Miloš Tasić | University of Niš (original) (raw)
Papers by Miloš Tasić
ESP Today, 2024
This article presents a study that investigated students' attitudes toward both online and face-t... more This article presents a study that investigated students' attitudes toward both online and face-to-face English for Academic Purposes (EAP) classes. The study was conducted with students of mechanical engineering and engineering management after the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions that allowed face-to-face teaching to resume. The study aimed to determine students' preferences for online or face-to-face classes and the reasons behind their opinions. It also aimed to compare the difficulty and interest level of EAP classes with other courses and gather qualitative feedback on how online EAP classes could be improved. The study was primarily quantitative, but it had a qualitative segment, too. The results indicated that students generally prefer face-to-face to online classes, although only marginally. Participants appreciated the ability to work from home and revisit recorded lessons in online classes, while face-to-face classes were valued for better communication with the instructor and collaboration with peers. English was viewed as better suited to online teaching than other courses, but students were hesitant to participate openly during classes. Most respondents suggested more active participation from students and mandatory attendance as ways of improving the online teaching process.
Facta Universitatis, Series Visual Arts and Music, 2023
Employing the theoretical framework that represents a unique amalgam of the domains of multimodal... more Employing the theoretical framework that represents a unique amalgam of the domains of multimodality, intermediality, transmedia storytelling and adaptation, the paper analyses the process of medial transposition of the folk fairy tale Baš-Čelik, primarily into Đorđe Lobačev’s comic book of the same name (1939/1989), and then into Petar Meseldžija’s 2008 illustrated book The Legend of Baš-Čelik (orig. Legenda o Baš-Čeliku). The paper presents verbal and graphic tools used by these authors in adapting the original text from a monomodal into multimodal media, with a special focus on three research directions. The first is the manner in which the compositional structure of the fairy tale is transferred into the comic and the illustrated book, with the aim of assessing the level of fidelity in these adaptations. The second direction is related to the most important narrative and stylistic differences (e.g., language and tone of narration). The third direction deals with the use of certain comics-specific techniques and resources, such as page layout, use of colour for emphasis, representation of speed and motion, and the presence or absence of particular graphic devices (upfixes and pictorial runes). Finally, the adaptations themselves are compared to each other, highlighting the major similarities and differences between them.
This paper analyses several examples of pictorial and multimodal metonymy found in political cart... more This paper analyses several examples of pictorial and multimodal metonymy found in political cartoons and photographs related to the topic of Brexit and collected from the two British daily newspapers, The Guardian and The Telegraph. The first part of analysis deals with instances of pictorial metonymy, emphasising the importance of certain distinctive features such as colour, graphic representation, or photographic composition. The second part of analysis focuses on multimodal metonymy of the verbo-pictorial variety, particularly scrutinising the relationships between the two modes. Based on the different ways in which the pictorial and the verbal mode interact, the examples are classified into three separate categories: (1) image-dominant metonymy, (2) text-dominant metonymy, and (3) complementary metonymy. Furthermore, the analysis sheds some light on how these metonymies can form the basis of pictorial and multimodal metaphors, how several source and target concepts can be chain...
The dataset contains the study design and the results for "Facing salient and non-salient ti... more The dataset contains the study design and the results for "Facing salient and non-salient time sequence orientations expressed by adverbs in English, Mandarin and Serbian"
This article intends to provide insight into how speakers of English, Mandarin, and Serbian perce... more This article intends to provide insight into how speakers of English, Mandarin, and Serbian perceive spatio-temporal relations expressed by specific pairs of adverbials. In two studies participants were presented with simple sentences describing the metaphorical movement of events on the timeline (e.g., “The meeting was moved from the morning to the afternoon.”) and were asked to decide whether the event had been moved along the sagittal, vertical or transverse axis (forward/backward, up/down, left/right). The main aim of the first study, which was conducted with 104 native speakers of Serbian, was to explore the effects of axis-orientation and individual time units on participants’ preferences and response times. The target time units used were dates, hours, months, days of the week, and years. The results showed significant differences in response times between the transverse and sagittal axis conditions on the one hand (with shorter reaction times), and the vertical axis conditio...
