2022
Environment and Habitation around the Ancient Black Sea, 2021
Please contact the author for a complete .pdf
Environment and Habitation around the Ancient Black Sea, 2021
Please contact the authors for a complete .pdf
Environment and Habitation around the Ancient Black Sea, 2021
Please contact the authors for a complete .pdf
The Greeks and Romans in the Black Sea and the Importance of the Pontic Region for the Graeco-Roman World (7th century BC-5th century AD): 20 Years On (1997-2017) Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities (Constanţa – 18-22 September 2017), 2021
Thasos et la mer Noire aux époques classique et hellénistique: 'grandeur et décadence' d'un circu... more Thasos et la mer Noire aux époques classique et hellénistique: 'grandeur et décadence' d'un circuit économique. Thibaut Castelli From the tower of Kronos to the island of Achilles: placing Leuce in the Greek conception of heroic apotheosis ..
The Greeks and Romans in the Black Sea and the Importance of the Pontic Region for the Graeco-Roman World (7th century BC-5th century AD): 20 Years On (1997-2017) Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities (Constanţa – 18-22 September 2017), 2021
Thasos et la mer Noire aux époques classique et hellénistique: 'grandeur et décadence' d'un circu... more Thasos et la mer Noire aux époques classique et hellénistique: 'grandeur et décadence' d'un circuit économique. Thibaut Castelli From the tower of Kronos to the island of Achilles: placing Leuce in the Greek conception of heroic apotheosis ..
M. Manoledakis (ed.). Peoples in the Black Sea Region from the Archaic to the Roman Period, 2021
The paper discusses the available evidence, written and archaeological, of Macedonian presence al... more The paper discusses the available evidence, written and archaeological, of Macedonian presence along the Black Sea coast from the Thracian conquests of Philip II to the death of Lysimachus (c. 342-281 BC). The review of the scarce written sources reveals a more evenly spread data for the time of Philip and Alexander III, while all mentions for Lysimachus' reign are concentrated to the north of the Balkan Range. Odessos, Kallatis, and Istros took part in the rebellion in 313 BC, Odessos was a major base of Lysimachus by the end of the century, used by Pleistarchus in 302 BC, and the Diadoch had a 'treasury' at nearby Tirizis. Archaeological evidence create a similar picture. For example, inscribed lead sling bullets that could be related to Philip II and the governors of Alexander III (Alexander of Lyncestis and Zopyrion) have been found from Apollonia to the south to the Danube in the north. Barrel-vaulted ('Macedonian') tombs are known only from the necropoleis of Odessos and Kallatis, indicating the presence of high-ranking Macedonians, and the region from Istros to Odessos (and Mesambria) shared the same trends in the architectural decoration in the first decades of the 3rd century BC. The latter are illustrated by the bucrania with garlands that suggest a connection with Samothrace (where Lysimachus was active) and correlate well with the evidence of the cult of the Great Gods of Samothrace that comes only from the region to the north of the Balkan Range. Meanwhile, a strong impression emerges that Apollonia and possibly Mesambria were not part of Lysimachus' domain, which would appear strange having in mind that the region of the Burgas Bay was crucial for the communications between the area to the north and the core of Lysimachus' kingdom in Southeastern Thrace. A hypothetical explanation could be sought for in certain agreements between him and the Thracians to the south of the Balkan Range-one, but not necessarily the only candidate would be Seuthes III.
E. Teleaga (ed.). Funeralkultur der Thraker und Skythen des 7. bis 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. an der unteren Donau. Rahden/Westf., 2020
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliograf... more Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie, detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar. Herausgeber der Reihe: Martin Bartelheim und Thomas Scholten Der Text dieses Werkes ist unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 DE (Namensnennung -Nicht kommerziell -Keine Bearbeitung 3.0 Deutschland) veröffentlicht. Den Vertragstext der Lizenz finden Sie unter Die Abbildungen sind von dieser Lizenz ausgenommen, hier liegt das Urheberrecht beim jeweiligen Rechteinhaber. Die Online-Version dieser Publikation ist auf den Verlagswebseiten von Tübingen University Press frei verfügbar (open access). http://dx.
In Bulgarian, with extensive English summary (in the attached pdf).
