Politics-Nov-28-2006-539427 | NewspaperArchive (original) (raw)

The 'Gaints' are on theCMMjn*WE HUN oar «i— llu.-tik.UMbc -5*111 KhtJt’ liM.xia fbtwl«fSt. Luca. Si. Vtaceui and Si.KMIk Vv.uni.4 iheS*tferi i(Mhr cikc Mr (MeB. 1951. .1 thnr trmturMt -nr (reclrJ id.ii tWIiccx I luu* «ii ilt;titnt*i *b» the nui. IJij mo eteite lt;4 ut~®tc«VKfl. A» ywi okhik *o iil »«v uilot..!... m mixlehrar*.«aeet* ihe .4.1V.c, draJ. In.- ibn .D ihnr M«|Wd M»MOM .latched.Sc.Vnccnt bin,.5. la* to i..\hclt; ■lt;■** Mcnul(v4« J dnckyeaei*Si. Luca .a the In lt;4 lt;»..lt;hr*r nt ikk- 10 «ui *•bukpcniiiKc. li flJ • .«i Maun 'i 1934. i«tu.mil» Mac culib'ioc V VciiiiuMuiuvnal *■ .inn ... nm.die.dui 1951. (inp E Ouilo. Ic.Jn lt;4 ili Si. Lmu Lab.ii Ibny ml ak.cn hecinc tha* ir.ii.nr m 1961 the in|m in CoitM. oi trued diet hlil-Blln peenaei.|i*. - enjoin. *Li led the:lht aim).duelnirameinHt.1 He »i KMli.acr.lc ■MaltafcnvO**!!*?!)Onu.uaItaly.daS( VeK.« 1.1. *e PamI. oho bee.Mimic Sm tan* .4ackpcnlcnl Si. LucaSt VWih Ld.cu Italy OVIDanltVPtatta.lUnedltan. Ttatv -tlr «mllllult oac.u.d b ili. 1*71Catvni Ehvttcu. dree -a • lie!lit SVlTncxi Nemo ealibc I1lr..i..i. *aa! TheKiciucaeni era fee |unMmhel an mdc(urdrnilankdale. Klat.aw ihc pn nan lia.uu nc-Jc an dliartr •I. ihcPIT IV IM.III cab la-ol fc i».year 1 Jn «lt;a -ecp.u a baa i— io»eu k. iSu'Ou .4 ihe nbad'c .dyp.. ii.eurcK Mobil U-lci.. a|e.nd il« dihenaaa n lu ecuMl 1*7' I baa. lbumcbedhne lane »r cue had an ckuaaBen tit pcdmcal dr.IT-, iui'i irrci *rl Urn tea- -tie idled l«Hcenl.. 1974. i*ain,ll. .ilK-ekdoJ keluc .4 dt ii.-uci The SVIP a,a ...mr, ad) ih»mu. Tin **ei 10 me. -* enpand Kllu ITP'. lav. TV- » II ana.So ako • n ihe -chei' Vei uie**edII. Il mu raw ida I ban the nanhiaauil |* .-.Mil* betMluonc ihe cIccIkcu iheSVLT and the ITP derided KI.cn a enllv ne.CTin.ne. Me. Iv.|.ahn. ihc *4c .4 IhcittK j.-hm bcane ihc fim beede ncmSri .4 lit leiaekni.c Coinci (I®)!), and wmoatlt;4the tentb4i.ee She wb-.nlli . n*”' ihc aulitt SV l.eluil |am-IB tkl a|j*me! kal ihlK ahe I., me ihele-lei .4lit Offy-Uhn akile her hudunj ....ptd ihc |» lt;4 NhriMlct .4 Aar.ellulc me! lie* Ihe m. b.i n-ele held a«-n in 1957. lit. -tic lit hrul..ll.eld ,|.J .ft 1. V IIIPaHuncni a ihe earn* eme. I anlimited In ay llul l»«a -a litIn* a« eil| k« Si. SWeni. bnihe entile Be.ul. «v-.l Indie, andIWle.vl.,uUVi«hi S.o.lVi.ee. ila ken h-.h.ri ari -lie leaen K Iv ui I 1TW- -At.In tit I9?9..denniac hetent a key i~acOntV-inhet 17. 1939. Si \taccniInane an inle|vialcnl naiea.Si Km* lit l*i e ihe lt;nrvmiiuu. in .K-teeo Safcted-c 19. 1*11 Itac.e il.pci.m. -V. |4a.c J - Icadnc mbIll the. ... B,4ett Bcaddti. •«.. ihe ulanj'. aH|*i - Lined flrllHe lit. am elected In ihe LriBldbc C*uhil .4 la ...Min.He Monied ike Sc Kna mlSecu L.I.H* rally and hccanc ihe ntewl. .hiel n.nntei a Itae. Bel. II -a IV Kerned,Nicil.udv bait .4 It.- !*- |4c*.Acram Mmru.ni tPAMl. akn *.caU hune lit uland . hi*II Id lit.I SrfCtcnVl■ I era Pcaaoa lecarhe. o lievw1'' ‘ ',u*