Conrad Schoch | National Institutes of Health (original) (raw)

Papers by Conrad Schoch

Research paper thumbnail of A multigene phylogenetic synthesis for the class Lecanoromycetes (Ascomycota): 1307 fungi representing 1139 infrageneric taxa, 317 genera and 66 families

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2014

The Lecanoromycetes is the largest class of lichenized Fungi, and one of the most species-rich cl... more The Lecanoromycetes is the largest class of lichenized Fungi, and one of the most species-rich classes in the kingdom. Here we provide a multigene phylogenetic synthesis (using three ribosomal RNA-coding and two protein-coding genes) of the Lecanoromycetes based on 642 newly generated and 3329 publicly available sequences representing 1139 taxa, 317 genera, 66 families, 17 orders and five subclasses (four currently recognized: Acarosporomycetidae, Lecanoromycetidae, Ostropomycetidae, Umbilicariomycetidae; and one provisionarily recognized, 'Candelariomycetidae'). Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses on four multigene datasets assembled using a cumulative supermatrix approach with a progressively higher number of species and missing data (5-gene, 5+4-gene, 5+4+3-gene and 5+4+3+2-gene datasets) show that the current classification includes non-monophyletic taxa at various ranks, which need to be recircumscribed and require revisionary treatments based on denser taxon sampling and more loci. Two newly circumscribed orders (Arctomiales and Hymeneliales in the Ostropomycetidae) and three families (Ramboldiaceae and Psilolechiaceae in the Lecanorales, and Strangosporaceae in the Lecanoromycetes inc. sed.) are introduced. The potential resurrection of the families Eigleraceae and Lopadiaceae is considered here to alleviate phylogenetic and classification disparities. An overview of the photobionts associated with the main fungal lineages in the Lecanoromycetes based on available published records is provided. A revised schematic classification at the family level in the phylogenetic context of widely accepted and newly revealed relationships across Lecanoromycetes is included. The cumulative addition of taxa with an increasing amount of missing data (i.e., a cumulative supermatrix approach, starting with taxa for which sequences were available for all five targeted genes and ending with the addition of taxa for which only two genes have been sequenced) revealed relatively stable relationships for many families and orders. However, the increasing number of taxa without the addition of more loci also resulted in an expected substantial loss of phylogenetic resolving power and support (especially for deep phylogenetic relationships), potentially including the misplacements of several taxa. Future phylogenetic analyses should include additional single copy protein-coding markers in order to improve the tree of the Lecanoromycetes. As part of this study, a new module…

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Research paper thumbnail of Effector diversification within compartments of the Leptosphaeria maculans genome affected by Repeat-Induced Point mutations

Nature Communications, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Geoglossomycetes cl. nov., Geoglossales ord. nov. and taxa above class rank in the Ascomycota Tree of Life

Featuring a high level of taxon sampling across Ascomycota, we evaluate a multi-gene phylogeny an... more Featuring a high level of taxon sampling across Ascomycota, we evaluate a multi-gene phylogeny and propose a novel order and class in Ascomycota. We describe two new taxa, Geoglossomycetes and Geoglossales, to host three earth tongue genera: Geoglossum, Trichoglossum and Sarcoleotia as a lineage of ‘Leotiomyceta’. Correspondingly, we confirm that these genera are not closely related to the genera Neolecta, Mitrula, Cudonia, Microglossum, Thuemenidum, Spathularia and Bryoglossum, all of which have been previously placed within the
Geoglossaceae. We also propose a non-hierarchical system for naming well-resolved nodes, such as ‘Saccharomyceta’,
‘Dothideomyceta’, and ‘Sordariomyceta’ for supraordinal nodes, within the current phylogeny, acting as rankless taxa. As part of this revision, the continued use of ‘Leotiomyceta’, now as a rankless taxon, is proposed.

