Jose Javier Alio | ESPAM MFL (original) (raw)

Books by Jose Javier Alio

Research paper thumbnail of II Foro Iberoamericano de los Recursos Marinos y la Acuicultura

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluación de los recursos pesqueros en el oriente venezolano

Research paper thumbnail of Los recursos vivos del sistema de Maracaibo. Las pesquerías de la región occidental.

El Sistema de Maracaibo. 2nd. Ed., Jul 15, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Latin America Echinorderm biodiversity and Biogeography: patterns and affinities

We investigated the current patterns of diversity by country and by class of echinoderms, and ana... more We investigated the current patterns of diversity by country and by class of echinoderms, and analyzed their biogeographical, depth, and habitat or substratum affinities, using the database of the appendix of this book. Traditionally, the area has been divided into five biogeographical Regions and nine Provinces that cover a wide climate range. Currently, the echinoderm fauna of Latin America and Canary islands is constituted by 1,539 species, with 82 species of Crinoidea, 392 species of Asteroidea, 521 species of Ophiuroidea, 242 species of Echinoidea and 302 species of Holothuroidea. Species richness is highly variable among the different countries. The number of species for the countries is highly dependent on its coast length. The echinoderm fauna of the Panamic, Galápagos and the Chilean regions are biogeographically related. Other regions that are closely related are the Caribbean, West Indian, Lusitania and Brazilian. Cosmopolitan species are an important component in all the regions. Affinities between faunas are a consequence of the combination of climatic and trophic factors, connectivity as a function of distance, currents patterns and historical processes. Moreover, different environmental factors would be responsible for the faunal composition and species distribution at different spatial scales. The bathymetrical distribution of the echinoderm classes and the species richness varies according to the depth range and the ocean. Most species occurred at depths between 20 and 200 m. The Caribbean-Atlantic regions are richest in shallow depths, while the Pacific coast has higher values in deeper waters. The domination of each class in each substrate and habitat categories also varies differentially along each coast.

Research paper thumbnail of Echinoderms from Venezuela: Scientific Recount, Diversity and Distribution

Echinoderm, research and diversity in Latin America, Jan 15, 2013

This chapter presents a historical review of the study on living and fossil species of the Phylum... more This chapter presents a historical review of the study on living and fossil species of the Phylum Echinodermata of Venezuela; most of the research has been carried out in the middle-western and eastern coasts of the country. There is currently a total of 234 species of echinoderms known from Venezuelan waters, with 97.87 % of them from the Caribbean coasts and only 2.13 % from the Atlantic coast. The following species have only been reported in the latter zone, Tethyaster vestitus (Asteroidea), Leptopentacta deichmannae (Holothuroidea), Paraster doederleini (Echinoidea) and Amphiuraotteri (Ophiuroidea). The Class Asteroidea is the most diverse with 63 species (26.92 %), 40 genera, 15 families and six orders, followed by Holothuroidea with 53 species (22.65 %), 34 genera, 12 families and two orders. The Class Ophiuroidea has 52 species, 31 genera, 14 families and two orders; Echinoidea has 50 species (21.38 %), 38 genera, 22 families and ten orders, and Crinoidea with 16 species (6.84 %), 15 genera, nine families and four orders. There are fossil echinoderms in the sedimentary basin of Venezuela and their potential use as paleoecological indicators complement stratigraphic studies. Most of the recent reports of echinoderms in Venezuela are from depths between 0 and 50 m (47.42 %), followed by the depth ranges 51–199 m (26.12 %), 200–499 m (8.25 %) and more than 500 m (18.21 %). Considering the distribution of the echinoderms along the described ecoregions for the coasts of Venezuela, 29.17 % of the known species are recorded from the Eastern Upwelling ecoregion, followed by the Oceanic Islands (23.33 %) and the Central Coast (10.42 %). The lowest presence was found in the ecoregion of the Gulf of Venezuela (1.67 %). No echinoderms have been reported from Lake Maracaibo, most likely due to the low salinity of its water. Although there is no strong tradition for the consumption of echinoderms in the country, the threat of an irrational exploitation of these resources still exists, due to the increased demand of the Asian markets, the absence of evaluations of the current echinoderm populations and the lack of official norms and control for their extraction and/or commercialization. The species that has received the most attention for culturing is the sea urchin, Lytechinus variegatus, which has been used for experiments on mass production of larvae, postlarvae and juveniles. In spite of the effort allocated in the current study to identify the different echinoderm classes, families and species found in the ecoregions of Venezuela, more detailed spatial analyses should be made on the echinoderm distribution along the entire Venezuelan coast line. Such studies should generate information about their density and other population parameters, including growth, reproduction, feeding, and their relation with the surrounding biotic and abiotic parameters, as well as the evaluation of the environmental factors that influence their presence in a particular area.

