C. P. Kumar | National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee (original) (raw)

Papers by C. P. Kumar

Research paper thumbnail of Hydrologic Characteristics of Soils under Different Land Covers in Ghataprabha Basin

study, comprehensive field and laboratory investigations were carried out in soils under various ... more study, comprehensive field and laboratory investigations were carried out in soils under various land covers in parts of Ghataprabha sub-basin (which includes parts of Maharashtra and Karnataka), and an attempt has been made to relate land use with the soil moisture characteristics. Soil characteristics such as particle size distribution, soil moisture retention curve and saturated hydraulic conductivity were measured at various locations in the basin. A number of models for water retention and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity functions are well reported in literature, the most popular being van Genuchten model and Brooks-Corey model. Lakshman and Prasad9 compared predictions of these two models for unsaturated hydraulic conductivity with in-situ measurements made in a sandy loam field soil. Whereas, the van Genuchten model estimates were very close to field measured values, the Brooks-Corey model predictions were higher by about one order of magnitude in the wetter range. Therefo...

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelling of Sea Water Intrusion using SUTRA

The coastal regions, particularly deltaic regions, are the most developed and most densely popula... more The coastal regions, particularly deltaic regions, are the most developed and most densely populated regions all over the world. These regions are facing many hydrological problems both due to natural conditions and man's activities. The problems due to natural conditions range from flooding due to cyclones and wave surge to drinking fresh water scarcity due to problem of salt water intrusion. Man's activities compound these problems further. Salt water intrusion is one of the severe problems faced by coastal regions. Natural conditions and man's activities both contribute to this problem. There exists an urgent need to study systematically the causes and remedial measures for salt water intrusion problem in coastal areas. This report presents the hydrological aspects of salt water intrusion in coastal aquifers, salient features of Saturated-Unsaturated TRAnsport (SUTRA) model, and simulation of sea water intrusion in Nauru Island.

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Research paper thumbnail of Discussion Archives on Groundwater Modelling

Compilation of selected extracts on groundwater modelling discussion from various online groups f... more Compilation of selected extracts on groundwater modelling discussion from various online groups for last many years.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Numerical Simulation Model for One-Dimensional Infiltration

ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 1998

ABSTRACT The theory for transient isothermal flow of water into nonswelling unsaturated soil has ... more ABSTRACT The theory for transient isothermal flow of water into nonswelling unsaturated soil has been developed to a large extent in terms of solutions of the non-linear Richards equation. In the field, the description of infiltration is highly complicated since the initial and boundary conditions are usually not constant while the soil characteristics may vary with time and space. In this study, a model has been formulated for finite difference solution of the nonlinear Richards equation applicable to transient, one-dimensional water flow through the unsaturated porous medium. The simulated soil moisture profiles for explicit, Crank-Nicolson and implicit schemes have been compared with the quasi-analytical solution of Philip.

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Research paper thumbnail of Status and Mitigation of Arsenic Contamination in Groundwater in India

High arsenic concentrations in groundwater in different states of India have become a major cause... more High arsenic concentrations in groundwater in different states of India have become a major cause of concern in recent years. The groundwater in the past was considered to be safe for drinking purposes, but now it is recognized that many shallow tube wells contain arsenic at concentrations higher than the safe limit set for drinking purpose by WHO (1993). It is becoming an emerging issue in the water supply and health related sectors of India. The purpose of this paper is to review the recent status of arsenic in groundwater in India and present various methods suitable to be adopted in mitigating its adverse effects on human health.

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Research paper thumbnail of Earth Science & Climate Change Assessment of salinity and groundwater quality with special emphasis to fluoride in a semi-arid region of India


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Research paper thumbnail of Assessment and Strategies for Development Potential of Deeper Confined Aquifers in India

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Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Climate Change on Groundwater Resources and Adaptation Measures for Sustainable Management

This article highlights the impact of climate change on groundwater resources, groundwater qualit... more This article highlights the impact of climate change on groundwater resources, groundwater quality and adaptation measures need to be adopted for groundwater management.

