Anything Neo (original) (raw)

Anything Neo [Most Recent Entries][Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded inNeopian Dreams and Gifts' LiveJournal:

Friday, December 22nd, 2006
_11:32 pm_[imissbradandjen] Intro. post Hi, I'm new here! *waves*I'm trying to reach my goals of a grey and plushie paint brush! This is my lookup: thought this community looked really fun, so here I am! :P (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, November 20th, 2006
_6:14 pm_[diabological] Hello, I just joined. I'm 27 and I'd like to make some new friends on neo pets. I get kind of bored with no one to talk to on there. I have two pets, Captain Disaster (created) the Grundo and Captain Weeble the Nemmo (adopted). They aren't very high in levels because I like to focus on building my bank account. I am almost at 300,000 np, which is an achievement for me. I don't do much with the pets themselves yet besides take them to the shrine every day and complete fairie quests when I get them.Any way, stop by and say hello if you feel like. Here's my lookup. I hope this group gets off the ground soon! (Comment on this)
Wednesday, October 18th, 2006
_3:25 pm_[dellanies_mom] My newest avvie! Ok, so I've been working for MONTHS to get this freakin avvie and finally it's MINE!! I got the destructo match 2 avvie finally! Now I'm at 190 avvies! I also adopted a pink peophin, so I have that if anyone wants to borrow it for the avvie. I think I'm going to start looking for the other pet/petpet avvies I don't have yet. Still attempting to get Meerca....I'm so annoyed with it! (Comment on this)
Thursday, February 2nd, 2006
_3:59 pm_[dellanies_mom] Ok, to the first members.... The first 10 people who join will get something from me personally! Not saying what it is but it won't be junk. So, hurry up and join today! (Comment on this)
_1:56 pm_[dellanies_mom] Just starting So I'm just starting this community up, feel free to join. We'll have gift exchanges, help, and a whole bunch of other things once we get started. If you have any ideas for the community feel free to comment. Tell everyone you know that plays neopets about this community, the more members, the more that we can do! (Comment on this)