Ryan Jui Yuan Wu | National Central University (original) (raw)


Papers by Ryan Jui Yuan Wu

Research paper thumbnail of 2024 年性別爭議下奧運女拳奪金牌期間,台灣的性別認知觀察: 臺灣的性別人權是進一大步?還是仍原地踏步?

瑞元老師報告! Bulletin of Mr. Q (酷叟也夫子)部落格 , 2024

臺灣一位奧運女子拳擊選手因曾受國際拳擊總會以未通過性別檢測而撤銷獎牌,2024 年該臺灣女拳選手逐步晉級比賽,但亦有聲音質疑臺灣拳擊手的性別,促使臺灣的支持者團結起來,為臺灣拳手的參賽資格辯護。... more 臺灣一位奧運女子拳擊選手因曾受國際拳擊總會以未通過性別檢測而撤銷獎牌,2024 年該臺灣女拳選手逐步晉級比賽,但亦有聲音質疑臺灣拳擊手的性別,促使臺灣的支持者團結起來,為臺灣拳手的參賽資格辯護。這段爭議期間,許多醫師向台灣大眾科普「XY染色體並非決定性別的唯一依據」,亦有評論者避談DSD,或是用詞趨於謹慎、避諱。獲得金牌後,臺灣媒體與社群媒體廣稱臺灣選手為「臺灣的女兒」、「拳后」等等。本文敘述作者所觀察到臺灣社會的性別認知演化。

Research paper thumbnail of 古代中國同性情慾歷史的研究回顧與幾個觀點的批評(An Overview/Critique of Several Views on the History of Same-Sex Desire in Ancient China )

從酷兒空間到教育空間(From Queer Space to Education Space), 2000

Research paper thumbnail of 孽子的印記—台灣近代男性「同性戀」的浮現(1970—1990)As a “Bad” Son: The Emergence of Modern “Homosexuals” in Taiwan (1970-1990)

國立中央大學歷史研究所碩士論文, Jan 1998

中文提要: 「同性戀」是西方二十世紀所彙整發明而使用的一個現代概念,這個概念在中文文化的世界裡,也已經移植生根,成為當前中文地區如臺灣、香港...等地標定情慾人群的常用字彙。這個歷史是立足於現... more 中文提要:
該研究後來被推導出「同性戀」病理概念的通則,這些論述總將性取向的成因歸咎到家庭教育與親職角色。無論是其後的《孽子》小說,或是持續出現的案件,都使類似青少年「成長學習」的歸因被強調而出。但自 1985 年臺灣出現本土首位因同性關係
Abstract 英文提要:
The thesis deals with the social recognition of homosexua
lity during the past two decades. As some scholars known, "homosexuals" were invented in the early twenty century. Now, the noun is well known to Chinese areas also.
Somehow, in Taiwan, "homosexuals" was not a particular role in the early 70's. In the early 80's, the psychiatry report of local patients became the typical image by the doctors' and media's promotion. In the mid-80's, the criminals and the youth roles in the famous gay novel made gays as bad guys. While AIDS crisis attacked Taiwan, gays were thought as a "dangerous group". Again and again, the society always faced the dark side of gay even ts. Put it another way, only the obvious events happened, and the society discovered homosexuality. Anyway, the events always carried negative gay roles. Under this condition, the doctors, the social work scholar, the media and the police
all attributed "homosexuals" to the family and parents factors. In Taiwanes
medical term, though gays were asked to be tolerated, but the
sympaty was out of "incurable" growing process, not for eterosexuality introspection.
As the first AIDS virus carrier appeared, The medical fields and media were eager to know the gay groups and gay culture suddenly. When the gay volunteers'
statement and the gay topics of magazines showed up frequently. The real voices of gays began to express the needs and the miserable life. And the minority view was forming then.