Полазећи од теоријских оквира В. Ајзнера (Eisner 1985/2008, 1996/2008, 2008), С. Меклауда (McClou... more Полазећи од теоријских оквира В. Ајзнера (Eisner 1985/2008, 1996/2008, 2008), С. Меклауда (McCloud 1993) и Е. Стејнбрука (Stainbrook 2003), у раду се анализирају стрипови Био је то рововски рат (1993/2013) и Проклети рат! (2009/2013) чувеног француског аутора Жака Тардија (Jacques Tardi), као најпознатија дела „девете уметности“ на тему овог, по много чему, значајног глобалног сукоба. На основу установљених поставки Ајзнера и Меклауда, аутори трагају за елементима графичког приповедања и визуелне нарације догађаја у Првом светском рату, са посебним освртом на оне делове који се баве приказом насиља, бесмисла и суровости рата. Принципи анализе дискурса стрипа које је поставио Стејнбрук употребиће се како би се истражили модалитети изражавања и циљеви дискурса који описује ратна збивања. Аутори закључују да примена наведених теоријских сегмената на анализу стрипа о рату показује да се ради о сасвим равноправном медију изражавања, који има могућност да комбинује графички и текстуални материјал како би што реалније изразио комплексну природу рата.
Visual Communication, 2018
In Making Comics: Storytelling Secrets of Comics, Manga and Graphic Novels (2006), Scott McCloud ... more In Making Comics: Storytelling Secrets of Comics, Manga and Graphic Novels (2006), Scott McCloud proposes that the use of specific drawing techniques will enable viewers to reliably deduce different degrees of intensity of the six basic emotions from facial expressions in comics. Furthermore, he suggests that an accomplished comics artist can combine the components of facial expressions conveying the basic emotions to produce complex expressions, many of which are supposedly distinct and recognizable enough to be named. This article presents an empirical investigation and assessment of the validity of these claims, based on the results obtained from three questionnaires. Each of the questionnaires deals with one of the aspects of McCloud’s proposal: face expression intensity, labelling and compositionality. The data show that the tasks at hand were much more difficult than would have been expected on the basis of McCloud’s proposal, with the intensity matching task being the most su...
Studia Neophilologica, 2016
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
Balkan Journal of Philosophy, 2014
Drawing on the work of Forceville (2005, 2006, 2011), who employed linguistic tools in analysing ... more Drawing on the work of Forceville (2005, 2006, 2011), who employed linguistic tools in analysing comics, the paper deals with pictorial runes as a specific type of visual information found in comic books. As Kennedy (1982) proposes, pictorial runes are graphic devices used in pictures to modify the literal depictions of objects, intended to convey certain aspects of those objects that are otherwise difficult to depict literally. In comics, they are usually employed to imply various emotions, such as anger, fear, pain, or surprise, and indicate speed or the direction of a moving object, among other things. Using the research model presented by Forceville (2011), the paper aims at identifying and categorising pictorial runes in a popular Italian comic book series Gea, in an attempt to corroborate the above method and add to the list of already inventoried runes. Furthermore, the new runes found in this comic book series show evidence of being indexical, rather than symbolic, signs. Th...
