Kiss your prince before you leave. by Neo-N on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

My eyes hurt. Too much sun. xD

I wanted to draw Iz and Scott in their room but then I was like "No way in hell, it looks like fuckin mexico".
So I decided they're on holidays here! In Mexico! :D I don't really know why, I think Scott may have a thing for Mexico. Look, he even took Mary Jane (his marijuana plant xD) with him!

I'm a lil proud of myself because of 2 things:
1. I wasn't using any body references which I usually do. Well fine except hands. And fine, I know Scott is disproportionate but it was a challenge, okay?!
2. I drew kissing people and I try to do this few times every year and until now I've never succeeded.

Also just a thing form Scott and Iz lifes:
Boys don't see each other often. Iz wakes up at 6am and is back home around 5pm. Scott is leaving for work around 6pm and usually is back 4 am.
Even though they don't live together Scott tends to go to Iz house insted to his own so Iz sometimes fall asleep alone but wakes up with S. cuddling him. :)

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