Muhammad Ali Baig | National Defence University-NDU- Islamabad- Pakistan (original) (raw)

Papers by Muhammad Ali Baig

Research paper thumbnail of The Unipolar Torment: Analysing grand strategic overstretch of the United States

Cogent Arts & Humanities, 2023

The article aspired to probe the versatility of narratives prevailing in the American academia re... more The article aspired to probe the versatility of narratives prevailing in the American academia regarding the formulation and articulation of the U.S. grand strategy based on the structure and nature of the international system. A set of scholars dominating policy making circles have long trumpeted the aspects of American Exceptionalism and the messianic role to project liberal values using both interventionism and non-interventionism. On the other hand, scholars belonging to the Realist tradition and its various schools of thought have negated such claims and called for the adoption of a Realist grand strategy. The article remained focused in exploring the prevalent nature of the international system and the outreach and overreach of American global power. It found the post-Cold War strategy of preponderance as the early traces of global overstretch and among the chief elements in the increasingly stagnant or perhaps declining American global power. The article also proposed a few guidelines in formulating a grand strategy capable of minimizing the grand strategic overstretch.

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Research paper thumbnail of U.S. Presidential Election 2020 and Trump's False Realism

Pakistan Journal of American Studies, 2023

Trump's ascent to power as the 45 th President of the United States of America in 2016 was receiv... more Trump's ascent to power as the 45 th President of the United States of America in 2016 was received as a shock by the international community, most importantly its European allies. However, it was welcomed by populist and right-leaning leaders such as the then Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The latter was the first head of state to meet the President-Elect at the Trump Tower in New York City in November 2016. It was speculated that Trump would envisage a foreign policy pivoted upon Realist principles. Indeed, Trump administration's second National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster asserted that Trump would articulate "Principled Realism." However, "Trump's False Realism" in the articulation and execution of U.S. foreign policy caused damage to the established balance of power and the hardearned trust of allies besides jeopardizing his election win. This article attempts to analyse four major reasons that contributed to Trump's loss of the U.S. Presidential Election 2020, of which three are domestic and one is foreign.

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Research paper thumbnail of Handbook of Research on War Policies, Strategies, and Cyber Wars

Handbook of Research on War Policies, Strategies, and Cyber Wars, 2023

Since its controversial creation in April 1948, Israel has faced conventionally symmetric as well... more Since its controversial creation in April 1948, Israel has faced conventionally symmetric as well as asymmetric and irregular threats emanating from various sources. The Israel Defense Forces remarkably overwhelmed its Arab counterparts in three conventional limited wars. However, fighting for their former homeland, the nationalism-driven Palestinians and violent actors other than state (AOTSs) created new challenges for Israel. Palestinians with close proximity to Israel employed improvised arsenal, especially rockets and shoulder launched weapons to inflict damage, death, and destruction on Israeli civilians and military. Israel responded with brutal military operations and offensive measures to prevent as well as avenge the loss of its military and civilians. The study is a concentrated effort in analysing Israel’s Trinity comprising of weapon systems such as Iron Dome, Iron Fist, and armed unmanned aerial vehicles in its endeavour to countering threats.

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Research paper thumbnail of The US-China Trade War: Hard Implications of a Soft War

BTTN Journal, 2023

The end of the Cold War reinforced the term globalisation, where states became more intertwined e... more The end of the Cold War reinforced the term globalisation, where states became more intertwined economically, tilted towards consolidation of their economic ties. However, great power politics kept in gaining buoyancy in the international relations; resultantly, the United States initiated and later amplified its trade with China. Hitherto, the latter became the second largest trade partner of the former. During the last couple of years, such ties between the two witnessed a turbulent trajectory. However, America under Trump administration, accused China of raping the US economy, being an unfair trade partner, and spattered of becoming a currency manipulator. To minimize and equalize the trade deficit that reached almost 345.6 billion USD in 2019, the Trump administration initiated a unique trade war between the two great economies; consequently, such policy decisions remained one of the hottest issues in international politics. The Trump Doctrine hinged upon America First; and the imposition of strict tariffs on numerous Chinese products, surprised the international commentators and economists. The article intends to probe the strategic context of the US-China Trade War and the implications of such on a global level. It also explores continuity of the same under the Biden administration. It tentatively provided a way forward for both great powers as well.

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Research paper thumbnail of U.S.-China Trade War: Regional Implications

Annals of Social Sciences & Management Studies, 2023

According to the conventional wisdom, trade is not a zero-sum game, but a positive sum game. Same... more According to the conventional wisdom, trade is not a zero-sum game, but a positive sum game. Same is the case of US-China trade relationship. Both countries developed decade's long trade relations on the basis of mutual economic interests. Both countries United States and China, in past have been each other's extensive partners, on economic trading and political cooperation. Continuous Chinese development and high growth rate, with the largest trade surplus challenged United States supremacy in the world. Therefore, United States made China liable for its unfair trade practices and initiated trade war. This study provides an assessment of US-China trade war and its regional and global implications including its economic implications for Pakistan. In this paper, American role in Chinese Economic development is also highlighted. This paper contends that full understanding of trade war requires close attention to the importance of power competition among two global powers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Right wing cultural hegemony and the decline of socialism in Pakistan: A case study of Punjab – 1977–1997

Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, 2023

Soon after its independence from the British in August 1947, Pakistan's socio-political culture b... more Soon after its independence from the British in August 1947, Pakistan's socio-political culture became entangled into a monopoly of the right-wing with feudal lords, especially in the Punjab province. The pseudo right-wing political parties exploited Pakistan's religious foundations and established a cultural hegemony. Historically, Punjab had remained the epicentre of political bargains since its inception; therefore, it retained strong alliances for stable government in the centre. Somehow, dissident voices and views from any other political ideology were deemed to be antistate or anti-religious. This paper analyses through Antonio Gramsci's Theory of Cultural Hegemony how the right wing manipulated the opinion of the masses to legitimize their rule, which ultimately led to the decline of socialism. This paper illustrates the underlying ultra-religious campaigns in the electoral manoeuvring of the right wing from 1977 to 1997, thereby gaining the consent of the people. This study also outlines the systematic othering and demonizing of the left wing in society by pseudo right-wing factions.

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Research paper thumbnail of China's People's Liberation Army: Restructuring and Modernization

Open Military Studies, 2022

China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) and its various branches carry the prudent legacy of its a... more China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) and its various branches carry the prudent legacy of its ancient history. Since its creation in 1927, time and again, the PLA has acted as an effective arm of the vanguard party in establishing and securing the Heaven. Following the theoretical underpinnings of China's paramount leader Mao, today the PLA is a formidable force capable of conducting operations in every domain of war. However, under President Xi Jinping, the PLA has undergone considerable restructuring and modernization. This article aims to briefly understand and analyse such structural reconfigurations and modernization plans. It uses academic, journalistic, and Sino-American official sources in exploring the PLA's restructuring and modernization. It concludes that the PLA has undergone massive structural reconfiguration and modernization in terms of material and doctrine. It also highlights that the renewed deployments of the PLA under a renewed doctrinal awakening and a strategic thought could have a great impact on its future operations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Full Electric Vehicles: History, Concept, Operation, and Potential Impact on the Economy, Environment, and Daily Life

International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, 2022

Full Electric Vehicles (FEVs) are among one of the three kinds of hybrid electric vehicles. FEVs ... more Full Electric Vehicles (FEVs) are among one of the three kinds of hybrid electric vehicles. FEVs are such motorized vehicles which utilize onboard electric motor or a couple of motors driven solely by batteries which use the stored charge on them as a fuel. FEVs do not drink up any petro-chemical fuel and consequently, do not emit greenhouse gases – decreasing harmful emissions. The concept and use of FEVs dates back to the 1890s when Lohner-Porsche produced the first full electric vehicle known as P1. FEVs provide with such a framework to lower the greenhouse gases to contribute in lessening the climate change and global warming. The paper essentially contends and elucidates that how and why FEVs can replace conventional internal combustion vehicles in a developing country like Pakistan while contributing positively in reducing the burden on economy and environment and making daily life comfortable while preventing the planet earth from global warming and climate change.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Latent Operational Sway of Modern Indian Conventional Weapons on the Armed Forces of Pakistan

Global Strategic & Security Studies Review, 2021

Attaining and maintaining operations security remains the primary objective of armed forces on mo... more Attaining and maintaining operations security remains the primary objective of armed forces on modern battlefields. Due to their flexibility in employment, conventional weapons are the true weapons of war and warfare, and in turn, significantly affect the operational environment based on their offensive as well as defensive capabilities. South Asia being a nuclear flashpoint is still characterized by conventional weapons. This paper intends to investigate the traditional weapon modernization undertaken by India and the likely impact of systems such as the Russian-built T-90S Main Battle Tank and S-400 Missile System, French-built Rafale Omni-role aircraft, and the Indian Navy aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya on the Armed Forces of Pakistan. The paper aspires to examine how and why these weapons and their acquisitions and deployments are likely to affect the operations security of both rival armed forces and recommend several conventional responses to enhance it, with special regard to Pakistan

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Research paper thumbnail of Globalization and its Socio-Economic Impact on Pakistan

Global Foreign Policies Review, 2018

The study involves a brief yet insightful discussion on the concept of globalization, covering di... more The study involves a brief yet insightful discussion on the concept of globalization, covering different aspects of globalization. The focal point is to consider that globalization is not a new phenomenon. It further explains that globalization has taken new dimensions along with the impact that it has on the economy and society of Pakistan. The impact of globalization on every economy differs depending on its social, political and economic dimensions. The paper emphasizes on the fact that although Pakistan achieved certain gains from globalization, but the adverse effects outweighs the positive effects in certain areas. It clearly mentions how globalization has resulted in a degradation of moral norms and values of Pakistani society and how has globalization affected economic growth in Pakistan with a major focus has on trade. It concludes with how these challenges can be overcome by holding governments in charge of effective policy making.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Pashtuns use of Suicide Bombing as a Military Operation in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Otoritas: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 2021