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Research paper thumbnail of A class-wide phylogenetic assessment of Dothideomycetes

Studies in Mycology, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of International Society of Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM)-ITS reference DNA barcoding database-the quality controlled standard tool for routine identification of human and animal pathogenic fungi

Medical mycology, Jan 22, 2015

Human and animal fungal pathogens are a growing threat worldwide leading to emerging infections a... more Human and animal fungal pathogens are a growing threat worldwide leading to emerging infections and creating new risks for established ones. There is a growing need for a rapid and accurate identification of pathogens to enable early diagnosis and targeted antifungal therapy. Morphological and biochemical identification methods are time-consuming and require trained experts. Alternatively, molecular methods, such as DNA barcoding, a powerful and easy tool for rapid monophasic identification, offer a practical approach for species identification and less demanding in terms of taxonomical expertise. However, its wide-spread use is still limited by a lack of quality-controlled reference databases and the evolving recognition and definition of new fungal species/complexes. An international consortium of medical mycology laboratories was formed aiming to establish a quality controlled ITS database under the umbrella of the ISHAM working group on "DNA barcoding of human and animal pa...

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Research paper thumbnail of Female Fertility and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Comparisons in Cylindrocladium pauciramosum

Plant Disease, Sep 1, 2001

... Conrad L. Schoch and Pedro W. Crous, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Stellenbosc... more ... Conrad L. Schoch and Pedro W. Crous, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Stellenbosch, Matieland 7602, South Africa; Giancarlo Polizzi, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Fitosanitarie, University of Catania, Catania, Italy; and Steven T. Koike, University of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Species concepts in the Cylindrocladium floridanum and Cy. spathiphylli complexes (Hypocreaceae) based on multi-allelic sequence data, sexual compatibility and morphology

Systematic and Applied Microbiology, Aug 1, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Reference sequence (RefSeq) database at NCBI: current status, taxonomic expansion, and functional annotation

Nucleic acids research, Jan 8, 2015

The RefSeq project at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) maintains and cura... more The RefSeq project at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) maintains and curates a publicly available database of annotated genomic, transcript, and protein sequence records ( The RefSeq project leverages the data submitted to the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) against a combination of computation, manual curation, and collaboration to produce a standard set of stable, non-redundant reference sequences. The RefSeq project augments these reference sequences with current knowledge including publications, functional features and informative nomenclature. The database currently represents sequences from more than 55 000 organisms (>4800 viruses, >40 000 prokaryotes and >10 000 eukaryotes; RefSeq release 71), ranging from a single record to complete genomes. This paper summarizes the current status of the viral, prokaryotic, and eukaryotic branches of the RefSeq project, reports on improve...

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Research paper thumbnail of Relationships within two Cylindrocladium species complexes as inferred by ITS sequence analysis, rDNA hybridization and general morphology

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Research paper thumbnail of Four distinct mating populations exist in the Cylindrocladium candelabrum species complex

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[Research paper thumbnail of Molecular characterisation of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae osmosensitivemutant / [microform]](


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Research paper thumbnail of Phylogenetic analysis of two Cylindrocladium species complexes based on its rDNA sequence, rDNA hybridization and general morphology

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Research paper thumbnail of Delineating Calonectria and its Cylindrocladium anamorphs

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Research paper thumbnail of Phylogeny of Calonectria and selected Hypocrealean genera with cylindrical macroconidia

Studies in Mycology


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Research paper thumbnail of Female fertility in South African isolates of Cylindrocladium candelabrum group 1

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Research paper thumbnail of First report of Cylindrocladium root and petiole rot of Spathiphyllum in South Africa

South African Journal of Botany, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of DNA barcoding in Fungi

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Research paper thumbnail of ReconstructingtheearlyevolutionofFungi using a six-gene phylogeny

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Research paper thumbnail of A phylogenetic re-evaluation of Dothideomycetes

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Research paper thumbnail of AmolecularphylogeneticreappraisaloftheHysteriaceae,� Mytilinidiaceaeand� Gloniaceae�(Pleosporomycetidae,�Dothideomycetes)�withkeystoworldspecies

A reappraisal of the phylogenetic integrity of bitunicate ascomycete fungi belonging to or previo... more A reappraisal of the phylogenetic integrity of bitunicate ascomycete fungi belonging to or previously affiliated with the Hysteriaceae, Mytilinidiaceae, Gloniaceae and Patellariaceae is presented, based on an analysis of 121 isolates and four nuclear genes, the ribosomal large and small subunits, transcription elongation factor 1 and the second largest RNA polymerase II subunit. A geographically diverse and high density taxon

