Igor Zagorodniuk | National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (original) (raw)
Papers by Igor Zagorodniuk
Proceedings of the Theriological School, 2016
The "Ground Hare" in Eastern Europe: Ochotona or Allactaga?-Zagorodniuk, I.-The analysis of verna... more The "Ground Hare" in Eastern Europe: Ochotona or Allactaga?-Zagorodniuk, I.-The analysis of vernacular names, chronicles and zoological data is carried out. It is shown that the use of nomen "ground hare" is associated with two independent objects. The first one is Ochotona pusilla, described as Lepus pusillus with vernacular names "chekalka" (because of its voice) and "zemlianyj zaitchik" (= ground leveret, because of its lifestyle). The second one is Allactaga major, described as Dipus jaculus with vernacular names "ground hare" and "tushkanchik" (= jerboa). In case of Ochotona, the name "hare" is associated with their similarity to lagomorphs, while in case of Allactaga it is linked with the behavior (jumper). Summarization of data confirms the wide distribution of Ochotona in the region in the past, so the name "ground hare" may be associated exactly with this species. Currently there is a similar reduction in the western segment of the range of Allactaga. It is assumed that in periods of dispersal of Ochotona, the species could acquire economic value (particularly as a possible game species or a possible carrier of plague) and because of that received its own names, among which, obviously, "chekalka" is the oldest one.
Наукові записки. Серія Біологія, Jun 30, 2023
were studied. The insects were collected by the students during their teacher training and also b... more were studied. The insects were collected by the students during their teacher training and also by the amateur entomologists during 2000-2020. These insects are in the collections of The Botany and Zoology Department. The species composition of the collected insects was analyzed. There are 202 individuals of Nimphalinae subfamily. Identified insects belong to five genus (Vanessa, Inachis, Agаlis, Polygonia, Nymphalis). The largest number of individuals of this subfamily was calculated (Inachis io-75, Vanessa atalanta-52, Cynthia cardui-45). Also 13 individuals of Agаlis urticae and 12 individuals of Polygonia c-album were found. All species of Rhopalocera of European fauna are in The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. Most of them are classified as Least Concern (LC). Widespread, numerous and common species of the Nimphalinae subfamily were found in the funds of The Botany and Zoology Department. Identified species belong to the LC category of The IUCN Red List. The Compton tortoiseshell (Nymphalis vaualbum) is included in The Red Data Book of Ukraine (2009). Its conservation status is invaluable. Nymphalis vaualbum was not found in the entomological collections of The Botany and Zoology Department of TNPU.
Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum, 2021
The history of research on ground squirrels as pests is described in detail in the light of recon... more The history of research on ground squirrels as pests is described in detail in the light of reconstruction of the history and specifics of zoological institutions of Kyiv in 1941-1944, including the Institute of Plant Protection and its Zoological Museum. Data from five different groups of sources were analyzed such as publications, collections, personal files (including KGB) and interviews of participants in those events. It is shown that ground squirrels were one of the main research objects at the Institute of Plant Protection, which was established by the occupation regime in 1942-1943 on the basis of the Institute of Zoology and the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. Based on studies of the distribution and variability of ground squirrels of the group Spermophilus "suslicus", two articles were published after the war describing new forms, including the Volyn subspecies, published by E. Reshetnyk in the USSR (1946) and by E. Scharlemann in Germany (1952). The history of (probable) transfers of the ground squirrel collection is analyzed and the measures that had been taken to prevent their export to Poznan and further to Germany in the autumn of 1943 are clarified. It is shown that part of the ground squirrel type series described in various publications is identical, but it was most likely either not exported or returned quickly. Various facts about the movements of collections based on memories of the participants of those events are analyzed.
I. Zagorodniuk, T. Postawa SPATIAL AND ECOMORPHOLOGICAL DIVERGENCE OF PLECOTUS SIBLING SPECIES (M... more I. Zagorodniuk, T. Postawa SPATIAL AND ECOMORPHOLOGICAL DIVERGENCE OF PLECOTUS SIBLING SPECIES (MAMMALIA) IN SYMPATRY ZONE IN EASTERN EUROPE Загороднюк І., Постава Т. Просторова та екоморфологічна дивергенція видів-двійників Plecotus (Mammalia) у зоні симпатрії у Східній Європі // Наук. зап. Держ. природознавч. музею.-Львів, 2007.-Вип. 23.-С. 215-224. Рід вуханів представлений у фауні регіону двома видами, P. auritus та P. austriacus, що формують широку зону симпатрії у західних областях України. За краніометричними ознаками (таких 23) види є дуже подібними і мають середню відмінність за коефіцієнтом дивергенції Майра CD=2,42, а за відношенням Хатчінсона-HR=1,076. Максимальні розходження видів за обома показниками стосуються лише трьох: довжини слухового барабану Bul (CD=4,60, HR=1,16), довжини верхнього зубного ряду CM3 (CD=4,10, HR=1,112) та нижнього зубного ряду, im3 (CD=4,04, HR=1,12). Ці дані свідчать про початкові стадії диференціації видів за ознаками, явно пов'язаними з трофікою та загалом з харчодобувною активністю. Досягнення і перевищення критичних значень має місце лише за однією (першою) ознакою, що свідчить про значну схожість видів за екологічними преференціями.
Novitates theriologicae, Nov 11, 2022
ZAGORODNIUK, I. Theriology and mammalogists in Ukraine in the 1970s-2020s (from the editor).-The ... more ZAGORODNIUK, I. Theriology and mammalogists in Ukraine in the 1970s-2020s (from the editor).-The publication about modern mammalogists contains an overview of the biography and achievements of senior colleagues (60+), thanks to whom modern scientific schools and centres, research directions and traditions in social work were formed. The features of the galaxy of senior colleagues who became role models, teachers, opponents, and consultants for many young scientists are briefly considered. An additional section of the issue is devoted to a review of contributions of colleagues who are involved in the development of theriology, in particular collectors, taxidermists, museologists, and animal artists. Information about the specifics of formation of essays, their structure and scope is also provided; the names of people whose participation was especially valuable in organizing this issue are listed and they are acknowledged.
Novitates theriologicae, Nov 11, 2022
Prominent persons and research centres in the history of Ukrainian theriology (about the idea of ... more Prominent persons and research centres in the history of Ukrainian theriology (about the idea of the issue).-In 2022, three significant events took place in the history of the Ukrainian theriology: the 30th anniversary of the Ukrainian Theriological Society (UTS), the 40th anniversary of the Ukrainian Branch of the All-Union Theriological Society, and 50 years from the establishment of the All-Union (Soviet) Theriological Society. Among the initiators of the first community of theriologists were Acad. Ivan Pidoplichko and Prof. Oleksander Korneiev. In recognition of these events, the UTS planned the preparation of an encyclopaedic guide on the history of theriology in Ukraine in the format of the theriological bulletin. The first is presented in the current 14th issue and is dedicated to 100 prominent researchers of the past who worked in Ukraine in the 20-21st centuries. The second part includes similar materials about modern researchers and colleagues of the past involved in theriology (museologists, taxidermists, animalists). The third is devoted to the history of scientific centres, laboratories, schools, as well as reviews of research by directions and regions. The total volume of all parts is more than 600 pages, and the issues are scheduled to be published until the end of 2022.