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Research paper thumbnail of Some Thoughts on Water Resource Issues and Management in India

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Research paper thumbnail of Contribution of Women in Hydrological Research

International journal of research - granthaalayah, Jan 31, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of IJESS 02|Volume 1|Issue 1|2015 1 Review Article STATUS AND MITIGATION OF ARSENIC CONTAMINATION IN

Copyright: © 2015 C. P. Kumar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creativ... more Copyright: © 2015 C. P. Kumar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of soil characteristics from texture in RD 838 of I. G. N. P. Stage – II

Hydrologic analyses often involve the evaluation of soil water infiltration, conductivity, storag... more Hydrologic analyses often involve the evaluation of soil water infiltration, conductivity, storage, and plant-water relationships. Definig the hydrologic soil water effects requires estimating soil water characteristics for water potential and hydraulic conductivity using soil variables such as texture, organic matter and structure. Field or laboratory measurements are difficult, costly and often impractical for many hydrologic analyses. Statistical correlations between soil texture, soil water potential and hydraulic conductivity can provide estimates sufficiently accurate for many analyses and decisions. Saxton and Rawls (2006) developed soil water characteristic equations from the available USDA soil data base using only the readily available variables of soil texture and organic matter. This paper presents the soil characteristics estimated at RD 838 of Indira Gandhi Nahar Priyojana, Stage – II using soil water characteristic equations developed by Saxton and Rawls (2006). The s...

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Research paper thumbnail of Subsurface water modelling using SWIM and FEFLOW

Mathematical models provide a scientific and predictive tool for determining appropriate solution... more Mathematical models provide a scientific and predictive tool for determining appropriate solutions to water allocation, surface water – groundwater interaction, landscape management or impact of new development scenarios. However, if the modelling studies are not well designed from the outset, or the model doesn’t adequately represent the natural system being modelled, the modelling effort may be largely wasted, or decisions may be based on flawed model results, and long term adverse consequences may result. This article presents case studies on modelling of soil moisture movement (unsaturated flow) using SWIM and modelling of seawater intrusion (density-dependent groundwater flow) using FEFLOW.

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelling Flow and Transport in Unsaturated Zone

Unsaturated zone transport models are indispensable tools for analyzing complex environmental pol... more Unsaturated zone transport models are indispensable tools for analyzing complex environmental pollution problems, and for developing practical management strategies. A quantitative study of water flow and contaminant transport in the unsaturated (vadose) zone is necessary for improvement and protection of the quality of groundwater supplies. This is the region bounded above by the land surface and below by the groundwater table. It is the region through which water derived from precipitation and irrigation infiltrates and transports contaminants to reach the groundwater. This article presents an overview of the modelling process for water flow and contaminant transport in the unsaturated zone, input data requirements and related software packages.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hydrological Research at National Institute of Hydrology, India

World Journal of Research and Review, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Purpose Driven Studies Under National Hydrology Project, India

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2019

Considering the peculiarities and large variation in the nature of problems associated with water... more Considering the peculiarities and large variation in the nature of problems associated with water resources planning, development and management, the issues involved in research related to particular region and specific project, there is a provision under National Hydrology Project (NHP) of India is to take up applied and action-oriented R&D studies by the implementing agencies. This article presents the details of purpose driven studies taken up by various implementing agencies under the National Hydrology Project of India.

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Research paper thumbnail of Groundwater Modelling Software – Capabilities and Limitations

IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaporation from Shallow Water Table Through Layered Soil Profiles

ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 1999

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to estimate the steady state evaporation rates from layered... more ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to estimate the steady state evaporation rates from layered soils in the presence of high water table under isothermal conditions. A finite difference numerical scheme based upon the one-dimensional Richards equation has been employed to estimate the evaporation rates from a two-layered soil profile overlying a shallow water for appropriate initial and boundary conditions. The method takes into account the relevant atmospheric factors and soil moisture characteristics of the two layers. The effects of sequence and thickness of the soil layers and water table depth on the evaporation rates have been examined.

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of Ground Water Recharge Due to Rainfall by Modelling of Soil Moisture Movement

ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 1998

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to estimate the ground water recharge due to rainfall by st... more ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to estimate the ground water recharge due to rainfall by studying one-dimensional vertical flow of water in the unsaturated zone. A model has been formulated for finite difference solution of the non-linear Richards equation applicable to transient, one-dimensional water flow through the unsaturated porous medium. Implicit scheme with implicit linearization (prediction-correction) has been used for discretization. The ground water has been estimated using appropriate initial and boundary conditions for storm and interstrom periods.

