Sjoerd Gehrels | NHL Stenden University (original) (raw)

Sjoerd  Gehrels

Dr. Sjoerd Gehrels, Emeritus UAS Professor Innovation in Hospitality, Stenden Hotel Management School, Netherlands started in Dutch higher education in 1989, after having worked for 10 years in the hospitality industry as apprentice, sommelier and operations manager in Michelin star restaurants. In Stenden, he was course leader for the Dual Degree MA/MSc in International Hospitality
Address: Leeuwarden, Friesland, Netherlands



Papers by Sjoerd Gehrels

Research paper thumbnail of Hospitality-oriented food services in healthcare : an analysis of stakeholder’s perception (hospital management, dietitians, hospitality services and medical staff)

Research paper thumbnail of Can a luxury hotel compete without a spa facility? Opinions from senior managers of London's luxury hotels É possível que um hotel de luxo tenha competitividade, sem um spa? Opiniões de gerentes de hotéis de luxo de Londres ¿Es posible que un hotel de lujo tenga la competitividad sin un spa? Impr...

Research paper thumbnail of Special Issue: Guests on Earth, sustainability in hospitality

This research paper discusses the notion of sustainable human resources management (SHRM). In ord... more This research paper discusses the notion of sustainable human resources management (SHRM). In order to deal with current and expected talent deficiencies for the international hospitality industry, innovating approaches to HRM are highly needed. An important focus within SHRM in this research is put on the necessity for companies to consider a diversity and inclusion (D&I) policy as part of a wider sustainable HRM strategy. The literature on SHRM is still limited although particularly outside the hospitality industry in other sectors there is a growing sense for the importance to the approach. The De Prins SHRM Framework visualises four perspectives to the topic. To illustrate how an inside-out company analysis can provide the elements to further develop SHRM and specifically its D&I intentions, the case of Hotel X is presented. D&I management, action needed, leadership in D&I, organisational responsibility, D&I supporting business, and Hotel X’s current paradigm are discussed in detail. Conclusions and recommendations for Hotel X and other companies in the hospitality industry include: implementing a sustainable HRM strategy including D&I policies, and setting up a monitoring mechanism to measure metrics that demonstrate if the strategy is successful. Metrics recommended to implement are: job yield, skills inventories, promotion rates, and external market share. Keywords: case study, innovation, metrics, monitoring mechanisms, sustainable human resources management

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 1 Introducing Employer Branding: Potential for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Employer Branding for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Finding and Keeping Talent, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of An international hotel company’s employment brand

In this chapter, the case of a successful well-known international European hotel corporation is ... more In this chapter, the case of a successful well-known international European hotel corporation is analysed, starting with the history and development of the company. Next, ongoing changes in brand promise and the further developing of the brand are explored. The internal employer brand is compared with the external brand and improvements are discussed to facilitate a better alignment. Progression into an employment brand is explained as well as the connected diversity strategy for the company. Finally, considerations about how a diversity strategy implementation will impact the viability and business success of the company are shared. This in-depth case study provides valuable contemplation for hotel practitioners and academics, and hotel management students aspiring to pursue a career in business.

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 10 Human Capital a Reality Check

Employer Branding for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Finding and Keeping Talent, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Future Curricula of International Hospitality Management Education

Internationalisation has been on the agenda for the last two decades of any institute of higher e... more Internationalisation has been on the agenda for the last two decades of any institute of higher education (HEI) that has sought to provide an international environment for the education of its students. The rhetoric increasingly has been to provide an education that prepares the graduate to function excellently across cultural boundaries in a globalised work space. The reality of findings from research is showing that many activities under the banner of internationalisation are not delivering what they promise, although a number of interventions are having some of the desired effects. Over the last 3–4 years, there has been a debate about the future of internationalisation of higher education, and the contours of what this entails are becoming visible. The nexus between research and education is receiving significant attention and has a role to play in the development of future curricula.

Research paper thumbnail of Een verkenning van het Employer Branding concept voor de Nederlandse gastvrijheidssector

Research paper thumbnail of Hotel quality in the European Capital of Culture: Leeuwarden 2018

Research in Hospitality Management, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Employer branding: A new approach for the hospitality industry

Research in Hospitality Management, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of The Types of Organizational Culture of Middle-Sized Restaurants in the Netherlands Suitable for Placing Indonesian Student Trainees

Jurnal Manajemen Perhotelan, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Wasted millions: Revenue management in Dutch culinary restaurants

Research in Hospitality Management, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of How Hospitality Industry Managers' Characteristics Could Influence Hospitality Management Curricula

This doctorate research (EdD): work in progress describes the value systems and other driving pow... more This doctorate research (EdD): work in progress describes the value systems and other driving powers of hotel upper segment restaurant managers (HUSRM's) and the way that these can influence hospitality management curriculum design. The transcripts of the digitally recorded semi-structured interviews were analysed applying grounded theory methodology (Glaser and Strauss) and using NVivo7 QSR software in order to conceptualize on the answers provided by the respondents. The research generated some elements in the ongoing construction of theory about the characteristics of this specific category of professionals and the application in education. By using grounded theory methodology, theory is constructed from the empirical data. The outcomes of the research provided an overview of the divers value systems and driving powers of the respondents. Recommendations were made to have these value systems, driving powers and other characteristics to be taken into account by hospitality man...

