Tsimur Buiko | The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (original) (raw)
Papers by Tsimur Buiko
In the traditional worldview of the Northern Slavs, aspen is represented as a "cursed" tree. This... more In the traditional worldview of the Northern Slavs, aspen is represented as a "cursed" tree. This is reflected not only in the numerous mythopoetic representations and everyday life of the respective Slavic peoples, but also in their languages. The influence of the image of aspen in the Slavic folk picture of the world on the lexical and phraseological composition of languages, which is especially noticeable in dialect material, reflects, among other things, nominations that etymologically go back to the two Proto-Slavic names of this tree (stems *opsik- and *opsin-) and have a pejorative meaning characterized by the semes ‘bad’, ‘spoiled’. Thematically, these nominations describe the categories of taste and color, as well as the characteristics of a person's character and appearance, respectively, their meaning (including the meaning of stable phrases with such components) is based on metaphorical and metonymic transitions, the typology of which is different. Forming phrases with another pejorative, these components can bring additional negative evaluative meaning. Although such nominations are typical only for individual languages, they may indicate the possible general Slavic nature of such a nomination, indirect evidence of which is in the linguistic material of other Slavic languages.
У артыкуле разглядаецца этымалогія назвы асіны. Таксама праз прызму традыцыйных уяўленняў пра дрэ... more У артыкуле разглядаецца этымалогія назвы асіны. Таксама праз прызму традыцыйных уяўленняў пра дрэва аналізуецца беларуская і польская лексіка і фразеалогія, звязаная з асінай.
The article examines the most probable versions of the origin of the Proto-Slavic dendronym *sosn... more The article examines the most probable versions of the origin of the Proto-Slavic dendronym *sosna, and also attempts to determine the Proto-Indo-European root to which it goes back.
The article proposes a comprehensive approach to the study of the etymology of dendronyms, includ... more The article proposes a comprehensive approach to the study of the etymology of dendronyms, including the involvement of the linguistic image of a tree as an evidence base for one or another version of the etymology of the corresponding dendronym.
Мэтай даследавання з’яўляецца спроба вызначыць і вытлумачыць парадак узнікнення польскіх назваў а... more Мэтай даследавання з’яўляецца спроба вызначыць і вытлумачыць парадак узнікнення польскіх назваў асіны і сасны, размеркаваных у дыялектах. Яна ажыццяўляецца праз прыцягненне даных атласаў польскай мовы, а таксама даных гістарычнага мовазнаўства і гісторыі краіны.
The article considers the problem of the initial Slavic designation of pine, as well as possible ... more The article considers the problem of the initial Slavic designation of pine, as well as possible variants of the origin of the Proto-Slavic name *sosna / *sosnь and the question of the primacy of this or that name.
В данной статье предпринимается попытка определить индоевропейское прошлое праславянской лексемы ... more В данной статье предпринимается попытка определить индоевропейское прошлое праславянской лексемы *lipa на основе данных этимологических словарей, а также осуществляется сравнительно-семантический анализ континуантов праславянской лексики с корнем *lip-, общих для белорусского и польского языков.
У дадзеным дакладзе прадпрынятая спроба вытлумачыць паходжанне некаторых беларускіх і польскіх на... more У дадзеным дакладзе прадпрынятая спроба вытлумачыць паходжанне некаторых беларускіх і польскіх намінацый з кампанентам “дуб” з пункту гледжання традыцыйных вераванняў беларусаў і палякаў, зафіксаваных у фундаментальным этналінгвістычным слоўніку “Славянские древности”.
The article discusses the history of the Proto-Slavic name of viburnum, and also makes a comparat... more The article discusses the history of the Proto-Slavic name of viburnum, and also makes a comparative analysis of the development of semantics of the name viburnum in Belarusian and Polish.
