Guillermo Andrés Morales Sancho | University of Navarra (original) (raw)


Papers by Guillermo Andrés Morales Sancho

Research paper thumbnail of La protección de los estándares laborales mínimos en la política comercial común de la Unión Europea

El presente trabajo analiza la protección de los estándares laborales mínimos (Core Labour Standa... more El presente trabajo analiza la protección de los estándares laborales mínimos (Core Labour Standards) en la Política Comercial Común de la Unión Europea. En concreto, estudia la articulación de dicha protección por medio de los tratados comerciales –bilaterales y multilaterales– de la Unión Europea, el sistema de preferencias generalizadas y el régimen de sanciones establecido en la Política Exterior y de Seguridad Común. Finalmente, se propone un nuevo modelo más eficaz para proteger los mencionados estándares laborales mínimos, que supera el tradicional control de la implementación de los convenios de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo.

The EU Common Commercial Policy must ensure the observance of the ILO Core Labor Standards. How this policy has developed through free-trade agreements, the Generalized System of Preferences and the sanctions policy of the EU is described and discussed. A more effective model that overcomes the traditional approach of “monitoring the implementation” of the CLS to protect those standards is proposed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Book Review: Core Labour Standards and International Trade: Lessons from the Regional Context

Persona y Derecho, 2015

Quizás la lección que hayamos de extraer del contexto regional –acuerdos marco internacionales y ... more Quizás la lección que hayamos de extraer del contexto regional –acuerdos marco internacionales y los tratados de libre comercio– es que la escala adecuada de lucha es la nacional y que los medios internacionales no pueden sustituir permanentemente a las instituciones de un país, sino que deben apoyarlas generando los incentivos que les otorguen la suficiente fuerza económica e institucional para que ellos mismos puedan exigir el cumplimiento de los estándares laborales a las empresas que operan bajo su jurisdicción.

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Research paper thumbnail of ¿Es compatible la teoría clásica de la ley natural con los modernos Derechos Humanos?

Łódź Theological Studies, 2019

Are modern human rights, particularly as drafted in the UDHR, compatible with natural law? This a... more Are modern human rights, particularly as drafted in the UDHR, compatible with natural law? This article briefly answers this question and tries to give an account of human rights that corrects our current abuses: individualistic rights-talk, the development of new desire-rights defended as human rights and relativism.

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Talks by Guillermo Andrés Morales Sancho

Research paper thumbnail of Das Elternrecht im deutschen und spanischen Verfassungsrecht

Doktorandenseminar Professur für Europäisches Verwaltungsrecht, Prof. Sydow, 2020

Parental rights in Spanish and German Constitutional Law.

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Conference Presentations by Guillermo Andrés Morales Sancho

Research paper thumbnail of Verfassung und Verfassungswirklichkeit im Katalonienkonflikt

Münsterische Gesprache zum Öffentlichen Recht, 2019

The development of the Catalonian crisis and its legal framework. Flashback explanation after the... more The development of the Catalonian crisis and its legal framework. Flashback explanation after the Spanish Supreme Court (Criminal Chamber) conviction of the Catalonian politicians (14.10.2019) responsible of the independence process (Procés) and future perspectives from a legal point of view.

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Thesis Chapters by Guillermo Andrés Morales Sancho

Research paper thumbnail of Patria potestad y derechos fundamentales del menor de edad

Dissertation, 2021

The fundamental rights of minors in the Spanish Constitution and how they fit in with parental au... more The fundamental rights of minors in the Spanish Constitution and how they fit in with parental authority —a classic Civil Law institution especially influenced by the SpC— are the subject matter of this work.
The research point of view is the respective constitutional position of parents, minors and public authorities under the Spanish constitutional system. The scheme that guides the exposition —elaborated by German constitutional case law and scholarship deduced from arts. 119-121 WRV and 6 GG— is precisely the triangular structure parents-child-State, as it is the one that best fits the reality of minors, the will of the Spanish constituent power and the one that has shown the greatest explanatory power.
The first chapter explains the features of parental authority that can be deduced from the SpC and justifies the constitutional categorization of parental authority as a fundamental freedom for the benefit of others1, a fundamental duty2 and a guarantee of institution3. It is specified who are the holders and beneficiaries, what is its content and which its temporal extension.
It then critically addresses the debate on the theories about fundamental rights of minors that have been developed both at the international level (based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child), in Germany (based on arts. 120 WRV and 6 GG) and in Spain. It concludes by proposing a model suitable for the SpC.
In the third chapter, this model is applied to the fundamental rights of the Spanish constitutional catalogue, taking into account the binding international treaties (arts. 10.2, 39.4 and 96 SpC). Thus, a distinction is made between the problems of the capacity of minors to hold fundamental rights, which fundamental rights do they hold, and the way they enjoy and exercise (vis-à-vis the State) these rights. This examination helps to detect important gaps and contradictions in laws that develop fundamental rights. The final sections are devoted to justifying the constitutional categorization of the best interests of the child and to analyzing the debate on the horizontal effect of fundamental rights (Drittwirkung) in the parent-child relationship.
A final section summarizes the conclusions reached throughout the research.

