Bittersweet Musings (original) (raw)

December 21st, 2012

01:06 pm - Friends OnlyGood day all! If you're just looking for the pr0nz fics then feel free to browse around. All RL randomness and the like will be friends only so, if you want to add a healthy dose of psychosis to your f-list, comment! =^.^=

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December 6th, 2012

**04:35 am - Master List**So I am finally doing this. Paid account status means I need to get my ass in gear. So here we go, have some fanfiction. Now that I've gotten it done I promise I will do my damnedest to keep it up to date.Warning!! Those of you looking specifically for yaoi, yuri, or het be warned I write all three and usually with a sizable dose of kink. Be forewarned yaoi fangirls, there will be *gasp* girly bits mentioned in some pieces so... don't like it *shrug* fine by me, just don't whine to me about it. All fics are listed with a pairing where applicable so just don't click, ne?Current Mood: accomplishedaccomplished

(report for duty)

April 27th, 2010

12:28 am - A wild Niki appears...What's this? Niki disappears off the face of the planet for how many months? Fuck I think my last entry was in OCTOBER? *headshake*Erm... Yes i'm still alive, yes Crash is right RP has eaten my soul but I enjoy it far too much to ask for my soul back aaaaand i come with an offering of drabble? random ass drabble of the Avatar: The Last Airbender variety? I'm rather uncertain of my characterization so anyone that knows the series do let me know what you think.Title: DeterminationCharacter(s): KataraWord count: 766Rating: PGSummary: Takes place mid ep 3-16 "The Southern Raiders"( Now, don’t you worry about my strength. I have plenty. I’m not the helpless little girl I was when they came.Collapse )

(report for duty)

September 20th, 2009

09:33 pm - manga colouring....Weeee... spent way to much time on this but I think I may have enough mental functions left to try to actually write.... though I still wanna go color the Olimpos manga stuffI'd planned to do pretty autumn colors on the BG but it looked too... monochrome. I shifted everything to green but... still not totally happy with it. meh...Dunno who did the original art but I only did the coloring. =^.^=Current Mood: creativecreativeCurrent Music: Jekyll & Hyde the Musical

(report for duty)

September 15th, 2009

**11:59 pm - day of epic fail**so in addition to this morning my coworker is more useless than usual and my allergies were acting up so bad I had to take my allergy meds AT WORK. That shit usually knocks me the fuck out within 20 minutes but I couldn't go 5 without blowing my nose so I had no choice. Between that and the 5 ish hours of heavily interrupted sleep this morning I'm fucking done. Trying to bind with your arm half asleep also is very difficult. Fucking shoulder is still killing me. I guess I'll be back on a normal-ish sleep schedule now? yay? *crashes*oh... btw... they want 1600 to get Mom's car out... she was only 900 behind... 700 in fees? wtf? *is dead* Current Mood: exhaustedexhausted

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September 13th, 2009

04:29 am - manga colouring....So I'd found this tutorial ages ago and never had the patience to sit down and play with it. I wasn't entirely sure I liked the whole colored lines thing anyway... but... well I fiddled with it today for about 2 hours (partially 'cause this is a low res image to start with which makes things so much harder - note so self: live trace for low res next time?)so... Tutorials by feralapostrophe yay for nifty Irish accent =^.^=Image ganked from an FMA doujin: Phantom Pain by Vital Songsyes it's small and fuzzy... low res original, remember? But!! note that there are no black lines (suspenders are supposed to be black, stfu) so the process is taking bw manga pages and recoloring the black and then coloring inside the lines... must find higher res art to continue playing with thisso if I can get the coloring part down then all I need to do is improve the actual drawing *sweatdrop* 'cause that's soooo easy >.>it's late, I'm sleepy... and rambling... goodnight folksCurrent Mood: sleepysleepyCurrent Music: Mask of Zorro OST (random, I know)

(report for duty)

September 11th, 2009

05:59 am - artssoooo... I finally finished it. Have some yummy boys making out. Ed/Alfons...( crappy background is crappy..... no I don't know why I felt the need to add it *sweatdrop*Collapse ) Current Mood: sleepysleepyCurrent Music: random shit from the 90s

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September 3rd, 2009

03:12 am - rabid plot bunny Title: Metallic TaintPairing:Ed/AlfonsWord count:506Rating: PGSummary: random plot bunny attacked me... so have a drabble (I can do those? o.O)On that note I need to go to sleep.( Fullmetal… he forced down a bout of derisive laughter.Collapse ) Current Mood: sleepysleepy

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01:39 am - yet more kink meme porn Title:SimultaneousPairing:Al/Ed/WinryWord count:1149 (likely the shortest porn you'll ever get from me)Rating:NC-17Summary: Kink meme prompt! =^.^= Go check out the new one fma_kinky( Winry gasped, hazy eyes fixed on the entrancing sight laid out before her.Collapse ) Current Music: Sara Barielles

(6 reports filed | report for duty)

August 31st, 2009

12:00 am - Not exactly fic but writing none the less Fandom: FMA, of coursePairing: Russell/EdTheme set: GammaTitle: Masks of CivilityRating: G to NC-17Warning[s]: none? o.O (a surprisingly small amount of smut?)Notes: Mostly this was a way for me to get a better handle on them before I get into the BBC fic thing. I tried to keep it all mostly generic and, of course, IC *desperately hopes it's all IC* there's a couple in there that are Al musing on the pair so... random Alphonse too!( Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice...Collapse ) cut text is this poem by Frost. idk, that poem just reminds me of them.Current Mood: satisfiedsatisfiedCurrent Music: Imogen Heap

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