Аполония Понтийска заема важна позиция по морските пътища, които водят до пределите на Скития. Ос... more Аполония Понтийска заема важна позиция по морските пътища, които водят до пределите на Скития. Основан в 610 г. пр. Хр. от заселници от Милет, градът дължи богатството си на медните находища в съседната верига на Медни рид.
Превърнал се в родина на философа Анаксимандър, градът е известен в древния свят с прочутата статуя на Аполон Лечител, считан за негов покровител. Създадена през V в. пр. Хр. от известния скулптор Каламис, тя се намирала в светилището на бога на остров Св. Кирик, където мореплаватели и търговци спирали, за да получат защита и благоволение преди винаги несигурното пътуване. Скоро след създаването си, завладявайки обширна територия и благодарение на развитието на занаятчийството, Аполония разширява влиянието си навътре в Тракия, където, от класическия период, властва Одриското царство.
Старините на Аполония Понтийска от дълго време са обект на интерес, но Александър Дегранд има честта пръв да извърши научни разкопки в Созопол. Проучванията на Дегранд, който е ученик на Шарл-Франсоа Ноел Шампоазо, откривателят на Нике от Самотраки, бележат началото на една плодотворна археологическа практика, в която участват едни от най-добрите български археолози. От 2002 г. насам градът отново е в основата на научно сътрудничеството между Франция и България чрез френско-българската археологическа мисия.
За да отпразнуват тази споделена история, Министерството на културата на България и Музеят Лувър решиха да съберат за първи път произведения от Аполония, открити при археологическите разкопки. Проследявайки изледванията и основните личности, които участват в проучванията, тази изложба разкрива контурите на древния град : от светилището на Аполон, преминавайки през градското пространство, с неговото богатството и изисканост, до обширните некрополи и многобройните аристократични могили, разположени на територията където днес работят български и френски археолози.
RessourcenKulturen 12, 2020
This volume presents the results of research on pre-industrial mining in the region along the sou... more This volume presents the results of research on pre-industrial mining in the region along the south-eastern Bulgarian Black Sea coast. During rescue excavations some prehistoric settlements with traces of early copper processing were uncovered. This initiated a thorough investigation of the copper ore deposits of Burgas, Rosen and Medi Rid that were mined until recently. Their archaeometallurgical investigation was a project of the Tübingen SFB 1070 ResourceCultures. The research results include an overview of the archaeological research along the southern Bulgarian coastal zone of the Black Sea and the now flooded sites in its shore area. The timeframe ranges from the earliest use of metals in the 5th millennium BC to the period of the ‘Greek Colonisation’ and later.
Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia, 2024
In the last 15 years, the excavations at the island of St. Kirik offshore from Sozopol (ancient A... more In the last 15 years, the excavations at the island of St. Kirik offshore from Sozopol (ancient Apollonia Pontica) on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast have yielded thousands of fragments of Archaic Greek pottery, including a sizeable collection of drinking cups from the last decades of the 7th and the early 6th centuries BC – North Ionian hemispherical cups (“bird bowls”, “meander bowls”, etc.) and early types of South Ionian cups with everted rims (“Ionian cups”). The comparison with the assemblages from Istros, Berezan, Orgame, and Taganrog, all of them presumably earlier than Apollonia – with a traditional foundation date c.610 BC, reveals practically an identical repertoire. A couple of "anomalous” fragments that are even earlier, from the middle or third quarter of the 7th century BC, have parallels only at Berezan. The paper argues that there are grounds to suggest an earlier chronology of Apollonia’s foundation, closer to that of the other early Ionian apoikiai.