This paper provided a new framework i.e., fifth-generation literature on suicide bombings. The la... more This paper provided a new framework i.e., fifth-generation literature on suicide bombings. The latter have always been a central debate/value in warfare; however, they have taken a centre stage in asymmetric warfare. The lethality and commitment to the cause makes a suicide attacker a real danger. The Iraqi episode of Al-Qaeda used suicide bombings as a military operation, and it transferred the expertise to Taliban to fight against the U.S-led Allied Forces in Afghanistan. From there the same tactics proliferated to Pakistani Taliban who used it as a military operation against the security and civil establishments of Islamabad. Apart from the Pashtunwali Code and the strict adherence to the Deobandi School of thought, the Pashtuns of Afghanistan and Pakistan readily accepted to recruit and train suicide attackers and employed suicide bombings as a military operation. This analytical and explanatory study generally banked on secondary data, normally gathered from the academic sources; however, primary data was also used, and an interview of an anonymous security official was conducted as well. This paper is a concentrated effort to probe and investigate the advent of suicide bombings in Afghanistan and Pakistan and to examine that how and why the Pashtuns used it as a military operation to achieve their desired objectives. The article found that the selection and indoctrination of a suicide bomber involves almost eight stages.

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Research paper thumbnail of India's Indigenization and Modernization of Defence and Military Technology: Strategic Ramifications for Pakistan

Global International Relations Review, 2018

India is arming and modernizing its military with its land forces receiving equipment in an unpre... more India is arming and modernizing its military with its land forces receiving equipment in an unprecedented manner while its navy is growingly becoming a blue water navy capable of projecting power way beyond its shores and is rapidly arming its air force to become a strategic force capable of playing an independent role. The international environment is favourable for India, which is further adding impetus towards indigenization and modernization of Indian defence and military capabilities while providing an opportunity for the economy to flourish even more. The paper is an endeavour to analyze, assess, predict and prescribe the potential upshots and outcomes of indigenization, local and licensed manufacturing and joint ventures initiated by India in defence and military sectors – and the likelihood of such choices and actions in becoming a vital strategic and security concern for Pakistan.

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Research paper thumbnail of Balkanization of Baluchistan: Road to rivalry between China and the U.S. in the neo-realist perspect

Comparative Strategy, 2021

Geopolitics plays a decisive role in the international politics. The importance of geopolitics ca... more Geopolitics plays a decisive role in the international politics. The importance of geopolitics can be seen in the Twentieth century that culminated in the First Word War. The Berlin-Baghdad Railway Project was the true manifestation of geopolitics, while the Balkan region played a significant role due to its geopolitical and geo-strategic importance. The Balkans being at the crossroads of great powers became a catalyst for animosity among them. Geopolitics has again taken a centre stage in the Twenty-first century due to China-led Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its flagship project i.e., China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The paper intends to investigate, analyse, and predict the BRI’s flagship belt i.e., CPEC and its likely impacts on the existing rivalry between China and the United States under the prism of Neo-Realism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Global Pandemic COVID-19: Economic and Political Fallouts for China

The Role of Intelligence and State Policies in International Security, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Deconstructing India’s Maritime Narrative: Strategic Ramifications for China and Pakistan

India’s Relations with Neighbours: Cooperation or Confrontation?, 2021

The Indian Ocean is the third largest water body and is growlingly becoming an arena of competiti... more The Indian Ocean is the third largest water body and is growlingly becoming an arena of competition between China and India. The Indian Ocean Region holds significant importance for global maritime trade flow as more than half of global oil passes through it. Consequently, both India and China heavily rely on it for their respective seaborne trade. The latter increases the importance of the body manifold. However, the growing Indian naval presence along with economic and political interests is endangering the peace and stability of the region. It has the potential in leaving its impression on the political dynamics of the region. The paper aimed to highlight Indian ambitions and its expanding geopolitical fascination with the Indian Ocean Region along with naval expansion. Pivoted upon its growing interests, the article highlighted the ramifications of this struggle for China and Pakistan. This study also provided a relevant way ahead for both states to keep their interests protected in the region.

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Research paper thumbnail of Brexit: Analysing Britain's political and geostrategic considerations

Cogent Social Sciences, 2021

Brexit is a watershed moment in the life of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irel... more Brexit is a watershed moment in the life of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland that significantly reflects its circumstantial national socio-political and psychological situation. The article argued that national desperation and frustration greatly affect society, politics, and national psychology. These elements trigger and act as the fundamental driving force in shaking and shaping the course of action in the life of nations and states (most importantly former colonial powers). However, national desperation and frustration are not limited towards taking desperate measures but could also result in a radical shift in alliances and the overall orientation of the state. The article took a brief survey of Britain’s politico-strategic and psychological history and analysed the variables culminating in the form of Brexit. It considered the psychological, socio-political, economic, geopolitical, geostrategic, and military aspects, in analysing the Brexit. It concluded in the light of such variables. Moreover, it presented potential ramifications of such endeavours. The article offered a tentative road in overcoming British national desperation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Indo-Pak Nascent Rapprochement: A Preliminary Assessment