Pracì Terìologìčnoï školi, Dec 24, 2015
Geographical Variability of the Coat Coloration in the Weasel (Mustela nivalis) in Ukraine: Taxon... more Geographical Variability of the Coat Coloration in the Weasel (Mustela nivalis) in Ukraine: Taxonomy or Climate?-Zagorodniuk, I.-There is a significant level of variability of the weasel's coat coloration in Ukraine. The coloration is continuous from the southern forms of type "vulgaris" (white fur only on the belly and chest with no winter phase) to the northern and eastern forms of group "nivalis" (narrowed brown zone not extended to the legs and lips and expressive white fur coloration in winter). The analysis of distribution of different color phases in space and different seasons suggests the presence of a certain number of transitional forms between these types of coloration. It was found that the variability's direction conforms to formerly accepted ranges of color phases only in general terms. The color phases have the largest match with biographical (= climatic) zones. The expansion of the range of the southern form (the same as the subspecies nikolskii from the group "vulgaris") and a significant shift of the limits of its records are shown. The expansion of the southern form's range is considered as the change of coloration type of the same local forms but not as the distribution of the southern form to north. K e y w o r d s : coat coloration, weasel, Mustela nivalis, variability, taxonomy, Ukraine. Географічна мінливість забарвлення хутра ласиці (Mustela nivalis) в Україні: таксономія чи клімат?-Загороднюк, І.-В межах України має місце значна географічна мінливість забарвлення ласки, яка є неперервною у напрямку від південних форм типу «vulgaris» (білий колір хутра тільки на череві і грудях, без зимової білої фази) до північних і східних форм групи «nivalis» (звужена зона бурого кольору, що не поширюється на лапки і губи, та виразна зимова біла фаза забарвлення). Аналіз розподілу варіантів забарвлення у просторі й за сезонами дозволяє говорити про наявність повного ряду перехідних форм між цими типами забарвлення. З'ясовано також, що напрямок мінливості відповідає прийнятим раніше ареалам типів забарвлення лише в загальних рисах. Найбільшу відповідність варіанти забарвлення мають з біогеографічними (= кліматичними) виділами. Показано розширення ареалу південної форми (відповідник підвиду nikolskii з групи «vulgaris») та істотне зміщення на північ меж її реєстрації. Розширення ареалу південної кольорової форми розглядається як зміна типу забарвлення одних і тих самих місцевих форм, а не розселення південної форми на північ. К л ю ч ов і слова: забарвлення хутра, ласка, Mustela nivalis, мінливість, таксономія, Україна.
Theriologia Ukrainica, Aug 27, 2020
The life of Vadym Oleksandrovych Topachevsky and his contribution to the development of science i... more The life of Vadym Oleksandrovych Topachevsky and his contribution to the development of science is considered. V. O. Topachevsky was the most famous palaeomammalogist of Eastern Europe, long-term head of the palaeontological department of the now National Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, director of Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of the Ukrainian SSR, founder and editor-in-chief of a number of important Ukrainian zoological publications, and academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Vadym Oleksandrovych was at the origins of systematic palaeontological expeditions to key sites of the Quaternary period, participated in the development of serial collections of small mammals and of the research techniques of faunal complexes based on the analysis of samples characterising the micromammal fauna of a particular section. Research by V. O. Topachevsky is devoted to such fundamental branches of zoology as taxonomy, phylogenetics, historical faunistics, evolutionary morphology, and zoogeography. The scientist paid much attention to biostratigraphy and palaeogeography. He solved complex issues of taxonomy and parataxonomy in relation to extinct and modern representatives of fauna, justified the establishing of a number of new to science taxa of extinct mammals. Among the outstanding achievements of Vadym Topachevsky of great importance is the creation of a comprehensive association scheme of development of communities, which explains the changes in the fauna of small mammals of the late Pliocene, Eopleistocene and Pleistocene of the Northern Black Sea Region, as well as the development and justification of the biozonal stratigraphic scheme of the late Miocene and Pliocene of the Eastern Paratethys. He is the author of 8 monographs and supervisor of 11 candidate and 2 doctoral dissertations. Vadym Oleksandrovych formed a powerful scientific department and prepared a worthy scientific change, the works of which are well known to specialists. His achievements were awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, the titles of Academician of the NAS of Ukraine, Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, and he won the I. I. Schmalhausen Prize of the NAS of Ukraine. The palaeontological exhibition of the National Museum of Natural History NAS of Ukraine was named after the scientist in 2005. The list of Vadym Topachevsky’s main scientific works is given as well.
Bìologìčnì studìï, 2018
wintering conditions, human activity, etc., as well as by "edge effects" that usually take place ... more wintering conditions, human activity, etc., as well as by "edge effects" that usually take place in fragmented populations. The influence of such processes probably could explain the low abundance and rarity of steppe species in the region, and, in the same time, makes topical the issue of their conservation. At present, conservation issues especially concern two species, namely the European ground squirrel and the common hamster, which are keystone species in steppe and forest steppe ecosystems.
Vìsnik Lʹvìvsʹkogo unìversitetu, Jul 19, 2021
Naukovij vìsnik Užgorodsʹkogo unìversitetu, Nov 22, 2019
Species concepts in biology: development of ideas in Ukraine.-Zagorodniuk I.-Research on the topi... more Species concepts in biology: development of ideas in Ukraine.-Zagorodniuk I.-Research on the topic of "species" has occupied and still occupies a prominent place in the structure of conceptual knowledge in the works of Ukrainian scientists. Scientists have always paid considerable attention to this area of research, but its clear peak was in the middle third of the twentieth century, primarily due to the research of Sergei Paramonov, a key researcher at the beginning of academic discussions on the species in Ukraine. Factors of origin, development and preservation of such attention were: participation in the general world discourse, tasks of formation of national scientific terminology, nomenclature and vocabulary, development of taxonomic researches, in particular monographic researches of various systematic groups, development of collections of natural museums and herbariums; significant development of research aimed at inventorying the biota of Ukraine. Important areas were the study of some high-category research: geobotanical research, theme of endemism, study of sibling species and other aspects of cryptic diversity. Among the key milestones in the formation of the concept of "species", which accompanied the development of eidology in Ukraine, was the gradual transition from essential research to "collecting" species as samples and descriptions, with the subsequent dominance of biodiversity cataloging and natural growth of splitting. An overview of the achievements of Ukrainian researchers of the problem of the species and a brief analysis of the contributions of each of them to the development of eidology in a whole as well as some its branches are presented. These contributions are analyzed in three periods: 1) scientists and their research of the XIX and early XX centuries, 2) scientists and their research of the middle and end of the XX century, 3) scientists and their research of the late XX and early XXI centuries. In total, information on the accomplishments of 32 Ukrainian scientists is presented, among which V.
