Helmy Darjanto | Untag Surabaya (original) (raw)
Papers by Helmy Darjanto
Pemilihan konstruksi dinding penahan tanah dengan perbedaan tinggi 6 meter(> 5 m) perlu dilaku... more Pemilihan konstruksi dinding penahan tanah dengan perbedaan tinggi 6 meter(> 5 m) perlu dilakukan dengan memperhatikan kriteria perancangan yang tepat, apalagi di lokasi pekerjaan, Driyorejo-Surabaya Barat, tanah dasar diklasifikasikan sebagai CH artinya jenis tanah lempung ber plastisitas tinggi (nilai PI : 31 - 73%). Selain plastisitas tinggi, hasil uji laboratorium terhadap tekanan pengembangan (Swelling Pressure) mencapai 22 ton/m2 dan yang penting lagi posisi dinding penahan tanah berada di depan (bukan pada umumnya terletak di belakang) suatu bangunan rumah toko, artinya apabila terjadi kegagalan bangunan dari konstruksi dinding penahan tanah, maka bangunan di belakangnya akan terkena dampaknya. Dengan memperhatikan aspek biaya dan keamanan maka penggunaan dinding penahan tanah dengan kombinasi konstruksi Soldier Hexagon Pile & Geotextile sebagai Soil Reinforcement bisa diterapkan. Hexagon Pile adalah tiang pancang berbentuk segi enam dan hollow, artinya secara struktur leb...
Big budget for mass concrete raft foundation volume 24,603 m3, fc35 MPa, wctitious ratio 0,4, fly... more Big budget for mass concrete raft foundation volume 24,603 m3, fc35 MPa, wctitious ratio 0,4, fly ash 15%, fresh concrete 320C, concrete using ice water. The purpose of this study, to find alternative concrete, by analyzing the Value Engineering analysis of the optimum fly ash, it is expected that the cost of concrete is more economical, with quality still achieved. The research was carried out with the research concept of comparing the above concrete with an alternative concrete optimum fly ash, with stage on stages of information, stages of functional analysis, stages of creative, evaluation stage, recommendation stage, implementation stage, the research alternative began on concrete designs, conducting experiments, analyzing fresh concrete, analyzing peak temperatures, analyzing strength and analyzing costs.The results of fly ash concrete 35%, compressive strength achieved fc 35 MPa, the cost was more efficient 12.69% than the initial cost of Rp. 24,233,955,000.00 Concrete fly as...
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology, 2021
A sturdy of building must be contain with a strong foundation, which is able to withstand the bur... more A sturdy of building must be contain with a strong foundation, which is able to withstand the burden on it; channel the load into the ground and be able to withstand external forces such as earthquakes. In this study discussed the deformation of the bore pile foundation due to horizontal load on the soil slope by using the Lpile application.The aim is to know the displacement of foundation motion due to horizontal loads using the Lpile application, Lateral bearing capacity analysis which is important aspect in the design of the foundation to anticipate the failure of the pile foundation. One method is the p-y curve, It is a development of the Beam method in the Winkler Foundation.
Permasalahan yang kerap muncul pada pembangunan suatu bangunan tinggi adalah saat pembuatan basem... more Permasalahan yang kerap muncul pada pembangunan suatu bangunan tinggi adalah saat pembuatan basement. Seperti diketahui basement adalah struktur spesifik, yang menuntut perlakuan khusus saat pembuatannya. Karenanya di perlukan suatu metode konstruksi galian basement yang dapat membuat basement tidak lagi menjadi suatu bagian yang krusial (kritis) dari keseluruhan proses pelaksanaan bangunan tinggi. Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan metode konstruksi pembuatan basement dengan cara menguraikan tentang pelaksanaan dan perbandingan dinding penahan tanah, dengan menganalisis setiap jenis pekerjaan pada pembuataan basement, yaitu : pekerjaan diapraghm wall, Secant pile, Dan ground anchor dan dewatering. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah melakukan analisis dengan menggunakan program Plaxis 8.2 adalah dipilihnya Dinding Penahan Tanah jenis Diapragm Wall sebagai perencanaan, dengan panjang sedalam 15m dan tebal 0,4m. Dari analisis stabilitas didapatkan hasil nilai defleksi maks...