Papers by Jose Javier Alio

Research paper thumbnail of Contrast between the trends of billfish abundance recorded from the sport fishing activity off Playa Grande Yachting Club and from sport fishing …

ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Aspectos reproductivos de la tonquicha (Cynoscion jamaicensis) en la costa norte de la Península de Paria, estado Sucre, Venezuela

Zootecnia tropical, 2001

SUMMARY The reproductive biology of the Jamaica Weakfish, Cynoscion jamaicensis, was evaluated fr... more SUMMARY The reproductive biology of the Jamaica Weakfish, Cynoscion jamaicensis, was evaluated from a sample of 732 fishes. They were collected on board of shrimp trawl vessels from January to December 1997. Most fishes (84%) were found in the range 201–280 mm ...

Research paper thumbnail of Trace elements detected by Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) in Turkeywing, Arca zebra (Mollusca, Arcidae) from two coastal locations ofSucre State, Venezuela

Research paper thumbnail of Exploratory fishing with a modified bottom long line in the gulf of Paria, Sucre state, Venezuela

Zootecnia Tropical, Mar 1, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary results on the artisanal fishery of penaeid shrimps on the northwestern coast of the Gulf of Paria, Venezuela

Research paper thumbnail of ESTRUCTURA COMUNITARIA DE ECTOPARÁSITOS EN BRANQUIAS DEL JUREL Caranx hippos (LINNAEUS, 1776) EN SANTA CRUZ Y CARÚPANO, ESTADO SUCRE, VENEZUELA Ectoparasites Community Structure in Gills of the Crevalle Jack Caranx hippos (Linnaeus, 1776) from Santa Cruz and Carúpano, Sucre State, Venezuela

Research paper thumbnail of Incidental capture and mortality of sea turtles in the industrial shrimp trawling fishery of northeastern Venezuela

Ciencias Marinas, Jun 7, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Improved performance of larval Penaeus vannamei Boone, 1931 production fed with Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasle and Heimdal, 1970 cultured with irradiation of light-emitting diode-LED compared to fluorescent light

Research Square (Research Square), May 18, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Efecto de luces LED y fluorescentes sobre el crecimiento y la biomasa de Thalassiosira pseudonana (Cleve, 1873)

La Técnica: Revista de las Agrociencias. ISSN 2477-8982

Effect of LED and fluorescent lights on growth and biomass of Thalassiosira pseudonana (Cleve, 18... more Effect of LED and fluorescent lights on growth and biomass of Thalassiosira pseudonana (Cleve, 1873) Resumen En búsqueda de mejorar la producción de la microalga Thalassiosira pseudonana, utilizada frecuentemente como alimento para larvas y juveniles de diversas especies de interés acuícola, en este estudio se evaluó la incidencia de diodos emisores de luz (LED) y luces fluorescentes (F) en su crecimiento y biomasa celular. Seis repeticiones de la cepa T. pseudonona, preparada en agua de mar filtrada tratada con UV y medio nutritivo Guillard F2 enriquecido con Na2SiO3, fueron sometidas a 4200 lux (± 5%) emitida desde luces LED y F. Se partió de inóculos en tubos de ensayo de 20 mL y trasvasados a recipientes de mayor volumen cada 3 días, hasta alcanzar 15 L en bolsas plásticas a los 14 días. Al término del ensayo, se determinó la densidad de microalgas, su biomasa y masa celular. El crecimiento fue descrito mediante un modelo exponencial sin diferencia en las tasas de crecimiento en...