The article describes polonisms spread chronology in Old Belarusian military vocabulary. It was r... more The article describes polonisms spread chronology in Old Belarusian military vocabulary. It was researched that there is certain regularity in this process closely connected with the historical development of the army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and specifically its formation following the Polish army pattern. This arrangement can be observed in the polonisms sequence spread in military vocabulary layers. Accordingly when one or the other polonisms layer was filled, it became possible to access the GDL army development.
The article describes polonisms spread chronology in Old Belarusian military vocabulary. It was r... more The article describes polonisms spread chronology in Old Belarusian military vocabulary. It was researched that there is certain regularity in this process closely connected with the historical development of the army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and specifically its formation following the Polish army pattern. This arrangement can be observed in the polonisms sequence spread in military vocabulary layers. Accordingly when one or the other polonisms layer was filled, it became possible to access the GDL army development.
Такі разрад спецыяльнай лексікі, як вайсковая лексіка, добра адлюстраваны ў шматлікіх помніках ст... more Такі разрад спецыяльнай лексікі, як вайсковая лексіка, добра адлюстраваны ў шматлікіх помніках старабеларускага перыяду. У дадзеным
One of the aspects of E. F. Karsky’s slavistic activity was the study of ancient printed publicat... more One of the aspects of E. F. Karsky’s slavistic activity was the study of ancient printed publications, among which was an incomplete copy of the «Psalter of David», at that time already known to the scientific world. In one of the issues of the magazine «Russian Philological Bulletin» the scientist described in detail his findings and determined some of his important characteristics, thus anticipating the guesses of future researchers of this monument of Polish literature, which is still disputed.
The multi-faceted in his scientific outlook, Karsky's personality is manifested, inter alia, in t... more The multi-faceted in his scientific outlook, Karsky's personality is manifested, inter alia, in the study of Belarusian folklore. In the first part of the third volume of the work «Belarusians» entitled «Folk Songs», one of the sections is devoted to Belarusian Trinity and Rusalka rites dedicated to the cycle of holidays under the general name «Green week». The name itself, as the researcher noted, owes to the tradition of decorating huts and courtyards with greenery. Offering his vision of the problem, Karsky, obviously, also considered the statements of his contemporary colleagues, such as Anichkov, Afanasyev, Zelenin, Miller and others, related to certain aspects of the Trinity and Rusalka ritual. In addition, the researcher referred to the records of famous ethnographers Romanov and Shein, which reflect, among other things, the importance of plant symbols in the Belarusian song heritage and testify to its deep integration into the Belarusian Trinity and Rusalka ritual. Karsky also considers the commemoration of the souls of the departed as an honor of the Trinity and Rusalka rite in Belarus. The researcher paid considerable attention to the image of the mermaid, the origin of its name. In addition to decorating the huts with various greens for apotropic purposes, scientists also considered such customs as curling wreaths, «plowing» (sweeping) the grave, cumulation. For example, in decorating the huts, the researcher saw not only traces of primitive beliefs, but also Christian motifs. But a special place during the Trinity and Rusalka cycle of holidays is occupied by birch. The report analyzes the views of both Karsky and contemporaries scientists on the semantics of birch in the Belarusian Trinity and Rusalka rites.