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil, 2020
Developments in the calculation of foundation planning today have produced many methods and formu... more Developments in the calculation of foundation planning today have produced many methods and formulas for calculating the bearing capacity of foundations, such as the T-Z method, the Tezaghi method, the Mayerhof method, the Tomlison method, and other methods. So the purpose of this study was to determine the bearing capacity from tip movement of the foundation of each load with the T-Z method. The T-Z method explains rationally the mechanism of load transfer using a load transfer function commonly called TZ. In this method the pile foundation will be divided into several segments and the transfer function on each side segment which is a function of the shear strength of the soil and the surface properties of the side pile. From the analysis results of the TZPILE application, the bearing capacity is due to the settlement. At a settlement of 0,0001m; 0.001m; 0.0015m; 0.0025m; and 0.005m get a bearing capacity of 4.31kN; 31.69 kN; 35.6 kN; 43.44 kN; and 60.10kN. And on the reduction of ...
Engineering Solid Mechanics, 2023
Calculation plate floor concrete, using a static load which is a gravity load consisting of a liv... more Calculation plate floor concrete, using a static load which is a gravity load consisting of a live load and a dead load, with various of boundary conditions, floor slabs are orthotropic plate, and rarely account for dynamic loads due to vertical seismic loads, with other boundary conditions, such as Clamped, simply supported, ES (Elastic Support), ER (Elastic Restraint), and ESR (Elastic Support and Restraint). Analytical solution based on the Modified Bolotin Method to analyze floor slab under Vertical Peak Ground Acceleration (PGAv), the natural frequency solution based on auxiliary Levy's type problems. Dynamic vertical seismic loads using multiline, first line at 0 ≤ t < 0.5 is linear equation, second line at 0.05 ≤ t ≤ 0.15 is quadratic equation, third line 0.15 < t ≤ 0.6 is sextic equation, last line, t > 0.6 is linear equation, vertical seismic load with two conditions far fault and near fault, multi-line equation are depending on (PGAv/g). A numerical example is given, for various boundary conditions, and far fault, translational stiffness (kx, ky) and rotational stiffness (cx ,cy), from the results of plate calculations due to dynamic vertical seismic loads with 5 types of edge support, ES (elastic support) is the best result.
One of the methods has been used to identify the behavior of pile foundation while receiving axia... more One of the methods has been used to identify the behavior of pile foundation while receiving axial load is t-z method. By using T-z method, the behavior of pile foundation while transferring the axial load (load transfer, t) and settlement (z) which is called load-settlement curve could be quantified. In this research, driven pile is used with the soil is predominantly clay. TZPILE is employed to generate load-settlement curve. That load-settlement curve which were generated by TZPILE is then compared with that of Static Loading Test (SLT). According to that comparison, a load-settlement curve has been predicted (predicted SLT) if downdrag condition is applied. On the other hand, the methods of Davisson (1972), Van Der Veen (1953), andMazurkiewicz (1972) are utilized to calculate ultimate bearing capacity (Qult) and allowable bearing capacity (Qall) by interpreting the data of SLT and predicted SLT. Thereafter,evaluation of working load has been carried out by considering the settlement of load-settlement curve. The results of TZPILE show that the load-settlement curve is well predicted so then it can be adopted to predict load-settlement curve of SLT in downdragcondition. Three methods of interpreting of SLT and predicted SLT show that Qall are greater than working load, otherwise predicted SLT. Evaluations of Qall by considering the settlement show that Qall is greater than the results of Davisson (1972), Van Der Veen (1953), and Mazurkiewicz (1972). Surprisingly, all the results show that Qall is greater than working load.