RCRN: Visual Rhetoric (Topic), 2013
Полазећи од досадашњих сазнања из области когнитивне лингвистике, првенствено заснованих на Теори... more Полазећи од досадашњих сазнања из области когнитивне лингвистике, првенствено заснованих на Теорији појмовне метафоре (Lakoff & Johnson 1980), овај рад се ослања на Форсвилова проучавања мултимодалних метафора (Forceville 2005, 2009, 2011) и приказује модалитете исказивања метафоричног садржаја у једном од облика визуелне комуникације – стрипу. Имајући за главни циљ да покажу како визуелне манифестације појмовне метафоре и метонимије нису само дословни преводи њихових језичких пандана, аутори се у раду баве проучавањем различитих врста графичких приказа, од визуелне метафоре и метонимије до сликовних руна и пиктограма. С обзиром да се у великој већини претходних истраживања везаних за појмовне метафоре радило искључиво о њиховом језичком модалитету, потврђивање претпоставке о једнакости између визуелног и језичког модалитета допринело би тврдњи да метафоре заиста постоје и функционишу на концептуалном нивоу. Drawing on the prior knowledge from the field of cognitive linguistics, pri...
The basic aim of this paper was to examine the correlations between the success of the respondent... more The basic aim of this paper was to examine the correlations between the success of the respondents in foreign language learning in two high schools in south-eastern Serbia (from Nis and Bosilegrad), and their attitudes toward the relationship between national identity and language. A survey questionnaire was distributed to forty third- and fourth-grade high school students in each town, of both Serbian and Bulgarian nationality. The questionnaire comprised three groups of questions: (1) the ones which examined the level of the so-called 'linguistic nationalism', (2) the ones which tested the attitudes of the students toward learning various foreign languages, and (3) the ones concerning the marks that students achieved in mother and foreign language subjects. The analysis of the responses resulted in the conclusion that cosmopolitan sentiments were dominant in both examined populations, that students specify English as their language of choice and that there are no significa...
1. IntroductionThe main aim of the paper is to analyse the English verbs of motion from the persp... more 1. IntroductionThe main aim of the paper is to analyse the English verbs of motion from the perspective of Prototype Theory, using the findings of S. G. Pulman (1983), which will be presented in the next section. To this point, Prototype Theory has been mostly concerned with nouns, sometimes with adjectives and prepositions, but there have been very few attempts to apply Prototype Theory to verb analyses. After a short historical overview of the development of Prototype Theory and a presentation of two major attempts to approach verbs using Prototype Theory, the English verbs of motion, as defined and selected in Miller 1972 and Levin 1993, are sorted in accordance with two prototypicality experiments involving respondents and one frequency experiment based on the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). The paper will also try to find out whether there are any semantic "patterns" in the order of verbs obtained from the three experiments.2. Theoretical framework2.1....
Serbian Abstract: Rad prati pomeranje fokusa u istraživanju metonimije od „tradicionalnog“ tumace... more Serbian Abstract: Rad prati pomeranje fokusa u istraživanju metonimije od „tradicionalnog“ tumacenja iste kao instance figurativnog jezika lisene iskustvenog ili saznajnog kapaciteta ka jednom od centralnih pojmovnih mehanizama u kognitivnolingvistickoj literaturi u poslednje tri decenije. Autori na samom pocetku daju kratko objasnjenje za upotrebu termina "marginalizacija" metonimije u ovom radu, osvrcuci se na situaciju koja je prethodila zacetku kognitivnolingvisticke paradigme i drasticnoj promeni pristupa u ispitivanju metafore i metonimije, ali uzimajuci u obzir i pažnju posvecenu fenomenu metonimije unutar ove paradigme. Sredisnji deo rada posvecen je kognitivnolingvistickoj definiciji i tipologiji metonimijskih obrazaca, kao i problemima odnosa između metonimije i metafore, s jedne, i metonimije i sinegdohe, s druge strane. Na kraju rada se istice potreba za obimnijim i podrobnijim izucavanjem pojmovne metonimije i njenim konacnim izlaskom iz senke pojmovne metafor...