Research paper thumbnail of 從邊緣頂入中央,在中央植入邊緣—中央大學同志社團的發展史 The Formation of A Gay Students Club in NCU, TAIWAN

Research paper thumbnail of 2024 年性別爭議下奧運女拳奪金牌期間,台灣的性別認知觀察: 臺灣的性別人權是進一大步?還是仍原地踏步?

瑞元老師報告! Bulletin of Mr. Q (酷叟也夫子)部落格 , 2024

臺灣一位奧運女子拳擊選手因曾受國際拳擊總會以未通過性別檢測而撤銷獎牌,2024 年該臺灣女拳選手逐步晉級比賽,但亦有聲音質疑臺灣拳擊手的性別,促使臺灣的支持者團結起來,為臺灣拳手的參賽資格辯護。... more 臺灣一位奧運女子拳擊選手因曾受國際拳擊總會以未通過性別檢測而撤銷獎牌,2024 年該臺灣女拳選手逐步晉級比賽,但亦有聲音質疑臺灣拳擊手的性別,促使臺灣的支持者團結起來,為臺灣拳手的參賽資格辯護。這段爭議期間,許多醫師向台灣大眾科普「XY染色體並非決定性別的唯一依據」,亦有評論者避談DSD,或是用詞趨於謹慎、避諱。獲得金牌後,臺灣媒體與社群媒體廣稱臺灣選手為「臺灣的女兒」、「拳后」等等。本文敘述作者所觀察到臺灣社會的性別認知演化。

Research paper thumbnail of 古代中國同性情慾歷史的研究回顧與幾個觀點的批評(An Overview/Critique of Several Views on the History of Same-Sex Desire in Ancient China )

從酷兒空間到教育空間(From Queer Space to Education Space), 2000

Research paper thumbnail of 孽子的印記—台灣近代男性「同性戀」的浮現(1970—1990)As a “Bad” Son: The Emergence of Modern “Homosexuals” in Taiwan (1970-1990)

國立中央大學歷史研究所碩士論文, Jan 1998

中文提要: 「同性戀」是西方二十世紀所彙整發明而使用的一個現代概念,這個概念在中文文化的世界裡,也已經移植生根,成為當前中文地區如臺灣、香港...等地標定情慾人群的常用字彙。這個歷史是立足於現... more 中文提要:
該研究後來被推導出「同性戀」病理概念的通則,這些論述總將性取向的成因歸咎到家庭教育與親職角色。無論是其後的《孽子》小說,或是持續出現的案件,都使類似青少年「成長學習」的歸因被強調而出。但自 1985 年臺灣出現本土首位因同性關係
Abstract 英文提要:
The thesis deals with the social recognition of homosexua
lity during the past two decades. As some scholars known, "homosexuals" were invented in the early twenty century. Now, the noun is well known to Chinese areas also.
Somehow, in Taiwan, "homosexuals" was not a particular role in the early 70's. In the early 80's, the psychiatry report of local patients became the typical image by the doctors' and media's promotion. In the mid-80's, the criminals and the youth roles in the famous gay novel made gays as bad guys. While AIDS crisis attacked Taiwan, gays were thought as a "dangerous group". Again and again, the society always faced the dark side of gay even ts. Put it another way, only the obvious events happened, and the society discovered homosexuality. Anyway, the events always carried negative gay roles. Under this condition, the doctors, the social work scholar, the media and the police
all attributed "homosexuals" to the family and parents factors. In Taiwanes
medical term, though gays were asked to be tolerated, but the
sympaty was out of "incurable" growing process, not for eterosexuality introspection.
As the first AIDS virus carrier appeared, The medical fields and media were eager to know the gay groups and gay culture suddenly. When the gay volunteers'
statement and the gay topics of magazines showed up frequently. The real voices of gays began to express the needs and the miserable life. And the minority view was forming then.

Research paper thumbnail of 從邊緣頂入中央,在中央植入邊緣—中央大學同志社團的發展史 The Formation of A Gay Students Club in NCU, TAIWAN