Pracì Terìologìčnoï školi, Dec 29, 2016
The "Ground Hare" in Eastern Europe: Ochotona or Allactaga?-Zagorodniuk, I.-The analysis of verna... more The "Ground Hare" in Eastern Europe: Ochotona or Allactaga?-Zagorodniuk, I.-The analysis of vernacular names, chronicles and zoological data is carried out. It is shown that the use of nomen "ground hare" is associated with two independent objects. The first one is Ochotona pusilla, described as Lepus pusillus with vernacular names "chekalka" (because of its voice) and "zemlianyj zaitchik" (= ground leveret, because of its lifestyle). The second one is Allactaga major, described as Dipus jaculus with vernacular names "ground hare" and "tushkanchik" (= jerboa). In case of Ochotona, the name "hare" is associated with their similarity to lagomorphs, while in case of Allactaga it is linked with the behavior (jumper). Summarization of data confirms the wide distribution of Ochotona in the region in the past, so the name "ground hare" may be associated exactly with this species. Currently there is a similar reduction in the western segment of the range of Allactaga. It is assumed that in periods of dispersal of Ochotona, the species could acquire economic value (particularly as a possible game species or a possible carrier of plague) and because of that received its own names, among which, obviously, "chekalka" is the oldest one.
Biosystems Diversity, Dec 3, 2006
Досліджено просторові взаємини «малих» видів групи Sicista betulina на території Східної Європи. ... more Досліджено просторові взаємини «малих» видів групи Sicista betulina на території Східної Європи. Показано, що ці види характеризуються ареалами, які не перекриваються. Нові знахідки підтверджують думку про суцільний ареал S. strandi від Східноруської височини до Передкавказзя. Межа між видами проходить вододілом між Окським та Донським басейнами. Показано відповідність парапатрії до низького рівня екоморфологічної диференціації видів. Хатчинсонівське відношення для всього комплексу краніометричних ознак аловидів складає лише 1,03 з максимумом 1,13. За екстер'єрними ознаками в симпатричних парах HR = 1,37. Загалом у групі «малих» видів Sicista широка симпатрія має місце лише у цитогенетично найбільш диференційованих форм, які замикають коло strandi-betulina-subtilis-severtzovi. Усі дані свідчать про збіг рівнів екоморфологічної та цитогенетичної диференціації дослідженої групи ссавців. Spatial relationships of "small" species from the group Sicista betulina in the territory of Eastern Europe are investigated. It is shown, that species have ranges of distribution which are not overlapped. New findings support continuous range of S. strandi from East-Russian Highland to Northern Caucasus, and border between two species pass through watershed of the Oka basin and the Don basin. Correspondence of parapatry to lower level of ecomorphological differentiation of species is shown: Hutchinsonian ratio for craniometrical characters of allospecies reach just 1,03 (with maximum 1,13). For exterior characters, HR in sympatric pairs reach value 1,37. As a whole, wide sympatry among "small" species of Sicista occurs just in cytogenetically most different forms, that close the loop strandi-betulina-subtilissevertzovi. All the data confirm a concordance of biogeographical, ecomorphological and cytogenetical levels of differentiation in studied mammal group. Вступ Протягом останньої чверті XX століття погляди на склад теріофауни Східної Європи зазнали суттєвих змін, що значною мірою торкнулося різних груп ссавців [8; 20]. Проте особливо значні зміни відбулися в родині мишівкових (Sminthidae), більшість колишніх видів якої на разі визнають за надвиди, що представлені цитогенетично диференційованими расами ймовірно видового рангу [20]. Кожний із представлених у фауні Європи надвидів цієї родини включає по дві хромосомні раси [37], які нещодавно описано як окремі види. Такі описи нових видів стосувалися суміжних територій Росії [28; 29], проте останнім часом ці «малі» види виявлено автором на території України [10; 39]. У наявних зведеннях щодо фауни України [16; 17; 24; 30] надвид розглядають як таксономічно однорідний. У давній літературі лісових мишівок згадують як S. montana Mehely, 1913 [18] або розглядають у складі виду S. nordmanni Keys. et Blas. [21; 31], тобто в межах одного політипного виду, що робить неможливим порівняння сучасних і давніших поглядів на таксономічне різноманіття та екологічні особливості цієї групи ссавців. На разі для території України докладно описано тільки групу Sicista subtilis (s. l.), що включає новий для нашої фауни вид S. severtzovi [10]. Метою цієї праці став опис відомих знахідок лісової мишівки у колишньому широкому розумінні цього виду (Sicista betulina s. l.), з диференціацією знахідок на S. betulina (Pallas, 1779) та S. strandi Formosov, 1931. Наявність останнього припускається [9] на основі праці 9© І. В. Загороднюк, 2007 Zagorodniuk I. V. Allospecies of the Sicista "betulina" group: spatial interrelations from the viewpoint of limiting resemblance conception Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Біологія, екологія.
GEO&BIO, 2022
The study is devoted to the analysis of collections of the felid family, which are housed in natu... more The study is devoted to the analysis of collections of the felid family, which are housed in natural history museums of Ukraine, two academic and eight university. The basics of the modern taxonomy of felids are considered with the vernacular names of tribes, genera and their type species, which is important for the unification of exhibition and catalogue information. For each of the considered museums, four blocks of data are presented: a general summary for the collection, presentation of particularly valuable or unique specimens, and description of the exhibition and scientific collections. The most complete felid collections (in terms of the number of specimens) are housed in the Museum of Nature of Kharkiv University (109 specimens), in the National Museum of Natural History (152 specimens), and in the Zoological Museum of Odesa University (66 specimens); in other collections the amount of material is much smaller (7–36 specimens). The total volume of collections of this family...
Theriologia Ukrainica, 2022
New and previous data on patterns of the geographical distribution of the Eurasian lynx in the Uk... more New and previous data on patterns of the geographical distribution of the Eurasian lynx in the Ukrainian part of Polissia is summarised with attention to the estimates of distribution limits of the species (the entire data set for 1847–2022 with attention to data after 2000). Inventory data for five groups of locations—Volyn–Rivne group, Zhytomyr Polissia, Chornobyl zone, Dniprо–Desna interfluve (Mizhrichia), and Chernihiv Polissia—are given, respectively 15, 25, 14, 12, and 13 records (80 in total). Important information, which does not contain accurate inventory data though characterises the distribution of the species, primarily in relation to the west of Polissia and the Chornobyl zone, for which there are many new publications, is also commented. The growth of the Polissian lynx population is naturally accompanied by the expansion of its distribution limits and, in fact, the restoration of the former Polissian range of the species in general. This process, however, significantl...