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Research paper thumbnail of Simulation of Sea Water Intrusion and Tidal Influence

ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2001

ABSTRACT Coastal zones contain some of the most densely populated areas in the world as they gene... more ABSTRACT Coastal zones contain some of the most densely populated areas in the world as they generally present the best conditions for productivity. However, these regions face many hydrological problems like flooding due to cyclones and wave surge and drinking fresh water scarcity due to salt water intrusion. This paper presents the simulation of sea water intrusion in Nauru Island through Saturated-Unsaturated TRAnsport (SUTRA) model and examine the effect of tidal forcing on the fresh water resources.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hydrologic Characteristics of Soils under Different Land Covers in Ghataprabha Basin

study, comprehensive field and laboratory investigations were carried out in soils under various ... more study, comprehensive field and laboratory investigations were carried out in soils under various land covers in parts of Ghataprabha sub-basin (which includes parts of Maharashtra and Karnataka), and an attempt has been made to relate land use with the soil moisture characteristics. Soil characteristics such as particle size distribution, soil moisture retention curve and saturated hydraulic conductivity were measured at various locations in the basin. A number of models for water retention and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity functions are well reported in literature, the most popular being van Genuchten model and Brooks-Corey model. Lakshman and Prasad9 compared predictions of these two models for unsaturated hydraulic conductivity with in-situ measurements made in a sandy loam field soil. Whereas, the van Genuchten model estimates were very close to field measured values, the Brooks-Corey model predictions were higher by about one order of magnitude in the wetter range. Therefo...

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelling of Sea Water Intrusion using SUTRA

The coastal regions, particularly deltaic regions, are the most developed and most densely popula... more The coastal regions, particularly deltaic regions, are the most developed and most densely populated regions all over the world. These regions are facing many hydrological problems both due to natural conditions and man's activities. The problems due to natural conditions range from flooding due to cyclones and wave surge to drinking fresh water scarcity due to problem of salt water intrusion. Man's activities compound these problems further. Salt water intrusion is one of the severe problems faced by coastal regions. Natural conditions and man's activities both contribute to this problem. There exists an urgent need to study systematically the causes and remedial measures for salt water intrusion problem in coastal areas. This report presents the hydrological aspects of salt water intrusion in coastal aquifers, salient features of Saturated-Unsaturated TRAnsport (SUTRA) model, and simulation of sea water intrusion in Nauru Island.

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Research paper thumbnail of Discussion Archives on Groundwater Modelling

Compilation of selected extracts on groundwater modelling discussion from various online groups f... more Compilation of selected extracts on groundwater modelling discussion from various online groups for last many years.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Numerical Simulation Model for One-Dimensional Infiltration

ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 1998

ABSTRACT The theory for transient isothermal flow of water into nonswelling unsaturated soil has ... more ABSTRACT The theory for transient isothermal flow of water into nonswelling unsaturated soil has been developed to a large extent in terms of solutions of the non-linear Richards equation. In the field, the description of infiltration is highly complicated since the initial and boundary conditions are usually not constant while the soil characteristics may vary with time and space. In this study, a model has been formulated for finite difference solution of the nonlinear Richards equation applicable to transient, one-dimensional water flow through the unsaturated porous medium. The simulated soil moisture profiles for explicit, Crank-Nicolson and implicit schemes have been compared with the quasi-analytical solution of Philip.

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Research paper thumbnail of Status and Mitigation of Arsenic Contamination in Groundwater in India

High arsenic concentrations in groundwater in different states of India have become a major cause... more High arsenic concentrations in groundwater in different states of India have become a major cause of concern in recent years. The groundwater in the past was considered to be safe for drinking purposes, but now it is recognized that many shallow tube wells contain arsenic at concentrations higher than the safe limit set for drinking purpose by WHO (1993). It is becoming an emerging issue in the water supply and health related sectors of India. The purpose of this paper is to review the recent status of arsenic in groundwater in India and present various methods suitable to be adopted in mitigating its adverse effects on human health.

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Research paper thumbnail of Earth Science & Climate Change Assessment of salinity and groundwater quality with special emphasis to fluoride in a semi-arid region of India


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Research paper thumbnail of Assessment and Strategies for Development Potential of Deeper Confined Aquifers in India

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Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Climate Change on Groundwater Resources and Adaptation Measures for Sustainable Management

This article highlights the impact of climate change on groundwater resources, groundwater qualit... more This article highlights the impact of climate change on groundwater resources, groundwater quality and adaptation measures need to be adopted for groundwater management.