ESP Today, 2024
This article presents a study that investigated students' attitudes toward both online and face-t... more This article presents a study that investigated students' attitudes toward both online and face-to-face English for Academic Purposes (EAP) classes. The study was conducted with students of mechanical engineering and engineering management after the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions that allowed face-to-face teaching to resume. The study aimed to determine students' preferences for online or face-to-face classes and the reasons behind their opinions. It also aimed to compare the difficulty and interest level of EAP classes with other courses and gather qualitative feedback on how online EAP classes could be improved. The study was primarily quantitative, but it had a qualitative segment, too. The results indicated that students generally prefer face-to-face to online classes, although only marginally. Participants appreciated the ability to work from home and revisit recorded lessons in online classes, while face-to-face classes were valued for better communication with the instructor and collaboration with peers. English was viewed as better suited to online teaching than other courses, but students were hesitant to participate openly during classes. Most respondents suggested more active participation from students and mandatory attendance as ways of improving the online teaching process.
Facta Universitatis, Series Visual Arts and Music, 2023
Employing the theoretical framework that represents a unique amalgam of the domains of multimodal... more Employing the theoretical framework that represents a unique amalgam of the domains of multimodality, intermediality, transmedia storytelling and adaptation, the paper analyses the process of medial transposition of the folk fairy tale Baš-Čelik, primarily into Đorđe Lobačev’s comic book of the same name (1939/1989), and then into Petar Meseldžija’s 2008 illustrated book The Legend of Baš-Čelik (orig. Legenda o Baš-Čeliku). The paper presents verbal and graphic tools used by these authors in adapting the original text from a monomodal into multimodal media, with a special focus on three research directions. The first is the manner in which the compositional structure of the fairy tale is transferred into the comic and the illustrated book, with the aim of assessing the level of fidelity in these adaptations. The second direction is related to the most important narrative and stylistic differences (e.g., language and tone of narration). The third direction deals with the use of certain comics-specific techniques and resources, such as page layout, use of colour for emphasis, representation of speed and motion, and the presence or absence of particular graphic devices (upfixes and pictorial runes). Finally, the adaptations themselves are compared to each other, highlighting the major similarities and differences between them.
This paper analyses several examples of pictorial and multimodal metonymy found in political cart... more This paper analyses several examples of pictorial and multimodal metonymy found in political cartoons and photographs related to the topic of Brexit and collected from the two British daily newspapers, The Guardian and The Telegraph. The first part of analysis deals with instances of pictorial metonymy, emphasising the importance of certain distinctive features such as colour, graphic representation, or photographic composition. The second part of analysis focuses on multimodal metonymy of the verbo-pictorial variety, particularly scrutinising the relationships between the two modes. Based on the different ways in which the pictorial and the verbal mode interact, the examples are classified into three separate categories: (1) image-dominant metonymy, (2) text-dominant metonymy, and (3) complementary metonymy. Furthermore, the analysis sheds some light on how these metonymies can form the basis of pictorial and multimodal metaphors, how several source and target concepts can be chain...
The dataset contains the study design and the results for "Facing salient and non-salient ti... more The dataset contains the study design and the results for "Facing salient and non-salient time sequence orientations expressed by adverbs in English, Mandarin and Serbian"
This article intends to provide insight into how speakers of English, Mandarin, and Serbian perce... more This article intends to provide insight into how speakers of English, Mandarin, and Serbian perceive spatio-temporal relations expressed by specific pairs of adverbials. In two studies participants were presented with simple sentences describing the metaphorical movement of events on the timeline (e.g., “The meeting was moved from the morning to the afternoon.”) and were asked to decide whether the event had been moved along the sagittal, vertical or transverse axis (forward/backward, up/down, left/right). The main aim of the first study, which was conducted with 104 native speakers of Serbian, was to explore the effects of axis-orientation and individual time units on participants’ preferences and response times. The target time units used were dates, hours, months, days of the week, and years. The results showed significant differences in response times between the transverse and sagittal axis conditions on the one hand (with shorter reaction times), and the vertical axis conditio...
