We still don't know why the power went out (original) (raw)

Your/Our mission:
A) Complete as many of these prompt words as you can before the 28th of June 2015, 11:59pm.
B) Work together to make sure all 50 prompts are filled, at least once.

Alright, shake off the cobwebs it's time to conquer 50 prompts in 50 days!

[**Rambling...**]The first chapter of the Revo comic was released just days ago, and there's already more questions than answers. We should assume (as usual) that we might not be provided with all the explanations we require. Thus, it's up to us to ferret them out for ourselves - so get to work. Tell me where CM2 live. Tell me why Charlie and Rachel aren't speaking. Where's Connor? Is Tom happy or brainwashed? Where are Priscilla's children? And most important of all, what's awaiting the gang in Bradbury?

If you want to fict about the before times, or write an AU that's cool too. Write whatever the hell you want. All I ask is that you try and be better than the Revo writers...The keyword is 'try'. Don't overthink it :D


(1) A fill must be Fic. (If you want to add some pretty graphics that go with it, I can't stop you, nor would I want to.)
(2) Any Prompt can be filled an unlimited amount of times. There's no 'claiming'. So, if you wanna try and fill the same prompt a hundred times, that's cool.
(3) Only the first person to fill a prompt, and comment here, will have their work linked in the Table.
(4) For variety, only your first eight (8)fills will automatically go into the table. Then if we reach the deadline and no one else has attempted the extra fills you've written (after those first eight), I'll add them to the table. Our goal is completion and cooperation.

-- All pairings are welcome --

( How much can you do in 50 days?Collapse )

Current Mood: excitedexcited

Tracy Spiridakos To Play The Lead In Fox Pilot 'Recon', Alexander Siddig To Co-Star

Former Revolution star Tracy Spiridakos has landed the lead in Recon, Fox's drama pilot executive produced by The Vampire Diaries' co-developers/exec producers Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec. Set to co-star opposite Spiridakos in the pilot, written by TVD exec producer Caroline Dries, is Alexander Siddig (Game of Thrones).

Recon centers on Alexa (Spiridakos), a young, driven FBI analyst tasked with embedding herself in a suspected terrorist family. Siddig plays her target Omar, a father, husband and devout Muslim who has no idea the Feds have been tracking his every move.

Dries wrote the script and is exec producing with Williamson and Plec through Warner Bros. TV and Williamson’s Outerbanks Entertainment.

The project reunited Spiridakos with WBTV, the studio behind NBC's Revolution. She is repped by WME and Authentic. Siddig, who plays Doran Martell on HBO's GOT, also had a role on Starz's Da Vinci's Demons. He is repped by Markham, Froggatt & Irwin.

(The source is Deadline, but LJ won't let me post a direct link to it.)

21 September 2015 @ 05:05 pm

*** As at 9.30am, AEST, September 21.



( Art fillsCollapse )



We Mean It but I Promise We’re Not Mean by Nyxierose. Charlie x Connor x Jason. (Prompt 100: Glory and Gore by Lorde.)



Gen (no pairing)

( Gen fic fillsCollapse )

Bass x Charlie

( Charloe fic fillsCollapse )

( Other fic fillsCollapse )

29 August 2015 @ 11:25 am

Claiming for The Second Coming is due to close on September 1st at noon, Australian time. COUNTDOWN CLOCK.

More than 100 prompts have been claimed, some of them twice over for different pairings, but that leaves nearly 200 unclaimed! Check out our shipper scoreboard at The Orgy Armada to see how your favourite ship/s are faring!

Posting starts on the anniversary of the Blackout - September 17- so there's still time to claim your prompt and write, design, manip, draw, vid or mix your tribute to our show. Check out the FAQ and Prompts below, then drop us an email at theorgyarmada@gmail.com with the details of which prompt you want to write, for which pairings. Remember: The Second Coming means you choose TWO ships - romantic, platonic or otherwise - for each prompt you claim.


01 August 2015 @ 01:18 am

It's nearly time to claim your prompts in Revolution: The Second Coming! The full list of prompts - all 300 of them - is available now on Tumblr. For details on how to claim, the critical deadlines and other useful info, check out the FAQ. Happy creating, fandom!

Current Mood: ecstaticecstatic

Part 2 of the prompts list ... prompting is open until 12 noon, July 31, AEST. (Countdown Clock.)

( Another 103 gems of inspiration ...Collapse )


Current Mood: accomplished


Fancy a close up look at some of our prompts? Here's the masterlist as at 8am this morning (AEST, July 30) to help you dig out those last, random spikes of inspiration ... barely 24 hours of prompting left , with prompts closing at noon on July 31, and claims opening at noon on August 1. Looks like we could be pushing 250 prompts by that point, so stay tuned!

( The first 100 prompts ...Collapse )

Current Mood: gigglygiggly

Hello Revellers

The sextant is nigh on noon, and now's the time for anyone harbouring prompts to get them on the list!


With 170 prompts already on hand, the temptation to make it an even 200 is irresistible - so let's call it a promptathon! A regatta! A race to the last barrel of rum! Thirty prompts in 30 hours - can you do it, shipmates?

DAMN RIGHT YOU CAN. Email us at theorgyarmada@gmail.com. Fluff, crack, angst, porn - it’s all welcome.

NB: Prompts can mention characters but should not specify a pairing.

HERE is the full list of prompts accepted to date! And here be the RULES.

Current Mood: bouncybouncy


Let’s get this shindig started! With a touch of the lash and a lick of creativity,The Orgy Armada declares prompting for The Second Coming officially open!

Take a gander at the list below and if that intriguing idea that’s been taunting you for days and weeks and months isn’t there - email us at theorgyarmada@gmail.com. Fluff, crack, angst, porn - it’s all welcome!

NB: Prompts can mention characters but should not specify a pairing.

Here’s 100 to get you started! (links to the tumblr post) And here be the Rules.

There’s no limit to how many prompts you can send us, though we will disambiguate if they are too similar to what we already have ... get prompting! Prompts by email to theorgyarmada@gmail.com please. The prompts masterlist will live on tumblr, updated as regularly as we can manage, and we will keep you updated here on LJ with regular posts linking to that master:D

Current Mood: excitedexcited

Revellers, hello.

Myself and partner-in-crime hayjbsg have stolen mustbethursday3 to help us with an exciting project. Not only did we steal Thursday, we repurposed an old fandom rallying cry to name our tumblr-based shrine to all the ships ever sailed in the Revolution fandom: The Orgy Armada. And what better way to launch the Armada than a fanworks challenge to kick off our fourth year at sea, now freshly liberated from the chains of canon!

Who are we? Co-captaining the Armada are jaqofspades and hayjbsg, who have recruited as Quartermaster the multitalented Vanessa (monroe-militia). Thursday ( lightgamble) has agreed to join us as first mate, even though she'll be busy keeping this ship in trim. (As long as we promise rum, she promises to squawk sage aphorisms in our direction. Or make gifsets. Since this is a 21st Century Armada.)

Over at the Armada, we all ship different things (okay, some of us ship ALL THE THINGS) but we do agree on one, vital fact: there can never be enough Revolution fic, art or vids. And while some think cancellation of a show was the end, we say nay.

( The challenge ...Collapse )

( Rules and GuidelinesCollapse )