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Research paper thumbnail of La protección de los estándares laborales mínimos en la política comercial común de la Unión Europea

El presente trabajo analiza la protección de los estándares laborales mínimos (Core Labour Standa... more El presente trabajo analiza la protección de los estándares laborales mínimos (Core Labour Standards) en la Política Comercial Común de la Unión Europea. En concreto, estudia la articulación de dicha protección por medio de los tratados comerciales –bilaterales y multilaterales– de la Unión Europea, el sistema de preferencias generalizadas y el régimen de sanciones establecido en la Política Exterior y de Seguridad Común. Finalmente, se propone un nuevo modelo más eficaz para proteger los mencionados estándares laborales mínimos, que supera el tradicional control de la implementación de los convenios de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo.

The EU Common Commercial Policy must ensure the observance of the ILO Core Labor Standards. How this policy has developed through free-trade agreements, the Generalized System of Preferences and the sanctions policy of the EU is described and discussed. A more effective model that overcomes the traditional approach of “monitoring the implementation” of the CLS to protect those standards is proposed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Book Review: Core Labour Standards and International Trade: Lessons from the Regional Context

Persona y Derecho, 2015

Quizás la lección que hayamos de extraer del contexto regional –acuerdos marco internacionales y ... more Quizás la lección que hayamos de extraer del contexto regional –acuerdos marco internacionales y los tratados de libre comercio– es que la escala adecuada de lucha es la nacional y que los medios internacionales no pueden sustituir permanentemente a las instituciones de un país, sino que deben apoyarlas generando los incentivos que les otorguen la suficiente fuerza económica e institucional para que ellos mismos puedan exigir el cumplimiento de los estándares laborales a las empresas que operan bajo su jurisdicción.

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Research paper thumbnail of ¿Es compatible la teoría clásica de la ley natural con los modernos Derechos Humanos?

Łódź Theological Studies, 2019

Are modern human rights, particularly as drafted in the UDHR, compatible with natural law? This a... more Are modern human rights, particularly as drafted in the UDHR, compatible with natural law? This article briefly answers this question and tries to give an account of human rights that corrects our current abuses: individualistic rights-talk, the development of new desire-rights defended as human rights and relativism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Das Elternrecht im deutschen und spanischen Verfassungsrecht

Doktorandenseminar Professur für Europäisches Verwaltungsrecht, Prof. Sydow, 2020

Parental rights in Spanish and German Constitutional Law.

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Research paper thumbnail of Verfassung und Verfassungswirklichkeit im Katalonienkonflikt

Münsterische Gesprache zum Öffentlichen Recht, 2019

The development of the Catalonian crisis and its legal framework. Flashback explanation after the... more The development of the Catalonian crisis and its legal framework. Flashback explanation after the Spanish Supreme Court (Criminal Chamber) conviction of the Catalonian politicians (14.10.2019) responsible of the independence process (Procés) and future perspectives from a legal point of view.

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Research paper thumbnail of Patria potestad y derechos fundamentales del menor de edad

Dissertation, 2021

The fundamental rights of minors in the Spanish Constitution and how they fit in with parental au... more The fundamental rights of minors in the Spanish Constitution and how they fit in with parental authority —a classic Civil Law institution especially influenced by the SpC— are the subject matter of this work.
The research point of view is the respective constitutional position of parents, minors and public authorities under the Spanish constitutional system. The scheme that guides the exposition —elaborated by German constitutional case law and scholarship deduced from arts. 119-121 WRV and 6 GG— is precisely the triangular structure parents-child-State, as it is the one that best fits the reality of minors, the will of the Spanish constituent power and the one that has shown the greatest explanatory power.
The first chapter explains the features of parental authority that can be deduced from the SpC and justifies the constitutional categorization of parental authority as a fundamental freedom for the benefit of others1, a fundamental duty2 and a guarantee of institution3. It is specified who are the holders and beneficiaries, what is its content and which its temporal extension.
It then critically addresses the debate on the theories about fundamental rights of minors that have been developed both at the international level (based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child), in Germany (based on arts. 120 WRV and 6 GG) and in Spain. It concludes by proposing a model suitable for the SpC.
In the third chapter, this model is applied to the fundamental rights of the Spanish constitutional catalogue, taking into account the binding international treaties (arts. 10.2, 39.4 and 96 SpC). Thus, a distinction is made between the problems of the capacity of minors to hold fundamental rights, which fundamental rights do they hold, and the way they enjoy and exercise (vis-à-vis the State) these rights. This examination helps to detect important gaps and contradictions in laws that develop fundamental rights. The final sections are devoted to justifying the constitutional categorization of the best interests of the child and to analyzing the debate on the horizontal effect of fundamental rights (Drittwirkung) in the parent-child relationship.
A final section summarizes the conclusions reached throughout the research.

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