Issue Brief - Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI), 2021

The Indo-Pak relationship is unique due to peculiar nature. There have been a few neighbours in t... more The Indo-Pak relationship is unique due to peculiar nature. There have been a few neighbours in the world who share mutual history and still maintain fierce animosity and hostility. Contemporarily, the relationship between Republic of Korea (South) and Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North) presents somehow a similar picture. Nonetheless, besides number of peace initiatives taken by Pakistan and many attempts made by both sides, even supported and facilitated by the great powers; the Indo-Pak relations present a gloomy picture. However, the larger part of the quagmire rests on Indian shoulders, as it holds enormous landmass and relatively larger share of the world power. The objective of this brief is to understand why such a dilemma has clouded South Asia and how an unfortunate landscape between the two could be rectified. However, it would be unfruitful to explore the latter without taking into consideration the set of events that took place within the span of last four weeks.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Defence Needs of Azerbaijani Armed Forces for Peace, Security, and Stability

Open Military Studies, 2021

Azerbaijan is a peace-loving country and a cooperative member of the United Nations Organization.... more Azerbaijan is a peace-loving country and a cooperative member of the United Nations Organization. Being a sovereign member of the international community, it has all the rights and privileges entitled to a state. However, the claims of neighbouring Armenia driven by irredentism and revanchism over the contested region of Nagorno Karabakh have led to numerous conflicts between the two. Having the role of ensuring Azerbaijan's political integrity and sovereign status, the role of its armed forces is demanding yet challenging. This article is geared towards analysing the operational capabilities of Azerbaijani Armed Forces with a special focus on equipment, doctrine, and command and control platforms. It also assesses and prescribes the necessary and immediate needs to deter the threats and to thwart any military conflict. It theorises the potential of Azerbaijan-Pakistan defence relations. Finally, it aspires to take a structural approach in explaining the state behaviour and the relevance of security in contemporary times.

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Research paper thumbnail of Artificial Intelligence: Exploring the Potential in Enhancing the Safety and Security of Nuclear Reactors

Security Issues in the Context of Political Violence and Terrorism of the 21st Century, 2021

The Twenty-First century is the century of technology. The era is a fortunate one, as it is reapi... more The Twenty-First century is the century of technology. The era is a fortunate one, as it is reaping the rewards of human progression and development in all the fields of life, most importantly the cyber technology. Complimenting the importance of computers in 1946, American nuclear scientist John von Neumann, argued that “I am thinking about something more important than bombs. I am thinking about computers.” Since, Neumann’s arguments made at the end of the second quarter of the Twentieth century, the computers are the dominating technology, which are steadily, yet constantly permeating in our daily lives. The most significant product of cyber technology is Artificial Intelligence (AI), that has already become an inseparable part of modern civilization. Before Neumann and his contemporary English scientist Max Newman, British cryptographer Alan Mathison Turing’s publication “On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem” (1936) and his doctoral dissertation titled as “Systems of Logic Based on Ordinals” (1938) at Princeton University (United States), laid down the formidable foundations of AI. He is also known as the “father of AI.” Later, Turing’s role in breaking the German Navy’s Enigma Code and inventing the ‘bombe’ machine to speedily breaking encrypted codes, earned him enduring recognition in the fields of AI, cognitive science, Artificial Life, and computer science.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cold Start-Hot Stop? A Strategic Concern for Pakistan

NDU Journal, 2020

The hostile environment in South Asia is a serious concern for the international players. This vo... more The hostile environment in South Asia is a serious concern for the international players. This volatile situation is further fuelled by escalating arms race and aggressive force postures. The Indian Cold Start Doctrine (CSD) has supplemented negatively to the South Asian strategic stability by trying to find a way in fighting a conventional limited war just below the nuclear umbrella. It was reactionary in nature to overcome the shortcomings exhibited during Operation Parakram of 2001-02, executed under the premise of Sundarji Doctrine. The Cold Start is an adapted version of German Blitzkrieg which makes it a dangerous instrument. Apart from many limitations, the doctrine remains relevant to the region, primarily due to the attestation of its presence by the then Indian Army Chief General Bipin Rawat in January 2017. This paper is an effort to probe the different aspects of Cold Start, its prerequisites in provisions of three sets; being a bluff based on deception, myth rooted in misperception, and a reality flanked by escalation; and how and why CSD is a strategic concern for Pakistan.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Unipolar Torment: Analysing grand strategic overstretch of the United States

Cogent Arts & Humanities, 2023

The article aspired to probe the versatility of narratives prevailing in the American academia re... more The article aspired to probe the versatility of narratives prevailing in the American academia regarding the formulation and articulation of the U.S. grand strategy based on the structure and nature of the international system. A set of scholars dominating policy making circles have long trumpeted the aspects of American Exceptionalism and the messianic role to project liberal values using both interventionism and non-interventionism. On the other hand, scholars belonging to the Realist tradition and its various schools of thought have negated such claims and called for the adoption of a Realist grand strategy. The article remained focused in exploring the prevalent nature of the international system and the outreach and overreach of American global power. It found the post-Cold War strategy of preponderance as the early traces of global overstretch and among the chief elements in the increasingly stagnant or perhaps declining American global power. The article also proposed a few guidelines in formulating a grand strategy capable of minimizing the grand strategic overstretch.