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik Sipil, 2021
Kelongsoran terjadi pada ruas jalan Ir. H. Nursyirwan Ismail, Ring Road II, kota Sa-... more Kelongsoran terjadi pada ruas jalan Ir. H. Nursyirwan Ismail, Ring Road II, kota Sa- marinda, Kalimantan. Kelongsoran tersebut terjadi pada dua titik yang diselanjutnya akan disebut lereng 1 dan lereng 2. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa stabili- tas lereng dan alternatif penanganan kelongsoran menggunakan pile dan sheet pile. Data penyelidikan tanah digunakan untuk melakukan analisa pemodelan kestabilan lereng dengan metode Elemen Hingga pada program bantu Plaxis V.8.2. Hasil analisis perbaikan lereng menggunakan soldier mini pile 25x25, pada lereng 1 menghasilkan SF 2.04 dan de- formasi 26.17x10-3 m. Sedangkan pada lereng 2, didapatkan SF 2.04 dan deformasi 35.09x10-3 m. Selanjutnya untuk perbaikan menggunakan flat sheet pile concrete (FCP) dengan tipe FCP-220-6S-A, pada lereng 1 menghasilkan SF 2.02 dan deformasi 28.35x10-3 m. Sedangkan untuk lereng 2, didapatkan SF 2.05 dan deformasi 37.01x10-3 m.
Procedia Engineering, 2017
ABSTRAK KSLL karya anak bangsa yang dikategorikan sebagai fondasi dangkal dan terdiri dari dua ba... more ABSTRAK KSLL karya anak bangsa yang dikategorikan sebagai fondasi dangkal dan terdiri dari dua bagian struktur yaitu pelat dan rib sebagai pengaku, Djajaputra et al (2009) dan Pane (2011-2012), namun dari penelitian-penelitian tersebut bahwa mekanisme pengalihan beban hingga ke tanah dasar belum diteliti secara menyeluruh. Dilakukan uji beban statis/static load test (SLT) skala penuh hingga failure (60 ton) terhadap prototipe KSLL dengan dimensi 2,6m x 2,6m. Prosedur SLT (axial compressive load) mengikuti standar ASTM D 1143-81 (Reapproved 1987) dengan sistem “Quick Maintained Load Test” dan cyclic loading. Akurasi pengamatan penurunan juga menggunakan alat LVDT (Linear Variable Displacement Transducer) selain dengan 8 buah dial gauge dengan ketelitian 0,01 mm dan akurasi pembebanan menggunakan alat load cell dengan kapasitas 500 ton. Pemasangan strain gauge pada tulangan rib dan pelat, juga pada permukaan beton sisi rib dilakukan untuk mengamati regangan yang terjadi pada tulangan ...
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil (JRS-Unand), 2011
The numerical simulation of raft-pile foundations subjected to vertical load is presented in this... more The numerical simulation of raft-pile foundations subjected to vertical load is presented in this paper. For comparison study, numerical models of single raft and pile groups are completed. The numerical models are adopting the elastic constitutive law for the materials. The stresses and vertical displacement of the models are observed. The behaviour of the raft-pile foundation compared to the pile-group is then investigated. The results using the same external load show that the raft-pile foundation has smallest displacement compared to the others. In terms of stresses, the raft shows contribution of the load transfer to the underneath soil as well as the piles. Moreover, the behaviour of the raft-pile system appears to be a combination of the pile-group and the single raft. In order to estimate the bearing capacity of the raft-pile system, it is suggested that the contribution of the raft should be included in addition of the piles’. Keywords: raft-pile foundation, soil-structure ...
ABSTRAK Kasus kegagalan konstruksi Dinding Penahan Tanah (DPT) suatu rumah mewah di atas tanah lu... more ABSTRAK Kasus kegagalan konstruksi Dinding Penahan Tanah (DPT) suatu rumah mewah di atas tanah lunak diduga terjadinya dikarenakan lemahnya informasi penyelidikan tanah. Keruntuhan ter-jadi saat DPT setinggi 2,5 m selang 2 tahun ditinggikan menjadi 5 m. Dari hasil penyelidikan tanah setelah mengalami kegagalan konstruksi bahwa di lokasi proyek hasil stratigrafi lapisan tanah menggambarkan adanya lapisan tanah lempung lunak (NSPT = 2 - 5) setebal 6 meter yang terbentuk di atas lapisan cemented sand dengan nilai NSPT > 60. Kemudian selain stratigrafi lapisan tanah tersebut juga ada perbedaan muka air tanah dari hasil penyelidikan dan gambar desain sebesar 1,7 meter (muka air tanah berada 5 m – 6,7 m dari permukaan tanah). Diduga perbedaan ini terjadi akibat adanya fluktuasi muka air tanah (m-a-t) pada da-nau di sekitar proyek. Dampak adanya fluktuasi ini bisa menurunkan kuat geser tanah. Oleh karena lemahnya informasi penyelidikan tanah maka penggunaan soldier strauss yang ujung st...