Tios/Tieion on the Southern Black Sea in the Broader Context of Pontic Archaeology, 2023
Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World, Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn, 22 – 26 May 2018, Volume 56: Sessions 11 – 12 – Single Contributions | Poster Sessions, Heidelberg University/Heidelberg University Library, 2023
P. Delev et al. (eds.). Ancient Thrace: Myth and Reality. The Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Congress of Thracology, Kazanlak, September 3-7, 2017, Volume One. Sofia, 2022
Connecting the Ancient West and East: Studies Presented to Prof. Gocha R. Tsetskhladze, Peeters, 2022
К. Ников, П. Илиева (съст.). Сборник в чест на Румяна Георгиева, 2022
2022, Ionians in the West and East. Proceedings of an International Conference Empuries / L’Escala, Spain 26–29 October 2015, Colloquia Antiqua 27
In 2011, an ancient sanctuary was identified on the Skamni Promontory at the northeastern end of ... more In 2011, an ancient sanctuary was identified on the Skamni Promontory at the northeastern end of the peninsula of the Milesian colony of Apollonia Pontica. Due to later disturbances, no substantial structures from the Archaic to Hellenistic times were preserved, but terracotta figurines and small/miniature vases predominate among the materials from the site, suggesting votive practices. The figurines are mostly of females, typical of sanctuaries of goddesses, and some of the types are often associated with the worship of Demeter and Kore. Symptomatic finds, such as kernoi and lamps, as well as the miniature vases also hint at the cult of Demeter. The sanctuary emerged in the second quarter of the 6th century BC and the votive practices continued at least to the late 4th century BC, with a decline in the Hellenistic period. This article analyses the materials from the site and its location against the larger background of the Greek world and the Greek poleis in the Pontic region. Sanctuaries of Demeter on promontories protruding into the sea are known from Miletus, Iasos, Rhodes and Thasos, and the materials from the Skamni Promontory are consistent with the picture from numerous cult places of the goddess.
AtticPOT: Attic painted pottery in ancient Thrace (6th – 4th century BC). New approaches and digital tools., 2022
Environment and Habitation around the Ancient Black Sea, 2021
Please contact the author for a complete .pdf
Environment and Habitation around the Ancient Black Sea, 2021
Please contact the authors for a complete .pdf
Environment and Habitation around the Ancient Black Sea, 2021
Please contact the authors for a complete .pdf
The Greeks and Romans in the Black Sea and the Importance of the Pontic Region for the Graeco-Roman World (7th century BC-5th century AD): 20 Years On (1997-2017) Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities (Constanţa – 18-22 September 2017), 2021
Thasos et la mer Noire aux époques classique et hellénistique: 'grandeur et décadence' d'un circu... more Thasos et la mer Noire aux époques classique et hellénistique: 'grandeur et décadence' d'un circuit économique. Thibaut Castelli From the tower of Kronos to the island of Achilles: placing Leuce in the Greek conception of heroic apotheosis ..
The Greeks and Romans in the Black Sea and the Importance of the Pontic Region for the Graeco-Roman World (7th century BC-5th century AD): 20 Years On (1997-2017) Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities (Constanţa – 18-22 September 2017), 2021
Thasos et la mer Noire aux époques classique et hellénistique: 'grandeur et décadence' d'un circu... more Thasos et la mer Noire aux époques classique et hellénistique: 'grandeur et décadence' d'un circuit économique. Thibaut Castelli From the tower of Kronos to the island of Achilles: placing Leuce in the Greek conception of heroic apotheosis ..
M. Manoledakis (ed.). Peoples in the Black Sea Region from the Archaic to the Roman Period, 2021
The paper discusses the available evidence, written and archaeological, of Macedonian presence al... more The paper discusses the available evidence, written and archaeological, of Macedonian presence along the Black Sea coast from the Thracian conquests of Philip II to the death of Lysimachus (c. 342-281 BC). The review of the scarce written sources reveals a more evenly spread data for the time of Philip and Alexander III, while all mentions for Lysimachus' reign are concentrated to the north of the Balkan Range. Odessos, Kallatis, and Istros took part in the rebellion in 313 BC, Odessos was a major base of Lysimachus by the end of the century, used by Pleistarchus in 302 BC, and the Diadoch had a 'treasury' at nearby Tirizis. Archaeological evidence create a similar picture. For example, inscribed lead sling bullets that could be related to Philip II and the governors of Alexander III (Alexander of Lyncestis and Zopyrion) have been found from Apollonia to the south to the Danube in the north. Barrel-vaulted ('Macedonian') tombs are known only from the necropoleis of Odessos and Kallatis, indicating the presence of high-ranking Macedonians, and the region from Istros to Odessos (and Mesambria) shared the same trends in the architectural decoration in the first decades of the 3rd century BC. The latter are illustrated by the bucrania with garlands that suggest a connection with Samothrace (where Lysimachus was active) and correlate well with the evidence of the cult of the Great Gods of Samothrace that comes only from the region to the north of the Balkan Range. Meanwhile, a strong impression emerges that Apollonia and possibly Mesambria were not part of Lysimachus' domain, which would appear strange having in mind that the region of the Burgas Bay was crucial for the communications between the area to the north and the core of Lysimachus' kingdom in Southeastern Thrace. A hypothetical explanation could be sought for in certain agreements between him and the Thracians to the south of the Balkan Range-one, but not necessarily the only candidate would be Seuthes III.