Geo & Bio, Jun 30, 2022
The article is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding scien tistzoologist Vladyslav Ivanovych... more The article is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding scien tistzoologist Vladyslav Ivanovych Monchenko. A brief outline of the main events of the scientist's activity is given. V. I. Monchen ko's scientific achievements include 191 works published during his lifetime (among them 8 monographs and textbooks), almost 50 newly described taxa of copepod crustaceans and their para sites, and a unique collection of Copepoda. Fundamental gener alisations carried out by V. I. Monchenko are recognised by scien tists far beyond Ukraine. Those include the life cycles of copepods and the mechanisms of their regulation, as well as the analysis of the morphological evolution of this group, including experiments on the presence of cryptic species among cyclopods. His contri bution to the biogeography of the Ponto-Caspian Basin are also important. The scientist's contribution to the development of the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) NAS of Ukraine is shown. Among the valuable collection specimens transferred by V. Monchenko to the NMNH are various sponges, sea anemones, and ascidians from the Southern Ocean, sailfish and jellyfish from the Pacific Ocean, crustaceans (Brucerolis bromleyana) and cor als from the coast of New Zealand. The collection also includes 39 specimens of exotic gastropod and bivalve molluscs, collected in various parts of the Indian and Atlantic oceans and in bod ies of fresh water of oceanic islands, as well as a skeleton of a fe male Cape petrel (Daption capense). The fish exhibition includes a mounted Copper shark (Carcharhinus brachyurus) caught by a researcher in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Japan, and a wet specimen of a pilot fish (Naucrates ductor) from the Pacific Ocean. Sixty specimens of 17 species of fish from the Pacific Ocean and the Black Sea are stored in the scientific collection of the NMNH. The scientist was elected a corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine (2000), an academician of the NAS of Ukraine (2003), be came a laureate of the D. K. Zabolotny Prize (1975) and the State Prize of Ukraine in the Field of Science and Technology (2007), and received the honorary title 'Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine.
Cherkasy University Bulletin: Biological Sciences Series, 2022
Establishing the statuses of species and compiling checklists of species is an urgent issue of mo... more Establishing the statuses of species and compiling checklists of species is an urgent issue of modern faunistics, and description and monitoring of biodiversity. Checklists are a form of compact presentation of information about the composition of the fauna allowing to catalogue the collected field and collection material systematically and with the use of categories of significance and to effectively carry out its further analysis. The aim of the research is to analyse the practices of compiling indexed checklists, updating such data into a single system, and proposals for maintaining control checklists indexed by the statuses of presence, abundance, rarity, etc. The issue of compiling indexed or control checklists of fauna, checklists that are supplemented with additional information about the status of the species, is considered in detail. Such statuses can be categories of presence, abundance, conservation, economic importance, etc. Among other issues, two main groups that are important during the description of wild fauna under natural conditions are considered: statuses of presence and abundance. The following presence statuses were established: "endemic", "rare", "extinct", "common", and "alien". Detailed statuses of presence ("migrant", "transitive", "hibernating", "probably extinct", etc.) and categories of rarity, in particular vulnerability, of species necessary for indicating protection needs are considered. The authors consider such letter designations to be the most convenient for conversion into a point scale. Abundance categories ("commonness") are presented as a system of verbal categories and point evaluations, including 3 to 6 gradations, of which three are basic (rare, common, abundant) and two are additional (occasional, highly abundant). Point scores correspond to a specific, measurable level of abundance and are presented on a logarithmic scale. Examples of the use of combined indexing systems of such lists are also considered. Combined versions of indexed checklists can become the object of comparisons of the population sizes of different habitats or communities, etc., since different biotopes can differ both by the presence of species and in their relative abundance and set of dominant species. The general experience of arranging indexed checklists makes it possible to optimise the designation of species in regional faunal lists. Numerical designations are best combined with levels of their abundance, and statuses are best indicated by letter codes. The analysis of the indexed fauna lists shows that the system of brief symbolic designations of statuses can be used for a compact perception of information about the specifics of the species, and the narrowing of the research tasks makes it possible to minimise the number of code designations.
Theriologia Ukrainica, 2022
Information on the former and current distribution of the Siberian flying squirrel on the plains ... more Information on the former and current distribution of the Siberian flying squirrel on the plains of Eastern Europe was analysed, with special attention to the south-western segment of the species range, which in ancient times entered the territory of Ukraine (in the sense of its modern borders). The study, as a starting point of analysis, is based on the reports of researchers of the 18th and 19th centuries (mainly J. Güldenstedt and D. Bagaliy), repeated in a number of later publications, about the findings of the species in Sumy Oblast and its probably wider distribution in Polissia, in the Forest Steppe, or even in Podillia. Detailed descriptions of all former and modern records of the species with a cadastre of locations are given. This cadastre covers the entire south-western segment of the area, including the Dnipro and Volga basins. Information on finds of the species in the region is summarized in two sets of data, before and after 1960; they are all marked on the respective maps. The points of finds of the species are unevenly distributed, which may indicate unequal availability of data from different regions. However, the author believes that such unevenness is related to the peculiarities of the distribution of the species, since the absence of the species was shown for some of the locations in the data-absence zones, despite its detailed searches, and the dynamics of distribution limits were shown for some places. The south-western segment of the range of the flying squirrel can be described as a continuous wedge, in which the south-western border runs through the territory of Belarus along its north-eastern borders and the corresponding parts of neighbouring countries, through Polotsk, Baran, further along the border from the Russian Federation to Trubchevsk and further to the Bryansk Forest reserve, which is the southernmost location of the species. The eastern border of this segment goes to the Volga, reaching it in the area of Nizhny Novgorod, however, data indicate a large winding of the range boundary in this part to the north, to Safonovo, Rzhev, Mozhaisk, Obninsk, Pushchino and further to Ryazan. In Pushchino, the species is listed as an introducer. This loop of geographic range may indicate the isolated status of the western segment, from Berezina in the west to Desna in the east. It is assumed that this area of the range was formed as a result of the recent (15–18 centuries) expansion of the distribution limits of the species and their new reduction over the last 100 years (19–20 centuries), with a rate of reduction of about 100–160 km per century. There is a high the probability of finding the species in the north-east of Ukraine.
Novitates Theriologicae, 2022
Long-term actions of the ‘Mammal of the Year’ cycle occupy a special place in the string of event... more Long-term actions of the ‘Mammal of the Year’ cycle occupy a special place in the string of events of theriological life in Ukraine. Such events have been held in Ukraine since 2009, and 2021 was dedicated to the weasel, Mustela nivalis. A brief overview of the history and current research on weasels in Ukraine and neighbouring countries is presented; the corresponding bibliography is compiled. Information about the unique features of the species Mustela nivalis, both biological and cultural, important for the formation of ideas about this species and the dissemination of knowledge about it, is generalized. Such materials are presented in the format of the already traditional collection ‘21 facts about the symbol species of the year.’ A series of photos of weasels from the archives of the Ukrainian Theriological Society is presented, which reflects the variety of colouration, poses, and behaviour of this smallest species of carnivorans in the fauna of Europe.
The series of conferences ‘Natural History Museology in Ukraine’, launched in the autumn of 2009,... more The series of conferences ‘Natural History Museology in Ukraine’, launched in the autumn of 2009, celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2019. Ten years after its beginning, the fifth meeting of the conference cycle was held. The series of conferences was initiated by the Natural History Section of the Ukrainian branch of ICOM, and the main organizers of the first and all subsequent meetings were scientists from two academic museums — the State Museum of Natural History NAS of Ukraine (Lviv) and the National Museum of Natural History NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv). During these 10 years, five full-scale conferences were held: three in Kyiv, one in Kaniv, and one in Kamianets-Podilskyi. Traditionally, the conference is organized in autumn with an average interval of two years on topics related to scientific and educational activities and to the past of natural history museums. An overview of these conferences, their topics, dates, venues, and proceedings is presented. A detailed description of t...