Acta Albaruthenica, 2020
Proto-Slavic "pear" vocabulary in Belarusian and Polish Prasłowiańska leksyka "gruszowa" w języku... more Proto-Slavic "pear" vocabulary in Belarusian and Polish Prasłowiańska leksyka "gruszowa" w języku białoruskim i polskim Арэал распаўсюджання Распаўсюджанне роднасных бел. груша (ігруша) лексем абмежавана балта-славянскім моўным арэалам. Сярод балцкіх адпаведнікаў трэба згадаць літ. kriáušė 'груша (дрэва і плод)' ('груша' ў ЭССЯ), krȧušė, лат. kraûsis 'груша (дрэва і плод)' (дыял. grauše), прус. crausy 'груша (дрэва)' [SP 2001, VIII-8: 256; ЭССЯ 1980, VII-7: 156]. Разам з тым, паводле Уладзіміра Тапарова, літ. kriáušė запазычана з прускай мовы, а лат. дыял. grauše (куранізм) можа быць вынікам кантамінацыі [Топоров 1984, IV-4: 168-169]. Інакш кажучы, большая частка балцкіх намінацый грушы мае карані ў заходнебалцкім моўным арэале. Сітуацыя са славянскімі назвамі выглядае наступным чынам. Згодна з Этымалагічным слоўнікам славянскіх моў (далей-ЭССЯ), кантынуанты прасл. *gruša з семантыкай 'груша' прадстаўлены ў заходне-(пол. grusza, чэш. рэдк. hruše, славац. hruša) і ўсходнеславянскіх мовах [ст.-рус., царк.-слав. (пры наяўнасці варыянта хруша), бел., укр., рус. груша] [ЭССЯ 1980, VII-7: 156]. Праславянскі слоўнік (далей-SP) увогуле ўказвае на адсутнасць паўднёваславянскіх кантынуантаў прасл. *gruša, але згадвае наступныя карэляты праславянскай лексемы са значэннем 'груша': заходнеславянскія [пол. (у тым ліку дыял.) grusza, чэш. hruše] і ўсходнеславянскія [ст.-рус., бел., укр. (у тым ліку дыял.), рус. груша] [SР 2001, VIII-8: 255]. Разам з тым, у Балгарскім этымалагічным слоўніку маецца ўказанне на тое, што балг. круша < прасл. *grušā / *krušā [БЕР 1979, II-2: 31-32], але прасл. *grušā падаецца тут выключна для ілюстрацыі варыятыўнасці ў анлаўце. Таксама нельга не звярнуць увагу на славен. grûška 'Pyrus communis' і некаторыя славенскія тапонімы (напр. Grušova) [Bezlaj 1977, I-1: 184], што сведчыць пра наяўнасць у мінулым прамога славенскага кантынуанта прасл. *gruša, а значыць, прасл. *gruša наяўная ва ўсіх трох славянскіх дыялектных зонах. Яшчэ адзін
In the traditional worldview of the Northern Slavs, aspen is represented as a "cursed" tree. This... more In the traditional worldview of the Northern Slavs, aspen is represented as a "cursed" tree. This is reflected not only in the numerous mythopoetic representations and everyday life of the respective Slavic peoples, but also in their languages. The influence of the image of aspen in the Slavic folk picture of the world on the lexical and phraseological composition of languages, which is especially noticeable in dialect material, reflects, among other things, nominations that etymologically go back to the two Proto-Slavic names of this tree (stems *opsik- and *opsin-) and have a pejorative meaning characterized by the semes ‘bad’, ‘spoiled’. Thematically, these nominations describe the categories of taste and color, as well as the characteristics of a person's character and appearance, respectively, their meaning (including the meaning of stable phrases with such components) is based on metaphorical and metonymic transitions, the typology of which is different. Forming phrases with another pejorative, these components can bring additional negative evaluative meaning. Although such nominations are typical only for individual languages, they may indicate the possible general Slavic nature of such a nomination, indirect evidence of which is in the linguistic material of other Slavic languages.
У артыкуле разглядаецца этымалогія назвы асіны. Таксама праз прызму традыцыйных уяўленняў пра дрэ... more У артыкуле разглядаецца этымалогія назвы асіны. Таксама праз прызму традыцыйных уяўленняў пра дрэва аналізуецца беларуская і польская лексіка і фразеалогія, звязаная з асінай.
The article examines the most probable versions of the origin of the Proto-Slavic dendronym *sosn... more The article examines the most probable versions of the origin of the Proto-Slavic dendronym *sosna, and also attempts to determine the Proto-Indo-European root to which it goes back.
The article proposes a comprehensive approach to the study of the etymology of dendronyms, includ... more The article proposes a comprehensive approach to the study of the etymology of dendronyms, including the involvement of the linguistic image of a tree as an evidence base for one or another version of the etymology of the corresponding dendronym.