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Research paper thumbnail of U.S. Presidential Election 2020 and Trump's False Realism

Pakistan Journal of American Studies, 2023

Trump's ascent to power as the 45 th President of the United States of America in 2016 was receiv... more Trump's ascent to power as the 45 th President of the United States of America in 2016 was received as a shock by the international community, most importantly its European allies. However, it was welcomed by populist and right-leaning leaders such as the then Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The latter was the first head of state to meet the President-Elect at the Trump Tower in New York City in November 2016. It was speculated that Trump would envisage a foreign policy pivoted upon Realist principles. Indeed, Trump administration's second National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster asserted that Trump would articulate "Principled Realism." However, "Trump's False Realism" in the articulation and execution of U.S. foreign policy caused damage to the established balance of power and the hardearned trust of allies besides jeopardizing his election win. This article attempts to analyse four major reasons that contributed to Trump's loss of the U.S. Presidential Election 2020, of which three are domestic and one is foreign.

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Research paper thumbnail of Handbook of Research on War Policies, Strategies, and Cyber Wars

Handbook of Research on War Policies, Strategies, and Cyber Wars, 2023

Since its controversial creation in April 1948, Israel has faced conventionally symmetric as well... more Since its controversial creation in April 1948, Israel has faced conventionally symmetric as well as asymmetric and irregular threats emanating from various sources. The Israel Defense Forces remarkably overwhelmed its Arab counterparts in three conventional limited wars. However, fighting for their former homeland, the nationalism-driven Palestinians and violent actors other than state (AOTSs) created new challenges for Israel. Palestinians with close proximity to Israel employed improvised arsenal, especially rockets and shoulder launched weapons to inflict damage, death, and destruction on Israeli civilians and military. Israel responded with brutal military operations and offensive measures to prevent as well as avenge the loss of its military and civilians. The study is a concentrated effort in analysing Israel’s Trinity comprising of weapon systems such as Iron Dome, Iron Fist, and armed unmanned aerial vehicles in its endeavour to countering threats.

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Research paper thumbnail of The US-China Trade War: Hard Implications of a Soft War

BTTN Journal, 2023

The end of the Cold War reinforced the term globalisation, where states became more intertwined e... more The end of the Cold War reinforced the term globalisation, where states became more intertwined economically, tilted towards consolidation of their economic ties. However, great power politics kept in gaining buoyancy in the international relations; resultantly, the United States initiated and later amplified its trade with China. Hitherto, the latter became the second largest trade partner of the former. During the last couple of years, such ties between the two witnessed a turbulent trajectory. However, America under Trump administration, accused China of raping the US economy, being an unfair trade partner, and spattered of becoming a currency manipulator. To minimize and equalize the trade deficit that reached almost 345.6 billion USD in 2019, the Trump administration initiated a unique trade war between the two great economies; consequently, such policy decisions remained one of the hottest issues in international politics. The Trump Doctrine hinged upon America First; and the imposition of strict tariffs on numerous Chinese products, surprised the international commentators and economists. The article intends to probe the strategic context of the US-China Trade War and the implications of such on a global level. It also explores continuity of the same under the Biden administration. It tentatively provided a way forward for both great powers as well.

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Research paper thumbnail of U.S.-China Trade War: Regional Implications

Annals of Social Sciences & Management Studies, 2023

According to the conventional wisdom, trade is not a zero-sum game, but a positive sum game. Same... more According to the conventional wisdom, trade is not a zero-sum game, but a positive sum game. Same is the case of US-China trade relationship. Both countries developed decade's long trade relations on the basis of mutual economic interests. Both countries United States and China, in past have been each other's extensive partners, on economic trading and political cooperation. Continuous Chinese development and high growth rate, with the largest trade surplus challenged United States supremacy in the world. Therefore, United States made China liable for its unfair trade practices and initiated trade war. This study provides an assessment of US-China trade war and its regional and global implications including its economic implications for Pakistan. In this paper, American role in Chinese Economic development is also highlighted. This paper contends that full understanding of trade war requires close attention to the importance of power competition among two global powers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Right wing cultural hegemony and the decline of socialism in Pakistan: A case study of Punjab – 1977–1997

Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, 2023

Soon after its independence from the British in August 1947, Pakistan's socio-political culture b... more Soon after its independence from the British in August 1947, Pakistan's socio-political culture became entangled into a monopoly of the right-wing with feudal lords, especially in the Punjab province. The pseudo right-wing political parties exploited Pakistan's religious foundations and established a cultural hegemony. Historically, Punjab had remained the epicentre of political bargains since its inception; therefore, it retained strong alliances for stable government in the centre. Somehow, dissident voices and views from any other political ideology were deemed to be antistate or anti-religious. This paper analyses through Antonio Gramsci's Theory of Cultural Hegemony how the right wing manipulated the opinion of the masses to legitimize their rule, which ultimately led to the decline of socialism. This paper illustrates the underlying ultra-religious campaigns in the electoral manoeuvring of the right wing from 1977 to 1997, thereby gaining the consent of the people. This study also outlines the systematic othering and demonizing of the left wing in society by pseudo right-wing factions.