Proceedings of the Theriological School, 2016
The "Ground Hare" in Eastern Europe: Ochotona or Allactaga?-Zagorodniuk, I.-The analysis of verna... more The "Ground Hare" in Eastern Europe: Ochotona or Allactaga?-Zagorodniuk, I.-The analysis of vernacular names, chronicles and zoological data is carried out. It is shown that the use of nomen "ground hare" is associated with two independent objects. The first one is Ochotona pusilla, described as Lepus pusillus with vernacular names "chekalka" (because of its voice) and "zemlianyj zaitchik" (= ground leveret, because of its lifestyle). The second one is Allactaga major, described as Dipus jaculus with vernacular names "ground hare" and "tushkanchik" (= jerboa). In case of Ochotona, the name "hare" is associated with their similarity to lagomorphs, while in case of Allactaga it is linked with the behavior (jumper). Summarization of data confirms the wide distribution of Ochotona in the region in the past, so the name "ground hare" may be associated exactly with this species. Currently there is a similar reduction in the western segment of the range of Allactaga. It is assumed that in periods of dispersal of Ochotona, the species could acquire economic value (particularly as a possible game species or a possible carrier of plague) and because of that received its own names, among which, obviously, "chekalka" is the oldest one.
Наукові записки. Серія Біологія, Jun 30, 2023
were studied. The insects were collected by the students during their teacher training and also b... more were studied. The insects were collected by the students during their teacher training and also by the amateur entomologists during 2000-2020. These insects are in the collections of The Botany and Zoology Department. The species composition of the collected insects was analyzed. There are 202 individuals of Nimphalinae subfamily. Identified insects belong to five genus (Vanessa, Inachis, Agаlis, Polygonia, Nymphalis). The largest number of individuals of this subfamily was calculated (Inachis io-75, Vanessa atalanta-52, Cynthia cardui-45). Also 13 individuals of Agаlis urticae and 12 individuals of Polygonia c-album were found. All species of Rhopalocera of European fauna are in The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. Most of them are classified as Least Concern (LC). Widespread, numerous and common species of the Nimphalinae subfamily were found in the funds of The Botany and Zoology Department. Identified species belong to the LC category of The IUCN Red List. The Compton tortoiseshell (Nymphalis vaualbum) is included in The Red Data Book of Ukraine (2009). Its conservation status is invaluable. Nymphalis vaualbum was not found in the entomological collections of The Botany and Zoology Department of TNPU.
Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum, 2021
The history of research on ground squirrels as pests is described in detail in the light of recon... more The history of research on ground squirrels as pests is described in detail in the light of reconstruction of the history and specifics of zoological institutions of Kyiv in 1941-1944, including the Institute of Plant Protection and its Zoological Museum. Data from five different groups of sources were analyzed such as publications, collections, personal files (including KGB) and interviews of participants in those events. It is shown that ground squirrels were one of the main research objects at the Institute of Plant Protection, which was established by the occupation regime in 1942-1943 on the basis of the Institute of Zoology and the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. Based on studies of the distribution and variability of ground squirrels of the group Spermophilus "suslicus", two articles were published after the war describing new forms, including the Volyn subspecies, published by E. Reshetnyk in the USSR (1946) and by E. Scharlemann in Germany (1952). The history of (probable) transfers of the ground squirrel collection is analyzed and the measures that had been taken to prevent their export to Poznan and further to Germany in the autumn of 1943 are clarified. It is shown that part of the ground squirrel type series described in various publications is identical, but it was most likely either not exported or returned quickly. Various facts about the movements of collections based on memories of the participants of those events are analyzed.
I. Zagorodniuk, T. Postawa SPATIAL AND ECOMORPHOLOGICAL DIVERGENCE OF PLECOTUS SIBLING SPECIES (M... more I. Zagorodniuk, T. Postawa SPATIAL AND ECOMORPHOLOGICAL DIVERGENCE OF PLECOTUS SIBLING SPECIES (MAMMALIA) IN SYMPATRY ZONE IN EASTERN EUROPE Загороднюк І., Постава Т. Просторова та екоморфологічна дивергенція видів-двійників Plecotus (Mammalia) у зоні симпатрії у Східній Європі // Наук. зап. Держ. природознавч. музею.-Львів, 2007.-Вип. 23.-С. 215-224. Рід вуханів представлений у фауні регіону двома видами, P. auritus та P. austriacus, що формують широку зону симпатрії у західних областях України. За краніометричними ознаками (таких 23) види є дуже подібними і мають середню відмінність за коефіцієнтом дивергенції Майра CD=2,42, а за відношенням Хатчінсона-HR=1,076. Максимальні розходження видів за обома показниками стосуються лише трьох: довжини слухового барабану Bul (CD=4,60, HR=1,16), довжини верхнього зубного ряду CM3 (CD=4,10, HR=1,112) та нижнього зубного ряду, im3 (CD=4,04, HR=1,12). Ці дані свідчать про початкові стадії диференціації видів за ознаками, явно пов'язаними з трофікою та загалом з харчодобувною активністю. Досягнення і перевищення критичних значень має місце лише за однією (першою) ознакою, що свідчить про значну схожість видів за екологічними преференціями.
Novitates theriologicae, Nov 11, 2022
ZAGORODNIUK, I. Theriology and mammalogists in Ukraine in the 1970s-2020s (from the editor).-The ... more ZAGORODNIUK, I. Theriology and mammalogists in Ukraine in the 1970s-2020s (from the editor).-The publication about modern mammalogists contains an overview of the biography and achievements of senior colleagues (60+), thanks to whom modern scientific schools and centres, research directions and traditions in social work were formed. The features of the galaxy of senior colleagues who became role models, teachers, opponents, and consultants for many young scientists are briefly considered. An additional section of the issue is devoted to a review of contributions of colleagues who are involved in the development of theriology, in particular collectors, taxidermists, museologists, and animal artists. Information about the specifics of formation of essays, their structure and scope is also provided; the names of people whose participation was especially valuable in organizing this issue are listed and they are acknowledged.
Novitates theriologicae, Nov 11, 2022
Prominent persons and research centres in the history of Ukrainian theriology (about the idea of ... more Prominent persons and research centres in the history of Ukrainian theriology (about the idea of the issue).-In 2022, three significant events took place in the history of the Ukrainian theriology: the 30th anniversary of the Ukrainian Theriological Society (UTS), the 40th anniversary of the Ukrainian Branch of the All-Union Theriological Society, and 50 years from the establishment of the All-Union (Soviet) Theriological Society. Among the initiators of the first community of theriologists were Acad. Ivan Pidoplichko and Prof. Oleksander Korneiev. In recognition of these events, the UTS planned the preparation of an encyclopaedic guide on the history of theriology in Ukraine in the format of the theriological bulletin. The first is presented in the current 14th issue and is dedicated to 100 prominent researchers of the past who worked in Ukraine in the 20-21st centuries. The second part includes similar materials about modern researchers and colleagues of the past involved in theriology (museologists, taxidermists, animalists). The third is devoted to the history of scientific centres, laboratories, schools, as well as reviews of research by directions and regions. The total volume of all parts is more than 600 pages, and the issues are scheduled to be published until the end of 2022.