Research paper thumbnail of Reproductive dynamics of Peprilus medius captured in the Ecuadorian Pacific

Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research

In Ecuador, Peprilus medius is an important fishery resource whose destination is for local consu... more In Ecuador, Peprilus medius is an important fishery resource whose destination is for local consumption and export. There are few local studies on its reproductive biology, and its capture is not regulated. Therefore, this study evaluates the most relevant aspects of its reproductive activity. Samples were obtained monthly from January to December 2017 from the capture of the purse seine fleet and the artisanal gillnet fleet landing near Manta. The morphometric analysis included the length-weight relationship, estimated using the allometry equation. The size at sexual maturity is based on the L50 criterion; the reproductive cycle was determined according to the monthly analyses of the gonadosomatic index (GSI), hepatosomatic index (HSI), and relative condition factor (Kn). A total of 334 specimens were analyzed, with average sizes of 22.0, 21.87, and 21.91 cm of total length (TL), for males, females, and combined sexes, respectively. Sex ratio was 1.17M: 1F (P > 0.05), while the ...

Research paper thumbnail of New finding and description of the Galapagos batfish, Ogcocephalus darwini (Actinopterygii: Lophiiformes: Ogcocephalidae), in marine waters of Manabi, Ecuador

Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria

The finding of a specimen of the Galapagos batfish, Ogcocephalus darwini Hubbs, 1958 in marine wa... more The finding of a specimen of the Galapagos batfish, Ogcocephalus darwini Hubbs, 1958 in marine waters of continental Ecuador was recorded. The specimen was captured by the artisanal fishing fleet that operates with bottom longlines in Las Piñas fishing cove, Manta Municipality, Manabí province, Ecuador. The specimen was transferred to the Biology Laboratory of the Faculty of Marine Sciences of the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, where morphometric data were taken for its identification. Until now, the species was considered endemic to the Galapagos, but it had been reported off northern Peru and now from the Ecuadorian continental shelf.

Research paper thumbnail of Captura incidental de agujas y otras especies por palangreros venezolanos en el Mar Caribe y Océano Atlántico occidental: Periodo 1986-2000 Incidental catch of billfish and other species by Venezuelan longline vessels in the Caribbean Sea and western Atlantic Ocean: Period 1986-2000

Research paper thumbnail of Cambios organolépticos inducidos en la ostra japonesa Crassostrea gigas con dietas de las microalgas Thalassiosira pseudonana y Tetraselmis suecica

Research paper thumbnail of Crecimiento y mortalidad de Farfantepenaeus notialis en la costa norte de la Península de Araya, Venezuela

Farfantepenaeus notialis, es una especie importante de camarón en la pesquería artesanal en la Pe... more Farfantepenaeus notialis, es una especie importante de camarón en la pesquería artesanal en la Península de Araya, estado Sucre, Venezuela. Debido al limitado conocimiento sobre su dinámica poblacional, es importante determinar su crecimiento y mortalidad como parámetros fundamentales para la evaluación y manejo del recurso. La estructura de tallas y peso se evaluó mensualmente de los desembarques, desde abril 2012 hasta marzo 2013. El ajuste de los parámetros de crecimiento al modelo de von Bertalanffy se realizó por análisis de superfi cie de respuesta mediante la reestructuración de los datos y su ajuste a una curva de crecimiento. Los parámetros de crecimiento estimados para hembras, machos y sexos agrupados, fueron L∞ = 237, 230, 200 mm y k = 1,4; 1,4 y 1,3 año-1, respectivamente. La estimación de la mortalidad natural (M) se utilizaron tres métodos, mientras que la mortalidad total fue estimada de la curva de captura linearizada y la mortalidad por pesca substrayendo el valor ...


Se analizo la distribucion espacial y los descriptores comunitarios (prevalencia, densidad absolu... more Se analizo la distribucion espacial y los descriptores comunitarios (prevalencia, densidad absoluta, densidadrelativa e indice de infeccion) de ectoparasitos en branquias de la cojinua carbonera, Caranx ruber Bloch, 1793recolectados en Santa Cruz, estado Sucre, Venezuela, desde mayo de 2005 hasta abril de 2006. Se determinoel indice de dispersion (ID) y el indice de Green (IG) de los ectoparasitos en 155 ejemplares de C. ruber. Seregistraron tres monogeneos (Protomicrocotyle mirabilis, Allopyragraphorus incomparabilis, Pseudomazocraessp.), dos copepodos (Lernanthrophus kroyeri, Caligus spp.) y un isopodo (Cymothoa oestrum). Los parasitosmonogeneos mostraron preferencia por el arco branquial 1 y Pseudomazocraes sp. prefirio el lado derechodel pez. Los monogeneos se consideraron especies comunes; P. mirabilis se considero ademas especie centralmientras que los copepodos e isopodo resultaron especies secundarias. Los parasitos presentaron el tipico patronde distribucion agregado (ID &g...