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Research paper thumbnail of Some Thoughts on Water Resource Issues and Management in India

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Research paper thumbnail of Contribution of Women in Hydrological Research

International journal of research - granthaalayah, Jan 31, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of IJESS 02|Volume 1|Issue 1|2015 1 Review Article STATUS AND MITIGATION OF ARSENIC CONTAMINATION IN

Copyright: © 2015 C. P. Kumar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creativ... more Copyright: © 2015 C. P. Kumar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of soil characteristics from texture in RD 838 of I. G. N. P. Stage – II

Hydrologic analyses often involve the evaluation of soil water infiltration, conductivity, storag... more Hydrologic analyses often involve the evaluation of soil water infiltration, conductivity, storage, and plant-water relationships. Definig the hydrologic soil water effects requires estimating soil water characteristics for water potential and hydraulic conductivity using soil variables such as texture, organic matter and structure. Field or laboratory measurements are difficult, costly and often impractical for many hydrologic analyses. Statistical correlations between soil texture, soil water potential and hydraulic conductivity can provide estimates sufficiently accurate for many analyses and decisions. Saxton and Rawls (2006) developed soil water characteristic equations from the available USDA soil data base using only the readily available variables of soil texture and organic matter. This paper presents the soil characteristics estimated at RD 838 of Indira Gandhi Nahar Priyojana, Stage – II using soil water characteristic equations developed by Saxton and Rawls (2006). The s...

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Research paper thumbnail of Subsurface water modelling using SWIM and FEFLOW

Mathematical models provide a scientific and predictive tool for determining appropriate solution... more Mathematical models provide a scientific and predictive tool for determining appropriate solutions to water allocation, surface water – groundwater interaction, landscape management or impact of new development scenarios. However, if the modelling studies are not well designed from the outset, or the model doesn’t adequately represent the natural system being modelled, the modelling effort may be largely wasted, or decisions may be based on flawed model results, and long term adverse consequences may result. This article presents case studies on modelling of soil moisture movement (unsaturated flow) using SWIM and modelling of seawater intrusion (density-dependent groundwater flow) using FEFLOW.

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelling Flow and Transport in Unsaturated Zone

Unsaturated zone transport models are indispensable tools for analyzing complex environmental pol... more Unsaturated zone transport models are indispensable tools for analyzing complex environmental pollution problems, and for developing practical management strategies. A quantitative study of water flow and contaminant transport in the unsaturated (vadose) zone is necessary for improvement and protection of the quality of groundwater supplies. This is the region bounded above by the land surface and below by the groundwater table. It is the region through which water derived from precipitation and irrigation infiltrates and transports contaminants to reach the groundwater. This article presents an overview of the modelling process for water flow and contaminant transport in the unsaturated zone, input data requirements and related software packages.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hydrological Research at National Institute of Hydrology, India

World Journal of Research and Review, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Purpose Driven Studies Under National Hydrology Project, India

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2019

Considering the peculiarities and large variation in the nature of problems associated with water... more Considering the peculiarities and large variation in the nature of problems associated with water resources planning, development and management, the issues involved in research related to particular region and specific project, there is a provision under National Hydrology Project (NHP) of India is to take up applied and action-oriented R&D studies by the implementing agencies. This article presents the details of purpose driven studies taken up by various implementing agencies under the National Hydrology Project of India.

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Research paper thumbnail of Groundwater Modelling Software – Capabilities and Limitations

IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaporation from Shallow Water Table Through Layered Soil Profiles

ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 1999

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to estimate the steady state evaporation rates from layered... more ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to estimate the steady state evaporation rates from layered soils in the presence of high water table under isothermal conditions. A finite difference numerical scheme based upon the one-dimensional Richards equation has been employed to estimate the evaporation rates from a two-layered soil profile overlying a shallow water for appropriate initial and boundary conditions. The method takes into account the relevant atmospheric factors and soil moisture characteristics of the two layers. The effects of sequence and thickness of the soil layers and water table depth on the evaporation rates have been examined.

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of Ground Water Recharge Due to Rainfall by Modelling of Soil Moisture Movement

ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 1998

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to estimate the ground water recharge due to rainfall by st... more ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to estimate the ground water recharge due to rainfall by studying one-dimensional vertical flow of water in the unsaturated zone. A model has been formulated for finite difference solution of the non-linear Richards equation applicable to transient, one-dimensional water flow through the unsaturated porous medium. Implicit scheme with implicit linearization (prediction-correction) has been used for discretization. The ground water has been estimated using appropriate initial and boundary conditions for storm and interstrom periods.

