nanomites (original) (raw)

Title: MARS Corporate Christmas Party

Summary: Movie-verse. Supposed to be a festive-season fic but I didn't finish it in time.

Zartan swaps Rex's pain meds with something special, and McCullen gets drunk.

Rating: NC-17 for smut.

Warnings: Smut, drugs and alcohol, Lady Gaga


This community is so dead but I still love it anyway. Hoping the new GI Joe movie will breathe some life into it since Renegades got cancelled before it got the chance to breed many plotbunnies or a slash fandom.

( Under the cutCollapse )

Destro's had a very tiring business trip, so of course he needs a present to cheer him up. (Part 1 of 2)


A day off, but still, I tried.

Happy holidays, LJvipers!

(Edited for my obsessive tweaking.)

Well, this has been a great means of procrastination.
Take them if you like them; yell at me in the comments if I need to take them down for whatever reason. You guys know the drill.
bernie_laraemie , you spawned an animated icon with your commentary amazingness.


( 33 Icons Under Here...Collapse )

Destro has aquaphobia, quite understandable given the usual fate of underwater doom fortresses.

This way, little moth...

The second part of today's nice chunk of terrible. Cameo alert.

Follow the fake cut for the conclusion...

CC is in a bit of a snit, so Destro is taking him on an outing to go visit the troops.
Two-parter due to length.

Follow the fake cut to M.A.R.S...

Good news, everyone!

I did say that the reason for my inhumane delay in story completion was cupcake-related. As the cupcakes were CC/Destro related (and delicious), I shall now give proof of their fabulousness and relevance to gay snake-obsessives.
( The gay! It's BLINDING!Collapse )
And in other news, a community has been set up for photo comics. Please feel free to join and post, if you like; click the nice picture below to go have a look. I wanted "life_on_M.A.R.S" but LJ denied me.

Title: More Than God (4/4)
Author: Daemonikk
Summary: Based on velvetmafia's prompt (#1 of 27) "Everything is for sale."
Rating: R. Rather R, yes.
Notes: FINALLY, the last piece with these devious darlings. Sorry it took a while, I kept getting distracted. Don't judge me, there were cupcakes. With cobras on them.

( Going once, going twice...Collapse )

Title: More Than God (3/4)
Author: Daemonikk
Summary: Based on velvetmafia's prompt (#1 of 27) "Everything is for sale."
Rating: R, the most lovely of ratings.
Notes: Poor Rex. He tries so hard.

( Let's rock and roll with this one, shall weCollapse )

ONE MORE LEFT AFTER THIS Oh God my hands....