Needs & Seeds' Journal (original) (raw)

Needs & Seeds' Journal [Most Recent Entries][Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 6 most recent journal entries recorded inNeeds & Seeds' LiveJournal:

Sunday, December 30th, 2007
_8:17 pm_[ex_skewedso] Need Needed: Books on vegetarian and vegan diets (not necessarily cookbooks, but those would be helpful as well). Thanks! (Comment on this)
Friday, December 14th, 2007
_12:05 am_[oldefool] I wonder if anyone has a blender they don't need? I'm looking for one that can handle hot drinks, for making hot chocolate out of the hard Mexican chocolate that doesn't easily melt. I'd be happy to pay shipping costs. (Comment on this)
Monday, December 10th, 2007
_9:02 pm_[zerovixen] Mushroom Field Guide I am looking for any sort of mushroom field guide (I would really like this one- All That the Rain Promises, and More ...: A Hip Pocket Guide to Western Mushrooms) but some other sort of field guide would work (xmas gift for my brother). Current Mood: stressed (Comment on this)
Tuesday, November 20th, 2007
_7:42 am_[lifeflowson] NEED & SEED I have a buncha 12g and 14g ear jewelery if anyone wants it.Aaand I want the super old school Amy Grant "A Christmas Album" CD. I have the tape, yea, tape, but I want the CD. :) (Comment on this)
Saturday, November 17th, 2007
_8:46 am_[nobleprolet] I have MANY computer games to give away. For free, except for shipping costs. You can email me for the list at friend_of_god at web dot de. It's a pretty huge list and much of the games are pretty new, eg Stalker, Heroes of Might & Magic V, UFO Afterlight, etc. I live in Germany. (Comment on this)
Wednesday, November 14th, 2007
_9:32 pm_[pastorlenny] Seed I have a pair of Labtec Spin 75 speakers for your PC (2 Comments |Comment on this)