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Research paper thumbnail of Simulation of Sea Water Intrusion and Tidal Influence

ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2001

ABSTRACT Coastal zones contain some of the most densely populated areas in the world as they gene... more ABSTRACT Coastal zones contain some of the most densely populated areas in the world as they generally present the best conditions for productivity. However, these regions face many hydrological problems like flooding due to cyclones and wave surge and drinking fresh water scarcity due to salt water intrusion. This paper presents the simulation of sea water intrusion in Nauru Island through Saturated-Unsaturated TRAnsport (SUTRA) model and examine the effect of tidal forcing on the fresh water resources.

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Research paper thumbnail of Advanced Insights in Hydrology and Water Resources (Book)

"Advanced Insights in Hydrology and Water Resources" is a comprehensive exploration of contempora... more "Advanced Insights in Hydrology and Water Resources" is a comprehensive exploration of contemporary and emerging topics in hydrology, groundwater, and water resource management. This book delves into the complexities of hydrological processes, offering a deep dive into how climate change, land use, and human activities like agriculture and mining impact water systems.

From the unique challenges faced in arid regions to the integration of surface and groundwater use, the chapters provide a blend of theoretical insights and practical strategies. Highlighting technological advancements, community-based management, and sustainable practices, this book is an essential resource for understanding the intricate balance required to manage and conserve water resources in a changing world.

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Research paper thumbnail of Groundwater Assessment and Modelling

Groundwater development has shown phenomenal progress during past few decades. There has been a v... more Groundwater development has shown phenomenal progress during past few decades. There has been a vast improvement in the perception, outlook and significance of groundwater resource. The unplanned groundwater development may result in fall of water levels, failure of wells, and salinity ingress in coastal areas. The development and over-exploitation of groundwater resources in many parts of the world have raised the concern and need for judicious and scientific resource management and conservation. This book “Groundwater Assessment and Modelling” is intended to provide a comprehensive treatise on assessment and modelling of groundwater. It presents the related aspects on assessment of groundwater potential, groundwater data requirement and analysis, basic concepts and guidelines for groundwater modelling, groundwater modelling software, modelling of unsaturated flow, modelling of sea water intrusion, and impact of climate change on groundwater resources. The book is expected to be quite useful for undergraduate and postgraduate students (water resources engineering), field engineers and researchers working in the area of assessment, development and management of groundwater resources.

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Water Footprint and Virtual Water Trade: Managing Water Resources in a World of Scarcity

Water scarcity is a growing global challenge, and it is becoming increasingly important to manage... more Water scarcity is a growing global challenge, and it is becoming increasingly important to manage water resources effectively. The water footprint and virtual water trade are two concepts that have emerged as potential solutions to this challenge. The water footprint is a tool for measuring and managing water use in different sectors, while the virtual water trade is a way for countries with water scarcity to import water-intensive goods and products from countries with abundant water resources. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the concepts of water footprint and virtual water trade, including their definitions, methodologies, benefits, limitations, and controversies. The article also discusses the challenges and opportunities associated with managing water resources in a world of scarcity, and highlights the importance of adopting a holistic and integrated approach to water management.

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Research paper thumbnail of Managing Water Resources in Uttarakhand: Challenges and Initiatives

Uttarakhand, known as the 'Land of Gods,' is blessed with abundant water resources, including sev... more Uttarakhand, known as the 'Land of Gods,' is blessed with abundant water resources, including several major rivers, glaciers, and waterfalls. However, the state faces several challenges related to water management, including overexploitation of groundwater resources, pollution of rivers, and climate change. This article discusses the challenges faced by Uttarakhand in managing its water resources and the initiatives taken by the state government to address these challenges. These initiatives include the Atal Bhujal Yojana, Namami Gange program, establishment of a water regulatory authority, and investment in water storage and distribution infrastructure. The article concludes that with the implementation of these initiatives, the state can manage its water resources more sustainably and ensure that everyone has access to safe and reliable water supply.