Research paper thumbnail of II Foro Iberoamericano de los Recursos Marinos y la Acuicultura

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluación de los recursos pesqueros en el oriente venezolano

Research paper thumbnail of Los recursos vivos del sistema de Maracaibo. Las pesquerías de la región occidental.

El Sistema de Maracaibo. 2nd. Ed., Jul 15, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Latin America Echinorderm biodiversity and Biogeography: patterns and affinities

We investigated the current patterns of diversity by country and by class of echinoderms, and ana... more We investigated the current patterns of diversity by country and by class of echinoderms, and analyzed their biogeographical, depth, and habitat or substratum affinities, using the database of the appendix of this book. Traditionally, the area has been divided into five biogeographical Regions and nine Provinces that cover a wide climate range. Currently, the echinoderm fauna of Latin America and Canary islands is constituted by 1,539 species, with 82 species of Crinoidea, 392 species of Asteroidea, 521 species of Ophiuroidea, 242 species of Echinoidea and 302 species of Holothuroidea. Species richness is highly variable among the different countries. The number of species for the countries is highly dependent on its coast length. The echinoderm fauna of the Panamic, Galápagos and the Chilean regions are biogeographically related. Other regions that are closely related are the Caribbean, West Indian, Lusitania and Brazilian. Cosmopolitan species are an important component in all the regions. Affinities between faunas are a consequence of the combination of climatic and trophic factors, connectivity as a function of distance, currents patterns and historical processes. Moreover, different environmental factors would be responsible for the faunal composition and species distribution at different spatial scales. The bathymetrical distribution of the echinoderm classes and the species richness varies according to the depth range and the ocean. Most species occurred at depths between 20 and 200 m. The Caribbean-Atlantic regions are richest in shallow depths, while the Pacific coast has higher values in deeper waters. The domination of each class in each substrate and habitat categories also varies differentially along each coast.

Research paper thumbnail of Echinoderms from Venezuela: Scientific Recount, Diversity and Distribution

Echinoderm, research and diversity in Latin America, Jan 15, 2013

This chapter presents a historical review of the study on living and fossil species of the Phylum... more This chapter presents a historical review of the study on living and fossil species of the Phylum Echinodermata of Venezuela; most of the research has been carried out in the middle-western and eastern coasts of the country. There is currently a total of 234 species of echinoderms known from Venezuelan waters, with 97.87 % of them from the Caribbean coasts and only 2.13 % from the Atlantic coast. The following species have only been reported in the latter zone, Tethyaster vestitus (Asteroidea), Leptopentacta deichmannae (Holothuroidea), Paraster doederleini (Echinoidea) and Amphiuraotteri (Ophiuroidea). The Class Asteroidea is the most diverse with 63 species (26.92 %), 40 genera, 15 families and six orders, followed by Holothuroidea with 53 species (22.65 %), 34 genera, 12 families and two orders. The Class Ophiuroidea has 52 species, 31 genera, 14 families and two orders; Echinoidea has 50 species (21.38 %), 38 genera, 22 families and ten orders, and Crinoidea with 16 species (6.84 %), 15 genera, nine families and four orders. There are fossil echinoderms in the sedimentary basin of Venezuela and their potential use as paleoecological indicators complement stratigraphic studies. Most of the recent reports of echinoderms in Venezuela are from depths between 0 and 50 m (47.42 %), followed by the depth ranges 51–199 m (26.12 %), 200–499 m (8.25 %) and more than 500 m (18.21 %). Considering the distribution of the echinoderms along the described ecoregions for the coasts of Venezuela, 29.17 % of the known species are recorded from the Eastern Upwelling ecoregion, followed by the Oceanic Islands (23.33 %) and the Central Coast (10.42 %). The lowest presence was found in the ecoregion of the Gulf of Venezuela (1.67 %). No echinoderms have been reported from Lake Maracaibo, most likely due to the low salinity of its water. Although there is no strong tradition for the consumption of echinoderms in the country, the threat of an irrational exploitation of these resources still exists, due to the increased demand of the Asian markets, the absence of evaluations of the current echinoderm populations and the lack of official norms and control for their extraction and/or commercialization. The species that has received the most attention for culturing is the sea urchin, Lytechinus variegatus, which has been used for experiments on mass production of larvae, postlarvae and juveniles. In spite of the effort allocated in the current study to identify the different echinoderm classes, families and species found in the ecoregions of Venezuela, more detailed spatial analyses should be made on the echinoderm distribution along the entire Venezuelan coast line. Such studies should generate information about their density and other population parameters, including growth, reproduction, feeding, and their relation with the surrounding biotic and abiotic parameters, as well as the evaluation of the environmental factors that influence their presence in a particular area.