Jurnal Teknik Sipil, Apr 1, 2013
telah mengakibatkan terjadinya likuifaksi pada beberapa lokasi di kota Padang. Daerah-daerah yang... more telah mengakibatkan terjadinya likuifaksi pada beberapa lokasi di kota Padang. Daerah-daerah yang terlikuifaksi berada di sekitar aliran sungai atau dekat tepi pantai. Untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai gradasi butiran tanah terlikuifaksi, telah dilakukan analisis saringan terhadap sampel tanah terlikuifaksi. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian tersebut dan data pengeboran, dilakukan penelusuran kembali potensi likuifaksi untuk lapisan tanah disekitar Pantai Padang. Penyelidikan tanah dengan menggunakan mesin bor dan pengujian penetrasi standar hingga kedalaman tanah keras telah dilakukan pada lokasi tersebut. Selanjutnya gradasi butiran tanah pada kedalaman-kedalaman tertentu dianalisis dengan cara membandingkan kurva gradasi butiran tanah dengan kurva potensi likuifaksi. Hasil penelusuran potensi likuifaksi untuk daerah Pantai Padang menhasilkan bahwa gradasi butiran tanah dilokasi tersebut memiliki potensi likuifaksi. Hasil tersebut dikompilasikan dengan analisis potensi likuifaksi berdasarkan nilai pukulan penetrasi standar. Kedalaman tanah yang berpotensi terlikuifaksi untuk Pantai Padang berada pada lapisan dengan kedalaman kurang dari 10m.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil, Jun 5, 2010
Jurnal Teknologi, 2015
The Spider Net System Footing (SNSF) is a raft foundation system that commonly used in Indonesia.... more The Spider Net System Footing (SNSF) is a raft foundation system that commonly used in Indonesia. It contains a plate, downward ribs system for reinforcement, and the compacted filled soil. The ribs are in longitudinal and transversal, called as settlement rib and in diagonal direction, named as construction rib. This paper explores the load transfer mechanism along the plate, the ribs, filled soil and the base soil under the footing system. The mechanism is investigated by conducting full scale static load test on SNSF. Strain gauges were installed to monitor the strain increment of each footing elements during loading. 3D numerical analysis was also conducted to verify the experimental results. To analyze the results, Load-Ultimate Ratio Factor (L-URF) was proposed. L-URF was a ratio between ultimate soil bearing capacity of the SNSF and the applied loading at specific element. Higher the L-URF value means higher loading applied at its associate element. Both experimental and nume...
Jurnal Teknologi, 2015
The Spider Net System Footing (SNSF) is a raft foundation system that commonly used in Indonesia.... more The Spider Net System Footing (SNSF) is a raft foundation system that commonly used in Indonesia. It contains a plate, downward ribs system for reinforcement, and the compacted filled soil. The ribs are in longitudinal and transversal, called as settlement rib and in diagonal direction, named as construction rib. This paper explores the load transfer mechanism along the plate, the ribs, filled soil and the base soil under the footing system. The mechanism is investigated by conducting full scale static load test on SNSF. Strain gauges were installed to monitor the strain increment of each footing elements during loading. 3D numerical analysis was also conducted to verify the experimental results. To analyze the results, Load-Ultimate Ratio Factor (L-URF) was proposed. L-URF was a ratio between ultimate soil bearing capacity of the SNSF and the applied loading at specific element. Higher the L-URF value means higher loading applied at its associate element. Both experimental and nume...