Research paper thumbnail of Employer Branding for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Finding and Keeping Talent

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 2 Employer Branding – A Historical Perspective

Employer Branding for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Finding and Keeping Talent, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Caminhos futuros para a educação e a pesquisa internacionais em hospitalidade

Revista Hospitalidade, 2015

Este artigo apresenta consideracoes sobre os caminhos futuros para a educacao e a pesquisa intern... more Este artigo apresenta consideracoes sobre os caminhos futuros para a educacao e a pesquisa internacionais na area de gestao da hospitalidade. As ideias sao apresentadas com o objetivo de estabelecer uma relacao mais proxima com a industria da hospitalidade em bases intelectuais, para que sejam realizadas pesquisas conjuntas. Alem disso, discute-se o papel dos estudantes e o trabalho em parceria com eles, na realizacao de pesquisas. Para ilustrar as ideias apresentadas, sao dados dois exemplos de projetos de pesquisa recentemente realizados na area de promocao da empregabilidade. Um dos exemplos fala sobre os esforcos conjuntos da industria e do setor de educacao na disseminacao de pesquisas e o outro fala do processo de co-criacao nas pesquisas, envolvendo alunos e professores. O objetivo do artigo e estimular mais debates sobre esses temas.

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 8 Developing Employer Branding in Pegasus Hotel

Employer Branding for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Finding and Keeping Talent, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 6 Employees as the Brand: Internal Marketing at the Sanctuary Hotel

Employer Branding for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Finding and Keeping Talent, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 12 Employer Branding Through Social Media and Websites

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 5 Pelican Hotels & Resorts’ Considerations for the Future

Research paper thumbnail of Hospitality-oriented food services in healthcare : an analysis of stakeholder’s perception (hospital management, dietitians, hospitality services and medical staff)

Research paper thumbnail of Can a luxury hotel compete without a spa facility? Opinions from senior managers of London's luxury hotels É possível que um hotel de luxo tenha competitividade, sem um spa? Opiniões de gerentes de hotéis de luxo de Londres ¿Es posible que un hotel de lujo tenga la competitividad sin un spa? Impr...

Research paper thumbnail of Special Issue: Guests on Earth, sustainability in hospitality

This research paper discusses the notion of sustainable human resources management (SHRM). In ord... more This research paper discusses the notion of sustainable human resources management (SHRM). In order to deal with current and expected talent deficiencies for the international hospitality industry, innovating approaches to HRM are highly needed. An important focus within SHRM in this research is put on the necessity for companies to consider a diversity and inclusion (D&I) policy as part of a wider sustainable HRM strategy. The literature on SHRM is still limited although particularly outside the hospitality industry in other sectors there is a growing sense for the importance to the approach. The De Prins SHRM Framework visualises four perspectives to the topic. To illustrate how an inside-out company analysis can provide the elements to further develop SHRM and specifically its D&I intentions, the case of Hotel X is presented. D&I management, action needed, leadership in D&I, organisational responsibility, D&I supporting business, and Hotel X’s current paradigm are discussed in detail. Conclusions and recommendations for Hotel X and other companies in the hospitality industry include: implementing a sustainable HRM strategy including D&I policies, and setting up a monitoring mechanism to measure metrics that demonstrate if the strategy is successful. Metrics recommended to implement are: job yield, skills inventories, promotion rates, and external market share. Keywords: case study, innovation, metrics, monitoring mechanisms, sustainable human resources management

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 1 Introducing Employer Branding: Potential for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Employer Branding for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Finding and Keeping Talent, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of An international hotel company’s employment brand

In this chapter, the case of a successful well-known international European hotel corporation is ... more In this chapter, the case of a successful well-known international European hotel corporation is analysed, starting with the history and development of the company. Next, ongoing changes in brand promise and the further developing of the brand are explored. The internal employer brand is compared with the external brand and improvements are discussed to facilitate a better alignment. Progression into an employment brand is explained as well as the connected diversity strategy for the company. Finally, considerations about how a diversity strategy implementation will impact the viability and business success of the company are shared. This in-depth case study provides valuable contemplation for hotel practitioners and academics, and hotel management students aspiring to pursue a career in business.