Полазећи од теоријских оквира В. Ајзнера (Eisner 1985/2008, 1996/2008, 2008), С. Меклауда (McClou... more Полазећи од теоријских оквира В. Ајзнера (Eisner 1985/2008, 1996/2008, 2008), С. Меклауда (McCloud 1993) и Е. Стејнбрука (Stainbrook 2003), у раду се анализирају стрипови Био је то рововски рат (1993/2013) и Проклети рат! (2009/2013) чувеног француског аутора Жака Тардија (Jacques Tardi), као најпознатија дела „девете уметности“ на тему овог, по много чему, значајног глобалног сукоба. На основу установљених поставки Ајзнера и Меклауда, аутори трагају за елементима графичког приповедања и визуелне нарације догађаја у Првом светском рату, са посебним освртом на оне делове који се баве приказом насиља, бесмисла и суровости рата. Принципи анализе дискурса стрипа које је поставио Стејнбрук употребиће се како би се истражили модалитети изражавања и циљеви дискурса који описује ратна збивања. Аутори закључују да примена наведених теоријских сегмената на анализу стрипа о рату показује да се ради о сасвим равноправном медију изражавања, који има могућност да комбинује графички и текстуални материјал како би што реалније изразио комплексну природу рата.
Visual Communication, 2018
In Making Comics: Storytelling Secrets of Comics, Manga and Graphic Novels (2006), Scott McCloud ... more In Making Comics: Storytelling Secrets of Comics, Manga and Graphic Novels (2006), Scott McCloud proposes that the use of specific drawing techniques will enable viewers to reliably deduce different degrees of intensity of the six basic emotions from facial expressions in comics. Furthermore, he suggests that an accomplished comics artist can combine the components of facial expressions conveying the basic emotions to produce complex expressions, many of which are supposedly distinct and recognizable enough to be named. This article presents an empirical investigation and assessment of the validity of these claims, based on the results obtained from three questionnaires. Each of the questionnaires deals with one of the aspects of McCloud’s proposal: face expression intensity, labelling and compositionality. The data show that the tasks at hand were much more difficult than would have been expected on the basis of McCloud’s proposal, with the intensity matching task being the most su...
Studia Neophilologica, 2016
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
Balkan Journal of Philosophy, 2014
Drawing on the work of Forceville (2005, 2006, 2011), who employed linguistic tools in analysing ... more Drawing on the work of Forceville (2005, 2006, 2011), who employed linguistic tools in analysing comics, the paper deals with pictorial runes as a specific type of visual information found in comic books. As Kennedy (1982) proposes, pictorial runes are graphic devices used in pictures to modify the literal depictions of objects, intended to convey certain aspects of those objects that are otherwise difficult to depict literally. In comics, they are usually employed to imply various emotions, such as anger, fear, pain, or surprise, and indicate speed or the direction of a moving object, among other things. Using the research model presented by Forceville (2011), the paper aims at identifying and categorising pictorial runes in a popular Italian comic book series Gea, in an attempt to corroborate the above method and add to the list of already inventoried runes. Furthermore, the new runes found in this comic book series show evidence of being indexical, rather than symbolic, signs. Th...
RCRN: Visual Rhetoric (Topic), 2013
Полазећи од досадашњих сазнања из области когнитивне лингвистике, првенствено заснованих на Теори... more Полазећи од досадашњих сазнања из области когнитивне лингвистике, првенствено заснованих на Теорији појмовне метафоре (Lakoff & Johnson 1980), овај рад се ослања на Форсвилова проучавања мултимодалних метафора (Forceville 2005, 2009, 2011) и приказује модалитете исказивања метафоричног садржаја у једном од облика визуелне комуникације – стрипу. Имајући за главни циљ да покажу како визуелне манифестације појмовне метафоре и метонимије нису само дословни преводи њихових језичких пандана, аутори се у раду баве проучавањем различитих врста графичких приказа, од визуелне метафоре и метонимије до сликовних руна и пиктограма. С обзиром да се у великој већини претходних истраживања везаних за појмовне метафоре радило искључиво о њиховом језичком модалитету, потврђивање претпоставке о једнакости између визуелног и језичког модалитета допринело би тврдњи да метафоре заиста постоје и функционишу на концептуалном нивоу. Drawing on the prior knowledge from the field of cognitive linguistics, pri...