E. Teleaga (ed.). Funeralkultur der Thraker und Skythen des 7. bis 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. an der unteren Donau. Rahden/Westf., 2020
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliograf... more Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie, detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar. Herausgeber der Reihe: Martin Bartelheim und Thomas Scholten Der Text dieses Werkes ist unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 DE (Namensnennung -Nicht kommerziell -Keine Bearbeitung 3.0 Deutschland) veröffentlicht. Den Vertragstext der Lizenz finden Sie unter Die Abbildungen sind von dieser Lizenz ausgenommen, hier liegt das Urheberrecht beim jeweiligen Rechteinhaber. Die Online-Version dieser Publikation ist auf den Verlagswebseiten von Tübingen University Press frei verfügbar (open access). http://dx.
In Memoriam Ivani Venedikov. По случай 100-годишнатата от рождението му / Годишник на Националния археологически музей, т. XIV, 2020
H. Kaba, G. Kan Şahin, B. M. Akarsu, O. Bozoğlan (eds). “Ancient Sinope and the Black Sea”. International Symposium on Sinope and Black Sea Archaeology, Proceedings Book. Sinop, 2019
Summarizing publications on the architectural terracotta and palmette antefixes in particular alr... more Summarizing publications on the architectural terracotta and palmette antefixes in particular already exist for four of the well known Greek colonies in the Black Sea – Sinope, Mesambria, Olbia, and Istros. Recent archaeological investigations in Apollonia Pontica, both on the peninsula and in the temenos on the offshore island of Sts. Kirik and Julita, uncovered new evidence that enriches the information about the types, the chronology, and the distribution of palmette antefixes in the Black Sea area from Late Archaic to Hellenistic times. The paper presents these new finds and complements them with related evidence of eaves tiles from Apollonia Pontica, when available. In addition, it offers an overview of the distribution, the types, and the production of palmette antefixes in the Black Sea, as well as of the use of palmette types on other elements of the roofing construction.
E. Manakidou, A. Avramidou (eds.). Classical Pottery of the Northern Aegean and its Periphery (480–323/300 BC). Proceedings of the International Conference, Thessaloniki, May 17–20, 2017. Thessaloniki, 2019, 623-636.
Το παρόν άρθρο πραγματεύεται ευρήματα της κλασικής εποχής από το ιερό της Δήμητρας στην Απολλωνία... more Το παρόν άρθρο πραγματεύεται ευρήματα της κλασικής εποχής από το ιερό της Δήμητρας στην Απολλωνία Ποντική (Σωζόπολη, Βουλγαρία), η ταύτιση του οποίου επιτεύχθηκε το 2011 χάρη στα αναθήματα – ειδώλια, μικκύλα αγγεία, κέρνοι κλπ. Το ιερό λειτουργούσε ήδη στο α΄ μισό του 6ου αι. π.Χ. και συνέχισε μέχρι τα ελληνιστικά χρόνια. Χαρακτηριστικά της κλασικής περιόδου είναι τα απλά, αδρά κατασκευασμένα, μικρογραφικά κλειστά αγγεία – κυρίως οινοχοΐσκες, αλλά και υδρίσκες και αμφορίσκοι. Εισάγονται ως αναθήματα πιθανώς στο α΄ μισό το 5ου αι. π.Χ. και αντικαθιστούν τις μικρές όλπες της προηγούμενης περιόδου. Λόγω του τυποποιημένου σχήματος και της απουσίας ασφαλών συμφραζομένων, είναι δύσκολο να καθοριστεί η χρονολογική ακολουθία και η τυπολογία των μικκύλων αγγείων. Παράλληλα, ένα ομοιογενές σύνολο απλών ληκύθων είχε και αυτό αναθηματική χρήση, ενώ τα υπόλοιπα κεραμικά ευρήματα αποτελούνται από διάφορα είδη μαγειρικής και σερβιρίσματος. Σε σχέση με την αρχαϊκή περίοδο, υπάρχει ορατή μείωση των αγγείων με γραπτή διακόσμηση (ερυθρόμορφα) και με υάλωμα. Κυριαρχούν τα αγγεία πόσεως και κυρίως οι τύποι του 5ου και πρώιμου 4ου αι. π.