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Research paper thumbnail of China's People's Liberation Army: Restructuring and Modernization

Open Military Studies, 2022

China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) and its various branches carry the prudent legacy of its a... more China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) and its various branches carry the prudent legacy of its ancient history. Since its creation in 1927, time and again, the PLA has acted as an effective arm of the vanguard party in establishing and securing the Heaven. Following the theoretical underpinnings of China's paramount leader Mao, today the PLA is a formidable force capable of conducting operations in every domain of war. However, under President Xi Jinping, the PLA has undergone considerable restructuring and modernization. This article aims to briefly understand and analyse such structural reconfigurations and modernization plans. It uses academic, journalistic, and Sino-American official sources in exploring the PLA's restructuring and modernization. It concludes that the PLA has undergone massive structural reconfiguration and modernization in terms of material and doctrine. It also highlights that the renewed deployments of the PLA under a renewed doctrinal awakening and a strategic thought could have a great impact on its future operations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Full Electric Vehicles: History, Concept, Operation, and Potential Impact on the Economy, Environment, and Daily Life

International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, 2022

Full Electric Vehicles (FEVs) are among one of the three kinds of hybrid electric vehicles. FEVs ... more Full Electric Vehicles (FEVs) are among one of the three kinds of hybrid electric vehicles. FEVs are such motorized vehicles which utilize onboard electric motor or a couple of motors driven solely by batteries which use the stored charge on them as a fuel. FEVs do not drink up any petro-chemical fuel and consequently, do not emit greenhouse gases – decreasing harmful emissions. The concept and use of FEVs dates back to the 1890s when Lohner-Porsche produced the first full electric vehicle known as P1. FEVs provide with such a framework to lower the greenhouse gases to contribute in lessening the climate change and global warming. The paper essentially contends and elucidates that how and why FEVs can replace conventional internal combustion vehicles in a developing country like Pakistan while contributing positively in reducing the burden on economy and environment and making daily life comfortable while preventing the planet earth from global warming and climate change.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Latent Operational Sway of Modern Indian Conventional Weapons on the Armed Forces of Pakistan

Global Strategic & Security Studies Review, 2021

Attaining and maintaining operations security remains the primary objective of armed forces on mo... more Attaining and maintaining operations security remains the primary objective of armed forces on modern battlefields. Due to their flexibility in employment, conventional weapons are the true weapons of war and warfare, and in turn, significantly affect the operational environment based on their offensive as well as defensive capabilities. South Asia being a nuclear flashpoint is still characterized by conventional weapons. This paper intends to investigate the traditional weapon modernization undertaken by India and the likely impact of systems such as the Russian-built T-90S Main Battle Tank and S-400 Missile System, French-built Rafale Omni-role aircraft, and the Indian Navy aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya on the Armed Forces of Pakistan. The paper aspires to examine how and why these weapons and their acquisitions and deployments are likely to affect the operations security of both rival armed forces and recommend several conventional responses to enhance it, with special regard to Pakistan

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Research paper thumbnail of Globalization and its Socio-Economic Impact on Pakistan

Global Foreign Policies Review, 2018

The study involves a brief yet insightful discussion on the concept of globalization, covering di... more The study involves a brief yet insightful discussion on the concept of globalization, covering different aspects of globalization. The focal point is to consider that globalization is not a new phenomenon. It further explains that globalization has taken new dimensions along with the impact that it has on the economy and society of Pakistan. The impact of globalization on every economy differs depending on its social, political and economic dimensions. The paper emphasizes on the fact that although Pakistan achieved certain gains from globalization, but the adverse effects outweighs the positive effects in certain areas. It clearly mentions how globalization has resulted in a degradation of moral norms and values of Pakistani society and how has globalization affected economic growth in Pakistan with a major focus has on trade. It concludes with how these challenges can be overcome by holding governments in charge of effective policy making.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Pashtuns use of Suicide Bombing as a Military Operation in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Otoritas: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 2021

This paper provided a new framework i.e., fifth-generation literature on suicide bombings. The la... more This paper provided a new framework i.e., fifth-generation literature on suicide bombings. The latter have always been a central debate/value in warfare; however, they have taken a centre stage in asymmetric warfare. The lethality and commitment to the cause makes a suicide attacker a real danger. The Iraqi episode of Al-Qaeda used suicide bombings as a military operation, and it transferred the expertise to Taliban to fight against the U.S-led Allied Forces in Afghanistan. From there the same tactics proliferated to Pakistani Taliban who used it as a military operation against the security and civil establishments of Islamabad. Apart from the Pashtunwali Code and the strict adherence to the Deobandi School of thought, the Pashtuns of Afghanistan and Pakistan readily accepted to recruit and train suicide attackers and employed suicide bombings as a military operation. This analytical and explanatory study generally banked on secondary data, normally gathered from the academic sources; however, primary data was also used, and an interview of an anonymous security official was conducted as well. This paper is a concentrated effort to probe and investigate the advent of suicide bombings in Afghanistan and Pakistan and to examine that how and why the Pashtuns used it as a military operation to achieve their desired objectives. The article found that the selection and indoctrination of a suicide bomber involves almost eight stages.