Мэтай даследавання з’яўляецца спроба вызначыць і вытлумачыць парадак узнікнення польскіх назваў а... more Мэтай даследавання з’яўляецца спроба вызначыць і вытлумачыць парадак узнікнення польскіх назваў асіны і сасны, размеркаваных у дыялектах. Яна ажыццяўляецца праз прыцягненне даных атласаў польскай мовы, а таксама даных гістарычнага мовазнаўства і гісторыі краіны.
The article considers the problem of the initial Slavic designation of pine, as well as possible ... more The article considers the problem of the initial Slavic designation of pine, as well as possible variants of the origin of the Proto-Slavic name *sosna / *sosnь and the question of the primacy of this or that name.
В данной статье предпринимается попытка определить индоевропейское прошлое праславянской лексемы ... more В данной статье предпринимается попытка определить индоевропейское прошлое праславянской лексемы *lipa на основе данных этимологических словарей, а также осуществляется сравнительно-семантический анализ континуантов праславянской лексики с корнем *lip-, общих для белорусского и польского языков.
У дадзеным дакладзе прадпрынятая спроба вытлумачыць паходжанне некаторых беларускіх і польскіх на... more У дадзеным дакладзе прадпрынятая спроба вытлумачыць паходжанне некаторых беларускіх і польскіх намінацый з кампанентам “дуб” з пункту гледжання традыцыйных вераванняў беларусаў і палякаў, зафіксаваных у фундаментальным этналінгвістычным слоўніку “Славянские древности”.
The article discusses the history of the Proto-Slavic name of viburnum, and also makes a comparat... more The article discusses the history of the Proto-Slavic name of viburnum, and also makes a comparative analysis of the development of semantics of the name viburnum in Belarusian and Polish.
The article describes polonisms spread chronology in Old Belarusian military vocabulary. It was r... more The article describes polonisms spread chronology in Old Belarusian military vocabulary. It was researched that there is certain regularity in this process closely connected with the historical development of the army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and specifically its formation following the Polish army pattern. This arrangement can be observed in the polonisms sequence spread in military vocabulary layers. Accordingly when one or the other polonisms layer was filled, it became possible to access the GDL army development.
The article describes polonisms spread chronology in Old Belarusian military vocabulary. It was r... more The article describes polonisms spread chronology in Old Belarusian military vocabulary. It was researched that there is certain regularity in this process closely connected with the historical development of the army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and specifically its formation following the Polish army pattern. This arrangement can be observed in the polonisms sequence spread in military vocabulary layers. Accordingly when one or the other polonisms layer was filled, it became possible to access the GDL army development.
Такі разрад спецыяльнай лексікі, як вайсковая лексіка, добра адлюстраваны ў шматлікіх помніках ст... more Такі разрад спецыяльнай лексікі, як вайсковая лексіка, добра адлюстраваны ў шматлікіх помніках старабеларускага перыяду. У дадзеным
One of the aspects of E. F. Karsky’s slavistic activity was the study of ancient printed publicat... more One of the aspects of E. F. Karsky’s slavistic activity was the study of ancient printed publications, among which was an incomplete copy of the «Psalter of David», at that time already known to the scientific world. In one of the issues of the magazine «Russian Philological Bulletin» the scientist described in detail his findings and determined some of his important characteristics, thus anticipating the guesses of future researchers of this monument of Polish literature, which is still disputed.