Research paper thumbnail of Contrast between the trends of billfish abundance recorded from the sport fishing activity off Playa Grande Yachting Club and from sport fishing …

ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Aspectos reproductivos de la tonquicha (Cynoscion jamaicensis) en la costa norte de la Península de Paria, estado Sucre, Venezuela

Zootecnia tropical, 2001

SUMMARY The reproductive biology of the Jamaica Weakfish, Cynoscion jamaicensis, was evaluated fr... more SUMMARY The reproductive biology of the Jamaica Weakfish, Cynoscion jamaicensis, was evaluated from a sample of 732 fishes. They were collected on board of shrimp trawl vessels from January to December 1997. Most fishes (84%) were found in the range 201–280 mm ...

Research paper thumbnail of Trace elements detected by Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) in Turkeywing, Arca zebra (Mollusca, Arcidae) from two coastal locations ofSucre State, Venezuela

Research paper thumbnail of Exploratory fishing with a modified bottom long line in the gulf of Paria, Sucre state, Venezuela

Zootecnia Tropical, Mar 1, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary results on the artisanal fishery of penaeid shrimps on the northwestern coast of the Gulf of Paria, Venezuela

Research paper thumbnail of ESTRUCTURA COMUNITARIA DE ECTOPARÁSITOS EN BRANQUIAS DEL JUREL Caranx hippos (LINNAEUS, 1776) EN SANTA CRUZ Y CARÚPANO, ESTADO SUCRE, VENEZUELA Ectoparasites Community Structure in Gills of the Crevalle Jack Caranx hippos (Linnaeus, 1776) from Santa Cruz and Carúpano, Sucre State, Venezuela

Research paper thumbnail of Incidental capture and mortality of sea turtles in the industrial shrimp trawling fishery of northeastern Venezuela

Ciencias Marinas, Jun 7, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Improved performance of larval Penaeus vannamei Boone, 1931 production fed with Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasle and Heimdal, 1970 cultured with irradiation of light-emitting diode-LED compared to fluorescent light

Research Square (Research Square), May 18, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Efecto de luces LED y fluorescentes sobre el crecimiento y la biomasa de Thalassiosira pseudonana (Cleve, 1873)

La Técnica: Revista de las Agrociencias. ISSN 2477-8982

Effect of LED and fluorescent lights on growth and biomass of Thalassiosira pseudonana (Cleve, 18... more Effect of LED and fluorescent lights on growth and biomass of Thalassiosira pseudonana (Cleve, 1873) Resumen En búsqueda de mejorar la producción de la microalga Thalassiosira pseudonana, utilizada frecuentemente como alimento para larvas y juveniles de diversas especies de interés acuícola, en este estudio se evaluó la incidencia de diodos emisores de luz (LED) y luces fluorescentes (F) en su crecimiento y biomasa celular. Seis repeticiones de la cepa T. pseudonona, preparada en agua de mar filtrada tratada con UV y medio nutritivo Guillard F2 enriquecido con Na2SiO3, fueron sometidas a 4200 lux (± 5%) emitida desde luces LED y F. Se partió de inóculos en tubos de ensayo de 20 mL y trasvasados a recipientes de mayor volumen cada 3 días, hasta alcanzar 15 L en bolsas plásticas a los 14 días. Al término del ensayo, se determinó la densidad de microalgas, su biomasa y masa celular. El crecimiento fue descrito mediante un modelo exponencial sin diferencia en las tasas de crecimiento en...

Research paper thumbnail of Reproductive dynamics of Peprilus medius captured in the Ecuadorian Pacific

Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research

In Ecuador, Peprilus medius is an important fishery resource whose destination is for local consu... more In Ecuador, Peprilus medius is an important fishery resource whose destination is for local consumption and export. There are few local studies on its reproductive biology, and its capture is not regulated. Therefore, this study evaluates the most relevant aspects of its reproductive activity. Samples were obtained monthly from January to December 2017 from the capture of the purse seine fleet and the artisanal gillnet fleet landing near Manta. The morphometric analysis included the length-weight relationship, estimated using the allometry equation. The size at sexual maturity is based on the L50 criterion; the reproductive cycle was determined according to the monthly analyses of the gonadosomatic index (GSI), hepatosomatic index (HSI), and relative condition factor (Kn). A total of 334 specimens were analyzed, with average sizes of 22.0, 21.87, and 21.91 cm of total length (TL), for males, females, and combined sexes, respectively. Sex ratio was 1.17M: 1F (P > 0.05), while the ...