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Research paper thumbnail of India's Indigenization and Modernization of Defence and Military Technology: Strategic Ramifications for Pakistan

Global International Relations Review, 2018

India is arming and modernizing its military with its land forces receiving equipment in an unpre... more India is arming and modernizing its military with its land forces receiving equipment in an unprecedented manner while its navy is growingly becoming a blue water navy capable of projecting power way beyond its shores and is rapidly arming its air force to become a strategic force capable of playing an independent role. The international environment is favourable for India, which is further adding impetus towards indigenization and modernization of Indian defence and military capabilities while providing an opportunity for the economy to flourish even more. The paper is an endeavour to analyze, assess, predict and prescribe the potential upshots and outcomes of indigenization, local and licensed manufacturing and joint ventures initiated by India in defence and military sectors – and the likelihood of such choices and actions in becoming a vital strategic and security concern for Pakistan.

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Research paper thumbnail of Balkanization of Baluchistan: Road to rivalry between China and the U.S. in the neo-realist perspect

Comparative Strategy, 2021

Geopolitics plays a decisive role in the international politics. The importance of geopolitics ca... more Geopolitics plays a decisive role in the international politics. The importance of geopolitics can be seen in the Twentieth century that culminated in the First Word War. The Berlin-Baghdad Railway Project was the true manifestation of geopolitics, while the Balkan region played a significant role due to its geopolitical and geo-strategic importance. The Balkans being at the crossroads of great powers became a catalyst for animosity among them. Geopolitics has again taken a centre stage in the Twenty-first century due to China-led Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its flagship project i.e., China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The paper intends to investigate, analyse, and predict the BRI’s flagship belt i.e., CPEC and its likely impacts on the existing rivalry between China and the United States under the prism of Neo-Realism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Global Pandemic COVID-19: Economic and Political Fallouts for China

The Role of Intelligence and State Policies in International Security, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Deconstructing India’s Maritime Narrative: Strategic Ramifications for China and Pakistan

India’s Relations with Neighbours: Cooperation or Confrontation?, 2021

The Indian Ocean is the third largest water body and is growlingly becoming an arena of competiti... more The Indian Ocean is the third largest water body and is growlingly becoming an arena of competition between China and India. The Indian Ocean Region holds significant importance for global maritime trade flow as more than half of global oil passes through it. Consequently, both India and China heavily rely on it for their respective seaborne trade. The latter increases the importance of the body manifold. However, the growing Indian naval presence along with economic and political interests is endangering the peace and stability of the region. It has the potential in leaving its impression on the political dynamics of the region. The paper aimed to highlight Indian ambitions and its expanding geopolitical fascination with the Indian Ocean Region along with naval expansion. Pivoted upon its growing interests, the article highlighted the ramifications of this struggle for China and Pakistan. This study also provided a relevant way ahead for both states to keep their interests protected in the region.

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Research paper thumbnail of Brexit: Analysing Britain's political and geostrategic considerations

Cogent Social Sciences, 2021

Brexit is a watershed moment in the life of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irel... more Brexit is a watershed moment in the life of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland that significantly reflects its circumstantial national socio-political and psychological situation. The article argued that national desperation and frustration greatly affect society, politics, and national psychology. These elements trigger and act as the fundamental driving force in shaking and shaping the course of action in the life of nations and states (most importantly former colonial powers). However, national desperation and frustration are not limited towards taking desperate measures but could also result in a radical shift in alliances and the overall orientation of the state. The article took a brief survey of Britain’s politico-strategic and psychological history and analysed the variables culminating in the form of Brexit. It considered the psychological, socio-political, economic, geopolitical, geostrategic, and military aspects, in analysing the Brexit. It concluded in the light of such variables. Moreover, it presented potential ramifications of such endeavours. The article offered a tentative road in overcoming British national desperation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Indo-Pak Nascent Rapprochement: A Preliminary Assessment

Issue Brief - Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI), 2021

The Indo-Pak relationship is unique due to peculiar nature. There have been a few neighbours in t... more The Indo-Pak relationship is unique due to peculiar nature. There have been a few neighbours in the world who share mutual history and still maintain fierce animosity and hostility. Contemporarily, the relationship between Republic of Korea (South) and Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North) presents somehow a similar picture. Nonetheless, besides number of peace initiatives taken by Pakistan and many attempts made by both sides, even supported and facilitated by the great powers; the Indo-Pak relations present a gloomy picture. However, the larger part of the quagmire rests on Indian shoulders, as it holds enormous landmass and relatively larger share of the world power. The objective of this brief is to understand why such a dilemma has clouded South Asia and how an unfortunate landscape between the two could be rectified. However, it would be unfruitful to explore the latter without taking into consideration the set of events that took place within the span of last four weeks.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Defence Needs of Azerbaijani Armed Forces for Peace, Security, and Stability

