Nero . Ayel . Slash (original) (raw)

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There is a poll going around on tumblr asking which is the biggest ship of the Reboot fandom. I'm posting the survey here to give the other ships a chance to vote since I've only seen it posted in ONE ship community. This survey is for fun. There is no winner or loser. Being the biggest doesn't make it the best or the superior ship. I happen to multiship so I like so many anyway. You can vote more than once. I have no idea when it closes since it isn't my poll.


Edit: You can keep track of the results at and clicking refresh.

Mods, please remove is not allowed. Thank You

Update: Official results by the tumblr user who made the poll -

Are you a tumblr user looking for fellow shippers? If so, go to the link below and please reblog. Let others add you. :) Thanks mods are doing a crack down on fics that violate their TOS. All yesterday and today, fics and accounts have been removed without warning if your summary has a curse word or if you have explicit sex in the rated M section. You can read what others are experiencing at

As an alternative, many are backing up and moving their fics to AO3 (Archive of Our Own). If you are not a member and don't want to wait for an invite, you can request one at the links below. Also, if you are a member of AO3, please share some codes at the links below.

Thank You

Title: In Command
Author: vickyblueeyez
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing: Nero/Ayel
Words: 971
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Rated for sexual content and language.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Star Trek and its characters do not belong to me.
A/N: Written for the National Masturbation Month (May) fic challenge at the livejournal and dreamwidth community mmom. People submit fics from many fandoms with masturbation as the theme on each day. No sign up needed. Fics need to be 100 words or above. Check it out.

Summary: Nero wonders if there is any order his second in command won't carry out.

Link: Ao3 |

xposted to neroayelslash

Description: "31 days. 31 stories. All involving masturbation in some way (doing it, talking about it, watching it, we're easy...). We ask that stories are at least 100 words long, although there's no upper limit. If you don't feel like you can do all 31 days, then please feel free to post for as many days as you want to."

Due date/Posting date: May 1 - May 31

Multifandom: Rare Ship Swap


Description: A gift exchange for the less popular pairings. If you have a ship that you love, that doesn't get enough fic, then this exchange is the one for you. Ships can be het, slash, femslash, and every other possible type of ship imaginable.

Sign-up date/deadline: May 18/June 8

Due date: August 26

Posting date: August 31

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