OP Karma by Nire-chan on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Nire-chan's avatar

Published: Jan 18, 2011


I drew another little comic thingy... mostly its Shanks and Whitebeard bein assholes to each other.

Oh Shanks you hypocrite!
I can never be nice to you can I Red Hair?! ;w;

Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma Chameleon~
You come and go, you come and go
Loving would be easy if your colors were like my dream
Red gold and green, red gold and green

1. LIAR LIAR- [link]
2. Pussywhipped- [link]
3. NOU- [link]
4. He knows- [link]
5. Karma! The end~ YAY

OH~ And This was all pretty much :iconmomosportif:'s fault. and not just saying that to take blame off myself... its actually true.

... for once. :3

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568x739px 373.54 KB