Pracì Terìologìčnoï školi, Dec 24, 2015
Geographical Variability of the Coat Coloration in the Weasel (Mustela nivalis) in Ukraine: Taxon... more Geographical Variability of the Coat Coloration in the Weasel (Mustela nivalis) in Ukraine: Taxonomy or Climate?-Zagorodniuk, I.-There is a significant level of variability of the weasel's coat coloration in Ukraine. The coloration is continuous from the southern forms of type "vulgaris" (white fur only on the belly and chest with no winter phase) to the northern and eastern forms of group "nivalis" (narrowed brown zone not extended to the legs and lips and expressive white fur coloration in winter). The analysis of distribution of different color phases in space and different seasons suggests the presence of a certain number of transitional forms between these types of coloration. It was found that the variability's direction conforms to formerly accepted ranges of color phases only in general terms. The color phases have the largest match with biographical (= climatic) zones. The expansion of the range of the southern form (the same as the subspecies nikolskii from the group "vulgaris") and a significant shift of the limits of its records are shown. The expansion of the southern form's range is considered as the change of coloration type of the same local forms but not as the distribution of the southern form to north. K e y w o r d s : coat coloration, weasel, Mustela nivalis, variability, taxonomy, Ukraine. Географічна мінливість забарвлення хутра ласиці (Mustela nivalis) в Україні: таксономія чи клімат?-Загороднюк, І.-В межах України має місце значна географічна мінливість забарвлення ласки, яка є неперервною у напрямку від південних форм типу «vulgaris» (білий колір хутра тільки на череві і грудях, без зимової білої фази) до північних і східних форм групи «nivalis» (звужена зона бурого кольору, що не поширюється на лапки і губи, та виразна зимова біла фаза забарвлення). Аналіз розподілу варіантів забарвлення у просторі й за сезонами дозволяє говорити про наявність повного ряду перехідних форм між цими типами забарвлення. З'ясовано також, що напрямок мінливості відповідає прийнятим раніше ареалам типів забарвлення лише в загальних рисах. Найбільшу відповідність варіанти забарвлення мають з біогеографічними (= кліматичними) виділами. Показано розширення ареалу південної форми (відповідник підвиду nikolskii з групи «vulgaris») та істотне зміщення на північ меж її реєстрації. Розширення ареалу південної кольорової форми розглядається як зміна типу забарвлення одних і тих самих місцевих форм, а не розселення південної форми на північ. К л ю ч ов і слова: забарвлення хутра, ласка, Mustela nivalis, мінливість, таксономія, Україна.
Theriologia Ukrainica, Aug 27, 2020
The life of Vadym Oleksandrovych Topachevsky and his contribution to the development of science i... more The life of Vadym Oleksandrovych Topachevsky and his contribution to the development of science is considered. V. O. Topachevsky was the most famous palaeomammalogist of Eastern Europe, long-term head of the palaeontological department of the now National Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, director of Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of the Ukrainian SSR, founder and editor-in-chief of a number of important Ukrainian zoological publications, and academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Vadym Oleksandrovych was at the origins of systematic palaeontological expeditions to key sites of the Quaternary period, participated in the development of serial collections of small mammals and of the research techniques of faunal complexes based on the analysis of samples characterising the micromammal fauna of a particular section. Research by V. O. Topachevsky is devoted to such fundamental branches of zoology as taxonomy, phylogenetics, historical faunistics, evolutionary morphology, and zoogeography. The scientist paid much attention to biostratigraphy and palaeogeography. He solved complex issues of taxonomy and parataxonomy in relation to extinct and modern representatives of fauna, justified the establishing of a number of new to science taxa of extinct mammals. Among the outstanding achievements of Vadym Topachevsky of great importance is the creation of a comprehensive association scheme of development of communities, which explains the changes in the fauna of small mammals of the late Pliocene, Eopleistocene and Pleistocene of the Northern Black Sea Region, as well as the development and justification of the biozonal stratigraphic scheme of the late Miocene and Pliocene of the Eastern Paratethys. He is the author of 8 monographs and supervisor of 11 candidate and 2 doctoral dissertations. Vadym Oleksandrovych formed a powerful scientific department and prepared a worthy scientific change, the works of which are well known to specialists. His achievements were awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, the titles of Academician of the NAS of Ukraine, Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, and he won the I. I. Schmalhausen Prize of the NAS of Ukraine. The palaeontological exhibition of the National Museum of Natural History NAS of Ukraine was named after the scientist in 2005. The list of Vadym Topachevsky’s main scientific works is given as well.
Bìologìčnì studìï, 2018
wintering conditions, human activity, etc., as well as by "edge effects" that usually take place ... more wintering conditions, human activity, etc., as well as by "edge effects" that usually take place in fragmented populations. The influence of such processes probably could explain the low abundance and rarity of steppe species in the region, and, in the same time, makes topical the issue of their conservation. At present, conservation issues especially concern two species, namely the European ground squirrel and the common hamster, which are keystone species in steppe and forest steppe ecosystems.
Vìsnik Lʹvìvsʹkogo unìversitetu, Jul 19, 2021
Naukovij vìsnik Užgorodsʹkogo unìversitetu, Nov 22, 2019
Species concepts in biology: development of ideas in Ukraine.-Zagorodniuk I.-Research on the topi... more Species concepts in biology: development of ideas in Ukraine.-Zagorodniuk I.-Research on the topic of "species" has occupied and still occupies a prominent place in the structure of conceptual knowledge in the works of Ukrainian scientists. Scientists have always paid considerable attention to this area of research, but its clear peak was in the middle third of the twentieth century, primarily due to the research of Sergei Paramonov, a key researcher at the beginning of academic discussions on the species in Ukraine. Factors of origin, development and preservation of such attention were: participation in the general world discourse, tasks of formation of national scientific terminology, nomenclature and vocabulary, development of taxonomic researches, in particular monographic researches of various systematic groups, development of collections of natural museums and herbariums; significant development of research aimed at inventorying the biota of Ukraine. Important areas were the study of some high-category research: geobotanical research, theme of endemism, study of sibling species and other aspects of cryptic diversity. Among the key milestones in the formation of the concept of "species", which accompanied the development of eidology in Ukraine, was the gradual transition from essential research to "collecting" species as samples and descriptions, with the subsequent dominance of biodiversity cataloging and natural growth of splitting. An overview of the achievements of Ukrainian researchers of the problem of the species and a brief analysis of the contributions of each of them to the development of eidology in a whole as well as some its branches are presented. These contributions are analyzed in three periods: 1) scientists and their research of the XIX and early XX centuries, 2) scientists and their research of the middle and end of the XX century, 3) scientists and their research of the late XX and early XXI centuries. In total, information on the accomplishments of 32 Ukrainian scientists is presented, among which V.