Research paper thumbnail of New finding and description of the Galapagos batfish, Ogcocephalus darwini (Actinopterygii: Lophiiformes: Ogcocephalidae), in marine waters of Manabi, Ecuador

Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria

The finding of a specimen of the Galapagos batfish, Ogcocephalus darwini Hubbs, 1958 in marine wa... more The finding of a specimen of the Galapagos batfish, Ogcocephalus darwini Hubbs, 1958 in marine waters of continental Ecuador was recorded. The specimen was captured by the artisanal fishing fleet that operates with bottom longlines in Las Piñas fishing cove, Manta Municipality, Manabí province, Ecuador. The specimen was transferred to the Biology Laboratory of the Faculty of Marine Sciences of the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, where morphometric data were taken for its identification. Until now, the species was considered endemic to the Galapagos, but it had been reported off northern Peru and now from the Ecuadorian continental shelf.

Research paper thumbnail of Captura incidental de agujas y otras especies por palangreros venezolanos en el Mar Caribe y Océano Atlántico occidental: Periodo 1986-2000 Incidental catch of billfish and other species by Venezuelan longline vessels in the Caribbean Sea and western Atlantic Ocean: Period 1986-2000

Research paper thumbnail of Cambios organolépticos inducidos en la ostra japonesa Crassostrea gigas con dietas de las microalgas Thalassiosira pseudonana y Tetraselmis suecica

Research paper thumbnail of Crecimiento y mortalidad de Farfantepenaeus notialis en la costa norte de la Península de Araya, Venezuela

Farfantepenaeus notialis, es una especie importante de camarón en la pesquería artesanal en la Pe... more Farfantepenaeus notialis, es una especie importante de camarón en la pesquería artesanal en la Península de Araya, estado Sucre, Venezuela. Debido al limitado conocimiento sobre su dinámica poblacional, es importante determinar su crecimiento y mortalidad como parámetros fundamentales para la evaluación y manejo del recurso. La estructura de tallas y peso se evaluó mensualmente de los desembarques, desde abril 2012 hasta marzo 2013. El ajuste de los parámetros de crecimiento al modelo de von Bertalanffy se realizó por análisis de superfi cie de respuesta mediante la reestructuración de los datos y su ajuste a una curva de crecimiento. Los parámetros de crecimiento estimados para hembras, machos y sexos agrupados, fueron L∞ = 237, 230, 200 mm y k = 1,4; 1,4 y 1,3 año-1, respectivamente. La estimación de la mortalidad natural (M) se utilizaron tres métodos, mientras que la mortalidad total fue estimada de la curva de captura linearizada y la mortalidad por pesca substrayendo el valor ...


Se analizo la distribucion espacial y los descriptores comunitarios (prevalencia, densidad absolu... more Se analizo la distribucion espacial y los descriptores comunitarios (prevalencia, densidad absoluta, densidadrelativa e indice de infeccion) de ectoparasitos en branquias de la cojinua carbonera, Caranx ruber Bloch, 1793recolectados en Santa Cruz, estado Sucre, Venezuela, desde mayo de 2005 hasta abril de 2006. Se determinoel indice de dispersion (ID) y el indice de Green (IG) de los ectoparasitos en 155 ejemplares de C. ruber. Seregistraron tres monogeneos (Protomicrocotyle mirabilis, Allopyragraphorus incomparabilis, Pseudomazocraessp.), dos copepodos (Lernanthrophus kroyeri, Caligus spp.) y un isopodo (Cymothoa oestrum). Los parasitosmonogeneos mostraron preferencia por el arco branquial 1 y Pseudomazocraes sp. prefirio el lado derechodel pez. Los monogeneos se consideraron especies comunes; P. mirabilis se considero ademas especie centralmientras que los copepodos e isopodo resultaron especies secundarias. Los parasitos presentaron el tipico patronde distribucion agregado (ID &g...