Pemilihan konstruksi dinding penahan tanah dengan perbedaan tinggi 6 meter(> 5 m) perlu dilaku... more Pemilihan konstruksi dinding penahan tanah dengan perbedaan tinggi 6 meter(> 5 m) perlu dilakukan dengan memperhatikan kriteria perancangan yang tepat, apalagi di lokasi pekerjaan, Driyorejo-Surabaya Barat, tanah dasar diklasifikasikan sebagai CH artinya jenis tanah lempung ber plastisitas tinggi (nilai PI : 31 - 73%). Selain plastisitas tinggi, hasil uji laboratorium terhadap tekanan pengembangan (Swelling Pressure) mencapai 22 ton/m2 dan yang penting lagi posisi dinding penahan tanah berada di depan (bukan pada umumnya terletak di belakang) suatu bangunan rumah toko, artinya apabila terjadi kegagalan bangunan dari konstruksi dinding penahan tanah, maka bangunan di belakangnya akan terkena dampaknya. Dengan memperhatikan aspek biaya dan keamanan maka penggunaan dinding penahan tanah dengan kombinasi konstruksi Soldier Hexagon Pile & Geotextile sebagai Soil Reinforcement bisa diterapkan. Hexagon Pile adalah tiang pancang berbentuk segi enam dan hollow, artinya secara struktur leb...
Big budget for mass concrete raft foundation volume 24,603 m3, fc35 MPa, wctitious ratio 0,4, fly... more Big budget for mass concrete raft foundation volume 24,603 m3, fc35 MPa, wctitious ratio 0,4, fly ash 15%, fresh concrete 320C, concrete using ice water. The purpose of this study, to find alternative concrete, by analyzing the Value Engineering analysis of the optimum fly ash, it is expected that the cost of concrete is more economical, with quality still achieved. The research was carried out with the research concept of comparing the above concrete with an alternative concrete optimum fly ash, with stage on stages of information, stages of functional analysis, stages of creative, evaluation stage, recommendation stage, implementation stage, the research alternative began on concrete designs, conducting experiments, analyzing fresh concrete, analyzing peak temperatures, analyzing strength and analyzing costs.The results of fly ash concrete 35%, compressive strength achieved fc 35 MPa, the cost was more efficient 12.69% than the initial cost of Rp. 24,233,955,000.00 Concrete fly as...
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology, 2021
A sturdy of building must be contain with a strong foundation, which is able to withstand the bur... more A sturdy of building must be contain with a strong foundation, which is able to withstand the burden on it; channel the load into the ground and be able to withstand external forces such as earthquakes. In this study discussed the deformation of the bore pile foundation due to horizontal load on the soil slope by using the Lpile application.The aim is to know the displacement of foundation motion due to horizontal loads using the Lpile application, Lateral bearing capacity analysis which is important aspect in the design of the foundation to anticipate the failure of the pile foundation. One method is the p-y curve, It is a development of the Beam method in the Winkler Foundation.
Permasalahan yang kerap muncul pada pembangunan suatu bangunan tinggi adalah saat pembuatan basem... more Permasalahan yang kerap muncul pada pembangunan suatu bangunan tinggi adalah saat pembuatan basement. Seperti diketahui basement adalah struktur spesifik, yang menuntut perlakuan khusus saat pembuatannya. Karenanya di perlukan suatu metode konstruksi galian basement yang dapat membuat basement tidak lagi menjadi suatu bagian yang krusial (kritis) dari keseluruhan proses pelaksanaan bangunan tinggi. Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan metode konstruksi pembuatan basement dengan cara menguraikan tentang pelaksanaan dan perbandingan dinding penahan tanah, dengan menganalisis setiap jenis pekerjaan pada pembuataan basement, yaitu : pekerjaan diapraghm wall, Secant pile, Dan ground anchor dan dewatering. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah melakukan analisis dengan menggunakan program Plaxis 8.2 adalah dipilihnya Dinding Penahan Tanah jenis Diapragm Wall sebagai perencanaan, dengan panjang sedalam 15m dan tebal 0,4m. Dari analisis stabilitas didapatkan hasil nilai defleksi maks...
