Naming Your Baby (original) (raw)

First, I'm so glad to find this community. I really wasn't into the other baby names community since nobody actually seemed to be TTC, pregnant or adopting over there. Weird.

Anyhoo, I'm almost to 11 weeks at this point, so we've still got a lot of time and things are subject to change, but I thought I'd throw these out there for some thoughts.

Julian Charles
Riley Charles (see my recent post on the pregnant community about drama surrounding this name)

Elura Charlotte
Emmaline Elura
Emmaline Charlotte
Annalise Elura

I can't find Elura on any baby name site. It was my great-great-grandmother's name. My husband's father was Charles, and he has since passed - we would like to honor him. Charlotte is also nod to Charles (female form). We're not into Charles or Charlotte as first names, but I really like them as middle names. I found Emmaline from a baby name site but it was Emmeline and I like it with an "a" in the middle better - then she could be Emma for short. (Plus if you say "Emmeline" doesn't it just sound like it should have an "a" if you didn't know how to spell it?)

Also, why can't we find more boy names we like? Anyone else in that boat? I'm just not into as many boy's names as I am girl's.

Oh, I guess I should add that we're looking for something not totally common, but not totally different/unusual.