Pracì Terìologìčnoï školi, Dec 29, 2016
The "Ground Hare" in Eastern Europe: Ochotona or Allactaga?-Zagorodniuk, I.-The analysis of verna... more The "Ground Hare" in Eastern Europe: Ochotona or Allactaga?-Zagorodniuk, I.-The analysis of vernacular names, chronicles and zoological data is carried out. It is shown that the use of nomen "ground hare" is associated with two independent objects. The first one is Ochotona pusilla, described as Lepus pusillus with vernacular names "chekalka" (because of its voice) and "zemlianyj zaitchik" (= ground leveret, because of its lifestyle). The second one is Allactaga major, described as Dipus jaculus with vernacular names "ground hare" and "tushkanchik" (= jerboa). In case of Ochotona, the name "hare" is associated with their similarity to lagomorphs, while in case of Allactaga it is linked with the behavior (jumper). Summarization of data confirms the wide distribution of Ochotona in the region in the past, so the name "ground hare" may be associated exactly with this species. Currently there is a similar reduction in the western segment of the range of Allactaga. It is assumed that in periods of dispersal of Ochotona, the species could acquire economic value (particularly as a possible game species or a possible carrier of plague) and because of that received its own names, among which, obviously, "chekalka" is the oldest one.
Biosystems Diversity, Dec 3, 2006
Досліджено просторові взаємини «малих» видів групи Sicista betulina на території Східної Європи. ... more Досліджено просторові взаємини «малих» видів групи Sicista betulina на території Східної Європи. Показано, що ці види характеризуються ареалами, які не перекриваються. Нові знахідки підтверджують думку про суцільний ареал S. strandi від Східноруської височини до Передкавказзя. Межа між видами проходить вододілом між Окським та Донським басейнами. Показано відповідність парапатрії до низького рівня екоморфологічної диференціації видів. Хатчинсонівське відношення для всього комплексу краніометричних ознак аловидів складає лише 1,03 з максимумом 1,13. За екстер'єрними ознаками в симпатричних парах HR = 1,37. Загалом у групі «малих» видів Sicista широка симпатрія має місце лише у цитогенетично найбільш диференційованих форм, які замикають коло strandi-betulina-subtilis-severtzovi. Усі дані свідчать про збіг рівнів екоморфологічної та цитогенетичної диференціації дослідженої групи ссавців. Spatial relationships of "small" species from the group Sicista betulina in the territory of Eastern Europe are investigated. It is shown, that species have ranges of distribution which are not overlapped. New findings support continuous range of S. strandi from East-Russian Highland to Northern Caucasus, and border between two species pass through watershed of the Oka basin and the Don basin. Correspondence of parapatry to lower level of ecomorphological differentiation of species is shown: Hutchinsonian ratio for craniometrical characters of allospecies reach just 1,03 (with maximum 1,13). For exterior characters, HR in sympatric pairs reach value 1,37. As a whole, wide sympatry among "small" species of Sicista occurs just in cytogenetically most different forms, that close the loop strandi-betulina-subtilissevertzovi. All the data confirm a concordance of biogeographical, ecomorphological and cytogenetical levels of differentiation in studied mammal group. Вступ Протягом останньої чверті XX століття погляди на склад теріофауни Східної Європи зазнали суттєвих змін, що значною мірою торкнулося різних груп ссавців [8; 20]. Проте особливо значні зміни відбулися в родині мишівкових (Sminthidae), більшість колишніх видів якої на разі визнають за надвиди, що представлені цитогенетично диференційованими расами ймовірно видового рангу [20]. Кожний із представлених у фауні Європи надвидів цієї родини включає по дві хромосомні раси [37], які нещодавно описано як окремі види. Такі описи нових видів стосувалися суміжних територій Росії [28; 29], проте останнім часом ці «малі» види виявлено автором на території України [10; 39]. У наявних зведеннях щодо фауни України [16; 17; 24; 30] надвид розглядають як таксономічно однорідний. У давній літературі лісових мишівок згадують як S. montana Mehely, 1913 [18] або розглядають у складі виду S. nordmanni Keys. et Blas. [21; 31], тобто в межах одного політипного виду, що робить неможливим порівняння сучасних і давніших поглядів на таксономічне різноманіття та екологічні особливості цієї групи ссавців. На разі для території України докладно описано тільки групу Sicista subtilis (s. l.), що включає новий для нашої фауни вид S. severtzovi [10]. Метою цієї праці став опис відомих знахідок лісової мишівки у колишньому широкому розумінні цього виду (Sicista betulina s. l.), з диференціацією знахідок на S. betulina (Pallas, 1779) та S. strandi Formosov, 1931. Наявність останнього припускається [9] на основі праці 9© І. В. Загороднюк, 2007 Zagorodniuk I. V. Allospecies of the Sicista "betulina" group: spatial interrelations from the viewpoint of limiting resemblance conception Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Біологія, екологія.
GEO&BIO, 2022
The study is devoted to the analysis of collections of the felid family, which are housed in natu... more The study is devoted to the analysis of collections of the felid family, which are housed in natural history museums of Ukraine, two academic and eight university. The basics of the modern taxonomy of felids are considered with the vernacular names of tribes, genera and their type species, which is important for the unification of exhibition and catalogue information. For each of the considered museums, four blocks of data are presented: a general summary for the collection, presentation of particularly valuable or unique specimens, and description of the exhibition and scientific collections. The most complete felid collections (in terms of the number of specimens) are housed in the Museum of Nature of Kharkiv University (109 specimens), in the National Museum of Natural History (152 specimens), and in the Zoological Museum of Odesa University (66 specimens); in other collections the amount of material is much smaller (7–36 specimens). The total volume of collections of this family...
Theriologia Ukrainica, 2022
New and previous data on patterns of the geographical distribution of the Eurasian lynx in the Uk... more New and previous data on patterns of the geographical distribution of the Eurasian lynx in the Ukrainian part of Polissia is summarised with attention to the estimates of distribution limits of the species (the entire data set for 1847–2022 with attention to data after 2000). Inventory data for five groups of locations—Volyn–Rivne group, Zhytomyr Polissia, Chornobyl zone, Dniprо–Desna interfluve (Mizhrichia), and Chernihiv Polissia—are given, respectively 15, 25, 14, 12, and 13 records (80 in total). Important information, which does not contain accurate inventory data though characterises the distribution of the species, primarily in relation to the west of Polissia and the Chornobyl zone, for which there are many new publications, is also commented. The growth of the Polissian lynx population is naturally accompanied by the expansion of its distribution limits and, in fact, the restoration of the former Polissian range of the species in general. This process, however, significantl...