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil, 2020
Developments in the calculation of foundation planning today have produced many methods and formu... more Developments in the calculation of foundation planning today have produced many methods and formulas for calculating the bearing capacity of foundations, such as the T-Z method, the Tezaghi method, the Mayerhof method, the Tomlison method, and other methods. So the purpose of this study was to determine the bearing capacity from tip movement of the foundation of each load with the T-Z method. The T-Z method explains rationally the mechanism of load transfer using a load transfer function commonly called TZ. In this method the pile foundation will be divided into several segments and the transfer function on each side segment which is a function of the shear strength of the soil and the surface properties of the side pile. From the analysis results of the TZPILE application, the bearing capacity is due to the settlement. At a settlement of 0,0001m; 0.001m; 0.0015m; 0.0025m; and 0.005m get a bearing capacity of 4.31kN; 31.69 kN; 35.6 kN; 43.44 kN; and 60.10kN. And on the reduction of ...
Engineering Solid Mechanics, 2023
Calculation plate floor concrete, using a static load which is a gravity load consisting of a liv... more Calculation plate floor concrete, using a static load which is a gravity load consisting of a live load and a dead load, with various of boundary conditions, floor slabs are orthotropic plate, and rarely account for dynamic loads due to vertical seismic loads, with other boundary conditions, such as Clamped, simply supported, ES (Elastic Support), ER (Elastic Restraint), and ESR (Elastic Support and Restraint). Analytical solution based on the Modified Bolotin Method to analyze floor slab under Vertical Peak Ground Acceleration (PGAv), the natural frequency solution based on auxiliary Levy's type problems. Dynamic vertical seismic loads using multiline, first line at 0 ≤ t < 0.5 is linear equation, second line at 0.05 ≤ t ≤ 0.15 is quadratic equation, third line 0.15 < t ≤ 0.6 is sextic equation, last line, t > 0.6 is linear equation, vertical seismic load with two conditions far fault and near fault, multi-line equation are depending on (PGAv/g). A numerical example is given, for various boundary conditions, and far fault, translational stiffness (kx, ky) and rotational stiffness (cx ,cy), from the results of plate calculations due to dynamic vertical seismic loads with 5 types of edge support, ES (elastic support) is the best result.
One of the methods has been used to identify the behavior of pile foundation while receiving axia... more One of the methods has been used to identify the behavior of pile foundation while receiving axial load is t-z method. By using T-z method, the behavior of pile foundation while transferring the axial load (load transfer, t) and settlement (z) which is called load-settlement curve could be quantified. In this research, driven pile is used with the soil is predominantly clay. TZPILE is employed to generate load-settlement curve. That load-settlement curve which were generated by TZPILE is then compared with that of Static Loading Test (SLT). According to that comparison, a load-settlement curve has been predicted (predicted SLT) if downdrag condition is applied. On the other hand, the methods of Davisson (1972), Van Der Veen (1953), andMazurkiewicz (1972) are utilized to calculate ultimate bearing capacity (Qult) and allowable bearing capacity (Qall) by interpreting the data of SLT and predicted SLT. Thereafter,evaluation of working load has been carried out by considering the settlement of load-settlement curve. The results of TZPILE show that the load-settlement curve is well predicted so then it can be adopted to predict load-settlement curve of SLT in downdragcondition. Three methods of interpreting of SLT and predicted SLT show that Qall are greater than working load, otherwise predicted SLT. Evaluations of Qall by considering the settlement show that Qall is greater than the results of Davisson (1972), Van Der Veen (1953), and Mazurkiewicz (1972). Surprisingly, all the results show that Qall is greater than working load.