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Research paper thumbnail of A multigene phylogenetic synthesis for the class Lecanoromycetes (Ascomycota): 1307 fungi representing 1139 infrageneric taxa, 317 genera and 66 families

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2014

The Lecanoromycetes is the largest class of lichenized Fungi, and one of the most species-rich cl... more The Lecanoromycetes is the largest class of lichenized Fungi, and one of the most species-rich classes in the kingdom. Here we provide a multigene phylogenetic synthesis (using three ribosomal RNA-coding and two protein-coding genes) of the Lecanoromycetes based on 642 newly generated and 3329 publicly available sequences representing 1139 taxa, 317 genera, 66 families, 17 orders and five subclasses (four currently recognized: Acarosporomycetidae, Lecanoromycetidae, Ostropomycetidae, Umbilicariomycetidae; and one provisionarily recognized, 'Candelariomycetidae'). Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses on four multigene datasets assembled using a cumulative supermatrix approach with a progressively higher number of species and missing data (5-gene, 5+4-gene, 5+4+3-gene and 5+4+3+2-gene datasets) show that the current classification includes non-monophyletic taxa at various ranks, which need to be recircumscribed and require revisionary treatments based on denser taxon sampling and more loci. Two newly circumscribed orders (Arctomiales and Hymeneliales in the Ostropomycetidae) and three families (Ramboldiaceae and Psilolechiaceae in the Lecanorales, and Strangosporaceae in the Lecanoromycetes inc. sed.) are introduced. The potential resurrection of the families Eigleraceae and Lopadiaceae is considered here to alleviate phylogenetic and classification disparities. An overview of the photobionts associated with the main fungal lineages in the Lecanoromycetes based on available published records is provided. A revised schematic classification at the family level in the phylogenetic context of widely accepted and newly revealed relationships across Lecanoromycetes is included. The cumulative addition of taxa with an increasing amount of missing data (i.e., a cumulative supermatrix approach, starting with taxa for which sequences were available for all five targeted genes and ending with the addition of taxa for which only two genes have been sequenced) revealed relatively stable relationships for many families and orders. However, the increasing number of taxa without the addition of more loci also resulted in an expected substantial loss of phylogenetic resolving power and support (especially for deep phylogenetic relationships), potentially including the misplacements of several taxa. Future phylogenetic analyses should include additional single copy protein-coding markers in order to improve the tree of the Lecanoromycetes. As part of this study, a new module…

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Research paper thumbnail of Effector diversification within compartments of the Leptosphaeria maculans genome affected by Repeat-Induced Point mutations

Nature Communications, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Geoglossomycetes cl. nov., Geoglossales ord. nov. and taxa above class rank in the Ascomycota Tree of Life

Featuring a high level of taxon sampling across Ascomycota, we evaluate a multi-gene phylogeny an... more Featuring a high level of taxon sampling across Ascomycota, we evaluate a multi-gene phylogeny and propose a novel order and class in Ascomycota. We describe two new taxa, Geoglossomycetes and Geoglossales, to host three earth tongue genera: Geoglossum, Trichoglossum and Sarcoleotia as a lineage of ‘Leotiomyceta’. Correspondingly, we confirm that these genera are not closely related to the genera Neolecta, Mitrula, Cudonia, Microglossum, Thuemenidum, Spathularia and Bryoglossum, all of which have been previously placed within the
Geoglossaceae. We also propose a non-hierarchical system for naming well-resolved nodes, such as ‘Saccharomyceta’,
‘Dothideomyceta’, and ‘Sordariomyceta’ for supraordinal nodes, within the current phylogeny, acting as rankless taxa. As part of this revision, the continued use of ‘Leotiomyceta’, now as a rankless taxon, is proposed.