Geo & Bio, Jun 30, 2022
The article is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding scien tistzoologist Vladyslav Ivanovych... more The article is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding scien tistzoologist Vladyslav Ivanovych Monchenko. A brief outline of the main events of the scientist's activity is given. V. I. Monchen ko's scientific achievements include 191 works published during his lifetime (among them 8 monographs and textbooks), almost 50 newly described taxa of copepod crustaceans and their para sites, and a unique collection of Copepoda. Fundamental gener alisations carried out by V. I. Monchenko are recognised by scien tists far beyond Ukraine. Those include the life cycles of copepods and the mechanisms of their regulation, as well as the analysis of the morphological evolution of this group, including experiments on the presence of cryptic species among cyclopods. His contri bution to the biogeography of the Ponto-Caspian Basin are also important. The scientist's contribution to the development of the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) NAS of Ukraine is shown. Among the valuable collection specimens transferred by V. Monchenko to the NMNH are various sponges, sea anemones, and ascidians from the Southern Ocean, sailfish and jellyfish from the Pacific Ocean, crustaceans (Brucerolis bromleyana) and cor als from the coast of New Zealand. The collection also includes 39 specimens of exotic gastropod and bivalve molluscs, collected in various parts of the Indian and Atlantic oceans and in bod ies of fresh water of oceanic islands, as well as a skeleton of a fe male Cape petrel (Daption capense). The fish exhibition includes a mounted Copper shark (Carcharhinus brachyurus) caught by a researcher in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Japan, and a wet specimen of a pilot fish (Naucrates ductor) from the Pacific Ocean. Sixty specimens of 17 species of fish from the Pacific Ocean and the Black Sea are stored in the scientific collection of the NMNH. The scientist was elected a corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine (2000), an academician of the NAS of Ukraine (2003), be came a laureate of the D. K. Zabolotny Prize (1975) and the State Prize of Ukraine in the Field of Science and Technology (2007), and received the honorary title 'Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine.
Cherkasy University Bulletin: Biological Sciences Series, 2022
Establishing the statuses of species and compiling checklists of species is an urgent issue of mo... more Establishing the statuses of species and compiling checklists of species is an urgent issue of modern faunistics, and description and monitoring of biodiversity. Checklists are a form of compact presentation of information about the composition of the fauna allowing to catalogue the collected field and collection material systematically and with the use of categories of significance and to effectively carry out its further analysis. The aim of the research is to analyse the practices of compiling indexed checklists, updating such data into a single system, and proposals for maintaining control checklists indexed by the statuses of presence, abundance, rarity, etc. The issue of compiling indexed or control checklists of fauna, checklists that are supplemented with additional information about the status of the species, is considered in detail. Such statuses can be categories of presence, abundance, conservation, economic importance, etc. Among other issues, two main groups that are important during the description of wild fauna under natural conditions are considered: statuses of presence and abundance. The following presence statuses were established: "endemic", "rare", "extinct", "common", and "alien". Detailed statuses of presence ("migrant", "transitive", "hibernating", "probably extinct", etc.) and categories of rarity, in particular vulnerability, of species necessary for indicating protection needs are considered. The authors consider such letter designations to be the most convenient for conversion into a point scale. Abundance categories ("commonness") are presented as a system of verbal categories and point evaluations, including 3 to 6 gradations, of which three are basic (rare, common, abundant) and two are additional (occasional, highly abundant). Point scores correspond to a specific, measurable level of abundance and are presented on a logarithmic scale. Examples of the use of combined indexing systems of such lists are also considered. Combined versions of indexed checklists can become the object of comparisons of the population sizes of different habitats or communities, etc., since different biotopes can differ both by the presence of species and in their relative abundance and set of dominant species. The general experience of arranging indexed checklists makes it possible to optimise the designation of species in regional faunal lists. Numerical designations are best combined with levels of their abundance, and statuses are best indicated by letter codes. The analysis of the indexed fauna lists shows that the system of brief symbolic designations of statuses can be used for a compact perception of information about the specifics of the species, and the narrowing of the research tasks makes it possible to minimise the number of code designations.
Theriologia Ukrainica, 2022
Information on the former and current distribution of the Siberian flying squirrel on the plains ... more Information on the former and current distribution of the Siberian flying squirrel on the plains of Eastern Europe was analysed, with special attention to the south-western segment of the species range, which in ancient times entered the territory of Ukraine (in the sense of its modern borders). The study, as a starting point of analysis, is based on the reports of researchers of the 18th and 19th centuries (mainly J. Güldenstedt and D. Bagaliy), repeated in a number of later publications, about the findings of the species in Sumy Oblast and its probably wider distribution in Polissia, in the Forest Steppe, or even in Podillia. Detailed descriptions of all former and modern records of the species with a cadastre of locations are given. This cadastre covers the entire south-western segment of the area, including the Dnipro and Volga basins. Information on finds of the species in the region is summarized in two sets of data, before and after 1960; they are all marked on the respective maps. The points of finds of the species are unevenly distributed, which may indicate unequal availability of data from different regions. However, the author believes that such unevenness is related to the peculiarities of the distribution of the species, since the absence of the species was shown for some of the locations in the data-absence zones, despite its detailed searches, and the dynamics of distribution limits were shown for some places. The south-western segment of the range of the flying squirrel can be described as a continuous wedge, in which the south-western border runs through the territory of Belarus along its north-eastern borders and the corresponding parts of neighbouring countries, through Polotsk, Baran, further along the border from the Russian Federation to Trubchevsk and further to the Bryansk Forest reserve, which is the southernmost location of the species. The eastern border of this segment goes to the Volga, reaching it in the area of Nizhny Novgorod, however, data indicate a large winding of the range boundary in this part to the north, to Safonovo, Rzhev, Mozhaisk, Obninsk, Pushchino and further to Ryazan. In Pushchino, the species is listed as an introducer. This loop of geographic range may indicate the isolated status of the western segment, from Berezina in the west to Desna in the east. It is assumed that this area of the range was formed as a result of the recent (15–18 centuries) expansion of the distribution limits of the species and their new reduction over the last 100 years (19–20 centuries), with a rate of reduction of about 100–160 km per century. There is a high the probability of finding the species in the north-east of Ukraine.
Novitates Theriologicae, 2022
Long-term actions of the ‘Mammal of the Year’ cycle occupy a special place in the string of event... more Long-term actions of the ‘Mammal of the Year’ cycle occupy a special place in the string of events of theriological life in Ukraine. Such events have been held in Ukraine since 2009, and 2021 was dedicated to the weasel, Mustela nivalis. A brief overview of the history and current research on weasels in Ukraine and neighbouring countries is presented; the corresponding bibliography is compiled. Information about the unique features of the species Mustela nivalis, both biological and cultural, important for the formation of ideas about this species and the dissemination of knowledge about it, is generalized. Such materials are presented in the format of the already traditional collection ‘21 facts about the symbol species of the year.’ A series of photos of weasels from the archives of the Ukrainian Theriological Society is presented, which reflects the variety of colouration, poses, and behaviour of this smallest species of carnivorans in the fauna of Europe.
The series of conferences ‘Natural History Museology in Ukraine’, launched in the autumn of 2009,... more The series of conferences ‘Natural History Museology in Ukraine’, launched in the autumn of 2009, celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2019. Ten years after its beginning, the fifth meeting of the conference cycle was held. The series of conferences was initiated by the Natural History Section of the Ukrainian branch of ICOM, and the main organizers of the first and all subsequent meetings were scientists from two academic museums — the State Museum of Natural History NAS of Ukraine (Lviv) and the National Museum of Natural History NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv). During these 10 years, five full-scale conferences were held: three in Kyiv, one in Kaniv, and one in Kamianets-Podilskyi. Traditionally, the conference is organized in autumn with an average interval of two years on topics related to scientific and educational activities and to the past of natural history museums. An overview of these conferences, their topics, dates, venues, and proceedings is presented. A detailed description of t...