Sun, Aug. 14th, 2005, 05:30 pm

empirex: For a limited time only.. Free promotion..

So here is my latest proposition limited to you, Devious, Resent, Scarecrow and Lofi Honey.

On a not so serious release by Sample the Martian by g-dust I am going to open the doors to my closest musical brethren to drop a track of their choice on there. So if you have a track that is done and mixed get it to me a.s.a.f.p and I'll put it on there. It doesn't have to be new material... I just want to fill up space at the end of my EP with a few tracks from some choice friends as "bonus tracks."

Tue, Mar. 16th, 2004, 05:47 pm

philaqueenb_tch: (no subject)

Hi all,

Just wanted to say thank you to rainbowbrite242 for playing ninetwelve's cover of "Straight up" on WCUR radio 's "who wants a body massage"show.

(her show is on every tuesday from 2 (est) and for the first hour they play odd indie stuff then second hour is her playing industrial.)

"Straight up" received an awesome response and major props went to ninetwelve....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (there definately a classic response from the radio personnel especially watching the webcam)

"Straight up" is available for download, here

So once again Thank you Chrissy!!!!!!!

for more information please go to or

join ninetwelve's community here

join fallen angel's community here

Mon, Mar. 15th, 2004, 07:32 am

philaqueenb_tch: (no subject)

Just want to give a HUGE THANK YOU to all those who came out to the ninetwelve "new monsters" release party on saturday....

John's Dark Corner had and OUTSTANDING attendence, and the response to ninetwelve was amazing.

for more information on ninetwelve please go to


Tue, Mar. 9th, 2004, 01:05 pm

philaqueenb_tch: (no subject)


Fallen Angel Promotions will be holding a CD release Party at John's Dark Corner courtesy of The 13th Child staff.

There will be CD give a ways and more (info to come in next few days)

Mike will also be there to Personally sign your purchases.

CD's will be on sale !!!!

"New Monsters" is a limited pressing, they will be signed personally and numbered.