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding SWAT-MODFLOW: An Integrated Modelling System for Surface Water and Groundwater Processes

SWAT-MODFLOW is a powerful modelling system that integrates the SWAT and MODFLOW models to simula... more SWAT-MODFLOW is a powerful modelling system that integrates the SWAT and MODFLOW models to simulate surface water and groundwater processes. This article provides an overview of the model, including its key features, benefits, and limitations. We discuss the data requirements, model complexity, and computational resources needed to use the model effectively, as well as the potential applications for water resource management and environmental assessment. By understanding the capabilities and limitations of SWAT-MODFLOW, researchers and water resource managers can make more informed decisions about water allocation, land use planning, and water quality management. In this article, we will explore the key features of SWAT-MODFLOW, its applications, and the benefits it offers for water resource management.

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding MODFLOW: A Comprehensive Guide to Groundwater Modelling

MODFLOW is a widely-used groundwater modelling software developed by the USGS that helps hydrogeo... more MODFLOW is a widely-used groundwater modelling software developed by the USGS that helps hydrogeologists and water resource managers simulate and analyze groundwater flow and transport processes. The software is based on the finite-difference method and is highly modular, allowing it to be extended with additional modules to simulate other processes such as solute transport and heat transport. However, accurate results depend on appropriate model-specific and site-specific data inputs, including grid specification, boundary conditions, aquifer properties, and sources and sinks of water or solutes. This article provides a comprehensive guide to understanding MODFLOW, including its data requirements and modelling process, to help hydrogeologists and water resource managers effectively manage groundwater resources.

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Research paper thumbnail of Groundwater Models as Interactive Management Tools: Applications, Benefits, and Limitations

Groundwater management is a complex issue in regions where groundwater is the primary source of w... more Groundwater management is a complex issue in regions where groundwater is the primary source of water for human consumption and irrigation. Groundwater models have been developed as interactive management tools that allow for the simulation of groundwater flow, the movement of contaminants, and the response of the aquifer to changes in pumping rates and recharge rates. This article explores groundwater models as interactive management tools, discussing their applications, benefits, and limitations. The article also presents two case studies to illustrate the application of groundwater models in different contexts.

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Water Quality Index: Assessing and Monitoring the Health of Water Bodies

Water is an essential natural resource, and its quality is critical for maintaining a healthy env... more Water is an essential natural resource, and its quality is critical for maintaining a healthy environment and supporting various human activities. However, water bodies are under increasing pressure from pollution, climate change, and population growth. To assess and monitor the health of water bodies, scientists and environmental agencies use a tool called the Water Quality Index (WQI). The WQI is a numerical rating system that combines multiple water quality parameters, including physical, chemical, and biological factors, to provide an overall assessment of water quality. This article provides an in-depth understanding of the WQI, including its components, calculation methods, and interpretation, and its applications in monitoring and managing water quality. It also highlights the importance of maintaining good water quality for public health, ecosystem services, and sustainable development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing Groundwater Vulnerability to Pollution: Methods and Applications

Groundwater is an essential resource for human consumption, agriculture, and industrial activitie... more Groundwater is an essential resource for human consumption, agriculture, and industrial activities. However, groundwater is vulnerable to pollution from various sources, including agricultural and industrial practices, landfill sites, and urbanization. Assessing groundwater vulnerability to pollution is critical to protecting this valuable resource. This article provides an overview of the methods and applications of assessing groundwater vulnerability to pollution, including vulnerability mapping, vulnerability indices, and numerical modelling. We also discuss the limitations and challenges associated with these methods and provide examples of their use in different contexts.

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelling Snow Melt: Techniques and Applications

Snow melt is an important process that affects various aspects of the environment, including hydr... more Snow melt is an important process that affects various aspects of the environment, including hydrology, ecology, and climate. Modelling snow melt is crucial for predicting water availability, flood risk, and ecosystem health. This article provides an overview of snow melt modelling techniques and their applications. We begin by discussing the physical processes involved in snow melt and the factors that affect it. We then review the different types of snow melt models, including degree-day models, energy balance models, and physicallybased models. We also discuss the input data required for snow melt modelling, such as snow depth, air temperature, and solar radiation. Next, we examine the applications of snow melt models, including water resource management, flood forecasting, and climate change studies. Finally, we discuss some of the challenges and limitations of snow melt modelling, such as data uncertainty, parameterization, and model validation. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of snow melt modelling that will be useful for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Snow Hydrology: Processes, Impacts, and Applications