Open Military Studies, 2021

Azerbaijan is a peace-loving country and a cooperative member of the United Nations Organization.... more Azerbaijan is a peace-loving country and a cooperative member of the United Nations Organization. Being a sovereign member of the international community, it has all the rights and privileges entitled to a state. However, the claims of neighbouring Armenia driven by irredentism and revanchism over the contested region of Nagorno Karabakh have led to numerous conflicts between the two. Having the role of ensuring Azerbaijan's political integrity and sovereign status, the role of its armed forces is demanding yet challenging. This article is geared towards analysing the operational capabilities of Azerbaijani Armed Forces with a special focus on equipment, doctrine, and command and control platforms. It also assesses and prescribes the necessary and immediate needs to deter the threats and to thwart any military conflict. It theorises the potential of Azerbaijan-Pakistan defence relations. Finally, it aspires to take a structural approach in explaining the state behaviour and the relevance of security in contemporary times.

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Research paper thumbnail of Artificial Intelligence: Exploring the Potential in Enhancing the Safety and Security of Nuclear Reactors

Security Issues in the Context of Political Violence and Terrorism of the 21st Century, 2021

The Twenty-First century is the century of technology. The era is a fortunate one, as it is reapi... more The Twenty-First century is the century of technology. The era is a fortunate one, as it is reaping the rewards of human progression and development in all the fields of life, most importantly the cyber technology. Complimenting the importance of computers in 1946, American nuclear scientist John von Neumann, argued that “I am thinking about something more important than bombs. I am thinking about computers.” Since, Neumann’s arguments made at the end of the second quarter of the Twentieth century, the computers are the dominating technology, which are steadily, yet constantly permeating in our daily lives. The most significant product of cyber technology is Artificial Intelligence (AI), that has already become an inseparable part of modern civilization. Before Neumann and his contemporary English scientist Max Newman, British cryptographer Alan Mathison Turing’s publication “On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem” (1936) and his doctoral dissertation titled as “Systems of Logic Based on Ordinals” (1938) at Princeton University (United States), laid down the formidable foundations of AI. He is also known as the “father of AI.” Later, Turing’s role in breaking the German Navy’s Enigma Code and inventing the ‘bombe’ machine to speedily breaking encrypted codes, earned him enduring recognition in the fields of AI, cognitive science, Artificial Life, and computer science.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cold Start-Hot Stop? A Strategic Concern for Pakistan

NDU Journal, 2020

The hostile environment in South Asia is a serious concern for the international players. This vo... more The hostile environment in South Asia is a serious concern for the international players. This volatile situation is further fuelled by escalating arms race and aggressive force postures. The Indian Cold Start Doctrine (CSD) has supplemented negatively to the South Asian strategic stability by trying to find a way in fighting a conventional limited war just below the nuclear umbrella. It was reactionary in nature to overcome the shortcomings exhibited during Operation Parakram of 2001-02, executed under the premise of Sundarji Doctrine. The Cold Start is an adapted version of German Blitzkrieg which makes it a dangerous instrument. Apart from many limitations, the doctrine remains relevant to the region, primarily due to the attestation of its presence by the then Indian Army Chief General Bipin Rawat in January 2017. This paper is an effort to probe the different aspects of Cold Start, its prerequisites in provisions of three sets; being a bluff based on deception, myth rooted in misperception, and a reality flanked by escalation; and how and why CSD is a strategic concern for Pakistan.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Comparative Analysis of Chinese and American Conventional Military Doctrine

A Comparative Analysis of Chinese and American Conventional Military Doctrine, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Blitzkrieg: The Legacy – A Comparative Analysis of Blitzkrieg, Shock and Awe and Cold Start Doctrine

Blitzkrieg: The Legacy – A Comparative Analysis of Blitzkrieg, Shock and Awe and Cold Start Doctrine, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of The Third Option for the South China Sea: The Political Economy of Regional Conflict and Cooperation

Journal of Contemporary Studies, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Realism and Exceptionalism in U.S. Foreign Policy: From Kissinger to Kerry

Lambert Academic Publishing, 2020

The responsibility of leadership forced the U.S. to direct its means to the ends of a ‘common and... more The responsibility of leadership forced the U.S. to direct its means to the ends of a ‘common and shared mission’, of laissez-faire economy, freedom and self-determination across the globe, which paved the way for the American pragmatism to go global as well. High-sounding values without power, i.e. hard power, is like a skeleton without flesh. Adherence to the value-system is the requirement of the exceptional character of the American political culture Whilst, the values of international politics required the pursuance of power in the form of alliances, counteralliances, and balance of power for the enhancement of its capabilities.With the help of Kenneth Waltz, Structural-Realism, the research has argued that both structures i.e. Exceptionalism at the National level and Realism at the International level has constrained the American foreign policy behaviour. The book has analysed the eras of different presidents from 1969 till 2014 that how the structures have punished certain presidents and how it rewarded others, on the basis of their dealings with Exceptionalism at home and Realism abroad.

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