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik Sipil, 2021
Kelongsoran terjadi pada ruas jalan Ir. H. Nursyirwan Ismail, Ring Road II, kota Sa-... more Kelongsoran terjadi pada ruas jalan Ir. H. Nursyirwan Ismail, Ring Road II, kota Sa- marinda, Kalimantan. Kelongsoran tersebut terjadi pada dua titik yang diselanjutnya akan disebut lereng 1 dan lereng 2. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa stabili- tas lereng dan alternatif penanganan kelongsoran menggunakan pile dan sheet pile. Data penyelidikan tanah digunakan untuk melakukan analisa pemodelan kestabilan lereng dengan metode Elemen Hingga pada program bantu Plaxis V.8.2. Hasil analisis perbaikan lereng menggunakan soldier mini pile 25x25, pada lereng 1 menghasilkan SF 2.04 dan de- formasi 26.17x10-3 m. Sedangkan pada lereng 2, didapatkan SF 2.04 dan deformasi 35.09x10-3 m. Selanjutnya untuk perbaikan menggunakan flat sheet pile concrete (FCP) dengan tipe FCP-220-6S-A, pada lereng 1 menghasilkan SF 2.02 dan deformasi 28.35x10-3 m. Sedangkan untuk lereng 2, didapatkan SF 2.05 dan deformasi 37.01x10-3 m.
Procedia Engineering, 2017
ABSTRAK KSLL karya anak bangsa yang dikategorikan sebagai fondasi dangkal dan terdiri dari dua ba... more ABSTRAK KSLL karya anak bangsa yang dikategorikan sebagai fondasi dangkal dan terdiri dari dua bagian struktur yaitu pelat dan rib sebagai pengaku, Djajaputra et al (2009) dan Pane (2011-2012), namun dari penelitian-penelitian tersebut bahwa mekanisme pengalihan beban hingga ke tanah dasar belum diteliti secara menyeluruh. Dilakukan uji beban statis/static load test (SLT) skala penuh hingga failure (60 ton) terhadap prototipe KSLL dengan dimensi 2,6m x 2,6m. Prosedur SLT (axial compressive load) mengikuti standar ASTM D 1143-81 (Reapproved 1987) dengan sistem “Quick Maintained Load Test” dan cyclic loading. Akurasi pengamatan penurunan juga menggunakan alat LVDT (Linear Variable Displacement Transducer) selain dengan 8 buah dial gauge dengan ketelitian 0,01 mm dan akurasi pembebanan menggunakan alat load cell dengan kapasitas 500 ton. Pemasangan strain gauge pada tulangan rib dan pelat, juga pada permukaan beton sisi rib dilakukan untuk mengamati regangan yang terjadi pada tulangan ...
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil (JRS-Unand), 2011
The numerical simulation of raft-pile foundations subjected to vertical load is presented in this... more The numerical simulation of raft-pile foundations subjected to vertical load is presented in this paper. For comparison study, numerical models of single raft and pile groups are completed. The numerical models are adopting the elastic constitutive law for the materials. The stresses and vertical displacement of the models are observed. The behaviour of the raft-pile foundation compared to the pile-group is then investigated. The results using the same external load show that the raft-pile foundation has smallest displacement compared to the others. In terms of stresses, the raft shows contribution of the load transfer to the underneath soil as well as the piles. Moreover, the behaviour of the raft-pile system appears to be a combination of the pile-group and the single raft. In order to estimate the bearing capacity of the raft-pile system, it is suggested that the contribution of the raft should be included in addition of the piles’. Keywords: raft-pile foundation, soil-structure ...
ABSTRAK Kasus kegagalan konstruksi Dinding Penahan Tanah (DPT) suatu rumah mewah di atas tanah lu... more ABSTRAK Kasus kegagalan konstruksi Dinding Penahan Tanah (DPT) suatu rumah mewah di atas tanah lunak diduga terjadinya dikarenakan lemahnya informasi penyelidikan tanah. Keruntuhan ter-jadi saat DPT setinggi 2,5 m selang 2 tahun ditinggikan menjadi 5 m. Dari hasil penyelidikan tanah setelah mengalami kegagalan konstruksi bahwa di lokasi proyek hasil stratigrafi lapisan tanah menggambarkan adanya lapisan tanah lempung lunak (NSPT = 2 - 5) setebal 6 meter yang terbentuk di atas lapisan cemented sand dengan nilai NSPT > 60. Kemudian selain stratigrafi lapisan tanah tersebut juga ada perbedaan muka air tanah dari hasil penyelidikan dan gambar desain sebesar 1,7 meter (muka air tanah berada 5 m – 6,7 m dari permukaan tanah). Diduga perbedaan ini terjadi akibat adanya fluktuasi muka air tanah (m-a-t) pada da-nau di sekitar proyek. Dampak adanya fluktuasi ini bisa menurunkan kuat geser tanah. Oleh karena lemahnya informasi penyelidikan tanah maka penggunaan soldier strauss yang ujung st...