Research paper thumbnail of Composición y diversidad de la comunidad de fitoplancton en dos sectores contiguos de la bahía de Manta, Ecuador

Revista Arbitrada Interdisciplinaria de Ciencias de la Salud. Salud y Vida, 2019

Recibido: 14 de Julio de 2019Aprobado: 15 de agosto de 2019El fitoplancton constituye la base de ... more Recibido: 14 de Julio de 2019Aprobado: 15 de agosto de 2019El fitoplancton constituye la base de las cadenas tróficas de muchos ecosistemas acuáticos y es susceptible a alteraciones ambientales causadas por fenómenos físicos, biológicos o químicos. En este sentido, el estudio de los parámetros que potencialmente afectan al fitoplancton permitirá un mejor control de los ambientes donde se desarrollan importantes actividades económicas como la pesca, el turismo, entre otras. El propósito del presente estudio fue evaluar la composición y diversidad del fitoplancton en dos sectores en los cuales está dividida la bahía de Manta, sometidos a distintas nivel de impacto ambiental, el Murcielago (M) y los Esteros (E). El estudio se realizó entre julio y agosto del 2017 tomando muestras de fitoplancton una vez a la semana a las 21:00 y a las 08:00 con una red con malla de luz de 50µm. Los arrastres se hicieron desde un bote en transeptos de 300 m de longitud y paralelos a la costa; el primero...

Research paper thumbnail of Scallop Aquaculture and Fisheries in Venezuela

Scallops - Biology, Ecology, Aquaculture, and Fisheries, 2016

Abstract This chapter discusses the biology, fishery and aquaculture of scallops in Venezuela. Th... more Abstract This chapter discusses the biology, fishery and aquaculture of scallops in Venezuela. The Venezuelan coast, in the southwestern Caribbean Sea, is a tropical region that supports a high diversity of bivalve molluscs, including 10 species of scallops. Nodipecten nodosus and Euvola ziczac are exploited along the coast for local consumption but are not abundant enough to support a commercial fishery. Industrial trawling was used to exploit Amusium papyraceum , Amusium laurenti and to a lesser extent Argopecten nucleus , until 2009, when this type of fishing was banned. Amusium papyraceum forms large beds in Venezuela and landings reached almost 1900 t per year in 1989. The large size of the adductor muscle of Euvola ziczac and Nodipecten nodosus suggests that these species should be good candidates for aquaculture and a number of studies have evaluated their growth and survival in suspended and bottom culture. Argopecten nucleus is a medium-sized scallop, up to 50–55 mm in shell height, and is also a good species for aquaculture; however, few studies have been conducted to establish techniques for its culture. For E. ziczac and N. nodosus , the low numbers of juveniles in natural beds and the small number of spat recruiting on suspended structures indicate that commercial culture would require spat production in a hatchery, and techniques for their production have been developed. Sufficient spat of Argopecten nucleus can be obtained from suspended collectors to support small-scale production, but a hatchery would be needed to support production on a commercial level. Hatchery and aquaculture techniques developed for scallops in Venezuela would likely be applicable to other areas in the Caribbean Sea.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluación del uso simultáneo del TED y paneles de escape para peces en redes de arrastre camaronero

Zootecnia Tropical, Apr 15, 1998

This paper describes the use of a excluder device or escape panel for small fishes, installed in ... more This paper describes the use of a excluder device or escape panel for small fishes, installed in the shrimp tralws nets (in the "tangoneras" or Florida type vessels) in the Venezuelan Gulf. The panel was designed in order to reduced substantially the by catch, called in our country "broza' or "trashll" of the shrimp fisheries, without affecting significantly the commercial yields. The tests were accomplished with the turtle excluder device (TED) , in order to stablished the degree of cpupling and funcionallity of both devices. The trials consited in the installation of one convencional shrimp gear with a TED put on the net tunel as a control, and other modified net with the panel located immediately after the TED, being confrontad both during some hauls in 5 commercial cruises. Two designs of gear designated a) and b) , differentiated basically in the size of mesh opening were used. Both panels were wffective in reducing the by catch biomass captured [45% with (a) and 281 with (b)], having no effects on the shrimp catches. On the other hand, there were important losses on commercial f ish, s biomass, which can be in part, due to data standarization problems (differences in the net funcionallity in each band of the ship) , and to the fact that, a good proportion of commercial ictich biomass is composed of juveniles and preadults fishes, which can escape throughout the panel mesh. However, in relation to the fish size, the nets with the device were more selectiva than the convencional.

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