Nebraska Anime Club's Journal (original) (raw)

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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Monday, June 30, 2008

1:51PM - Anime NebrasKon Newsletter

So it was brought up at the con meeting that although we have a mailing list, it's hardly ever used. I brought up the idea of a newsletter, and long-story-short - I've been put in charge of it.

What I want from you guys are ideas. Names, content, style, duration... ANYTHING you want to see.

My goal is to have a 1-2 page newsletter (the first issue) done and available for download by the end of July. Hopefully, this will be a once-a-month posting but we'll see.

First thing first. What do we want to call it? Some names I had brainstormed:
- The Spicy Beagle
- One of Us
- Real Ninjas Wear Red

For submission ideas, reply or contact me on the AN forums. I'm setting the deadline for the first issue for July 11.

- Wil

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2008

9:41AM - Anime Horror Picture Show

For Anime NebrasKon 2008:

It's Mystery Anime Theatre with a bit of a twist. :) In the spirit of Rocky Horror, we'd pick one episode of a popular anime (preferably a 4Kids dub) in which to reenact on stage while the real footage played in the background. The audience is encouraged to partcipate by yelling various comments or throw certain items at the stage (provided by the con with a card telling them when to throw them).

I'm looking for suggestions of anime to reenact and volunteers! I still have plenty of room to fill! :D

Current mood: busy

Thursday, March 8, 2007

9:54PM - Hello ^^

My name is Lea and I live around the Chadron area. LoL.

I was looking around and I was very suprised to see that indeed there was a club for the people of Nebraska.

So I thought I would just drop by and say hello to everyone. Later. ^^

Current mood: cheerful

Thursday, September 14, 2006

5:12PM - need help IDing song

Before school ended last semester, I burned a bunch of anime songs onto a CD. Unfortunately, I lost the piece of paper that had what songs I had burned. I was able to figure out most of them, but there is one song that I have NO CLUE as to what it is. A friend of mine said he is 100% sure it's from Samurai Champloo, but I need a name.

Current mood: bouncy

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I'm not strong at religion but I know what we must "Prey" to! Did anybody play this game? I know that nobody. There will be armageddon in the supermarkets...

Thursday, June 15, 2006

5:21AM - cheap anime!

Hollywood Video is having a nation-wide clearance of VHS tapes; 5 for $15. I was at the one in East Park Plaza in Lincoln, and they have Tenchi Muyo, DBZ, Sailor Moon, A Wind Named Amnesia, as well as other anime. Just thought I'd give you guys a heads up! X-posted to otaku_jinrui and ne_anime_club.

Sunday, March 6, 2005

3:00AM - Anime/Gaming Marathon

On April 30 at Abrahams Library (90th and Fort in Omaha) from 10 to 6 I will be holding a gaming and anime event in the meeting room. There will be a few gaming tourneys featuring Smash Bros. Melee, Tekken 5, Katamari Damacy and Halo 2. There will be a few prizes for the tourney, however at this time I cannot announce anything. :/

In addition, there will be some anime played at the event as that is something I do well too. =)

Admission is totally free, however each of the gaming tourneys will have an entry fee to cover some of the prizes.

There will be some anime freebies including shirts, graphic novels and DVDs at the event too. =)

Posters and whatnot will be out later this week as well as reg forms too. =) (if you register before the event - even for the anime showings, you will get a freebie bag of goods)

Comments, suggestions, questions and gripes are all welcomed and encouraged.

More info in the coming weeks. =)

Justin Richardson
Organizer, Otaku Omaha

Friday, January 28, 2005

12:07AM - AD 2K5

Is anyone else going to Anime Detour this March?

Sunday, October 3, 2004

2:59AM - Omaha Anime Club Meetings Updated

I thought I would update people on what is going on in Omaha in regards to the anime community.