The multi-faceted in his scientific outlook, Karsky's personality is manifested, inter alia, in t... more The multi-faceted in his scientific outlook, Karsky's personality is manifested, inter alia, in the study of Belarusian folklore. In the first part of the third volume of the work «Belarusians» entitled «Folk Songs», one of the sections is devoted to Belarusian Trinity and Rusalka rites dedicated to the cycle of holidays under the general name «Green week». The name itself, as the researcher noted, owes to the tradition of decorating huts and courtyards with greenery. Offering his vision of the problem, Karsky, obviously, also considered the statements of his contemporary colleagues, such as Anichkov, Afanasyev, Zelenin, Miller and others, related to certain aspects of the Trinity and Rusalka ritual. In addition, the researcher referred to the records of famous ethnographers Romanov and Shein, which reflect, among other things, the importance of plant symbols in the Belarusian song heritage and testify to its deep integration into the Belarusian Trinity and Rusalka ritual. Karsky also considers the commemoration of the souls of the departed as an honor of the Trinity and Rusalka rite in Belarus. The researcher paid considerable attention to the image of the mermaid, the origin of its name. In addition to decorating the huts with various greens for apotropic purposes, scientists also considered such customs as curling wreaths, «plowing» (sweeping) the grave, cumulation. For example, in decorating the huts, the researcher saw not only traces of primitive beliefs, but also Christian motifs. But a special place during the Trinity and Rusalka cycle of holidays is occupied by birch. The report analyzes the views of both Karsky and contemporaries scientists on the semantics of birch in the Belarusian Trinity and Rusalka rites.
Acta Albaruthenica, 2020
Proto-Slavic "pear" vocabulary in Belarusian and Polish Prasłowiańska leksyka "gruszowa" w języku... more Proto-Slavic "pear" vocabulary in Belarusian and Polish Prasłowiańska leksyka "gruszowa" w języku białoruskim i polskim Арэал распаўсюджання Распаўсюджанне роднасных бел. груша (ігруша) лексем абмежавана балта-славянскім моўным арэалам. Сярод балцкіх адпаведнікаў трэба згадаць літ. kriáušė 'груша (дрэва і плод)' ('груша' ў ЭССЯ), krȧušė, лат. kraûsis 'груша (дрэва і плод)' (дыял. grauše), прус. crausy 'груша (дрэва)' [SP 2001, VIII-8: 256; ЭССЯ 1980, VII-7: 156]. Разам з тым, паводле Уладзіміра Тапарова, літ. kriáušė запазычана з прускай мовы, а лат. дыял. grauše (куранізм) можа быць вынікам кантамінацыі [Топоров 1984, IV-4: 168-169]. Інакш кажучы, большая частка балцкіх намінацый грушы мае карані ў заходнебалцкім моўным арэале. Сітуацыя са славянскімі назвамі выглядае наступным чынам. Згодна з Этымалагічным слоўнікам славянскіх моў (далей-ЭССЯ), кантынуанты прасл. *gruša з семантыкай 'груша' прадстаўлены ў заходне-(пол. grusza, чэш. рэдк. hruše, славац. hruša) і ўсходнеславянскіх мовах [ст.-рус., царк.-слав. (пры наяўнасці варыянта хруша), бел., укр., рус. груша] [ЭССЯ 1980, VII-7: 156]. Праславянскі слоўнік (далей-SP) увогуле ўказвае на адсутнасць паўднёваславянскіх кантынуантаў прасл. *gruša, але згадвае наступныя карэляты праславянскай лексемы са значэннем 'груша': заходнеславянскія [пол. (у тым ліку дыял.) grusza, чэш. hruše] і ўсходнеславянскія [ст.-рус., бел., укр. (у тым ліку дыял.), рус. груша] [SР 2001, VIII-8: 255]. Разам з тым, у Балгарскім этымалагічным слоўніку маецца ўказанне на тое, што балг. круша < прасл. *grušā / *krušā [БЕР 1979, II-2: 31-32], але прасл. *grušā падаецца тут выключна для ілюстрацыі варыятыўнасці ў анлаўце. Таксама нельга не звярнуць увагу на славен. grûška 'Pyrus communis' і некаторыя славенскія тапонімы (напр. Grušova) [Bezlaj 1977, I-1: 184], што сведчыць пра наяўнасць у мінулым прамога славенскага кантынуанта прасл. *gruša, а значыць, прасл. *gruša наяўная ва ўсіх трох славянскіх дыялектных зонах. Яшчэ адзін