The basic aim of this paper was to examine the correlations between the success of the respondent... more The basic aim of this paper was to examine the correlations between the success of the respondents in foreign language learning in two high schools in south-eastern Serbia (from Nis and Bosilegrad), and their attitudes toward the relationship between national identity and language. A survey questionnaire was distributed to forty third- and fourth-grade high school students in each town, of both Serbian and Bulgarian nationality. The questionnaire comprised three groups of questions: (1) the ones which examined the level of the so-called 'linguistic nationalism', (2) the ones which tested the attitudes of the students toward learning various foreign languages, and (3) the ones concerning the marks that students achieved in mother and foreign language subjects. The analysis of the responses resulted in the conclusion that cosmopolitan sentiments were dominant in both examined populations, that students specify English as their language of choice and that there are no significa...
1. IntroductionThe main aim of the paper is to analyse the English verbs of motion from the persp... more 1. IntroductionThe main aim of the paper is to analyse the English verbs of motion from the perspective of Prototype Theory, using the findings of S. G. Pulman (1983), which will be presented in the next section. To this point, Prototype Theory has been mostly concerned with nouns, sometimes with adjectives and prepositions, but there have been very few attempts to apply Prototype Theory to verb analyses. After a short historical overview of the development of Prototype Theory and a presentation of two major attempts to approach verbs using Prototype Theory, the English verbs of motion, as defined and selected in Miller 1972 and Levin 1993, are sorted in accordance with two prototypicality experiments involving respondents and one frequency experiment based on the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). The paper will also try to find out whether there are any semantic "patterns" in the order of verbs obtained from the three experiments.2. Theoretical framework2.1....
Serbian Abstract: Rad prati pomeranje fokusa u istraživanju metonimije od „tradicionalnog“ tumace... more Serbian Abstract: Rad prati pomeranje fokusa u istraživanju metonimije od „tradicionalnog“ tumacenja iste kao instance figurativnog jezika lisene iskustvenog ili saznajnog kapaciteta ka jednom od centralnih pojmovnih mehanizama u kognitivnolingvistickoj literaturi u poslednje tri decenije. Autori na samom pocetku daju kratko objasnjenje za upotrebu termina "marginalizacija" metonimije u ovom radu, osvrcuci se na situaciju koja je prethodila zacetku kognitivnolingvisticke paradigme i drasticnoj promeni pristupa u ispitivanju metafore i metonimije, ali uzimajuci u obzir i pažnju posvecenu fenomenu metonimije unutar ove paradigme. Sredisnji deo rada posvecen je kognitivnolingvistickoj definiciji i tipologiji metonimijskih obrazaca, kao i problemima odnosa između metonimije i metafore, s jedne, i metonimije i sinegdohe, s druge strane. Na kraju rada se istice potreba za obimnijim i podrobnijim izucavanjem pojmovne metonimije i njenim konacnim izlaskom iz senke pojmovne metafor...