Otaku Omaha has started to show at a new library in town (Swanson Library - located at 90th and Dodge) and I just posted on our website all the showings through mid 2005. (its pretty much biweekly between 12 and 6) You can find the listing here

I will also announce that over the next couple months I will be giving away a ton of DVDs and Graphic Novels that I have recieved recently as promos. (hey - freebies are not the same thing as a bribe to come, its just a perk *laughs*)

I hope to see a few of you there at some of our showings!

Thursday, September 30, 2004

9:15PM - Somebody order a stereotypical 'I'm new' message?

Hello! Well, I suppose I should introduce myself, seeing as that's what this post is for.

My name is Chelsea, but online, most people just call me 'TRF', as my LJ username would suggest (it's a long story; don't ask unless you want to be bored :p). I'm 13 years old, and an 8th grader at Scotus Central Catholic in Columbus (about two hours away from Omaha). Two of my friends and I are planning on attending Anime Nebraskon (I think I almost had a heart attack when I saw that we've finally got a con here in Nebraska). ^^

I watch as much anime, and read as much manga as I can get my grubby hands on. My current


favorites are Inuyasha (I'm probably going to cosplay as Jakotsu for the con), Fullmetal Alchemist, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Petshop of Horrors.

And actually, I'm very fond of Dragonball/Z (not GT -.-), and Pokémon - they were my first anime experiences. I don't care if you don't, as I know many anime fans look down on them, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't outright mock them around me (I get enough of that at school, especially on the Pokémon count).


Current mood: chipper

Monday, September 13, 2004

12:40AM - Mark Your Calendars!

It's a month away yet, but I figure this ought to give you all enough time to properly arrange your schedules. ^_^

Nebraska anime fans, are you tired of having to go out of state and spend lots of money, just to go to an anime con? Wouldn't you rather have something closer to home and easier on the pocketbook? If so, then I have good news for you, and we call it Anime NebrasKon!

The UNL Anime Club, otaku_jinrui, is doing something brand new and hosting a small con of our own--right here in downtown Lincoln! We're holding it on Saturday, October 9th, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. in the City Campus Union Ballroom. Admission is only 7ifyoupreregister,or7 if you preregister, or 7ifyoupreregister,or10 at the door. We'll be having anime card game tournaments, AMV contests, cosplay contests, panels, an Artists' Alley, a dealers' area--even a kids' area for those of you with small children!

This is our very first year doing this, so while we may not be the most spectacular of cons, we do hope to provide a day of anime fun for all ages, and with your help, we can make it an annual event that gets bigger and better each year, and finally put Nebraska on the fandom map!

For more information, check out our con website here:

We hope to see you there!

((cross-posted to nebraskans))

Current mood: hopeful

Thursday, February 19, 2004

8:19PM - Where are all the Lincoln people??

Everyone go join at already, and go to the Lincoln meeting. I'm the only active member...

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

11:11AM - n00b alert

yo, sort of new to this community. name's sara. i live in omaha. i'm 17, i go to burke. some anime/manga i like are eva, chobits, x, love hina, cowboy bebop, vandread, naruto, etc...

Current mood: amused

Tuesday, June 24, 2003


Hello all! Since the Cowboy Bebop movie is playing at the Ross Theatre in Lincoln, I thought I'd tell you that xpurple and I are going to try to meet in front of the Nebraska Bookstore at 6:30pm and go to the 7:00 showing of the movie tomorrow. If you need more infomation, just leave a comment or go to The Ross Theatre Website. I'll post about me later today or tomorrow. I hope I see you there.

Current mood: bouncy

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

8:20PM - Anime Class

Is it just me or has this place kinda died?


There's an Anime Class at the Abraham's Branch library in Omaha on June 28th from 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon. They're going to teach anime drawing, apparently.

More info here:

I think you need to call the library to sign up, and I'm not sure if there's a limit on the class size, so look into it in advance if you're interested. :)

I'll be there, but unfortunately as a library computer page rather than an anime class attendee. *le sigh*

Saturday, June 14, 2003


So wee...have any of you seen any really good new anime this year? I'm looking for something new.

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