Χ. (σκύφοι), καθώς και μερικά υστερότερα παραδείγματα. Ιχθυοπινάκια και ποικίλα μπολ συμπληρώνουν το σχηματολόγιο: στα πρώτα, διακρίνονται απλά και επιχρισμένα παραδείγματα, σπανιότερα μελαμβαφή, ενώ στα δεύτερα, κυριαρχούν μικρά και μεγάλα υαλωμένα μπολ του 4ου αι. π.Χ. με έξω και έσω νεύον χείλος, αλλά και πάρα πολλά ακόσμητα που δεν μπορούν να χρονολογηθούν με ακρίβεια. Θραύματα από μαγειρικά σκεύη υποδεικνύουν την παρασκευή και κατανάλωση φαγητού στο ιερό. Παρόμοια εικόνα αναδύεται από καλύτερα γνωστά ιερά της Δήμητρας στο Βόρειο Αιγαίο, ωστόσο τα Άβδηρα αποτελούν το πλησιέστερο παράλληλο, ειδικά από τη στιγμή που έχουν βρεθεί εκεί χιλιάδες αναθηματικές υδρίσκες – σχεδόν ταυτόσημες με τα μικρογραφικά αγγεία που αφιερώθηκαν στην Απολλωνία, με μόνη εξαίρεση τις υποτυπώδεις λαβές στους ώμους.
The paper presents the East Greek pottery from the first half of the 6th c. BC, discovered at a s... more The paper presents the East Greek pottery from the first half of the 6th c. BC, discovered at a site in ancient Apollonia Pontica, identified as a sanctuary of Demeter. Although fragmentary, the materials – Ionian cups, rosette bowls, etc. – indicate it emerged in the late first or the second quarter of the 6th c. BC, which fact makes it one of the earliest positively identified sanctuaries not only in Apollonia, but in the West Pontic region as a whole.
Archaeologia Bulgarica XXVIII/3, 2024
Journal of Greek Archaeology, 2018
Editorial advisory Board . Dediche votive private attiche del IV sec. a. C. Il culto di Atena e d... more Editorial advisory Board . Dediche votive private attiche del IV sec. a. C. Il culto di Atena e delle divinità mediche ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 467 Rocco Palermo Aneta Petrova� Funerary Reliefs from the West Pontic Area (6th-1st Centuries BC) � ���������������� 469 Margarit Damyanov Maeve McHugh. The Ancient Greek Farmstead� ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 474 Anna Meens Jasna Jeličić Radonić and Miroslav Katić. Faros -osnivanje grčkog grada -I, (Pharos -the foundation of the ancient city -I) ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 477 Branko Kirigin Diana Rodríguez Pérez (ed.). Greek Art in Context: Archaeological and Art Historical Perspectives ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 483 Robin Osborne Lisa Nevett (ed.) Theoretical approaches to the archaeology of ancient Greece: manipulating material culture ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 486 Saro Wallace Dimitrios Yatromanolakis (ed.). Hellenistic François Queyrel. La Sculpture hellénistique I: forms, themes et fonctions� �������������������������������������������� 492 Judith Barringer iv Guillaume Biard. La représentation honorifique dans les cités grecques aux époques classique et hellénistique ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 494
In Bryn Mawr Classical Review (see the link).
Poster presented at the 7th International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities, Thessaloniki 2022
Poster presented at the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology,
Poster presented at the 13th International Congress of Thracology, September 3-7, 2017, Kazanlak,... more Poster presented at the 13th International Congress of Thracology, September 3-7, 2017, Kazanlak, Bulgaria