Jezik, književnost, teorija, 2019
U radu se razmatra odnos između kognitivne lingvistike i kritičke analize diskursa, kao i mogućno... more U radu se razmatra odnos između kognitivne lingvistike i kritičke analize diskursa, kao i mogućnosti kombinacije ova dva teorijska okvira u empirijskim istraživanjima. Rad počinje pregledom osnovnih teorijskih postulata dveju disciplina, sa posebnim osvrtom na ona polja proučavanja u kojima kognitivna lingvistika i kritička analiza diskursa interaguju. S obzirom da u literaturi već postoje konkretni primeri ovakvih interdisciplinarnih istraživanja, najznačajnije u radu Kristofera Harta (Hart 2010, 2011; Hart & Lukeš 2010), autor u daljem tekstu ukazuje i na dosadašnje pokušaje uparivanja kognitivne lingvistike i kritičke analize diskursa. Nakon toga, u radu će biti prikazan i sam način primene ovako integrisanog pristupa na primeru kritičke analize verbalnih manifestacija pojmovne metonimije u političkom novinskom diskursu. Analiza će biti praćena odgovarajućim ilustracijama. Rad se završava zaključnim razmatranjima i predlozima za dalja istraživanja i produbljivanje međusobnog odnosa između datih teorijskih okvira. [The paper deals with the relationship between cognitive linguistics and critical discourse analysis, as well as the possibilities of integrating these two theoretical frameworks in empirical research. The paper begins with an overview of the basic theoretical tenets of the two disciplines, with a particular emphasis on the interface between cognitive linguistics and critical discourse analysis. Bearing in mind that there already exist concrete examples of such interdisciplinary research in the literature, most significantly in the work of Christopher Hart (e.g. Hart, 2010, 2011; Hart & Lukeš, 2010), the author further points to the previous attempts at combining cognitive linguistics and critical discourse analysis. Next, the paper presents an application of this integrated approach in the example of the critical analysis of verbal manifestations of conceptual metonymy in political newspaper discourse. The analysis is complemented by appropriate examples taken from the two British daily newspapers, The Telegraph and The Guardian. The paper ends with concluding remarks and several suggestions for further research and deeper elaboration of the relationship between the discussed theoretical frameworks.]
Књига Метонимија у речи и слици представља покушај сагледавања метонимије као једног од централни... more Књига Метонимија у речи и слици представља покушај сагледавања метонимије као једног од централних механизама концептуализације у мишљењу и језику, без ограничавања на вербалну комуникацију, која је до сада била доминантна у сличним студијама. Иако првенствено заснована на когнитивносемантичкој теорији појмовне метонимије, унутар које се овај феномен проучава и на појмовном поред лексичког и поетског нивоа, ова књига има за циљ да кроз синтезу различитих теоријских поставки пружи једну свеобухватну слику о свом предмету истраживања. С тиме у виду, књига садржи преглед разноврсних тумачења и класификација овог феномена, од самог почетка његовог изучавања до данас. Поред тога, у књизи се метонимија посматра и из угла других дисциплина попут корпусне лингвистике и критичке анализе дискурса, са посебним нагласком на значај проучавања метонимије у свакодневном језику, изван оквира „лабораторијских“ истраживања. Коначно, последњи део књиге је посвећен сликовној и мултимодалној (вербално-сликовној) метонимији, где се фокус премешта са вербалне на визуелну комуникацију, а све у сврху доказивања да метонимија доиста није само стилска фигура већ веома важан механизам помоћу којег поимамо свет око нас.
[The book Metonymy in word and image attempts to observe metonymy as one of the central mechanisms of conceptualization in thought and language, without any limitations to verbal communication, which has thus far been dominant in similar studies. Albeit primarily grounded in the cognitive semantic theory of conceptual metonymy, within which this phenomenon is examined on the conceptual level in addition to the lexical and poetic one, this book aims to establish a comprehensive picture of its subject matter through a synthesis of different theoretical tenets. Therefore, the book contains a review of various interpretations and classifications of this phenomenon, from the very beginnings of its examination until today. Furthermore, metonymy is here also observed from the viewpoint of other disciplines such as corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis, with a particular emphasis on the importance of studying metonymy in everyday language, outside the usual "laboratory“ settings. Finally, the last part of this book is dedicated to pictorial and multi-modal (verbo-pictorial) metonymy, where the focus shifts from verbal to visual communication, all with the purpose of proving that metonymy is not merely a figure of speech but a very important mechanism that facilitates our perception of the the world that surrounds us.]