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Research paper thumbnail of A class-wide phylogenetic assessment of Dothideomycetes

Studies in Mycology, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of International Society of Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM)-ITS reference DNA barcoding database-the quality controlled standard tool for routine identification of human and animal pathogenic fungi

Medical mycology, Jan 22, 2015

Human and animal fungal pathogens are a growing threat worldwide leading to emerging infections a... more Human and animal fungal pathogens are a growing threat worldwide leading to emerging infections and creating new risks for established ones. There is a growing need for a rapid and accurate identification of pathogens to enable early diagnosis and targeted antifungal therapy. Morphological and biochemical identification methods are time-consuming and require trained experts. Alternatively, molecular methods, such as DNA barcoding, a powerful and easy tool for rapid monophasic identification, offer a practical approach for species identification and less demanding in terms of taxonomical expertise. However, its wide-spread use is still limited by a lack of quality-controlled reference databases and the evolving recognition and definition of new fungal species/complexes. An international consortium of medical mycology laboratories was formed aiming to establish a quality controlled ITS database under the umbrella of the ISHAM working group on "DNA barcoding of human and animal pa...

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Research paper thumbnail of Female Fertility and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Comparisons in Cylindrocladium pauciramosum

Plant Disease, Sep 1, 2001

... Conrad L. Schoch and Pedro W. Crous, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Stellenbosc... more ... Conrad L. Schoch and Pedro W. Crous, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Stellenbosch, Matieland 7602, South Africa; Giancarlo Polizzi, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Fitosanitarie, University of Catania, Catania, Italy; and Steven T. Koike, University of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Species concepts in the Cylindrocladium floridanum and Cy. spathiphylli complexes (Hypocreaceae) based on multi-allelic sequence data, sexual compatibility and morphology

Systematic and Applied Microbiology, Aug 1, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Reference sequence (RefSeq) database at NCBI: current status, taxonomic expansion, and functional annotation

Nucleic acids research, Jan 8, 2015

The RefSeq project at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) maintains and cura... more The RefSeq project at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) maintains and curates a publicly available database of annotated genomic, transcript, and protein sequence records ( The RefSeq project leverages the data submitted to the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) against a combination of computation, manual curation, and collaboration to produce a standard set of stable, non-redundant reference sequences. The RefSeq project augments these reference sequences with current knowledge including publications, functional features and informative nomenclature. The database currently represents sequences from more than 55 000 organisms (>4800 viruses, >40 000 prokaryotes and >10 000 eukaryotes; RefSeq release 71), ranging from a single record to complete genomes. This paper summarizes the current status of the viral, prokaryotic, and eukaryotic branches of the RefSeq project, reports on improve...

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Research paper thumbnail of Relationships within two Cylindrocladium species complexes as inferred by ITS sequence analysis, rDNA hybridization and general morphology

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Research paper thumbnail of Four distinct mating populations exist in the Cylindrocladium candelabrum species complex

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[Research paper thumbnail of Molecular characterisation of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae osmosensitivemutant / [microform]](


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Research paper thumbnail of Phylogenetic analysis of two Cylindrocladium species complexes based on its rDNA sequence, rDNA hybridization and general morphology

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Research paper thumbnail of Delineating Calonectria and its Cylindrocladium anamorphs

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Research paper thumbnail of Phylogeny of Calonectria and selected Hypocrealean genera with cylindrical macroconidia

Studies in Mycology


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Research paper thumbnail of Female fertility in South African isolates of Cylindrocladium candelabrum group 1

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Research paper thumbnail of First report of Cylindrocladium root and petiole rot of Spathiphyllum in South Africa

South African Journal of Botany, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of DNA barcoding in Fungi

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Research paper thumbnail of ReconstructingtheearlyevolutionofFungi using a six-gene phylogeny

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Research paper thumbnail of A phylogenetic re-evaluation of Dothideomycetes

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Research paper thumbnail of AmolecularphylogeneticreappraisaloftheHysteriaceae,� Mytilinidiaceaeand� Gloniaceae�(Pleosporomycetidae,�Dothideomycetes)�withkeystoworldspecies

A reappraisal of the phylogenetic integrity of bitunicate ascomycete fungi belonging to or previo... more A reappraisal of the phylogenetic integrity of bitunicate ascomycete fungi belonging to or previously affiliated with the Hysteriaceae, Mytilinidiaceae, Gloniaceae and Patellariaceae is presented, based on an analysis of 121 isolates and four nuclear genes, the ribosomal large and small subunits, transcription elongation factor 1 and the second largest RNA polymerase II subunit. A geographically diverse and high density taxon

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