Snow hydrology is an essential component of the global water cycle, influencing water availabilit... more Snow hydrology is an essential component of the global water cycle, influencing water availability, water quality, and ecosystem health. This article aims to provide a comprehensive review of snow hydrology, including the physical processes of snow formation, accumulation, and melt, the impacts of snowmelt on hydrological systems and human activities, and the applications of snow hydrology in various fields. We also discuss current research trends and future directions in snow hydrology, highlighting the need for improved monitoring and modelling of snowmelt dynamics and their effects on water resources.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping the Potential for Rainwater Harvesting: A Comprehensive Review

As water scarcity continues to be a pressing issue globally, rainwater harvesting (RWH) has emerg... more As water scarcity continues to be a pressing issue globally, rainwater harvesting (RWH) has emerged as a promising solution to mitigate water shortage. However, the success of RWH implementation largely depends on the availability of a reliable map of the potential for RWH. Mapping the potential for RWH involves identifying and analyzing various factors such as rainfall patterns, topography, land use, and soil type, among others. This comprehensive review article aims to provide an overview of the existing methods and approaches for mapping the potential for RWH. It examines the various factors that influence the potential for RWH and discusses the available tools and techniques for mapping RWH potential at different spatial scales. The article also highlights the challenges and limitations associated with RWH mapping and provides recommendations for future research in this field.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rejuvenating Ponds and Lakes: Techniques and Best Practices

Ponds and lakes are important natural resources that support a wide range of plant and animal lif... more Ponds and lakes are important natural resources that support a wide range of plant and animal life, and provide numerous benefits to humans. However, due to factors such as pollution, climate change, and human activities, many of these water bodies have become degraded and are in need of rejuvenation. This article provides an overview of the techniques and best practices for rejuvenating ponds and lakes. It discusses the causes of degradation, the benefits of rejuvenation, and the various methods available for improving water quality, restoring ecological balance, and enhancing recreational value. The article also highlights the importance of community involvement and collaboration in successful rejuvenation projects.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Water-Environment-Energy-Food Nexus: An Integrated Approach to Sustainable Development

The Water-Environment-Energy-Food Nexus (WEF Nexus) is a concept that emphasizes the interdepende... more The Water-Environment-Energy-Food Nexus (WEF Nexus) is a concept that emphasizes the interdependence and interlinkages between water, energy, and food systems, as well as the environment. It recognizes that these systems are inextricably linked and mutually dependent, and therefore, addressing one system in isolation could have unintended consequences on the others. The WEF Nexus provides a framework for an integrated approach to sustainable development, which seeks to optimize the use of resources, enhance efficiency, and ensure equitable distribution of benefits. This article explores the WEF Nexus in detail, highlighting its key components, challenges, and opportunities. It also examines the role of policy and governance in promoting integrated management of water, energy, and food systems, as well as the need for innovation and technological advancements to address emerging issues. Overall, the article underscores the importance of adopting a WEF Nexus approach in achieving sustainable development and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

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Research paper thumbnail of Applications of Machine Learning Algorithms in Hydrology and Water Resources Management

Machine learning (ML) has become an increasingly popular tool in the field of hydrology and water... more Machine learning (ML) has become an increasingly popular tool in the field of hydrology and water resources management. With the availability of large amounts of data, ML algorithms can extract patterns and relationships that are difficult to identify using traditional statistical methods. This article provides an overview of ML algorithms that have been used in hydrology and water resources management, including regression analysis, artificial neural networks, decision trees, support vector machines, and clustering algorithms. The article also discusses the advantages and limitations of using ML algorithms in hydrology and water resources management and provides examples of applications of these algorithms in realworld situations. Overall, this article provides an insight into how ML can be used to improve the management of water resources and the sustainability of water supply systems.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping Groundwater Potential Zones: Techniques, Applications, and Challenges

Groundwater is a critical resource for human activities and ecosystems, particularly in regions w... more Groundwater is a critical resource for human activities and ecosystems, particularly in regions where surface water resources are limited or unreliable. Mapping groundwater potential zones is essential for identifying areas with high potential for sustainable groundwater development and management. This article provides an overview of the techniques used to map groundwater potential zones, including remote sensing, geospatial analysis, and hydrogeological modelling. It also discusses the applications of groundwater potential mapping in various sectors, such as agriculture, industry, and urban water supply. Additionally, the article highlights the challenges associated with mapping groundwater potential zones, including data availability, scale mismatch, and uncertainty. By understanding the techniques, applications, and challenges of mapping groundwater potential zones, stakeholders can make informed decisions regarding groundwater management and sustainability.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fuzzy Logic Applications in Hydrology and Water Resources: A Comprehensive Review

