Volkswagen New Beetle's Journal (original) (raw)

[24 Mar 2010|05:17pm]
community was dead? where are all mans who have a beetle????
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[04 Feb 2007|08:33pm]
Hi. I'm brand new here. And I don't own a beetle quite yet.I have been searching high and low for my first car purchase.And I have fallin hard for the VW New Beetle. everything about it I love.However my price range is keeping me in the 98-99 years.ConsumerGuide had some good things to say about these bugs. But I want your guys' opinion.I have heard that VW dealerships are a pain, but i have family that are amazing with cars.And I have also heard the interior has had some problems.Should I go ahead and go for the 99 beetle or not?Help! Thanksss. Your cars are beautiful btw.
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Hiii :) [04 Feb 2007|10:20am]
Thought I might introduce myself to the new VW communities I just joined :) Im LJ dumb so I apologize in advance for the lack of the cut... this might be kinda long.Im Anna. Im punkinbug on, tdilady on, and golf lady on all started in 1998 when VW released the new beetle. My love for cars started there. After much anticipation I bought my first new beetle, a 2002 snap orange 1.8t... Lolaand a 2.0 silver arrow nB for my husband, LuluAs much as I adored my Lolabug, I had to sell her last year when gas prices skyrocketted. I couldn't afford the premium gas... so I sold her and bought my 2001 Golf TDI, Trooper!We are very active in our local VW scene.. we participate in shows and cruises. Jim will have a spot in a VW performance shop as soon as they find a suitable garage/shop combo, we are super excited about that! Our cars have a few cosmetic modifications but other than that they are stock, I would like to chip the diesel eventually but money is tight while my hubby is in school so we take it as we can. They are spoiled rotten little cars though, we love them to bits.:)Nice to meet you!!!
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[02 Feb 2007|01:44am]
Hey guys! I'm a current owner of a 2000 ford explorer and I love it but hate it. I've been shopping around for a beetle for awhile now though.My one gripe is I mentioned it to my boyfriend and he knows a few mechanics who say VW's are total and utter crap. These mechanics love muscle cars but I figure there may be truth to that so I hit google and, I'm finding tons of problems with 2001-2004 beetles having electrical fires, window problems and excess oil consumption. I really want to buy a beetle so I want to know, Whats the deal with these chronic issues and are they in the 06-07 beetles too?My last question, Which years did VW put out regular oil beetles? I'm not too into the whole diesel idea myself so I'd love to know.Thanks in advance, I wasn't sure where else to ask. :Dxposted.
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Calling ALL VW NC/SC/TN/VA owners! [17 May 2005|12:57pm] TBA: Herbie Fully Loaded movie GTG at local NC drivein. That post gives it all, but I'm looking at Henderson or Durham NC... Durham's drive in burned last year and may not be renovated in time, the Henderson drive in has not confimred they will have the film opening weekend. Anyone interested? Can you spread the word? This ins't a beetle only event, all VW owners would enjoy this film and it's ideal as a family night out!Anyone with me on this? :)x-posted like mad.
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Hello! [07 Aug 2004|02:40pm]
I stumbled upon this community and decided to post some older pictures of my ex-bug. I want to get a new one by the end of the year. I drive a Honda Civic now and while the gas mileage is godly, I SO miss having a bug. I had a Jetta before the bug and it was nice, but the bug was still best. :)Without further ado:
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[20 Jul 2004|10:53pm]
I'm a new member and all.. but I'm no where near being new to Volkswagons. Here's some piccies of my beautiful baby. He (Jiminey) is 2 years old.JimineyJimineyJimineyJiminey dc=4675481451061242338
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Hot VWs/VW Trends Magazines [03 Apr 2004|07:01pm]
(x-posted in vintagevw, volkswagens, vwbuglovers and aircooledvws)I've got thirty back issues of Hot VWs and VW Trends magazines ranging from 1996-1999. They cover a pretty wide range of topics and models. For those who are fans of the new Beetle, this period covers the time when it was first produced, and VW Trends featured it regularly. Hot VWs, as many of you may know, tends to stay true to the classic, air-cooled VW models. If you are interested in these mags, they are listed here. I'm selling them for 2eachplus2 each plus 2eachplus1.50 shipping via USPS media mail. If anybody is interested, just drop me a line here at, let me know which issues you are interested in, and we can do the PayPal thing. If you want more than one, we can work out a deal on combined shipping. Thanks.(BTW, if this is an inappropriate post for this community, my apologies. Feel free to remove it.)
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Hey, I'm new <3 [17 Feb 2004|02:12pm]
[ **mood** | frustrated ] Hi everyone.. I just joined.I just got my new baby... a 2001 dk. blue/purple beetle. I love it so much.& My boyfriend races a golf.. so we are definitely VW people for life.So, hi everyone! I'll post some pictures soon.xo
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[16 Feb 2004|09:01am]
[ **mood** | bouncy ] Hey everyone!I drive a 2001 GLS. Here is a picture of me on the left (Beeper) and my friend night_vixen on the right with hers (Chibits).Since this was taken, I have a few more mods put on it such as two spoilers and the performance exhaust. Interior, I have a 10" Bazooka Tube subwoofer and a blacklight. :)
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[15 Jun 2003|12:38am]
Since it was my DoodleBug's first Halloween, I dressed it up a bit and parked it towards the front so the trick or treaters would have to walk by it to get candy. The driver was scarey to me which was really cool. I know the picture is a bit dark but you get the idea. I had such a great time with it. I can't wait to have more pictures up here of my bug in various places.
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