Neo and Trinity (original) (raw)

"Aftermath" -NeoxTrinity fanfiction [May. 15th, 2013|02:06 pm]Neo and Trinity
[Tags**|neo, trinity] [mood** anxiousanxious] [music "The Parting Glass"/ TWD Soundtrack]Story Title: AftermathChapter Count: 2 (not finished)Series: MatrixRating: PG-13Genre: Angst/RomancePairing: NeoxTrinityPlot: "When it was all said and done.." Trinity has trouble accepting it all.
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Heads up! [Apr. 6th, 2010|04:54 pm]Neo and Trinity
[Tags**|management, mood themes] [Current Location** 94306] [mood pensivepensive]If you make or use mood themes you might wanna read this: Clicky!
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just 2 little things [Jul. 6th, 2009|12:53 pm]Neo and Trinity
[Tags**|communities, iconnage, management] [Current Location** 94306] [mood busy] [music The Closer]1) This is going to just about all of my communities, except a very small number of them. I've invited people that make icons to any number of my communities but haven't always gotten as many icon posts as I'd like; often cuz other members discouraged such posts. So, from now on, those of you that make icons are encouraged to join and post your work at Lots and lots of IconsIconnage·Art......which isn't to say you can't keep posting what you do here, but I'd like you to post it there as well. Especially as it's specifically just an icon community I'd love for you to post there more than you do here and as often as possible.This doesn't count icon posts or icon dumps of stuff you didn't make yourself, as some of my communities allow for.2) Changing one of my standard rules: If you want to advertise any kind of community please do so at Livejournal OverdoseWe·Need·a·Life and not here. I used to allow advertising in any of my communities if it kept to the theme of that community but I'd like to cut down on that a bit...until it dwindles to nothing.
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a lot of you seen to enjoy it to some degree or other [Jun. 16th, 2009|01:45 pm]Neo and Trinity
[Tags**|communities, mugen] [Current Location** 94306] [mood artistic] [music Charm School]xposted just to my communitiescuz someone asked me to make one ages backRound 2**MUGEN·Art**Still working on the mood theme...
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we_need_a_life [Nov. 9th, 2008|11:36 am]Neo and Trinity
[Tags**|communities] [mood** hopefulhopeful]In all my communities I allow for advertising so long as it fits the theme of the place. However, what a lot of people tend to miss is that I have an actual advertising community that they can advertise absolutely anything in.Livejournal Overdose**Community·Crack**So I'm only posting this to my own comms...because it would be silly to advertise this in itself and to make sure you all know.We use tags!
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love is in the air.... [Feb. 14th, 2008|08:54 am]Neo and Trinity
[Tags**|neo, the twins, trinity] [Current Location** 94111] [mood lovedloved]Here's another one for you: Clicky!
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Their Undying Love [Oct. 11th, 2007|04:32 pm]Neo and Trinity
[Tags**|fanvid,] [Current Location** 94111] [mood peacefulpeaceful]
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