Bittersweet Musings (original) (raw)
December 21st, 2012
01:06 pm - Friends Only |
(23 reports filed | report for duty)
December 6th, 2012
**04:35 am - Master List**So I am finally doing this. Paid account status means I need to get my ass in gear. So here we go, have some fanfiction. Now that I've gotten it done I promise I will do my damnedest to keep it up to date.Warning!! Those of you looking specifically for yaoi, yuri, or het be warned I write all three and usually with a sizable dose of kink. Be forewarned yaoi fangirls, there will be *gasp* girly bits mentioned in some pieces so... don't like it *shrug* fine by me, just don't whine to me about it. All fics are listed with a pairing where applicable so just don't click, ne?![]() |
April 27th, 2010
12:28 am - A wild Niki appears...What's this? Niki disappears off the face of the planet for how many months? Fuck I think my last entry was in OCTOBER? *headshake*Erm... Yes i'm still alive, yes Crash is right RP has eaten my soul but I enjoy it far too much to ask for my soul back aaaaand i come with an offering of drabble? random ass drabble of the Avatar: The Last Airbender variety? I'm rather uncertain of my characterization so anyone that knows the series do let me know what you think.Title: DeterminationCharacter(s): KataraWord count: 766Rating: PGSummary: Takes place mid ep 3-16 "The Southern Raiders"( Now, don’t you worry about my strength. I have plenty. I’m not the helpless little girl I was when they came.Collapse ) |
September 20th, 2009
09:33 pm - manga colouring....Weeee... spent way to much time on this but I think I may have enough mental functions left to try to actually write.... though I still wanna go color the Olimpos manga stuff![]() |
September 15th, 2009
**11:59 pm - day of epic fail**so in addition to this morning my coworker is more useless than usual and my allergies were acting up so bad I had to take my allergy meds AT WORK. That shit usually knocks me the fuck out within 20 minutes but I couldn't go 5 without blowing my nose so I had no choice. Between that and the 5 ish hours of heavily interrupted sleep this morning I'm fucking done. Trying to bind with your arm half asleep also is very difficult. Fucking shoulder is still killing me. I guess I'll be back on a normal-ish sleep schedule now? yay? *crashes*oh... btw... they want 1600 to get Mom's car out... she was only 900 behind... 700 in fees? wtf? *is dead* Current Mood: ![]() |
(1 report filed | report for duty)
September 13th, 2009
04:29 am - manga colouring....So I'd found this tutorial ages ago and never had the patience to sit down and play with it. I wasn't entirely sure I liked the whole colored lines thing anyway... but... well I fiddled with it today for about 2 hours (partially 'cause this is a low res image to start with which makes things so much harder - note so self: live trace for low res next time?)so... Tutorials by ![]() |
September 11th, 2009
05:59 am - artssoooo... I finally finished it. Have some yummy boys making out. Ed/Alfons...( crappy background is crappy..... no I don't know why I felt the need to add it *sweatdrop*Collapse ) Current Mood: ![]() |
(5 reports filed | report for duty)
September 3rd, 2009
03:12 am - rabid plot bunny Title: Metallic TaintPairing:Ed/AlfonsWord count:506Rating: PGSummary: random plot bunny attacked me... so have a drabble (I can do those? o.O)On that note I need to go to sleep.( Fullmetal… he forced down a bout of derisive laughter.Collapse ) Current Mood: ![]() |
(2 reports filed | report for duty)
01:39 am - yet more kink meme porn Title:SimultaneousPairing:Al/Ed/WinryWord count:1149 (likely the shortest porn you'll ever get from me)Rating:NC-17Summary: Kink meme prompt! =^.^= Go check out the new one fma_kinky( Winry gasped, hazy eyes fixed on the entrancing sight laid out before her.Collapse ) Current Music: Sara Barielles |
(6 reports filed | report for duty)
August 31st, 2009
12:00 am - Not exactly fic but writing none the less Fandom: FMA, of coursePairing: Russell/EdTheme set: GammaTitle: Masks of CivilityRating: G to NC-17Warning[s]: none? o.O (a surprisingly small amount of smut?)Notes: Mostly this was a way for me to get a better handle on them before I get into the BBC fic thing. I tried to keep it all mostly generic and, of course, IC *desperately hopes it's all IC* there's a couple in there that are Al musing on the pair so... random Alphonse too!( Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice...Collapse ) cut text is this poem by Frost. idk, that poem just reminds me of them.Current Mood: ![]() |