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 10 Human Capital a Reality Check

Employer Branding for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Finding and Keeping Talent, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Future Curricula of International Hospitality Management Education

Internationalisation has been on the agenda for the last two decades of any institute of higher e... more Internationalisation has been on the agenda for the last two decades of any institute of higher education (HEI) that has sought to provide an international environment for the education of its students. The rhetoric increasingly has been to provide an education that prepares the graduate to function excellently across cultural boundaries in a globalised work space. The reality of findings from research is showing that many activities under the banner of internationalisation are not delivering what they promise, although a number of interventions are having some of the desired effects. Over the last 3–4 years, there has been a debate about the future of internationalisation of higher education, and the contours of what this entails are becoming visible. The nexus between research and education is receiving significant attention and has a role to play in the development of future curricula.

Research paper thumbnail of Een verkenning van het Employer Branding concept voor de Nederlandse gastvrijheidssector

Research paper thumbnail of Hotel quality in the European Capital of Culture: Leeuwarden 2018

Research in Hospitality Management, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Employer branding: A new approach for the hospitality industry

Research in Hospitality Management, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of The Types of Organizational Culture of Middle-Sized Restaurants in the Netherlands Suitable for Placing Indonesian Student Trainees

Jurnal Manajemen Perhotelan, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Wasted millions: Revenue management in Dutch culinary restaurants

Research in Hospitality Management, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of How Hospitality Industry Managers' Characteristics Could Influence Hospitality Management Curricula

This doctorate research (EdD): work in progress describes the value systems and other driving pow... more This doctorate research (EdD): work in progress describes the value systems and other driving powers of hotel upper segment restaurant managers (HUSRM's) and the way that these can influence hospitality management curriculum design. The transcripts of the digitally recorded semi-structured interviews were analysed applying grounded theory methodology (Glaser and Strauss) and using NVivo7 QSR software in order to conceptualize on the answers provided by the respondents. The research generated some elements in the ongoing construction of theory about the characteristics of this specific category of professionals and the application in education. By using grounded theory methodology, theory is constructed from the empirical data. The outcomes of the research provided an overview of the divers value systems and driving powers of the respondents. Recommendations were made to have these value systems, driving powers and other characteristics to be taken into account by hospitality man...

Research paper thumbnail of Employer Branding for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Finding and Keeping Talent

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 2 Employer Branding – A Historical Perspective

Employer Branding for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Finding and Keeping Talent, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Caminhos futuros para a educação e a pesquisa internacionais em hospitalidade

Revista Hospitalidade, 2015

Este artigo apresenta consideracoes sobre os caminhos futuros para a educacao e a pesquisa intern... more Este artigo apresenta consideracoes sobre os caminhos futuros para a educacao e a pesquisa internacionais na area de gestao da hospitalidade. As ideias sao apresentadas com o objetivo de estabelecer uma relacao mais proxima com a industria da hospitalidade em bases intelectuais, para que sejam realizadas pesquisas conjuntas. Alem disso, discute-se o papel dos estudantes e o trabalho em parceria com eles, na realizacao de pesquisas. Para ilustrar as ideias apresentadas, sao dados dois exemplos de projetos de pesquisa recentemente realizados na area de promocao da empregabilidade. Um dos exemplos fala sobre os esforcos conjuntos da industria e do setor de educacao na disseminacao de pesquisas e o outro fala do processo de co-criacao nas pesquisas, envolvendo alunos e professores. O objetivo do artigo e estimular mais debates sobre esses temas.

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 8 Developing Employer Branding in Pegasus Hotel

Employer Branding for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Finding and Keeping Talent, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 6 Employees as the Brand: Internal Marketing at the Sanctuary Hotel

Employer Branding for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Finding and Keeping Talent, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 12 Employer Branding Through Social Media and Websites

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 5 Pelican Hotels & Resorts’ Considerations for the Future

Research paper thumbnail of Future Curricula of International Hospitality Management Education

Internationalisation has been on the agenda for the last two decades of any institute of higher e... more Internationalisation has been on the agenda for the last two decades of any institute of higher education (HEI) that has sought to provide an international environment for the education of its students. The rhetoric increasingly has been to provide an education that prepares the graduate to function excellently across cultural boundaries in a globalised work space. The reality of findings from research is showing that many activities under the banner of internationalisation are not delivering what they promise, although a number of interventions are having some of the desired effects. Over the last 3 to 4 years there has been a debate about the future of inter-nationalisation of higher education and the contours of what this entails are becoming visible. The nexus between research and education is receiving significant attention and has a role to play in the development of future curricula. This contribution will discuss the changes envisaged and taking place and give the reader more insight in the most recent developments in the development of new curricula. It will discuss best practices in development of international hospitality curricula and identify opportunities and pitfalls for successful experiences in inter-nationalisation.

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