Jurnal Teknik Sipil, Apr 1, 2013
telah mengakibatkan terjadinya likuifaksi pada beberapa lokasi di kota Padang. Daerah-daerah yang... more telah mengakibatkan terjadinya likuifaksi pada beberapa lokasi di kota Padang. Daerah-daerah yang terlikuifaksi berada di sekitar aliran sungai atau dekat tepi pantai. Untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai gradasi butiran tanah terlikuifaksi, telah dilakukan analisis saringan terhadap sampel tanah terlikuifaksi. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian tersebut dan data pengeboran, dilakukan penelusuran kembali potensi likuifaksi untuk lapisan tanah disekitar Pantai Padang. Penyelidikan tanah dengan menggunakan mesin bor dan pengujian penetrasi standar hingga kedalaman tanah keras telah dilakukan pada lokasi tersebut. Selanjutnya gradasi butiran tanah pada kedalaman-kedalaman tertentu dianalisis dengan cara membandingkan kurva gradasi butiran tanah dengan kurva potensi likuifaksi. Hasil penelusuran potensi likuifaksi untuk daerah Pantai Padang menhasilkan bahwa gradasi butiran tanah dilokasi tersebut memiliki potensi likuifaksi. Hasil tersebut dikompilasikan dengan analisis potensi likuifaksi berdasarkan nilai pukulan penetrasi standar. Kedalaman tanah yang berpotensi terlikuifaksi untuk Pantai Padang berada pada lapisan dengan kedalaman kurang dari 10m.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil, Jun 5, 2010
Jurnal Teknologi, 2015
The Spider Net System Footing (SNSF) is a raft foundation system that commonly used in Indonesia.... more The Spider Net System Footing (SNSF) is a raft foundation system that commonly used in Indonesia. It contains a plate, downward ribs system for reinforcement, and the compacted filled soil. The ribs are in longitudinal and transversal, called as settlement rib and in diagonal direction, named as construction rib. This paper explores the load transfer mechanism along the plate, the ribs, filled soil and the base soil under the footing system. The mechanism is investigated by conducting full scale static load test on SNSF. Strain gauges were installed to monitor the strain increment of each footing elements during loading. 3D numerical analysis was also conducted to verify the experimental results. To analyze the results, Load-Ultimate Ratio Factor (L-URF) was proposed. L-URF was a ratio between ultimate soil bearing capacity of the SNSF and the applied loading at specific element. Higher the L-URF value means higher loading applied at its associate element. Both experimental and nume...
Jurnal Teknologi, 2015
The Spider Net System Footing (SNSF) is a raft foundation system that commonly used in Indonesia.... more The Spider Net System Footing (SNSF) is a raft foundation system that commonly used in Indonesia. It contains a plate, downward ribs system for reinforcement, and the compacted filled soil. The ribs are in longitudinal and transversal, called as settlement rib and in diagonal direction, named as construction rib. This paper explores the load transfer mechanism along the plate, the ribs, filled soil and the base soil under the footing system. The mechanism is investigated by conducting full scale static load test on SNSF. Strain gauges were installed to monitor the strain increment of each footing elements during loading. 3D numerical analysis was also conducted to verify the experimental results. To analyze the results, Load-Ultimate Ratio Factor (L-URF) was proposed. L-URF was a ratio between ultimate soil bearing capacity of the SNSF and the applied loading at specific element. Higher the L-URF value means higher loading applied at its associate element. Both experimental and nume...