Fuzzy logic is a powerful tool that has been extensively used in various fields, including hydrol... more Fuzzy logic is a powerful tool that has been extensively used in various fields, including hydrology and water resources management. It is a mathematical approach that allows the handling of uncertain and imprecise data, which is common in the field of hydrology. Fuzzy logic can be applied in different stages of the water resources management cycle, including estimation of rainfall, runoff, and water demand, as well as in decision-making processes related to water allocation and reservoir operation. This article provides a comprehensive review of fuzzy logic applications in hydrology and water resources, covering the most recent studies and the main challenges associated with their implementation. The review focuses on the use of fuzzy logic in modelling rainfall-runoff processes, forecasting water demand, optimizing water allocation, and reservoir operation. The article concludes with some insights on the future directions and potential advancements in the field.

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Research paper thumbnail of Field Training in Hydrology and Water Resources: Importance and Best Practices

Field training is an essential component of hydrology and water resources education. It offers st... more Field training is an essential component of hydrology and water resources education. It offers students the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings, gain hands-on experience with field instrumentation, and collect data for analysis. Field training is also crucial in preparing students for careers in water resources management and research. In this article, we discuss the importance of field training in hydrology and water resources and provide guidance on best practices for designing and implementing field training programs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of Soil Erosion: Methods, Challenges, and Applications

Soil erosion is a natural process that occurs due to various factors such as rainfall, wind, and ... more Soil erosion is a natural process that occurs due to various factors such as rainfall, wind, and human activities. It poses a significant threat to soil fertility, biodiversity, and the environment in general. Therefore, estimation of soil erosion is essential for the sustainable management of land resources. Several methods have been developed to estimate soil erosion, ranging from field-based to modelling approaches. Each method has its advantages and limitations, and the choice of method depends on the available resources and the specific requirements of the study. This article provides an overview of the various methods used for estimating soil erosion, their applications, and the challenges associated with each method. Additionally, the article highlights the importance of soil erosion estimation for sustainable land management and the need for continued research in this field.

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Research paper thumbnail of Advancing Hydrology and Water Resources through Education and Training: A Comprehensive Overview

The field of hydrology and water resources is vital for the sustainable management of water resou... more The field of hydrology and water resources is vital for the sustainable management of water resources, ensuring adequate supply for human needs, and protecting aquatic ecosystems. Education and training are essential components for advancing knowledge and expertise in this field. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of education and training in hydrology and water resources, including academic programs, professional development opportunities, and resources for lifelong learning. It explores the challenges and opportunities faced by educators, students, and professionals in this field, highlighting innovative approaches and best practices. The article concludes with recommendations for advancing hydrology and water resources education and training to meet the needs of a changing world.

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing Groundwater Vulnerability using DRASTIC: A Review

Groundwater is an essential resource for human consumption, irrigation, and industrial uses. Howe... more Groundwater is an essential resource for human consumption, irrigation, and industrial uses. However, it is also a finite resource that requires careful management and protection. Groundwater vulnerability assessment is an effective tool for identifying areas at risk of contamination and guiding appropriate management strategies. DRASTIC is one of the widely used methods for assessing groundwater vulnerability. DRASTIC stands for Depth to water, Recharge, Aquifer media, Soil media, Topography, Impact of vadose zone, and Conductivity. This article provides an in-depth review of the DRASTIC method, including its principles, strengths, limitations, and applications. The article also examines the various modifications and improvements made to the method over the years. The review aims to provide groundwater managers and researchers with a comprehensive understanding of DRASTIC and its role in groundwater vulnerability assessment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hydrology of Desert Areas: Understanding Water in Arid Regions

Deserts are known for their extreme aridity, making water one of the scarcest and most valuable r... more Deserts are known for their extreme aridity, making water one of the scarcest and most valuable resources in these areas. Hydrology, the study of water and its movement, is crucial in understanding the distribution, availability, and management of water in desert areas. This article provides an in-depth exploration of the hydrology of desert areas, covering topics such as precipitation, evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge, and surface water flow. The article also discusses the impacts of human activities, such as land use changes and climate change, on the hydrology of desert areas. By improving our understanding of the hydrology of desert areas, we can better manage water resources and ensure sustainable development in these vulnerable regions.

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